Monday, September 30, 2024

Love is and is Not


Love is and is Not



1.                Love is patient.


2.                Love is kind.


3.                Love is courteous.


4.                Love is joyful.


5.                Love is perfect peace.


6.                Love is calm delight.


7.                Love shows honor and respect to others.


8.                Love not only honors others verbally, but also in their thought life as well.


9.                Love does not dwell on angry and negative thoughts towards others.


10.           Love is tender-hearted.


11.           Love is warm and friendly.


12.           Love is applying wisdom and understanding.


13.           Love is not envious.


14.           Love is longsuffering.


15.           Love has no malice.


16.           Love is not jealous.


17.           Love is not excessively possessive.


18.           Love is not bitter.


19.           Love forgives others.


20.           Love lets go of suffered offenses.


21.           Love puts the needs of others first.


22.           Love is not rude.


23.           Love does not act unbecoming.


24.           Love is not condescending.


25.           Love does not insist on its own way.


26.           Love does not insist on its own rights.


27.           Love is not easily angered.


28.           Love is not easily offended.


29.           Love is merciful.


30.           Love bears trials.


31.           Love endures suffering.


32.           Love is not fragile.


33.           Love walks uprightly before God, and no good thing will the Lord withhold.


34.           Love involves commitment and fortitude.


35.           Love does not rush into things. Love is not in a hurry.


36.           Love produces confidence and boldness.


37.           Love is the Presence of Jesus.


38.           Love makes you whole and complete.


39.           Love gives you a sound mind.


40.           Love embraces truth, and the truth sets us free.


41.           Love dispels fear and torment.


42.           Love gives us hope, and hope does not disappoint.


43.           Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.


44.           And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


45.           Love fills your heart with joy and peace, which guards your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.


46.           Love heals painful and traumatic memories.


47.           Love and peace calms down the agitated soul.


48.           Love stabilizes your life so that your emotions are not like a roller coaster anymore. Love puts you on an even keel.


49.           Love soothes the soul with the Balm of Gilead (healing ointment).


50.           Love heals the spirit, soul, body and relationships.


51.           Love has the power to set a person free from addictions and bondages, and deliver you from your captivity.


52.           Love heals, gathers and restores the outcasts of Israel.


53.           Love gives you joy, gladness and singing.


54.           The Lord’s lovingkindness is better than life. My lips shall praise Thee, thus will I bless Thee, I will lift up holy hands unto Thy Name.


55.           Love resurrects old dreams and births the promises of God.


56.           Obeying God’s Word is walking in God’s love.


57.           Love does not seek to destroy others’ life or reputation.


58.           Love lets offenses go and drops the matter.


59.           Love takes ownership for their mistakes, and tries to do better in the future.


60.           Love does not seek vengeance and retaliation.


61.           Love does not continue to habitually commit sin.


62.           Love does not commit injustice or iniquity.


63.           Love makes good decisions and has minimal regrets.


64.           Love is faithful and true.


65.           Love is self-sacrificial.


66.           Love is protective.


67.           Love is not touchy.


68.           Love is not fretful.


69.           Love is not resentful.


70.           Love is not filled with animosity.


71.           Love does not speak unkind and hurtful words.


72.           Love does not abuse or mistreat others.


73.           Love edifies (builds up) others.


74.           Love esteems others.


75.           Love encourages others.


76.           Love exhorts others.


77.           Love empowers others.


78.           Love enriches others.


79.           Love equips others.


80.           Love shows equality.


81.           Love teaches others in a spirit of humility.


82.           Love shows compassion to others.


83.           Love has a heart for the lost to be saved.


84.           Love is graceful.


85.           Love is cordial and pleasant.


86.           Love is polite and has good etiquette.


87.           Love is a peacemaker.


88.           Love speaks the truth in a kind way.


89.           Love is not judgmental.


90.           Love is not critical.


91.           Love is not vicious.


92.           Love leads to abundant life forevermore.


93.           Love nourishes others.


94.           Love cherishes others.


95.           Love treasures others and sees them with great value.


96.           Love treats others with high value and regard.


97.           Love strengthens others.


98.           Love validates others and also receives validation.


99.           Love produces joy and peace.


100.       Love works in an obedient heart.


101.       Love speaks to people in soft, respectful tones.


102.       Love takes a callous heart and makes it soft and pliable.


103.       Love takes no account of a suffered wrong.


104.       Love does not delight in evil.


105.       Love does not rejoice in injustice.


106.       Love rejoices when right and truth prevail.


107.       Love bears up under everything and anything that comes.


108.       Love is ever ready to believe the best in every person.


109.       Love’s hopes are fadeless under all circumstances.


110.       Love endures everything without weakening.


111.       Love covers over a multitude of sins.


112.       Love never fails.


113.       Love never fades away or becomes obsolete or comes to an end.


114.       Love desires to meet the needs of their spouse, children and others to the best of their ability.


115.       Love has other people’s best interest in mind, rather than just their own interest.


116.       Love gives gifts to those they have affection for. God gave us the gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


117.       Love is goodness in action.


118.       Love desires to be a blessing to others.


119.       Love is positive and optimistic.


120.       Love does not embarrass or shame others.


121.       Love does not discredit others, especially publicly.


122.       Love does not publicly reveal other people’s weaknesses, failures or mistakes they made in the past.


123.       Love does not ridicule others.


124.       Love does not seek to derail others’ destiny.


125.       Love is enduring.


126.       Love is everlasting.


127.       Love is fair and just, and operates in equity.


128.       Love rewards the godly.


129.       Love does not glory in injustice.


130.       Love strives for excellence in every area of their life.


131.       Love is a cheerleader for others to succeed.


132.       Love desires to be the best spouse and parent to the best of their ability.


133.       Love is being a grandparent and spending time with their grandchildren.


134.       Love involves showing physical and verbal affection.


135.       Love is not shallow, but is like deep waters.


136.       Love lavishes Jesus with praise.


137.       To love the Lord is to place Him as the center of your life. Love gives Him first place in your heart. You have no other idols above Him. He becomes your everything and all in all. Your focus is entirely on Him and His kingdom agenda. You are complete and satisfied in Christ.


138.       Love is a giver … of themselves, their time, their energy, their finances, their friendship, their counsel, their dedication, etc.


139.       The love of God helps people to have victory over the battles of the mind.


140.       Love looses heavy bands off of people.


141.       Love is not being insecure.


142.       Love does not boast.


143.       Love is not prideful.


144.       Love is not arrogant.


145.       Love is not conceited.


146.       Love is not selfish and self-centered.


147.       Love is not being inflated.


148.       Love does not display itself haughtily.


149.       Love is not forceful.


150.       Love is not being self-indulgent.


151.       Love is not being morally wrong.


152.       Love does not cause others distress.


153.       Love does not speak derogatory remarks to others.


154.       Love does not spread, broadcast or publish feigned and fictitious reports, which are false, misleading and untrue.


155.       Love is submissive and willing to yield to reason.


156.       Love is being teachable and correctable.


157.       Love is being trainable.


158.       Love is being cooperative with the Lord and others.


159.       Love can stand the test of time.


160.       Love is obeying the laws of the land.


161.       Love is obeying the Lord.


162.       Love is obeying the Word of God.


163.       Love is obeying authority figures.


164.       Love is a wife obeying and respecting her husband, and lavishing him with praise.


165.       Love is a husband nurturing and showing tender kind affection to his wife, and praising her.


166.       Love is children obeying their parents.


167.       Love is humble.


168.       Love is genuine.


169.       Love is authentic.


170.       Love is giving honor to whom honor is due.


171.       Love is not vain-glorious.


172.       Love never harms others.


173.       Love promotes peace within the home, the workplace and the Body of Christ.


174.       Love promotes unity among the brethren.


175.       Love does not cause strife and discord.


176.       Love does not create tension and chaos in the home or workplace.


177.       Love is not argumentative.


178.       Love does not cause divisions.


179.       Love keeps no record of wrongs.


180.       Love does not withhold affection from their spouse or children.


181.       Love is not feeling sorry for yourself.


182.       Love is not moody.


183.       Love is not flaky.


184.       Love strives to live a quiet and peaceable life.


185.       Love avoids unnecessary drama.


186.       Love creates a beautiful life and future.


187.       Love creates a beautiful romance.


188.       Love is the most important virtue to cultivate in our lives.


189.       You can plant and water seeds of love in your children, spouse, family and those around you.


190.       Love is the air I breathe.


191.       Love is my daily bread.


192.       May I be an instrument of Your love, O Lord.


193.       Love is both truth and grace.


194.       Love is yielding to others.


195.       Love is yielding to the Holy Spirit.


196.       Love is making allowances for others.


197.       Love is being the servant of all. Servants are the greatest in the Kingdom of God.


198.       We are to speak the truth in a spirit of love.


199.       God’s love has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost.


200.       Jesus loved us before we loved Him.


201.       Jesus gave His life for us to prove His love for us.


202.       God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.


203.       God has given us everlasting life because He loved mankind.


204.       Love establishes us in Christ.


205.       Love is the foundation of our life in Christ.


206.       Love is the foundation of a strong marriage, family, home and church.


207.       The five-fold ministry in Ephesians 4:11 builds itself up in love, as every joint supplies.


208.       Love is a cup of cold refreshing water to the thirsty and weary soul.


209.       Love is pure and clean.


210.       Love is walking in holiness. Without holiness, one will not see the Lord.


211.       Love is walking in the power of God.


212.       Love is keeping your word and coming through on your promises.


213.       Love honors their vows and commitments.


214.       Love is honest.


215.       Love is just and impartial.


216.       Love has pure motives and intentions.


217.       Love is not self-seeking.


218.       Love is not self-absorbed all the time.


219.       Love trusts.


220.       Love perseveres.


221.       Love always hopes.


222.       Love always believes.


223.       Love always expects the best.


224.       Love focuses on the good and positive traits in others.


225.       To walk in love is to know God.


226.       He that does not love, does not know God. For He is love.


227.       Love is shown through demonstration.


228.       Love involves feelings, but does not waver from feelings that come and go.


229.       Love is a decision.


230.       Love overcomes mental confusion and difficulty making decisions.


231.       Love does no evil to his neighbor.


232.       Love does not undermine others.


233.       Love does not berate others.


234.       Love does not intimidate others.


235.       Love is not hostile.


236.       Love is not cold-hearted.


237.       Love does not inflict pain, trauma and suffering on others.


238.       Love does not violate others.


239.       Love involves no doom or gloom.


240.       Love is not filled with sadness, but rather gladness.


241.       Love involves no despair, but is filled with joy, peace and hope.


242.       Love is as strong as death and unyielding as the grave.


243.       God’s love has restored our fortunes.


244.       Love invests into others.


245.       Love feeds people the Word of God and ministers to their spirit and soul.


246.       Love spurs one another on to excel in good deeds.


247.       Love delights in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of living water that brings forth its fruit in its season. His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he does shall prosper.


248.       Love has no appearance of evil.


249.       Love does not take advantage of others.


250.       Love does not curse others.


251.       Love does not punish or get even with those who don’t live up to their demands.


252.       Love heals broken hearts.


253.       Love mends emotional wounds and hurts.


254.       Love restores others in a spirit of meekness.


255.       Love satisfies the longing soul.


256.       Love comforts us in loneliness.


257.       Love is sunshine to the soul.


258.       Love promotes growth in our life.


259.       Love makes a person feel complete and whole.


260.       Love speaks kind words.


261.       Love is thoughtful.


262.       Love has a pure heart, and they shall see God.


263.       Love cares about the needs of other people.


264.       Love does not seek to hurt or offend other people.


265.       Love always gives out more than they receive.


266.       Love does not demand its own way.


267.       Love is positive and not negative.


268.       Love does not mistreat others.


269.       Love does not deceive others.


270.       Love does not manipulate others.


271.       Love does not use others for personal gain.


272.       Love does not exploit the weak and vulnerable.


273.       Love defends the weak and oppressed.


274.       Love promotes harmony in relationships.


275.       Love brings joy unspeakable and full of glory.


276.       Heaven is filled with so much love, peace and joy!


277.       Love thinks good thoughts toward others.


278.       Love does not think negative thoughts toward others.


279.       Love does not think angry filled thoughts toward others.


280.       Love desires the best for other people.


281.       Love fulfills God’s laws.


282.       If you walk in love, you will not break any of the Ten Commandments.


283.       He that loves is born of God and knows God experientially.


284.       To know God is to love Him and fully trust Him.


285.       Love does not pressure others to do things that they feel uncomfortable with.


286.       Love does not threaten people.


287.       Love does not lead others into sin.


288.       Love is not vindictive.


289.       Love is the more excellent way.


290.       Love promotes life, whereas lack of love promotes death.


291.       Love promotes godliness.


292.       Love comforts others during times of sorrow and mourning.


293.       Love raises children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.


294.       Love treats their pets with kindness.


295.       Love does not neglect or abuse their animals.


296.       Love is being responsible.


297.       Love defends our loved ones and children.


298.       Love does not abandon family or others.


299.       Love causes you to feel safe in relationships.


300.       Love is the foundation for happy marriages and families.


301.       Love provides for your family.


302.       Love is loyal.


303.       Love is dedicated.


304.       Love promotes stability in your life.


305.       Love makes wise decisions.


306.       Love has other people’s interests at heart.


307.       Love pleases God.


308.       To love is to be like Jesus.


309.       Love and good works go together.


310.       Love not only honors the Lord, their spouse, and others in deeds and words, but also in their thought life.


311.       Love gives a person the victory over struggling with foreboding thoughts (especially those who have gone through abuse and trauma, or those who suffer with bipolar or similar mental conditions).


312.       Love gives a person the triumph over the battle with vain imaginations that exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ.


313.       Love gives a person victory over the struggle of thinking pessimistic and doubt-filled thoughts.


314.       Love enables a person to think and dwell on true, pleasant, positive, uplifting, pure, wholesome, lovely, virtuous, faith-filled and edifying thoughts.


315.       We were created to give and receive love.


316.       We have passed from death to life because we love the brethren.


317.       He who does not love remains in death.


318.       Love is living in the light and hate is walking in the darkness.


319.       Love does not constantly murmur, gripe, complain and find fault.


320.       Love has an attitude of thanksgiving, and expresses their gratitude to the Lord and others.


321.       Love does not continually nag others to do something.


322.       Love looks for the good and positive in life.


323.       Love is an optimist and focuses on the sunshine in life rather than the clouds.


324.       Love gives you a future that is as bright as the promises of God.


325.       Love praises and worships the Lord.


326.       Love is being there for others in the good times and in the tough times.


327.       Love is the greatest thing to cultivate in our lives.


328.       Love is superior to faith and hope. Faith won’t even work right if you don’t operate in love.


329.       Love is greater than the Gifts of the Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12.


330.       Love promotes reconciliation.


331.       Love is not prejudiced in their heart.


332.       Love does not slander others.


333.       Love does not lie about others, or tell untruths about anything else.


334.       Love does not start scandals.


335.       Love walks in the Spirit and not in the flesh.


336.       Love can be trusted to keep secrets.


337.       Love covers over others’ faults and shortcomings.


338.       Love is being filled with the Holy Spirit.


339.       Love is the primary fruit of the Spirit in Galations 5:22-23.


340.       Love, joy and peace are triplets.


341.       God’s love is vast like an ocean.


342.       God’s love will never run dry.


343.       God loves us completely and thoroughly, to every fiber of our being.


344.       Love is life to the spirit, soul and body.


345.       Love is unwavering, and remains stable.


346.       Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.


347.       Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the Church. Nurture her, cherish her, treasure her, validate her, affirm her verbally, compliment her, praise her, value her, protect her, provide for her, respect her, honor her, and be a gentle, thoughtful lover.


348.       Wives, demonstrate love to your husband by showing him reverence, honor, respect, high value, high esteem, praise, compliments, being polite, obedience, submission, preparing healthy meals, being his best friend, and meeting his physical needs.


349.       Love does not stir up trouble or dissension, but is a peace maker.


350.       Love does not speak filthy or corrupt communication, but only what is beneficial to the hearer.


351.       Love is the solid foundation of a healthy church and family.


352.       Love causes one to feel secure in a relationship.


353.       Love gives and takes (but gives more than it takes because it’s more blessed to give than to receive. But they are good receivers too).


354.       Love shares with others.


355.       Love compliments others on their successes and accomplishments, their beauty and positive traits.


356.       Love says “Thank you” quite often to show their gratitude and appreciation.


357.       Love does not kill.


358.       Love does not steal.


359.       Love does not commit adultery.


360.       Love does not covet what others have.


361.       Love does not take the Lord’s Name in vain.


362.       Love honors your parents.


363.       Love keeps the Sabbath Day and makes it holy.


364.       Love does not bear false witness against your neighbor.


365.       Love is not hasty to take others to court unless the Lord directs them to do so.


366.       Love keeps all of God’s commands.


367.       The Greatest command is to love one another.


368.       Love lives in holiness (without holiness one will not see God).


369.       Love does not belittle others, but rather sees the excellence in a person.


370.       Love builds up and does not tear down.


371.       Love is being a faithful friend.


372.       Love is being a faithful spouse.


373.       Love is being a loyal father or mother.


374.       Love is being a loyal employee.


375.       Love has a pure heart and they shall see God.


376.       Love has no guile in their heart.


377.       Love walks blameless before God.


378.       God is love and light. He who abides in love, also abides in the light.


379.       Love obeys the Lord with instant quick obedience.


380.       Love is not always so opinionated.


381.       Love is not being a “know-it-all” about everything.


382.       Love is not being a smart-alec and always having a quick retort.


383.       God’s perfect love sets people free from fear, anxiety and foreboding thoughts.


384.       Love always focuses on what can go right, rather than what can go wrong.


385.       Love brings peace to misunderstandings in communication.


386.       Love chooses to trust and believe for the best.


387.       Love defeats the devil and the powers of darkness.


388.       Love does not browbeat others.


389.       Love does not continually have pity parties and sulk all day.


390.       Love does not dwell on negative, untrue, or evil thoughts about their spouse or others.


391.       Love does not panic when there are bumps in the road (unexpected problems).


392.       Love erases the guilt and shame of the past.


393.       Love gives you days of heaven upon earth.


394.       Love goes through trials with grace and patience.


395.       Love has a heart after God like David did.


396.       Love honors others, preferring one another.


397.       Love involves trust and the ability to be honest with your feelings, especially in marriage and family relationships.


398.       Love is always victorious.


399.       Love is faith-filled and not doubt-filled.


400.       Love is not harsh with others, but gentle.


401.       Love is nurturing and protective.


402.       Love is the master key that unlocks all the promises and blessings of God to come to pass in your life.


403.       Love is what makes faith work in your life.


404.       Love overlooks others’ imperfections and quirks, since we are all human.


405.       Love puts others, and the Lord, first in your life.


406.       Love rejoices when good things happen in other people’s lives – they don’t resent other people’s blessings.


407.       Love in marriage involves intimacy (into me you see).


408.       Love talks to others in a soft and calm voice, and not in harsh or loud tones.


409.       Remember the 3 E’s: Love Edifies Others, Love Encourages Others, Love Esteems Others


410.       The love of God surpasses knowledge. You just have to experience it for yourself.


411.       When you have love, joy and peace, you have a continual feast.


412.       When you walk in love, you won’t be as prone to falling into diverse temptations.


413.       When you walk in love, you won’t be as susceptible to falling into deep depression or having anxiety.


414.       When you are walking in love, it helps to keep a person’s mind clear and sharp.


415.       Where there is love, there is also joy, peace, happiness, gladness of heart, faith, hope, a positive outlook on life, and no more fear or anxiety.


416.       Love enables people to approach God’s Throne with boldness and confidence.


417.       Love values people and holds them in high worth, more than rubies and diamonds.


418.       Love heals, gathers, and restores the outcasts of Israel.


419.       Love restores the ruins of one’s life.


420.       Love transforms your waste places into the Garden of Eden.


421.       There is love, joy and rejoicing of the Bride and Groom. There Is dancing, celebration and feasting.


422.       Love is awakened in the Spring time when the singing of the turtledove has come and the snow has melted, and the flowers are blooming, and the sun is shining.


423.       Love heals all of our sorrows.


424.       Love gives you boldness on the day of judgment.


425.       Love does not batter or abuse others physically, verbally, spiritually, mentally, financially, emotionally, sexually, or in any other kind of way.


426.       Love is tender-hearted, merciful, compassionate and forgiving of others.


427.       Love does not hold on to grudges, unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred or repressed rage and anger.


428.       Love does no harm to its neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.


429.       It’s difficult to enter into Heaven, or remain there, if you do not walk in love.


430.       If you walk in the Spirit (which love is the first and most important key), then you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.


431.       You cannot walk in the Anointing and have God’s Power and Presence in your life if you are walking in hatred, strife, unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger and other manifestations of the flesh.


432.       When you allow the love of God to fill your heart, yokes will be broken because of the Anointing.


433.       Love lifts other people’s heavy burdens.


434.       When you are filled with the love of God, all the unresolved rage and anger in your soul will begin to be healed and vanish.


435.       Love does not live in doubt and unbelief, and murmuring and complaining, but believes that the Lord will fulfill His promises to them.


436.       When you walk in love, life will go well for you, and all these blessings will overtake you.


437.       To walk in love is to take personal responsibility for where you are in life, and to make any course corrections that the Lord reveals to you.


438.       To walk in love is to be a responsible person and follow through on your duties or obligations.


439.       Love does not neglect those in need who cannot help themselves, especially your children, aged parents, pets or the sick and infirmed.


440.       The Lord’s perfect love can heal your heart if you have gone through verbal abuse or any other type of abuse.


441.       When you walk in love, you are being a blessing to the Lord and to everyone around you. It’s good to have a reputation of being a blessing to others when in their presence.


442.       Love does not destroy others’ self-worth by the words they say, but rather builds up their self-esteem by only speaking words of love, encouragement, kindness and blessing.


443.       Build up others by your love and praise, rather than tear them down and cut them to pieces.


444.       It’s difficult, but not impossible, to break the chains of curses spoken over you or to forget those hurtful and damaging words that were said. So only speak life and blessings over other people.


445.       To love your family and friends is to speak blessings over them. Bless and do not curse.


446.       To love your wife or husband is to praise him or her with kind loving words of encouragement and affirmation.


447.       To walk in love is to demonstrate gratitude to God and to significant others.


448.       To love is to be refined like gold is.


449.       Love is being pliable clay in the Father Potter’s hands, so He can mold you into the image and vessel He wants you to be.


450.       Love shows hospitality.


451.       Love is very gracious.


452.       Love apologizes when necessary.


453.       Love repents when they have sinned or fallen short.


454.       Love gives others a second chance.


455.       Love obeys the Lord and faithfully gives tithes and offerings with a good attitude.


456.       Love demonstrates generosity on every occasion.


457.       Love comforts others with the comfort they themselves have received from the Lord.


458.       To walk in love is to be an overcomer.


459.       To walk in love is to live a victorious life.


460.       To walk in love is to be triumphant.


461.       Love is the victory that overcomes in this life and in the eternal life to come.


462.       Love does not speak against ministers of God, for they shall be held accountable if they do.


463.       Love is the healing for going through losses in life.


464.       Love is the healing for losing a child.


465.       Love is the healing for losing a close friend.


466.       Love is the healing for losing a spouse, parent, sibling, or other family members to death.


467.       Love is the healing for having gone through a painful divorce or the breakup with a significant other.


468.       Love is the healing for being abandoned, mistreated, abused or used.


469.       Love is the healing for past rejection.


470.       When you allow God’s love into your heart then all other negative things have to flee.


471.       Love is the answer and cure to bitterness and unforgiveness.


472.       Love determines to live a life without strife. Strife opens the door to the devil wreaking havoc in your life and home.


473.       A person who is in right standing with God is someone who has learned to forgive, drop offenses and love others.


474.       To walk in love is to live in purity, and not allow sin or anything to contaminate spirit, soul, body, marriages, families, and churches.


475.       Love causes people to become a healed and whole person.


476.       Love is willing to be flexible and make adjustments.


477.       Love defends the weak and oppressed.


478.       Love is discreet, and keeps some things private and confidential.


479.       Love is showing goodness to others. God has demonstrated His goodness to us.


480.       Love is the solution to most problems in people’s lives and in society.


481.       To walk in love is to be a winner in life on earth and in Heaven.


482.       Love does good to their enemies.


483.       Love does what is in the best interest of others.


484.       Love does not cast slurs on others.


485.       Love does not commit crimes.


486.       Love lives a life of integrity in their financial, business, and personal affairs.


487.       Love is not greedy or stingy.


488.       Love can transform your desert into a fruitful Garden of the Lord in your marriage, family, church, employment and personal life.


489.       Love uses their talents and giftings to bless others with.


490.       Love encourages others to develop and become all they can be.


491.       Love gives others freedom and does not hold them in captivity or bondage.


492.       Love is more valuable than all the treasures of Heaven and earth.


493.       The greatest thing in Heaven and earth is love.


494.       We were created to receive and give love.


495.       Love does unto others what they would want others to do unto them.


496.       Many waters cannot quench love.


497.       Love takes great delight in the Lord and others.


498.       Where there is strife, there is confusion and every evil demonic work. The devil operates in hatred and stirs up strife. The ways of God operate in love, unity and harmony.


499.       If everyone lived in love, there would be no more wars, strife or battles in this world.


500.       Love is the foundation and cure for world peace.


501.       Love can grow, increase and multiply.


502.       Love endeavors to become a person of excellence.


503.       Love will make you full and complete.


504.       Love is coming into full maturity in Christ.


505.       Love embraces others and does not push them away.


506.       Love is quick to repent and make things right with God and with others.


507.       To love is to have a good and positive attitude.


508.       Love is not just words, but actions and deeds.


509.       Love is being a Good Samaritan.


510.       Love speaks blessings over their children, spouse, family, friends and others.


511.       Love makes others’ day better.


512.       Love smiles at others.


513.       Love is not bitter and sour, and difficult to be around.


514.       Positive things begin happening in your life when you learn to walk in love.


515.       Love commands the blessings of God to chase you down.


516.       Love is the foundation of coming into prosperity and wealth.


517.       Love is not insecure, angry, envious or jealous about other people’s successes or blessings.


518.       Love partakes of God’s Divine nature which was imparted to us when we received salvation. God’s Divine nature is love.


519.       Love does not devour others like wild animals.


520.       Love is being the servant of all. Servants are the greatest in the Kingdom of God. Love serves others.


521.       Love does not have destructive ways, vices or addictions.


522.       Love does not participate in immorality of any kind. It grieves the Holy Ghost.


523.       Love does not participate in the deeds of darkness, but rather dwells in the light.


524.       Love does not devise evil schemes.


525.       Love does not cheat people out of what is rightfully theirs.


526.       Love promotes life, whereas lack of love promotes death.


527.       Love helps the poor and needy.


528.       Love helps orphans and widows in their distress.


529.       Love shows preference for others.


530.       Love prays and intercedes for others.


531.       Love does not seek to destroy people’s reputation.


532.       Love your neighbor as yourself.


533.       Love does not spoil other people’s fun, or the holidays, by their negativity, griping and complaining, or being argumentative.


534.       Love does not torment others. That’s what demons do because they operate in hate.


535.       Love does not deal with a slack hand.


536.       To love your family is to speak blessings over them. Bless and do not curse.


537.       Do not destroy others’ self-worth by the words you say, but rather build up their self-esteem by only speaking words of love, encouragement, kindness and blessing.


538.       You can believe for things for a thousand years, but if you don’t walk in love, then your faith is cancelled out and you won’t receive the promise.


539.       These three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


540.       When you operate in the Gifts of the Spirit, you must do so in a spirit of love and meekness.


541.       If you fail to walk in love, then your prayers will be hindered.


542.       If you refuse to forgive others, then God won’t forgive you of your sins and trespasses. Plus, it will hinder or delay your prayers from coming to pass.


543.       Paul said, “Though I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become a sounding brass or a clanging symbol.”


544.       “Though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries, without love it profits me nothing.”


545.       “Though I understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, but have not love, I gain nothing.”


546.       “Though I give myself to becoming a martyr for Christ, but do not have love, then it was all for nothing.”


547.       “Though I have the gift of faith and can remove mountains, but have not love, it profits me nothing.”


548.       If you walk in love, then you will never fall.


549.       He who walks in love will be preserved blameless before God’s Throne with exceeding joy and receive rewards and crowns.


550.       Those who fail to walk in love take a chance in forfeiting their salvation, or when their works are tried by fire, it will all be burned up and they will barely make it on into Heaven, but with no rewards.


551.       Love is gentle.


552.       Love is having a sweet spirit.


553.       To walk in love is to have a spirit that is purified.


554.       Love is having a gentle, meek and quiet spirit, which is pleasing to the Lord and precious in God’s sight.


555.       Love is passionate.


556.       Love is meekness (strength under control).


557.       Love is a spirit of humility.


558.       Love is self-control.


559.       Love is being a refined person.


560.       Love is walking in the fear (or reverence) of the Lord.


561.       Those who walk in love will abide satisfied.


562.       Those who walk in love, their cups will overflow and they will be blessed.


563.       When you walk in love, your soul is no longer clogged up by sin, things of the flesh and past trauma.


564.       When you walk in love, you are free to become the person God ordained for you to be. You are no longer living in captivity, but whom the Son sets free is free indeed.


565.       Love heals the mind and soul, and cures psychiatric conditions.


566.       Love releases a person from the shackles of guilt and shame. Some guilt is real, but sometimes a person carries false guilt. Those who have gone through abuse, tend to feel guilty all the time.


567.       Love heals the physical body and restores your health.


568.       Love caresses the soul.


569.       Love is like a warm blanket on a cold winter day.


570.       Love fosters tender loving care.


571.       Love is being supportive of their family and friends.


572.       Paul said to put on love, like a garment. Love is a spiritual garment.


573.       Love is a choice. It’s a daily determination.


574.       Love does not compare yourself to others or their achievements or blessings.


575.       Love is being uniquely you. You have a lot to offer to others.


576.       When you walk in love, you are walking in obedience to the Lord, and He will bless you for your obedience.


577.       When you walk in love, your peace will flow like a river and your joy will spring up like a fountain.


578.       The love of God heals marriages and relationships.


579.       The love of God restores, renews, refreshes and brings revival.


580.       Those whom God loves, He corrects and chastens, for our benefit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. Correction brings about the peaceable fruit of righteousness.


581.       When we walk in love, we are more able to hear the voice of God, and be led by the Spirit of God.


582.       When we walk in love, we will have the power of God in our lives to be His witnesses, and to heal the sick, cast out devils, preach the Gospel and gather in the lost.


583.       The first thing that Jesus will ask us when we get to Heaven is if we learned to walk in love. May our response be “Yes, Lord!”


584.       Jesus loved us and washed us with His own Blood.


585.       Love is upbeat and cheerful.


586.       Love sees the bright side of life.


587.       Love is always positive and uplifting.


588.       Love wavers not, and is not wishy-washy.


589.       Love is secure in knowing their identity in Christ. They are confident that they are the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath, and seated with Christ in Heavenly places.


590.       God doesn’t just love, but He is love personified.


591.       To be in the pleasing, acceptable, good and perfect will of God, you must walk in love and obey His commands.


592.       Love does not place heavy burdens on others. Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.


593.       Love does not oppress others.


594.       Love does not treat people like slaves and workhorses, and over work others.


595.       There is freedom in love.


596.       There is wholeness in love.


597.       There is deliverance in love.


598.       There is recovery in love.


599.       Love is conducting yourself and dressing in modesty.


600.       Love is having a moderate and humble opinion about yourself.


601.       Love is not being overbearing.


602.       Love is having a quiet and pleasant spirit.


603.       Love is being simple and not excessively over-complicated.


604.       Even children and pets understand what love is and is not.


605.       Loving others and receiving love is to have a soul at rest.


606.       Love is not losing your temper very often, as that causes strife and chaos to break out and harsh feelings. Anger and rage ruins relationships, and often is the cause for divorce. The anger of man does not bring about the righteousness of God.


607.       The love of God surpasses our understanding.


608.       Paul said that he may know the height, the width, the depth and length of God’s love, so that he would be filled with all the measure of the fullness of God.


609.       Love does not tell lies or keep things hidden in the dark. Love only operates in truth and light.


610.       Sometimes love has to be tough, such as with rebellious children or those who have addictions or who are abusive.


611.       Love is showing acceptance to others (maybe not to their lifestyle, but to them as an individual).


612.       Love cares for the needs of others, and for what others are going through.


613.       Love offers a helping hand.


614.       Love brings total completeness to your life.


615.       God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.


616.       There is no fear in love.


617.       Those who fear are not made perfect, or mature, in love. Fear involves torment.


618.       Perfect (mature) love casts out all fear.


619.       Love satiates the thirsty soul.


620.       In Heaven, all nations and cultures will dwell together in love and harmony.


621.       Only love can drive out hate. Only light can drive out darkness.


622.       Love provides for the needs of others. Love feeds people (in the natural and spiritual).


623.       Love is looking out for someone else’s best welfare.


624.       Love is putting the needs of others above that of your own.


625.       Love replenishes you when you are dry and empty in your soul.


626.       It was because of love that Jesus endured the Cross.


627.       Jesus is the only One who can love you perfectly and meet needs that no one else can meet.


628.       The Lord’s love is better than the choicest wine.


629.       Jesus’ Name is like ointment poured forth.


630.       I am my Beloved’s and He is mine.


631.       He has taken me to the banqueting hall and His banner over me is love.


632.       His kisses are sweet. He is altogether lovely! This is my Lover and this is my Friend!


633.       His left arm is under my head, and His right arm embraces me.


634.       I am betrothed to the Lord in righteousness.


635.       The Lord is able to perfect His love within us.


636.       We are accepted in the Beloved and cherished by the Lord.


637.       We are God’s peculiar treasure and are loved unconditionally by Him.


638.       The Lord wants to impart His love into your heart so that you will be more like Him.


639.       God says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love. With lovingkindness I have drawn you. Again, I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt.” Jeremiah 31:3-4


640.       God’s love, mercy, kindness and faithfulness is higher than the heavens.


641.       God’s love is eternal. He will never cease from loving you.


642.       God’s love and favor rests upon your life.


643.       God’s love can be trusted. He will never fail you or forsake you, or leave you or forsake you.


644.       Love is the first thing mentioned in Galations 5:22-23. Love is the tree and the others are the fruits. The joy, peace, patience, kindness, meekness, faith, and self-control are all derived from love as being the source and root.


645.       To walk in the love of God is for your life to be like an Eden, the fruitful, lush, green and blossoming Garden of the Lord, which is full of life, blessings and pleasures forevermore!


646.       God’s love will sustain you through trials, hardships and sickness.


647.       The Lord will place love in your heart for those who are difficult to love. No one is unlovable or beyond the Lord’s reach.


648.       The Lord wants to fill the hungry soul that is starving for love. His love satisfies like no other love.


649.       We need the love of God, but also the love of others around us. Our pets are also a source of love.


650.       Our guardian angels love us and protect us.


651.       The Father has lavished His love on us by adopting us as His sons, and we are co-heirs with Christ.


652.       God instructed us to love our enemies. It’s like pouring hot coals on their heads.


653.       Heaven operates in love.


654.       When we love others, our joy will be full.


655.       When we love others, we can ask the Lord for what we desire and it will be granted to us.


656.       Love rejoices when others succeed, receive a promotion, get married, have a baby, come into wealth, or other positive things happening in their life.


657.       When you remain in love, you will stay encouraged and not be as prone to falling into bouts of depression and hopelessness.


658.       Love desires to please God and others.


659.       Love avoids being negative or pessimistic.


660.       Love does not reject others.


661.       God is love personified, and He has never rejected us.


662.       Love does not demean or degrade others.


663.       Love does not humiliate others.


664.       Love does not gossip about others.


665.       Love does not spread false rumors or hearsay.


666.       Love does not speak sharp or cutting remarks to others.


667.       Love does not point out to others their flaws and all that is wrong with them.


668.       Love overlooks others’ imperfections and quirks, since we are all human.


669.       Love builds a home or church, but discord destroys it.


670.       Love does not do things or say things to create chaos.


671.       Love strives for unity with your family, friends, the saints and co-workers.


672.       Love does everything within its power to remain in peace with others.


673.       Love confronts people in a humble and gentle manner, rather than being on the offensive.


674.       Love does not judge or criticize others.


675.       Love is not foolish, but acts in wisdom and discernment.


676.       Love gives their lives for others.


677.       Love does not speak words of discouragement, but rather speak words of encouragement to others.


678.       Love sees the beauty and gold in people.


679.       Love sees their family and others as a gift from God.


680.       Love appreciates what others do for them.


681.       Love compliments others and lavishes them with praise.


682.       Love is being totally surrendered and sold out to the Lord to do His will.


683.       If you love God, you will walk in obedience to Him.


684.       When you love God, you will come to fully trust Him.


685.       God works everything out for the good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose.


686.       Being in love with Jesus, your Bridegroom, is the best thing of all!


687.       Love will carry you through difficult seasons of your life.


688.       To be loved by God unconditionally, brings liberty and freedom to the soul.


689.       Christ has set us free to love others and to be loved.


690.       The love of God breaks the chains and fetters that have kept us bound.


691.       The goal is to know Jesus more and more, and to love Him intimately, and have a passion to be in His Presence.


692.       Love is not harsh with others, but gentle.


693.       Love involves being considerate towards your spouse, family and others.


694.       Love is not callous or insensitive.


695.       Love is not ruthless, cruel or brutal.


696.       Love is not a task master.


697.       Love does not step on other people in order to get ahead.


698.       Love does not kick other people around.


699.       Love is not overly bossy.


700.       Love is not being a tyrant.


701.       Love does not steal a young woman’s virginity by violating her because he is so selfish.


702.       Love is not filled with perversion.


703.       Love is like honey and is sweet to the soul.


704.       You cannot let the little foxes spoil the vines. You have to protect and guard love.


705.       Love has to be cultivated in order to become strong and healthy love.


706.       Love is a good listener, and wants to hear what is on someone’s heart. Love listens more than it speaks.


707.       Do not arouse or awaken romantic love until it so desires (until the appointed time).


708.       Only Christ’s love can fill in all the gaps in your soul. There are some voids that humans cannot fill, but only God can meet those needs.


709.       Jesus wants to be the lover of your soul and make you completely whole.


710.       Love in marriage involves faithfulness and fidelity.


711.       Jesus is the sweetest Name I know, and He’s just the same as His lovely Name. That’s the reason why I love Him so, for Jesus is the sweetest Name I know. I love Him because He first loved me, and purchased my salvation on Calvary.


712.       To be filled with the love of the Father is to be filled with the glory and radiance of the Lord.


713.       In the Lord’s Presence is perfect love and peace, and fullness of joy, and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore!


714.       Jesus knocks at the door of your heart. If you will open the door and let Him come in, He will dine and have fellowship with you, and you with Him.


715.       The love of God surpasses knowledge. You just have to experience it for yourself.


716.       Whoever loves others is born of God and knows God, for God is Love.


717.       The love of God is like Him pouring out oil to heal our open wounds.


718.       God’s love heals us in spirit, soul and body.


719.       Love refreshes others.


720.       Love enlivens others.


721.       Love revives others.


722.       Love rejuvenates others.


723.       Love energizes others.


724.       Love recharges others.


725.       Love revitalizes others.


726.       Love invigorates others.


727.       Love breathes life into others.


728.       Love stimulates others to good deeds.


729.       Love reawakens others.


730.       Love renews others.


731.       Love restores others.


732.       Love brings people into total recovery.


733.       Love causes people to flourish and blossom out.


734.       Love causes people to excel in life.


735.       Love reverences the Lord and our husbands.


736.       Love sees others as being very important.


737.       Love and good works go hand in hand.


738.       Love departs from all evil, and from the works of the flesh.


739.       Love walks in the Spirit and not in the carnal flesh.


740.       Those who say they love God must prove it by loving the brethren. Those who do not walk in love are liars if they claim they love God, yet hate others.


741.       If you love Jesus, you will feed His Lambs, love the brethren and keep His other commands.


742.       Love commends others on their good qualities and accomplishments.


743.       Love involves trust and believing God and significant others.


744.       Love expects good things to happen.


745.       Love is able to confide in significant others.


746.       Love results in happiness and gladness of heart.


747.       Love applauds others.


748.       Love affirms others.


749.       Love brings cheer and removes gloom.


750.       Love must be expressed in words and deeds.


751.       Love must be sincere and without hypocrisy.


752.       Love is everlasting (not here today and gone tomorrow).


753.       Love fulfills promises and vows made.


754.       Love hangs in there when there are bumps in the road.


755.       Love does not give up easily, but keeps holding on.


756.       Love can withstand the pressures of life without caving in or walking out.


757.       Love makes an effort to repent of sinful or dysfunctional ways.


758.       Love does not harass, bully, hound or badger others.


759.       Love does not cause others severe stress by their actions.


760.       Love is not abrasive.


761.       Love is not demanding.


762.       Love is not controlling.


763.       Love does not stalk others.


764.       Love is not a dictatorship.


765.       Love involves freedom and liberty.


766.       Love does not tease others to the point where it causes distress to the one being teased.


767.       Love does not make fun of other people.


768.       Love does not belittle others.


769.       Love does not depreciate or put down others.


770.       Love does not get defensive or explosive if other people don’t agree with them or think like they think.


771.       Love makes the choice to walk away from habits that annoy others or cause others much stress or trauma.


772.       Love does not behave in reckless ways (such as reckless driving, reckless spending, etc).


773.       Love does not endanger others.


774.       Love is able to accept full responsibility for their actions and words.


775.       Love does not do anything that could be dangerous to others’ health or well being.


776.       Love does not sulk and pout.


777.       Love does not get grouchy, cranky, irritable, snappy, crabby, grumpy, cantankerous or ill-tempered easily.


778.       Love does not yell and scream at their loved ones.


779.       Love does not slam doors, break dishes, kick the dog, hit someone, or do anything destructive when they are in a rage.


780.       Love does not go into rages in the first place. Love has control over their moods and impulses.


781.       Love does not ruin the holidays or special events for the family by their words or deeds.


782.       Love values others as precious jewels.


783.       Love treasures their family and relationships.


784.       A family that loves each other remains intact and stays together.


785.       When you love others, you not only have fellowship with them, but also with the Lord.


786.       Love waits on others, rather than always expecting to be waited on.


787.       Love serves others, rather than desiring to be served.


788.       Love does not cause devastation to their family through drinking and gambling, or other irresponsible deeds or dysfunctional behaviors.


789.       Love seeks righteousness and holiness.


790.       Love is not being self-absorbed all the time.


791.       Love is being able to meet other people’s needs, and not just your own needs being met.


792.       Love does not ignore significant others when they try to share something important with them.


793.       Love listens to what others have to say. They listen more than they speak or respond.


794.       Love learns how to be romantic.


795.       Love inspires a person to dream big dreams for their life. Love trusts God to bring those dreams to fulfillment.


796.       Love overlooks quirks and petty things in others.


797.       Love soars high like the eagles. Love dwells on a higher plane.


798.       Love does not dwell on past hurts, nor continue to bring up the past, but chooses to forgive and move forward with life. When we sin, God forgives us and remembers our sins no more. He casts our sins into the Sea of Forgetfulness. He separates our sins from us as far as the East is from the West.


799.       God’s love has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son.


800.       The Father’s love has lifted us out of the miry clay and out of the pit of despair, and placed our feet on solid ground and has given us sure footing like that of a deer. He has put a new song in our mouth, even a song of praise to our God.


801.       Love protects, shelters and covers others.


802.       Love is kindness in actions, words and attitudes.


803.       Love demonstrates a good and positive attitude.


804.       Love provides for others. Love works long hours to make sure their family is taken care of. Love plans for the future so that their family is taken care of.


805.       Love cares about the souls of others, especially if you are a pastor or leader.


806.       Love does not act in haste, but in wisdom.


807.       Love is able to control their temper and does not go into rages or say unkind remarks.


808.       Love does not instill unhealthy fear or terror into your family or children.


809.       Love is being a person who is trustworthy and reliable.


810.       Love does not insult others.


811.       Love does not mock others.


812.       Love does not allow demons to speak curses or negative things through their mouth that wound others, sometimes even for a lifetime.


813.       Love puts a guard over their mouth before they speak, so that they only speak things that are positive, respectful, edifying, encouraging, and raises others’ esteem.


814.       Love is being available for your family and not isolated in your own world, or neglecting and ignoring your family.


815.       Love is being a person of integrity who follows through on their promises and who does what is right and holy.


816.       Love conducts itself in uprightness.


817.       Love is so vast that it cannot be measured.


818.       He who loves much, forgives much.


819.       He who loves much is a very giving person of their love, devotion, time, energy and finances.


820.       Love nurtures their children and teaches them the ways of the Lord. Love is not a child abuser.


821.       Love corrects their children in gentleness and kindness, and is not harsh with them. Love does not instill fear in little children of their parents or authority figures.


822.       Most people view the Father in the same way that their earthly father treated them. If their father was abusive and unkind, they are afraid of Abba Father until they receive a revelation of His love.


823.       It was for love that Jesus endured the Cross, despising the shame, in order to reconcile man with God.


824.       God loved us even before we were born, even before we were in our mother’s womb. He designed us for greatness, and rejoiced at our birth. His love for us is eternal.


825.       Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. The person who feels unloved often struggles with feelings of condemnation and insecurity and inferiority.


826.       God makes us sturdy and strong oak trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord.


827.       God’s love for us is eternally secure. He will never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us, and never fail us.


828.       Love and laughter go hand in hand. Where there is love, there is joy and laughter. A merry heart does good, like a medicine.


829.       The love of God is a Tree of Life and a continual feast.


830.       Love celebrates others.


831.       Love magnifies the awesome deeds of the Mighty One of Israel.


832.       God holds our hand tight, like dear children, so that we won’t slip and fall. He keeps us from falling.


833.       God’s love restores my soul (mind, will and emotions).


834.       God parts the sea so that I can walk across to the other side on dry ground.


835.       Love shields our hearts from the fiery darts of the wicked one.


836.       The devil has no hold, or power, or authority over a person who walks in the love of God. The enemy has lost the battle when we walk in love.


837.       Love is more powerful than hate, and light dispels the darkness.


838.       The kingdom of God is love and light. The kingdom of Satan is hate and darkness. These two kingdoms collide, but God always triumphs and wins the victory!


839.       Love and faith are the victory that overcomes the world and the devil!


840.       By this will all people know that we are Jesus’ disciples, because we love one another.


841.       When we walk in love, we bear good fruit in our life that will last. The Father is glorified when we bear good fruit. All the good fruits are derived from, and have its spring in love.


842.       Love can be multiplied.


843.       Love can increase more and more.


844.       Love grows over time.


845.       Love gets stronger and stronger over time if we abide in Christ and nurture love.


846.       Love can become weak if a person allows their candle to burn out. You have to continually fan the flame, arouse the passion, and trim the wicks for the candle to keep burning.


847.       You have to continually stoke the fire, put in more wood, and keep the fire burning. It takes effort, commitment and time to keep a relationship alive. But it’s so worth all the time and effort.


848.       Tell your spouse and children, and the Lord, “I love you” every single day. It will keep the love alive and your love for one another will grow and be strengthened.


849.       It is possible to love others without necessarily feeling the emotions. Love is not based on emotions, but is a choice. Love is a decision. Love is commitment and speaking kind things to your loved ones. Love is the fruit of the Spirit. Emotions come and go, as they are fleeting (and especially if you are tired and fatigued). But love endures forever.


850.       If it’s possible to fall out of love, then it’s possible to fall back in love. And the second time around can be even greater than it was in the beginning. The glory of the latter house shall be greater than that of the former, and in this place will the Lord give peace.


851.       Love demonstrates good manners.


852.       Love is being sensitive to the needs of others.


853.       Love is giving hope to the hopeless.


854.       Love is being a friend to the friendless.


855.       Jesus loves us the most, and is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.


856.       Love does not take their loved ones, or the Lord, for granted.


857.       The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of love, joy and peace. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then you will produce the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, meekness, kindness, goodness, self-control, faith/faithfulness, righteousness and truth. Galations 5:22-23 and Ephesians 5:9


858.       When you walk and operate in love, you are walking in holiness (purity, consecration, being set apart for God). And without holiness, one will not see God. Ephesians 4:24 and Hebrews 12:14


859.       The love of God and the peace of God are twins and go hand in hand. They both surpass our human understanding, and they guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. They fill us with the measure of the fullness of God.


860.       When you walk in love, then the law of kindness will be on your tongue.


861.       Jesus loves us with an eternal love, and His thoughts for us are good. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, and comforts us like a mother comforts her children. He is faithful and true.


862.       Loving the Lord is learning to lean on Him through every season of our lives.


863.       Loving the Lord is to take great delight in Him. He promised that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He would grant us the desires of our heart.


864.       Loving the Lord is to place our complete trust in Him, and to lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways to acknowledge Him, and then He would direct our paths.


865.       Loving Jesus involves sharing Divine romance with the King of kings and Lord of lords. Loving Jesus is praising Him, esteeming Him, magnifying Him, adoring Him, honoring and exalting Him, thanking Him, complimenting Him, lavishing your love on Him, and worshiping Him.


866.       Love is being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Love obeys whatever the Lord tells them to do.


867.       Love repents when necessary.


868.       Love operates in truth. Love never tells lies or partial truths. Love does not deceive others. Love is honest and full of integrity.


869.       Love forgives others, in the same way that God has forgiven them of their sins and shortcomings.


870.       Love focuses on the positive qualities in others, rather than the negatives.


871.       Love dwells on things that are edifying, positive, wholesome, encouraging, holy, pure, faith-filled, and full of hope, peace and joy.


872.       Love heals a person who suffers with confusion, inner turmoil and difficulty making sound decisions.


873.       Love mends broken hearts, sets the captives free, dispels all fear, and brings joy to our lives where there was once despair and chaos.


874.       Love can create something beautiful in our lives. Love gives us beauty for ashes, and makes us into oaks of righteousness.


875.       Love cultivates growth in our life.


876.       Love can grow, increase and be multiplied in our lives and in our relationships.


877.       God’s love for us does not treat us as our sins deserve nor repay us for our iniquities. God is very compassionate, merciful, gracious, slow to anger, and remembers our sins no more. He is faithful.


878.       Love does not insult others purposely out of spite or in a fit of rage.


879.       Love does not speak evil words of cursing to their spouse, family, children or others. The Lord says to bless others and do not curse.


880.       Love is not filled with chaos, fighting, strife, discord, contentions, yelling, cussing, heated arguments and sharp words being said. It grieves the Holy Spirit.


881.       Love obeys the Lord, and the Word of God, and does whatever the Lord instructs them to do.


882.       Love obeys the laws of the land and shows respect and honor to those in authority.


883.       Love sees Jesus and others as being more valuable and precious than rubies, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, amethysts and gold.


884.       When we stand before Jesus someday, the first question He will ask us is if we learned to walk in love. May our response be “Yes, Lord!”


885.       Love extends grace and mercy to others.


886.       Love does not give up on others.


887.       Love is the Number One key to lasting happiness, joy, living the abundant life and fulfillment in our personal lives.


888.       Love enables a person to be fruitful, flourishing and to blossom out.


889.       Love brings stability to a person’s life.


890.       Love is able to cure psychiatric conditions by the power and presence of God, and the renewing of the mind by the Word of God and faith.


891.       Love is always positive, uplifting and faith-filled.


892.       Love renews our thinking on certain things.


893.       When we walk in love, God’s River of Life will flow through us, and bring healing, joy, revival and life to other people’s lives.


894.       When we walk in love, we will treat people and our pets with gentleness, which is one of the fruits of the Spirit.


895.       When we walk in love, our hangups, insecurities, fears, and quirks begin to fall by the wayside.


896.       As we walk in love, we will keep the unity of the faith with the brethren.


897.       As we walk in love, we will become fully mature and complete in Jesus Christ.


898.       Love is being a servant leader, and having a spirit of humility and meekness (strength under control).


899.       Love is not arrogant or inflated with pride.


900.       Love walks in purity and holiness. Without holiness, one will not see God.


901.       Love is not self-righteous, but knows that they are made the righteousness of God through our Lord Jesus Christ.


902.       Love does not commit adultery, but is faithful.


903.       Love does not mistreat others or their pets.


904.       Love is not abusive in any kind of way.


905.       Love is not filled with pride, but rather with a spirit of humility. Pride only breeds quarrels.


906.       To become a man or woman of excellence, one must learn to walk in love and to treat others with respect and kindness.


907.       When you walk in love, then you will walk in a spirit of meekness, which is strength under control.


908.       Love does not hold on to offenses, but drops the matter.


909.       We know we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren.


910.       Love does practical things, such as keeping an orderly and clean house so that their loved ones feel warmth and a place of beauty, rest and organization. When there is clutter, loads of soiled laundry, or a sink full of dirty dishes, then it creates chaos in the atmosphere. Then before you know it, strife breaks out. If it’s possible, then hire a housekeeper to help out with the house cleaning.


911.       Mature love is unmovable like a rock and cannot be shaken. When the storms come, true love is able to remain strong and stay committed. Love produces joy and peace, and the joy of the Lord is your strength. The peace of God, which surpasses understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.




912.       Charles and Frances Hunter (parents of Joan Hunter) were married for nearly forty years, and never once had a single argument or cross word. Also, they shared romance, kissing, holding hands and hugs, up until the very end. They were both so submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and surrendered to the Holy Spirit, that they bore good fruit in their lives, and it carried over into their marriage and ministry. They were very fruitful in their ministry. A little over a billion documented salvations worldwide were reported to their ministry (from the “Two Kinds of People” ministry tool that has led over a billion people to salvation). “There are two kinds of fabulous (or beautiful, or wealthy, or kind, etc. people (or waiters/waitresses or whatever they do for a living): those who are saved and those who are about to be. Which one are you?” If they reply that they want to be saved, you lead them in a simple salvation prayer. Then you ask them where Jesus is, and usually people reply that He is in their heart. An angel gave Frances this salvation technique, and it worked so well in their ministry.


 It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!