Our faith can grow exceedingly (2 Thessalonians 1:3).
Fight the good fight of faith
(1 Timothy 6:12). Faith is a fight, but also a rest.
Hold fast the profession of
your faith without wavering back and forth (Hebrews 10:23).
The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and
the Lord shall raise him up (James 5:15).
Receiving the end of your faith, even the
salvation of your souls (1 Peter 1:9).
Our [My] faith is the victory that overcomes
the world (1 John 5:4).
One way to build up
your faith is by praying in the Holy Ghost (in tongues) — Jude 20.
When we say what we believe, we release our
faith to go to work on our behalf (Mark 11:23-24).
The spirit of faith never says
“it’s coming”. It says “it’s here, I have it right now”. It believes it’s
already received the promise or answer. If it is here, I begin to make preparation for
what’s here like it is here.
We must stand still and let the force of patience
do a thorough work so that we may be fully developed, lacking in nothing.
Dance and rejoice in advance before the
manifestation of the promise. This shows you have faith in God.
is active when you walk in love.
cannot mistreat people and have working faith.
works in an obedient heart.
does not work in an unforgiving heart. Unforgiveness shuts the door to the
blessings of God.
is activated, energized, expressed and works through love (Galations 5:6
is a spiritual force which comes by hearing the preaching of the Word of God.
hears, sees, speaks, believes, receives (takes, possesses), fights (the good
fight of faith).
obtains your victory (1 John 5:4).
Faith is walking out
the plan of God as God reveals it to us, step by step, and it takes steadfast
Faith hears the Word,
acts on the Word, and holds fast to the Word.
will shut the doors on the promises of God.
does not deny facts, but faith changes facts.
in you will create an expectation to change your situation.
in the Word of God will always give you hope for the future.
will empower you to continue to pursue the thing that you are hoping for.
works in every area of your life.
good news of the Gospel manifests the power of God when it is believed and
acted on.
is the beginning or starting point of your turnaround (Mark 11:22-24).
Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all
things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23).
you receive in the faith realm, and you shall have it in the natural realm.
is a rest. When you are not at rest you are not in faith.
Faith expects it to
happen (whatever it is you are believing for).
God wired us for faith
and not fear. Faith propels us forward, but fear paralyzes.
is not a struggle. It is a rest.
you are truly in faith, you are at rest. You trust God.
is not always knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future.
shuts down faith; and faith is what keeps us connected with God.
first takes the promise, and then possesses the promise.
faith can move mountains, and your doubt can create them.
is no limit to what God can do! Just believe and have faith.
you don’t speak to your mountain, and tell it to get out of your way, it will
speak to you.
Put fear and doubt
behind you. God can do the impossible if you just believe.
You have to learn to be
the prophet over your own life. Speak and decree what you would like to see
happen. Call it into existence.
said in John 14:14, “If you ask anything
in My Name, I will do it.”
Jesus said in Mark
11:24, “What things so ever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you shall have them.”
Speak things into
existence, calling those things which are not as though they already were. God
has created us to be speaking spirits like He is.
there is faith, miracles happen.
comes from past victories that God has done for you, and answered prayers.
Abraham did not waver
through unbelief regarding the promise of God; but was strengthened in his
faith and gave glory to God. Being fully persuaded that God had power to do
what He had promised.
room. God is enlarging your territory. 1 Chronicles 4:10
Let faith be bigger
than your fear.
faith grows as you use it.
faith cannot live without hope! Hebrews 11:1
When your hope dies, your faith will soon follow! Hope is
the lighthouse for faith!
it’s time for you to get up from a situation, you will get up!
It’s believing and saying that causes things to come to
pass. It’s believing and saying that causes us to increase.
Faith gives substance to your hope.
Faith is a rest, not a striving. Faith is leaning on Him.
When you forgive, your
faith will produce results and move mountains for you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Believe it in your heart; say it with your mouth. That is
the principle of faith. You can have what you say. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Hope says, “I'll have
it sometime”, faith says, “I have it now.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If you've been in the habit of worrying, get in the habit
of faith instead. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Your future increase is
in direction proportion to your faith. Dr. Jesse Duplantis
When you speak something in faith God’s power is activated
in your life. Joel Osteen
Faith finishes what hope began. Dr. Jesse Duplantis
Jesus is the author and
perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-3).
Prepare for the
promises of God! Put works to your faith and watch God bring it to pass. Paula
Love is the first fruit
of the Spirit (Galations 5:22-23). All the other fruits, including faith, are
derived from love.
Until love is working
in your life, spiritual gifts will not flow out of an impure stream (1
Corinthians 12:31 AMP). Bishop Christopher Carl Smith
begins where the will of God is known. Kenneth Copeland
Words of faith are the currency of God’s kingdom. Terri
Copeland Pearsons
Worry ends when faith begins.
God always gets involved with our words of faith. Terri
Copeland Pearsons
Rejoice right now, release your faith and declare out loud:
“I walk by faith and not by fear. I believe God's WORD. I expect the very best.
I expect to succeed and not fail. I expect to win and not lose. I expect my
future to work out perfectly. I am headed up and not down. I am going over and
not under. This situation is turning to my salvation, in Jesus' mighty Name,
Amen!” Pastor George Pearsons
Faith declares the
outcome! Lynne Hammond
Faith is the title deed of things not seen! Jerry Savelle
Praise and thanksgiving
are the language of faith and victory. George Pearsons
Faith will always tell you ahead of time what is going to
happen. Lynne Hammond
Faith has a beginning and faith has an end. Joy unspeakable
and full of glory is the bridge between believing and receiving (1 Peter 1:8-9).
Mark Hankins
Your faith has a beginning, a middle, and an end. In the
middle of a faith fight, you have to tell the devil how it is going to turn
out. Jesus is the Author and Finisher of your faith. Your situation may look
bad right now, but everything is going to turn out alright! Mark Hankins
When you go through a trial, the joy of the Lord
neutralizes the pressure. Mark Hankins
You’ve heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.” Well, the
same is true in the spiritual realm. You must feed your spirit “faith food” in
order for it to be strong. God’s Word is our food, and it contains the proper
nutrients for building a strong spirit. It is our primary source of spiritual
strength. Gloria Copeland
Hebrews 11:2 says, “For by it (faith) the elders obtained a
good report.” Faith always has a good report. John Osteen
It takes faith to forgive others and yourself. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
Faith gives us access into the grace of God (Romans 5:1-2).
Faith is the accelerator of grace. It makes the grace of God go in your life.
Keith Butler
Faith comes where the will of God is known and hope comes
where the ability of God is known. Lynne Hammond
Faith that overcomes the world sees the answer as having
already happened. Jerry Savelle
“Thank you” is the
password to access God’s goodness and power. Jonathan Osteen
Faith believes God under pressure. Gloria Copeland
When you’re facing a challenging situation, there is a very
important way to get out of it: Don’t
Complain. When you murmur, you begin to talk unbelief—and you’re not giving
the Lord any place to work. So, don’t murmur in your tent like they did in
Deuteronomy 1:27. Don’t speak anything different than what God says. You are
precious to God. He has a tremendous investment in you. Give Him room to work.
Gloria Copeland
“Remember, you will never be asked to forgive someone else
more than God has already forgiven you.”
There’s no such thing as an overnight success in the
kingdom of God! Real strength and real growth come as you consistently keep the
Word before your eyes, in your ears and in the midst of your heart. Not just
when you want to or when you feel like it, but constantly, like the seed, a
little all the time. Gloria Copeland
Faith has no expiration date. Just keep on believing God.
Our faith can be perfected. Jesus is the perfecter of our
faith. Hebrews 12:2
How do you know you're in God's will, God's timing, and
God's plan for your life? You will have peace, God will send people to help
you, it will be easy, and there will be no sorrow.
Faith opens the door. Fear and unbelief shuts it down.
Lynne Hammond
If we can believe for it, God can bring it to pass. Gloria
“Since God already told me I’m gonna get it, I’m gonna walk
like I already got it.” Terri Savelle Foy