Sunday, January 26, 2025

Names of Father God


Names of Father God



1.               Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

2.               Father of Tender Mercies

3.               Father of Lights

4.               Father of Just Spirits made perfect

5.               Father of Glory



6.               Father of Love

7.               Father of Grace

8.               Father of Compassion

9.               Father of Creation

10.          Father of Goodness



11.          Father of Kindness

12.          Father Lord God Almighty

13.          Father God Omnipotent

14.          Father God Omniscient

15.          Father God Omni-Present



16.          Father of wisdom and revelation

17.          Father of faithfulness

18.          Father who does not treat us as our sins deserve

19.          Father of forgiveness

20.        Father of Miracles, Signs and Wonders



21.        Father God is from everlasting

22.        Father gave us eternal life

23.        Father of justice and fairness

24.        Father God of Peace

25.        Father who fights our battles



26.        Father of faith

27.        Father is the giver of life

28.        Father who gives good gifts to His children

29.        Father who wants all to be saved

30.        Father who gave His only begotten Son that all who believe in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life



31.        Father God our Provider

32.        Father God our Healer

33.        Father God our Savior

34.        Father God our Redeemer

35.        Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob



36.        Father God of Covenant

37.        Father who is the Ancient of Days

38.        Father who rules and reigns

39.        Father God who spoke the worlds into existence

40.        Father God who calls those things that be not as though they already existed



41.        Father God is the Holy One of Israel

42.        Father is the one and only true and living God.

43.        Father is the God of gods.

44.        Father is the King of the Universe.

45.        Father is gentle.



46.        Father God is our Maker.

47.        Father Lord God is a sun and shield.

48.        Father God will not withhold any good thing to those who walk uprightly.

49.        Father God is a holy God.

50.        Father God is an awesome God worthy to be feared (revered).



51.        Father God will grant the desires of our heart when we delight in Him.

52.        Father God orders the steps of the righteous man

53.        Father rewards the righteous.

54.        Worship the Father in spirit and in truth.

55.        Father Lord of Hosts.




56.        There are some things that only the Father knows.

57.        Father is Great and greatly to be praised.

58.        Father fulfills His promises

59.        Father God is the same yesterday, today and forever

60.        Father created all the angels and mankind, plus every species of the animal kingdom



61.        Father created all of the beautiful gardens, flowers, trees, the mountains and all nature that exists.

62.        Father determined the seasons during the course of a year

63.        Father created the sun, moon, stars and other planets and galaxies

64.        Someday the Father will wipe away everyone’s tears, including His Son Jesus’ tears

65.        Only the Father knows when Christ will return for His Church. Nobody else knows the day nor the hour, not even the Son. Only the Father knows.



66.        Father is Jehovah.

67.        Father is Jah.

68.        Father is the I AM that I AM.

69.        Father is El, Eloah and Elohim.

70.        Father is Adonai.



71.        Father is Shaddai

72.        Father is Elyon

73.        Father is Ruwach

74.        Father is Eternal

75.        Father is Abba



76.        Father determines times and seasons.

77.        Father holds the most authority in heaven and earth

78.        Father’s will is abundant life through His Son Jesus Christ

79.        Father’s will is that ALL be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth

80.        Father has not appointed us to wrath, but to life eternal through Christ His Son.