Monday, April 29, 2024

Where's Ashley (Children's Book About Heaven)



In Loving Memory of my niece:


Ashley MacKenzie Riley

September 26, 2005 – August 22, 2006



One day two-year old Colin, and his mom, and his 11 month old baby sister Ashley were driving on the highway. The car crashed and flipped over. Colin and his mom were okay, but baby Ashley died instantly. A guardian angel carried Ashley in her arms to heaven to go and live with Jesus.


A few days later, Colin asked his mom,

“Mommy, where’s Ashley?”


His mommy said,

“She’s in heaven with Jesus” (and pointed up to the sky).


“Anytime you want to talk to your baby sister, just look up to the sky because she’s up there in heaven with Jesus.”


Ashley’s dad and mom, family members and loved ones were very sad when Ashley died. We all miss her very much.


But we have the comfort to know that Ashley is safe with Jesus in a very happy place, and we know that we will see Ashley again in heaven someday.


This all happened in 2006, and she would now be 17 years old, going on 18 in September, in Heaven.


Recently, I had a dream about her. In the dream, I was in Heaven and saw Ashley. She was all grown up and mature. She had beautiful gorgeous long auburn color hair down to her waist like her mother. She was tall and slender. She was wearing something similar to a Levi’s white jean skirt and white pullover sweater, and brand name walking/running shoes.


Where is Heaven?

Heaven is far above the sky, beyond our galaxy, North of planet Earth.1


What is heaven like?

Heaven is a round world or planet that looks a lot like Earth, except much more beautiful and millions of times larger.


Heaven has majestic mountains, magnificent valleys with flowering meadows, and spectacular forests. 2


Heaven has cascading waterfalls, winding rivers3, serene lakes, and quiet streams.4 


There is even a roaring ocean with waves and beautiful beaches where children can build sand castles. The water is very clean … just as clear as crystal.5


The names of the ocean in the Bible is called: Sea of Glass or Crystal Sea.


Heaven has trees of all kinds …


Fruit and nut trees,

Pine, sequoia, cedar, aspen and redwood trees,

Oak, maple, cypress, willow, and palm trees

Crepe Myrtle trees that are in blossom …

Grand stately tall trees and small patio trees … 

Every kind of tree imaginable!6


Heaven has lush soft green grass, many parks to play in, and fabulous water fountains.


There are numerous species of shrubs and plants in heaven.


The grass and leaves in heaven are perfect. They never wilt or get brown. They are always fresh and green.7 


Heaven has thousands upon thousands of beautiful flowers. They all have such a delightful fragrance! 


There are roses, daffodils, marigolds, daisies, tulips, sunflowers, dutch irises, lilies, camellias, exotic flowers … and many more flowers in heaven.


The flowers are stunning! The colors are vibrant! There are shades of red, white, yellow, purple, pink, fuchsia, blue, orange … and more colors that Earth does not have.


The flowers are perfect. They always stay fresh. They never wilt or dry up.8 


The original Garden of Eden was transferred from earth to Heaven thousands of years ago when Adam and Eve sinned, and Eden is kept preserved in its original condition. The saints in Heaven can access it and enjoy it. 


The people who live in heaven all wear dazzling, bright white robes.9 There are many who like to wear colorful sashes.


Even the pets have little white robes.


God also gives crowns to His children to wear.10 


The Bible mentions 24 crowns. They include:

Crown of Life (James 1:12 KJV) – “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” Revelation 2:10b NKJV “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”


Crown of Righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8 KJV) – “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”


Crown of Glory (1 Peter 5:2-4 NKJV) – “Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.”


Crown of Splendor (Isaiah 62:3 NIV) – “Thou shalt also be a crown of splendor in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.”


Crown of Rejoicing (1 Thessalonians 2:19 KJV) – “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?”


Crown of Beauty (Isaiah 61:3 NIV) – “To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.”


Crown (wreath or garland) of gracefulness (Proverbs 4:8-9 AMP) – “Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her. She shall give to your head a wreath of gracefulness; a crown of beauty and glory will she deliver to you.”


Crown of eternal blessedness (1 Corinthians 9:25 AMP) – “Now every athlete who goes into training conducts himself temperately and restricts himself in all things. They do it to win a wreath that will soon wither, but we [do it to receive a crown of eternal blessedness] that cannot wither.”


Crown of Loving-Kindness and Tender Mercies (Psalms 103:4 NKJV) – “Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies.”


Crown of Conquering (Revelation 6:2 NKJV) – “And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to Him, and He went out conquering and to conquer.”


Crown of Victory (1 Corinthians 9:24-27 NKJV) – According to Dr. David Jeremiah, the imperishable crown is a crown of victory. “And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown.”


Crown of Goodness (Psalms 21:3 NKJV, 103:4-5 AMP) – “For You meet him with the blessings of goodness; You set a crown of pure gold upon his head.” “Who redeems your life from the pit and corruption, Who beautifies, dignifies, and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercy. Who satisfies your mouth [your necessity and desire at your personal age and situation] with good so that your youth, renewed, is like the eagle's [strong, overcoming, soaring]!”


Crown of a Virtuous Woman (Proverbs 12:4 NIV) – “A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.”


Crown of Flourishing (Psalms 132:18 AMP) – “His enemies will I clothe with shame, but upon himself shall his crown flourish.”


Crown of Riches and Wisdom (Proverbs 14:24 AMP) – “The crown of the wise is their wealth of Wisdom, but the foolishness of [self-confident] fools is [nothing but] folly.”


Crown of Children’s Children (Proverbs 17:6 KJV) – “Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.”


Crown of the Bride and Bridegroom (Song of Solomon 3:11 NKJV) – “Go forth, O daughters of Zion, and see King Solomon with the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his wedding, the day of the gladness of his heart.”


Crown of the High Priest (Exodus 29:6 AMP) – “And you shall put the turban or miter upon his head and put the holy crown upon the turban.”


Crown of Holiness unto the Lord (Exodus 39:30 NKJV) – “Then they made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote on it an inscription like the engraving of a signet: HOLINESS TO THE LORD.”


Crown of the Anointing Oil (Leviticus 21:12 AMP) – “Neither shall he go out of the sanctuary nor desecrate or make ceremonially unclean the sanctuary of his God, for the crown or consecration of the anointing oil of his God is upon him. I am the Lord.” 


Crown of Ruling and Reigning (2 Kings 11:12 AMP) – “And Jehoiada brought out the king's son and put the crown on him and gave him the Testimony [the Mosaic Law]; and they proclaimed him king and anointed him, and they clapped their hands and said, Long live the king!”


Crown of Majesty (Esther 2:17 KJV) – “And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.”


Crown of Triumph in Battle (1 Chronicles 20:2 AMP) “David took their king's crown from off his head and found that it weighed a talent of gold and that precious stones were in it. It was set upon David's head. He brought also very much spoil out of the city of Rabbah.”


Crowns of Worship that the 24 elders cast down to the Lamb of God who sits upon the Throne (Revelation 4:4,10-11 NKJV) – “Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the Thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads.” “The twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying: You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created.”




There are rainbows in Heaven that are arched, horizontal or vertical. Rainbows radiate off of waterfalls, buildings, bridges, and rainbows even emanate out of God, angels, human beings, and pets. Rainbows shine out of their heart and face. The rainbows are the Glory of God.


Heaven is filled with the beautiful fragrance of the Father. The fragrance is so lovely to breathe in, and it’s a combination of frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, cedar, rosemary, cassia, roses and floral scents. The beautiful fragrance of the Father is the Glory of God.


In heaven, God lives there with His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.11


Also, angels live there.12


Children and babies live there.13


And grown-ups too.14


There are animals in heaven.  All of the animals are very gentle and tame. 15


There are many horses and children can go horseback riding.


There are dogs and cats.


A wolf is tame and gentle and can lie down next to a lamb, and the lamb is perfectly safe. The lion is tame and meek and can lie down next to a calf and the calf is safe. 


The bear and the cow graze together.


A child can play with a leopard, or even an adder, and not be harmed.


All of the animals live in peace and harmony with each other and with people. 


There are different kinds of angels in heaven. 


There are angels that look like human beings.  Some have wings and some do not.16 Some angels are taller than humans, while other angels are the same height as humans.


There are cherubim. They are larger angels who have four long wings. They also have four faces – a lion, an ox, a man and an eagle. They have eyes all around their bodies. They speak like a man.17


God created peacocks to resemble the cherubim and living creatures, who minister around the Throne, and whose bodies are covered with eyes all around. Blue and Purple are Heavenly colors.


There are seraphim. They have six wings. They look and speak like a man. The seraphim cry out: “Holy, Holy, Holy”.18


There are millions and millions of angels.19


Heaven is a very wealthy place.20 


God is a King and He is a good father to all of His children. He is pleased to share His riches with all of His sons and daughters.


No one has to labor for money. Heaven’s economy is not based on a money system. There is no poverty or homelessness in Heaven.


The Father has lavishly blessed us, for an eternity, with whatever we will need or desire.


He gives everyone a mansion to live in, although some people desire to live in apartments or townhouses. You can have multiple residences in Heaven.21


The streets are made out of gold, and the gates out of pearl.22 


You can have shoes and clothing that have precious jewels sewed on. You can have a whole closet of designer clothing and shoes. You can have fine jewelry and other elegant things because God is very rich and generous.


Father God has lots of fun toys for boys and girls to play with. He blesses all His children with good gifts and with everything their hearts could ever desire.23


The Father gives good gifts to His children, but He does not spoil His children. He expects His children to show Him obedience, respect and honor. He also expects His children to learn how to be responsible and be a good steward with what they do have. He expects His children to share and be generous with others, because He is so generous with us.


In heaven there is a very large city that is built in the shape of a square. The name of the city is called “New Jerusalem”. It’s also called Paradise.


The city is 1,500 miles long, 1,500 miles wide and 1,500 miles high.24


The buildings inside of the city are made out of gold and jasper. Jasper is like a diamond, except much more exquisite. All the colors of the rainbow sparkle in the jasper gemstone.25


The large city has very high and thick walls on all four sides.26 


The walls are made out of jasper.27


The foundation, or bottom part of the wall, is made out of twelve layers of jewels:28

       1.  jasper

       2.  sapphire

       3.  chalcedony

       4.  emerald

       5.  sardonyx

       6.  sardius

       7.  chrysolite

       8.  beryl

       9.  topaz

       10. chrysoprasus

       11. jacinth

       12. amethyst


On each of the twelve layers of the foundation, are engraved the names of the twelve apostles of Jesus, the Lamb of God.29 


Jesus’ apostles were:30

1.      Peter

2.     James the son of Zebedee

3.     John

4.     Andrew

5.     Philip

6.     Bartholomew

7.     Thaddaeus

8.     Matthew

9.     Simon

10.  Thomas

11.   James the son of Alphaeus

12.  Matthias


Paul the Apostle’s name is also engraved on one of the foundations.


There are twelve huge gates along the four walls of the city (North, South, East and West), so that people can enter into the city from every direction.31


Each gate is made out of a single, enormous solid pearl. Actually, thousands or millions of pearls are melted down and formed into a gate.


(There are trailers in Heaven, and the roofs are made out of solid pearls all melted down.)


In the New Jerusalem, there are:

Three gates on the north side.

Three gates on the south side.

Three gates on the east side.

Three gates on the west side.


On each gate is engraved one of the names of the twelve tribes of Israel.32


The twelve tribes of Israel are:33

1.      Judah

2.     Reuben

3.     Gad

4.     Asher

5.     Naphtali

6.     Manasseh

7.     Simeon

8.     Levi

9.     Issachar

10.  Zebulon

11.   Joseph

12.  Benjamin


There is an angel stationed at each gate.34 


The angels guard the gates, making sure that a person’s name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before entering.


When a boy or girl, or a man or a woman accepts Jesus into their hearts as their Savior, his or her name is written down in this Book of Life.35


In heaven, there is no night time. There is no darkness. There are no shadows. There is nothing scary there.36 


In Heaven, people sleep like you do here on earth.


In Heaven, it’s sort of like the Northern Lights that Alaska has in the summer, where it stays daylight for most of the hours of the day and night, except in Heaven it does not get dark. However, you can have curtains installed to block out the light from outside if you need it darker to sleep better.


There are theaters in Heaven (and they have buttered popcorn and soda available), and they have no windows and install curtains to block out the light from coming in, so that the only light is from the movie or the theater spotlight during a dance or theatrical presentation. All the movies in Heaven are clean and godly.


There is no sun or moon there. God’s glory lights all of heaven.37


There are musical instruments in heaven.38 Many instruments are similar to what we have on Earth, except more advanced than what we have.


Heaven has pianos, keyboards and organs …


Trumpets, shofars, flutes, saxophones, trombones, clarinets, harmonicas, and all types of wind instruments …


Violins, cellos, guitars, banjos, harps, bass, and all stringed instruments … (even electric guitars, electric bass and other electric stringed instruments)


Heaven has drums, cymbals, tambourines, timbrels, and all other percussion instruments.


In Heaven, there are various styles of praise and worship music. Some worship music is very reverent, soft, gentle, and sweet and invite a heavy Glory of the Lord into the place.


Other types of worship music include hymns, anthems and choruses of the Church, Christian Rock with the heavy electric guitars, Christian R&B, Black Gospel, Choir songs, Southern Gospel, Classical, Jazz, Latino, Jewish and other styles of music.


In heaven, there are choirs who sing.39 There are angelic choirs, human adult choirs and children’s choirs.


Sometimes two or more choirs sing together at one time. They sing anti-phonal songs. Those are the kinds of songs where one choir sings a phrase, and the other choir responds, repeats it or answers back.40 


Sometimes all of the choirs sing different parts, and it sounds very glorious.


In Heaven, you can sing octaves higher or lower than here on earth. There are more than four basic choir parts in Heaven, and it is glorious when the choir breaks out into all parts (alto, soprano, tenor, bass, and more parts).


The angels, adults and children sing worship and love songs to Jesus. 


Jesus sings too. He sings love songs to all of His children. He rejoices and dances with His children, because He loves them so very much and they bring Him such delight.41


Heaven has a Throne Room. It’s located at the very top of a great mountain in heaven.42 


Saints from every nation, race, language and tribe are in the Throne Room worshipping God.47 


In the Throne Room is where God is seated on His Throne ruling and reigning. 


God’s throne is made out of emerald and is positioned on a platform of sapphire. A rainbow encircles God’s throne.43


Twenty Four elders are seated around God’s Throne.44


The Throne Room is filled with worship and prayer.45 


In the Throne Room, there is singing and praising God.


Other forms of worship in heaven include:


-     The playing of musical instruments

-     Dancing for joy

-     Kneeling and bowing down to Jesus

-     Clapping and shouting for joy

-     Lifting up holy hands in adoration to Jesus

-     Laying prostrate on the ground

-     Waving flags, banners, Glory Hoops and Palm branches


All the angels, the saints, the twenty-four elders, and even the animals and all of nature worship the Father and Jesus in heaven. 


They sing:

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive blessing, and glory, and honor, and power, and riches, and dominion … forever and ever.”46


There are multitudes of people in the Throne Room at one time, and billions who live in heaven.


They all love and adore Jesus, and they also love each other.


A river begins flowing out of God’s Throne Room.48 


The river flows down the mountains and into the valleys. 


This river is called “The River of Life”, because it brings life to wherever it goes.


On both sides of the River of Life are twelve Trees of Life which bear twelve kinds of fruits, and they bear fruit every month.


People can eat this fruit for strength and nourishment, and the leaves are for the healing, or medicine, of the nations.49


Jesus’ eyes are filled with so much love and compassion. He sees into your heart and knows your thoughts, and He accepts you and loves you completely.


Jesus is very friendly, gentle and kind. He delights in spending time holding babies and playing with all the boys and girls. 


He loves to sit under a tree and tell the children stories.


All the children love Jesus, and cling to His legs and arms and take turns sitting on His lap. They jump for joy when they see Him coming and they run out to greet Him.50 


In heaven, people eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, legumes, seeds, grains, and dairy products. Am unsure if they eat eggs. They also eat plant-based meat substitutes (that is superior in taste to soy) that tastes just like authentic steak, beef, chicken, turkey, ham, pepperoni, salami, bacon, shrimp, seafood and fish.51


There is no animal killing in Heaven, but the meat substitutes taste even better than the meat we have on this earth.


In Heaven, there are fast food places that serve burgers and fried or grilled chicken sandwiches (and French fries, onion rings, apple slices, Coleslaw, or Caesar Salad as a side dish), but they use meat substitutes that tastes just like the real thing.


In Heaven, there are some pastry shops that bake cinnamon rolls the size of plates.


One favorite bread that the angels often eat is called Manna. It’s made out of a grain that looks like white coriander seeds, and it tastes sweet like honey wafers.52 It not only is very nutritional, but it also works as a natural pain killer, like if you get a headache.


Heaven has chocolate, cakes, cookies, ice cream and candy, as well as all kinds of sodas including Pepsi and Sprite (or its equivalent), and even Coca Cola and Root Beer Icee Slurpee machines.


A favorite food in Heaven is Pizza, Spaghetti, Macaroni & Cheese, Beef or Chicken Vegetable Soup, Asian cuisine, and Mexican dishes. Heaven has many cuisines to choose from.


Heaven has a banqueting hall and a feast is served. Everyone is invited to come to the table and dine with Jesus.53


Someday in the future there will be the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, where Jesus will get married to His Bride. That will be a glorious event.54


When people go to heaven, they are greeted by family members, loved ones and friends. It is a very happy reunion.55


Babies and children who have just arrived in heaven are brought before God’s Throne and presented to the Father.56 


Father God holds them in His loving arms, and welcomes them to His home in heaven, and pronounces a blessing on their lives. 


The Father is flooded with joy at each person who arrives in heaven. He is so happy to see them. He loves each and every person so very much!


The Father is called “Abba” (which means the same as Daddy or Papa). He is very sweet, tender, loving, kind and merciful. In Heaven, everyone respects and honors Him, as well as showing respect and honor to Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


When babies and children go to heaven, angels and human adults take care of them until they grow up. Some children live in orphanages run by angels if they have no family in Heaven, but they are very happy. Other babies and children who go to Heaven early go to live with their grandparents or other family members.


Children are taught the oracles of God.57 


In heaven, people have jobs to do and places to go.58 


There are libraries filled with books.

There are schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, teachers and professors.


There are construction workers who build homes, roads and buildings.


There are guys who lay carpeting, tile, and hardwood flooring in mansions and commercial businesses or churches. 


There are guys who install brand new granite, marble, onyx, other kinds of stone, and tile in kitchens and bathrooms. 


There are vehicle mechanics, as well as automobile manufacturers (and they often have car shows).


There are gardeners and landscapers.


There are people who sew garments and robes. 


There are people who fashion crowns with jewels.


There are people who own jewelry stores.


There are markets to get food and supplies. 


There are caretakers for animals, and Veterinarians. There are pet supply stores in Heaven similar to Petsmart, Petco, and similar franchises.


There are manufacturers of high tech equipment, such as computers, software, flash drives, televisions, stereos, speakers, printers, DVD Players, cameras, video games, cell phones and more. They have stores in Heaven similar to Best Buy here in the USA.


Heaven has cell phones, and some cell phones have short antennas. There are landline phones as well.


There are lawyers, judges, advocates, court reporters, baliffs, and people who work in the legal field.


There are people who work in governmental positions.


There are doctors and nurses, surgeons and dentists.


There are those who work in chemistry and science labs.


There are trained ministers, Bible teachers, preachers, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, professional counselors, psalmists and those who work in Daycare.


There are engineers in all fields, and Mathematicians.


There are people who work doing administrative office work for churches and organizations, small businesses, and middle to large size corporations.


There are many who own their own businesses.


There are creators of video games.


There are artists who paint beautiful portraits.


There are writers, authors and poets.


There are producers of music CD’s and DVD’s.


There are professional singers who travel and sing at concerts.


There is satellite television production. Satellites in Heaven reach billions of homes.


There are those who work in Radio and other media.


No one is ever bored in heaven because there are always fun things to do.59


There is hiking, swimming and playgrounds.


There is ballet, petting the animals and story time. 


There is playing ball, painting and a variety of fun games and toys to enjoy.  


There are movies to watch, and video games to play.


There are awesome amusement parks that have many rides. The most awesome roller coaster in Heaven is called “The Rush”. When it reaches top speed, it goes off the tracks and flies in mid-air, and then lands back on another set of tracks. The roller coasters and other rides at theme parks are always safe.


Heaven also has many water theme parks that offer waterslides, rafting and swimming pools. 


There are sports of every type. There is football, baseball, volleyball, tennis, ping pong, badminton, soccer, swimming, surfing, water skiing, snow skiing, wrestling, basketball, gyms that have weights and machines to build muscles, jogging, gymnastics, water aerobics, dance aerobics, and every other kind of sports activity.


In competition sports, the whole goal is to see which team can score the most points for Jesus.


Heaven is an ideal place. It’s not totally perfect all the time, because angels and humans sin at times and make mistakes, or disobey the Lord or their authority figures. Then they are disciplined by the Lord or their authority figures and repent of their misbehavior. However, the Lord is very gracious, and not harsh or sharp.


There are jails, prisons and rehabilitation centers in Heaven for committing crimes, because there are consequences for disobedience and breaking the laws of the land. But as long as you obey the laws of the land, then you would never end up in jail. Overall, the crime rate is very low, and Heaven is a very safe place to live.


There is very little crying or sadness in heaven in comparisons with all the joys of Heaven. And Jesus wipes away all of our tears.


Sometimes friends may be mean or walk away from you, and it hurts when that happens. But in Heaven, Jesus kisses away the tears, and comforts you with His sweet Presence. He restores everything you lost and gives you joy and peace. He helps you to forgive those who have hurt you. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up all their wounds. 


There is no pain or sickness that can last for any length of time in heaven because we will have glorified bodies and we will live forever. Sometimes people have ailments, but in Heaven they always come into total cure, because the leaves of the trees (herbs) are used as medicine to heal all the nations represented in Heaven.


In Heaven, there is a large warehouse near the Throne that has spare body parts. So if a part or organ in your body stops working, then angels can replace it with a brand new body part or organ.


Angels excel in the field of medicine, herbal remedies, caring for pre-term babies, and surgical procedures.


There is no hate or evil in heaven.


There is no death in heaven.60


There is no more curse in Heaven.


Heaven is a very holy place. Nothing unholy or profane can stay there.


Heaven is a very peaceful place.


There is very little fighting or quarreling there. Sometimes families have arguments, but they always make amends with each other and walk in love.


There is no fear or danger there.


There is no selfishness in heaven. Everyone serves other people.


Jesus is called the Prince of Peace.  He’s also called Jehovah Shalom, which means “The Lord is my peace.”61


In Heaven, there are many churches. God’s will is that we honor the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy, and going to the House of God to learn about His Word, to worship Him, and to have fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Church is a lot of fun in Heaven, and the music is great!


In heaven, there are people of all ages. The ages of the saints range from babies to saints who are thousands of years old. Adam and Eve are around 6,000 years old.


The angels were originally created by God long before the earth was created, and angels give birth to babies in our present time. Their ages range from newborns to some angels who are thousands or millions of years old.


Not all angels are guardian angels. Angels serve in all fields in Heaven. Some are surgeons, doctors, nurses, chemists, scientists, school teachers, work at orphanages, child advocate services, caring for babies, police officers, security guards, choir directors, skilled musicians, military (the Hosts are the Angelic Armies), professors, lawyers and many other kinds of vocations. They are servants of Almighty God.


No one ever gets old and feeble there. Everyone looks young and healthy, and is full of energy.


We will live with Jesus in heaven forever.62


In Heaven, husbands and wives live together in the same mansion and have children. Some children they give birth to, and other children could be adopted. There are families in Heaven like here on earth. In Heaven, you can become a husband or wife, a father or mother, and a grandparent and great grandparent.


In heaven, there are people who are called a “cloud of witnesses”. They sit in the grandstands of heaven, and look down on earth and see what we are doing. 


They cheer us on when they see us serving Jesus and living for Him. In times when we may be weak and struggling, they pray to God that He will help us to be victorious and to be overcomers.63


In heaven, the greatest Person you will see is Jesus. And the second greatest is our loved ones and friends. 


Besides seeing Jesus and our loved ones, we will also see the men and women of faith who are mentioned in the Bible.


We will see King David who killed Goliath.

We will see Abraham and Sarah.

We will see the Apostles Paul and Peter.

We will see Jesus’ mother Mary and His earthly father Joseph.

We will see Queen Esther.

We will see Jonah and Noah.

We will see John the Beloved.


Plus, there are many more men and women of faith that we will see and get to talk to.64


We will see our pets in Heaven. They will be living in our mansion and on our property. In Heaven, animals can speak audibly, and communicate with you verbally. So you will never have to try and guess what they are wanting, as they will be able to communicate with you in speech.


Heaven has luxury automobiles, SUV’s, trucks, vans, limousines, buses, trains and motorcycles. People drive on the right hand side of the road. The speed limit on highways in city and suburban areas is around 75 mph.


Heaven has military, private and commercial jets, airplanes and helicopters. There are numerous airports in Heaven. There are also smaller family aircrafts that many people have, and it is similar to the cartoon “The Jetson’s”.


People can take lessons in Heaven in how to fly like a bird. On their first several attempts, they usually fall to the ground, but they are never injured. They have to learn how to override the law of gravity. Some people float across the sky singing praises to Jesus. All the angels can fly at tremendous speeds, even the speed of light.


Heaven has ships, luxury cruise liners, sailboats, speedboats, canoes, rafting, yachts and other water vessels.


There are water sports, such as surfing, skiing, swimming, water slides and scuba diving.


Fishing is not allowed, as there is no animal killing. However, a person can have pet fish in an aquarium at their mansion. 


Heaven has four seasons just like earth does (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer). In some geographical locations, it snows during the winter, and people can stay in cabins that have a stone fireplace for a skiing trip vacation.


Saint Nicholas lives in a geographical location in Heaven where it snows in the Winter, and when it snows he opens up his property to visitors, and children can play in the snow or go skiing. There are sleigh rides as the reindeer pulls the sleigh through the snow. Saint Nicholas gives out gifts to the children when they come to visit, usually around Christmas time.


Heaven has exotic beaches, similar to Hawaii or the Caribbean. Many people go there to relax in the sun and sand, to play golf at first class golf courses, and stay at five star hotels and resorts.


God’s creation is so magnificent and majestic!


Heaven has safari tours. Heaven does not keep animals locked up in cages, but let them roam freely in their own habitat. You might see kangaroos, koala bears, zebras, lions, elephants and other animals.


People can have small monkeys as pets in some geographical areas.


Heaven has animal shows for children and adults, where the lions, panthers, tigers, elephants, dolphins, seals, and other animals perform in front of an audience. The animals can be petted and are very tame.


At Christmas time, Heaven has millions and millions of beautiful lights in the town and City, Christmas trees, ornaments and bulbs for the Christmas trees, Christmas stockings, Nativity sets, godly Christmas music playing, people singing Christmas carols, ice skating, rides on sleighs with reindeer pulling it through the snow, and church and school Christmas plays. It's a very happy time of the year. 


Children and adults receive several very nice gifts at Christmas time (whatever it is that they desire - whether that be a new bicycle, toy, doll, jewelry, high tech equipment or anything else). No one is poor or homeless in Heaven, and so everyone receives many gifts at Christmas time.


Heaven is a very happy place.65 It’s a place of great rejoicing, celebration, love and laughter. All of our dreams come true there.


In John 10:10 (KJV), Jesus said that He came to give us abundant life.


Abundant means full, overflowing and rich.


We can experience joy and abundant life here on this earth, but it’s just a glimpse compared to heaven.66


In John 3:16 (KJV), it says that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


Jesus loves everyone so much and does not want anyone to be lost. He longs for everyone to have everlasting life.67 


When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and ask Him to come into our hearts, we can know for sure that someday we will go to heaven.68 


Jesus said in Revelation 3:20 (KJV) that He stands at the door of our heart and knocks. If we will open the door, He will come in and sup with us and us with Him.


Would you like to receive this wonderful Jesus into your heart?


Let’s invite Jesus to come into our hearts right now. Just say,


“Jesus, please come into my heart.

I accept you as my Lord and Savior.

Please forgive me for all my sins and wash away my sins with Your Blood and make me white as snow.

Write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit.

Let me feel your love, joy and peace.

May I love you, and serve you all the days of my life. 

I give my life to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


After praying that prayer, where is Jesus right now? 


Do you feel Him in your heart? That is His Presence, and His Presence will always abide with you forever.


The Bible says that the angels rejoice when a person turns to Jesus. Right now, the angels are dancing and shouting for joy because you have asked Jesus to come into your heart.69


And your name was written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life.



1       Heaven is North, upward (Isaiah 14:13).

2          Paradise is a place of beautiful gardens, trees and nature; it’s a place of future happiness, a place of delight (Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 12:4, Revelation 2:7).

3       The River of Life flows from the Throne into the valley (Revelation 22:1).

4       “There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High” (Psalms 46:4, KJV).

5       There is an ocean called the Sea of Glass or Crystal Sea (Revelation 4:6, 15:2).

6       Palm branches are mentioned in heaven in Revelation 7:9-10.  Trees of Life are mentioned in Revelation 2:7; 22:2,14.  Paradise is a forested place.

7       The leaves and plants never wilt or die because there is no death in heaven.  Paradise is a place of beautiful gardens.  There is the fountain of the water of life in heaven (Revelation 21:6).

8       Flowers always stay fresh because there is no death and decay process in heaven.  Paradise is a place of beautiful gardens.

9       The saints wear white robes in heaven (Revelation 7:9; 3:5).

10     God gives crowns to His children to wear (Revelation 2:10, James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:4, 2 Timothy 4:8, Revelation 4:4,10-11).

11     The Father and the Son live together in heaven (Romans 8:34, Ephesians 1:20, Hebrews 1:3, Revelation 5:6-7).

12     Angels are in heaven (Ezekiel 1, Isaiah 6:1-8, Revelation 4-5, Matthew 18:10; 24:36, Hebrews 12:22).

13     Children and babies live in heaven (2 Samuel 12:23, Isaiah 11:6-9, Matthew 18:1-5; 19:14).

14     There are multitudes of people in heaven (Daniel 7:10, Revelation 5:9; 7:9).

15     There are animals in heaven, and the animals are tame and harmless (Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25; Revelation 19:11).

16     Angels can have the appearance of a human being (Hebrews 13:2).

17     The description of the cherubim (Ezekiel 1, Revelation 4).

18     The description of the seraphim (Isaiah 6:1-7).

19     The angels are too numerous to be counted (Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 5:11, Luke 2:13-14).

20     Heaven is a wealthy place (Revelation 5:12; 21:11-21; John 14:2-3).

21     There are many mansions in heaven (John 14:2-3).

22     The streets are made out of pure gold and the gates out of pearls (Revelation 21:21).

23      God blesses His children with good gifts (James 1:17, Matthew 7:11).

24     The city is called New Jerusalem (Revelation 3:12; 21:2,10).  The city is 1,500 miles long, wide and high (Revelation 21:16, Amplified and Living Bible).  Heaven is also called Paradise (Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 12:4, Revelation 2:7).

25     The city is constructed of gold (Revelation 21:18) and jasper (Revelation 21:11).  Jasper is a transparent stone similar to a diamond (Revelation 21:11).

26     The walls of the city are thick – 216 feet across (Revelation 21:17, Living Bible).

27     The walls of the city are made out of jasper (Revelation 21:18).

28     The twelve foundations of the wall are garnished with twelve precious stones (Revelation 21:19-20).

29     On each of the foundations are engraved the twelve apostles of the Lamb (Revelation 21:14).

30     The apostles are listed in Matthew 10:2-4.  Matthias was chosen in Acts 1:22-26 to replace Judas Iscariot.

31     There are three gates on each side of the city (Revelation 21:12-13).  Each of the twelve gates are made out of twelve solid pearls (Revelation 21:21).

32     The names of the twelve tribes of Israel are inscribed on the twelve gates (Revelation 21:12). 

33     The twelve tribes of Israel are listed in Revelation 7:5-8.  Levi and Joseph replace the original tribes of Dan and Ephraim, because Dan and Ephraim were involved in the occult.

34     There are twelve angels stationed at the twelve gates (Revelation 21:12).

35     One’s name must be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life to enter into heaven (Revelation 21:27; 3:5; 20:12,15; 22:19; Luke 10:20; Philippians 4:3).

36     There is no night there (Revelation 21:25; 22:5).  There are no shadows there (James 1:17).  There is no darkness there (1 John 1:5).

37     There is no sun or moon, for the glory of God lights all of heaven (Revelation 21:23-24).

38     There are musical instruments in heaven (Revelation 5:8; 14:2; 15:2; 1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; Psalms 150).

39     The angelic host heralded the birth of Christ (Luke 2:13-14).

40     There is anti-phonal singing in heaven (Isaiah 6:2-3).

41     The Lord rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). 

42     The Throne is located at the top of a mountain (Ezekiel 28:14; Isaiah 11:9; 65:25).

43     The Throne is made out of an emerald, and the platform or pavement is made out of sapphire.  A rainbow encircles the Throne.  Revelation 4:3; Exodus 24:10. Ezekiel 1:26 and 10:1 says that the Throne resembles a sapphire stone.

44     Twenty-four elders are seated around God’s Throne (Revelation 4:4).

45     The Throne Room is filled with worship and prayer, as represented by harps and bowls of incense (Revelation 5:8). 

46      The saints, twenty four elders, living beasts and angels worship God in heaven (Revelation 4:6 - 5:14; 7:9-12; 15:3; Isaiah 6:1-8).  Animals and nature worship God in heaven (Revelation 5:12-14).

47     There are multitudes of people in heaven from every nation, kindred, tribe and language (Daniel 7:10, Revelation 5:9; 7:9).

48     The River of Life flows from the Throne (Revelation 22:1).

49     The Trees of Life on both sides of the River of Life bear fruit every month.  The leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the nations (Revelation 22:2).

50     “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not” … “And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them” (Mark 10:14,16, KJV).

51     There is food to eat in heaven (Revelation 22:2, Psalms 78:24-25).

52     Manna is angels’ food (Psalms 78:24-25).  Manna is made from coriander seeds and tastes like honey wafers (Exodus 16:31).

53     The Lord brings us to His banqueting table (Song of Solomon 2:4).

54     Someday the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will take place (Revelation 19:9).

55     In the Old Testament, when a person died, he was “gathered to his people” (Genesis 25:8; 35:29; 49:29; Numbers 20:24; Judges 2:10).  In 2 Samuel 12:23, when David’s infant child died, David said, “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.”  David expected to see his child again.  In Matthew 8:11 it says that many will come from east and west and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.  Moses and Elijah appeared with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration.  Even though they had been in heaven for centuries, they still maintained their own identities.  Peter, James and John recognized them (Matthew 17:3-4).  This implies that we will be able to recognize people we’ve never seen or met before.  We will retain our identities in heaven.  Information from John MacArthur, The Glory of Heaven (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1996), p.138-141.

56     Those who come to heaven are presented before the Father (Jude 24).

57     “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:  and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7a, KJV).

58     In a large city, construction workers are needed to build buildings, roads and houses.  Since everyone is given a white robe to wear, there are people needed to sew the robes.  Since there are choirs, there are people who write songs and play musical instruments.   There are jobs to do in heaven.

59     “To put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 6:17b, NIV).

60     There will be no more death, sorrow, crying or pain in heaven (Revelation 21:4).  There is no hate, evil or sin in heaven (1 John 3:15; 4:20; 2:11; Revelation 21:8,27; 22:14-15).

61     Jehovah Shalom is first mentioned in Judges 6:24. Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).  The peace of God surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7).  There is no strife in heaven (James 3:16).

62     “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalms 23:6b, KJV).  John 3:15-16; 6:51. 

63     There is a cloud of witnesses in heaven (Hebrews 12:1).

64     In Matthew 8:11 it says that many will come from east and west and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.  We will also see other men and women of faith.

65     There is great rejoicing in heaven (Revelation 19:7).

66     Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things that God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9).

67     “Not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9, KJV).

68     “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” Romans 10:9, KJV).  “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20, KJV).  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16, KJV).

69     There is rejoicing among the angels over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:10).



 It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!