Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sins that can Forfeit Your Salvation


Sins that Can Forfeit Your Salvation



§    Bitterness, Rage and Anger

§    Unforgiveness

§    Not walking in love

§    Walking in darkness rather than light

§    Prejudice

§    Hatred

§    Rebellion

§    Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost

§    Non-Believer

§    Rejecting Christ

§    Murder

§    Witchcraft

§    Causing strife

§    Sexual immorality

§    Abusive

§    Cursing other people

§    Theft

§    Promiscuity

§    Lasciviousness

§    Turning from the Faith

§    Causing a brother to stumble

§    Causing a baby Christian to backslide

§    Not being truthful

§    Envy

§    Jealousy

§    Malice

§    Works of the flesh

§    Doing evil

§    Thinking evil thoughts

§    Unbelief

§    Lying

§    Cheating

§    Guile

§    Foul Language

§    Speaking curses over others

§    Disobedience to God’s commands

§    Not being connected to the Vine (Jesus)

§    Wrath

§    Seditions

§    Deeds of darkness

§    Demonstrating irreverence for the Lord

§    Failure to walk in the fear of the Lord

§    Failure to walk in holiness

§    Bad Fruit

§    Leading others astray

§    Unrepentance

§    Magic

§    Sorcery

§    Occult

§    Heresy

§    Worshipping false gods

§    Stains in white robe

§    False prophets

§    Child Abusers

§    Abusing Pets

§    Criminal Activity

§    Shrinking back and not being an overcomer

§    Unfaithfulness to the Lord

§    Unfaithfulness to their marriage partner

§    Spreading gossip and false rumors

§    Spreading strife among the brethren

§    Causing strife in the home

§    Creating chaos and disunity

§    Bad mouthing others

§    Criticizing Ministers from the Pulpit Publicly

§    Violent behavior

§    Taking God’s Name in Vain

§    Busy bodies

§    Unwholesome speech

§    Disobeying the laws of the land

§    Watching movies that are trash and illicit behavior

§    Porn addiction

§    Having affairs

§    Acts of unrighteousness

§    Pride

§    Spreading slander

§    Stealing the money from the offerings

§    Cheating on your taxes

§    Being unkind to others and to pets too


Those who do these things cannot inherit the kingdom of God.


The Lord will forgive you of your sins if you come to Him in true repentance and humble yourselves and turn from your sins and wicked ways.


The Lord is faithful and just and will forgive and cleanse us from our sins and remove our sins from us as far as the east is from the west.


The Blood of Jesus is able to heal, save and deliver. It has the power to cleanse the guilty and seared over conscience of mankind.


The Blood of Jesus washes white as snow.


To get saved or come back to the Lord, just pray this simple prayer:


Dear Lord Jesus,


I come to You and ask for forgiveness of all of my sins. Wash me clean by Your Blood.


Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I repent of my sins and receive your forgiveness and cleansing.


I choose to forgive others who have hurt and offended me or done me harm. Help me to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.


Fill my heart and soul with the love of God. May I walk in the light as You are in the light.


I want to be connected to You like the branch is connected to the Vine and bears much good fruit that will last.


Thank You for setting me free and saving me.


Thank You for giving me eternal life through Jesus Christ my Lord. I confess Your Lordship in my life.


In Jesus’ Name,

