Saturday, December 30, 2023

Honor, Respect and Reverence


Honor, Respect and Reverence


Honor is defined as:


1.          Great respect


2.          High esteem


3.          A good name


4.          Public admiration


5.          To prize


6.          To place high value on


7.          To revere


8.          Deference


9.          Veneration


10.     Dignity


11.     Having distinction


12.     Showing tribute


13.     Giving glory to


14.     Praising God and others



15.     Having prestige


16.     To credit as being faithful


17.     To celebrate


18.     Having a good reputation


19.     Conducting oneself with reputable character


20.     Living a life of integrity


21.     Honesty


22.     Keeping one’s word


23.     Fulfilling one’s promises


24.     Being trustworthy


25.     Sincerity of heart and deeds


26.     Moral rightness


27.     Living in righteousness and truth


28.     To hold in high regard


29.     To treasure


30.     To regard one as being worthy


31.     To put confidence in


32.     To put your faith in


33.     To believe in


34.     To adore


35.     Public reward to show appreciation


36.     Giving someone special attention


37.     To take great pleasure in


38.     To show favor to


39.     To express gratitude


40.     Fame


41.     Renown


42.     High rank or position


43.     Purity in spirit, soul and body


44.     To worship (the Deity)


45.     Affection


46.     To show courtesy


47.     To be polite


48.     Living in uprightness



49.     To give someone special recognition, especially publicly


50.     Having high moral standards


51.     Being a virtuous woman who fears the Lord


52.     To obey the Lord, our husbands, and other authority figures


53.     To recognize another one’s high worth


54.     To think highly of another


55.     To have a high opinion of another


56.     To cherish


57.     To hold dear


58.     To be totally devoted to


59.     Consecration


60.     Dedication


61.     Commitment


62.     Fidelity


63.     Faithfulness


64.     Loyalty



65.     To hold in awe


66.     To love from the heart


67.     To edify others


68.     To encourage others


69.     To compliment others


70.     To speak blessings over others


71.     To give credit to whom it is due


72.     To adulate


73.     To be passionate about


74.     To exalt


75.     To elevate to a high status


76.     To applaud


77.     To extol


78.     To commend


79.     To marvel at


80.     To approve of





81.     To treat someone like they are amazing


82.     To show favor to


83.     To show kindness to


84.     To show preference for others


85.     To have good manners


86.     To not offend another person


87.     To treat someone like they are a gift from God


88.     To treat someone like they are more precious than all the treasures of Heaven and Earth


89.     To build up and not tear down


90.     Yielding to others


91.     To cause to hold the pre-eminence


92.     To distinguish one from others


93.     Being different and distinct from others


94.     Uncommon


95.     Special


96.     Unique


97.     Not ordinary


98.     A rare treasure


99.     To take great delight in


100. To rejoice in


101. To magnify the strengths of others


102. To magnify the power of our God


103. To uplift others


104. Being of high or noble rank


105. Being considerate


106. Being careful to not violate others’ wishes


107. To not hurt other people’s feelings


108. To not be rude or say unkind remarks


109. To feel or show deferential regard for


110. Treating someone very well


111. Verbal affirmation


112. Treating someone with great importance


113. Seeing the excellence in a person


114. To give heed to


115. To listen to what others have to say


116. To avoid criticizing others or putting others down


117. To not berate others


118. To not show disdain


119. To not verbally abuse others


120. To avoid belittling others


121. To avoid saying cutting remarks that damage others


122. To show acceptance to others and not reject them


123. To receive gifts from others without rejecting their gifts


124. To acknowledge others when they do kind things for you


125. To put the needs of others before that of your own


126. To create goodwill in the atmosphere instead of strife


127. To focus on pleasing God


128. To place God first in your life and have no other idols above Him


129. To be careful to not do anything against one’s wishes or rights


130. To show honor to one’s boundaries


131. Treating people in a positive manner that acknowledges them for who they are and what they have done


132. Love and honor respects other people’s dreams and desires, and is supportive of them and helps to make it come to pass.


133. Treating others in a dignified manner


134. Showing consideration to others


135. Thoughtfulness


136. Being submissive


137. Avoiding getting into pride and selfishness


138. Walking in the holy fear of the Lord


139. Keeping God’s commands


140. Respect is a way of treating or thinking about something or someone positively


141. Take pleasure in


142. Avoiding insulting, degrading or injuring others


143. Being concerned about the needs of others


144. Reverence is deep respect and awe, accompanied by love and affection


145. Reverence involves a gesture indicative of deep respect, such as bowing down before the Lord


146. To revere the Lord means to hallow Him


147. Deference implies a yielding of opinion or submitting to another’s judgment or preference out of respect


148. Veneration is showing deep respect, honor, love and affection


149. Veneration is showing awe and worship towards the Lord who is holy and great and greatly to be praised


150. Veneration involves worship (to kiss towards, like a dog worships their master and lavishes them with kisses), and having tenderness of heart and feelings toward the Lord


151. Having a heart after God like David did


152. Being quick to repent when necessary


153. Trusting the Lord with all your heart and not leaning on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledging Him, and He will direct your paths.


154. Having a humble attitude


155. Having a spirit of meekness


156. Loving the Lord with all your heart and loving the brethren


157. If you walk according to the fruit of the Spirit, you will show honor and respect to the Lord and to others.


158. When you walk in the reverential fear of the Lord, you will not do anything to offend God and will desire to please Him in every way.


159. Showing respect involves demonstrating good manners and showing kindness.


160. To respect someone is to nurture them and foster them with tender loving care.


161. If you show respect to others, you will not act like a smart-alec and always have some kind of retort.


162. If you respect others, you will not act like a “know-it-all”.


163. If you show honor and respect, you will be willing to yield to reason.


164. A person of honor conducts themselves with utmost integrity and being blameless in God’s sight.


165. Doubt and unbelief greatly dishonors God.


166. To show respect is to talk to others in kind tones of voice and not be harsh, accusatory or demanding.


167. A person of honor does not go into rages and say cruel angry things that harms others.


168. A person of integrity honors the feelings and needs of those around them.




169. If you walk in the love of God then you will show respect and honor to others, and reverence the Lord and your husband.


170. If you walk in dishonor, then it will cut off the flow of the blessings of God in your life.


171. Dishonor will also cut off your financial flow too.


172. Dishonor will cause your prayers to be hindered.


173. If you honor and respect the Lord and others, then God’s full favor will be on your life.


174. Honor God with your love and devotion.


175. Honor God with your praise and worship.


176. Honor God with obeying the Word of God.


177. Honor God by walking in faith every step of the way.


178. Honor God by loving your family and the brethren.


179. Honor God by offering your body to Him as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him, which is our reasonable service.


180. Honor God by always offering up thanks and having an attitude of gratitude.


181. Honor God by giving Him glory when He answers your prayers.



182. Honor God by living in holiness and having a pure heart before God. The pure in heart shall see God.


183. To honor someone is to speak good things about that person and to think good thoughts about the individual.


184. It is a great dishonor for preachers to speak negative, critical things about other ministers or ministries from the pulpit.


185. It is very disrespectful and dishonorable for members in the Body of Christ who are laity or young in the Lord to correct spiritual fathers and mothers in the five-fold ministry (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers). God will bring the necessary correction, as well as other leaders and elders in the Body of Christ.


186. It is very disrespectful to treat your parents with dishonor. It could shorten your life.


187. It is very dishonorable and disrespectful to publicly reveal other people’s weaknesses, shortcomings or their failures in the past. Love keeps some things private and discreet.


188. We are to honor the laws of the land, and show respect to law enforcement officers, judges, and others in high places of government.


189. We are commanded to give double honor to those who labor in the Word of God.


190. We are to show honor and respect to teachers in schools and colleges and to supervisors in the workplace.


191. We are to show honor and respect to everyone around us.


192. We are to show honor and respect to the elderly, and to widows.


193. We should show respect, love and kindness to our precious pets, because they have feelings and needs too.


194. Parents should show respect to their children, so that their children grow up seeing it being modeled in the home so they can learn to show honor and respect to others around them.


195. Husbands should respect their wife’s need for love, affection, nurturing, verbal affirmation, compliments, acts of kindness, being provided for, being shown honor, romance and her sexual needs being met.


196. Wives should respect their husband’s need for honor, respect, reverence, praising and encouraging him, good meals being served, maintaining a clean house, and his need for sexual satisfaction.


197. Murmuring, griping, finding fault, complaining, being negative, doubt, unbelief, speaking evil words and grumbling greatly dishonors God, and is very disrespectful because you are basically saying that you don’t think highly enough of the Lord to believe that His Word is true and that He is faithful and true to fulfill every promise spoken over you. It’s a sin that makes Him very angry. The first generation of the Children of Israel forfeited their promise of entering the promised land due to these kinds of sins. They behaved like that for 40 long years without repenting and God was very angry and displeased with that generation and said that they would never enter into His rest. May we learn from their example.



198. Wavering is like being tossed to and fro on the stormy sea, and that person cannot expect to receive anything from God. That person is a double-minded man and unstable in all their ways.


199. Doubt and unbelief is a sin that greatly displeases and dishonors God, and that person will not receive their inheritance and get their prayers answered, unless they come into true repentance and change their ways and their thinking on matters.


200. Faith, believing and hope greatly pleases and honors God, and you will see the promises of God come to pass in your life if you remain patient and steady.



 It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!