Saturday, September 21, 2024

King of kings book - Chapter 3 - Phrases of Jehovah



 Phrases of Jehovah


Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Rapha Kol Tachaluw’


English Name:

The Lord who heals all your diseases


Key Reference:

Psalms 103:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7495, 3605, 8463





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Chabash Leb Shabar


English Name:

The Lord binds up the brokenhearted


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2280, 3820, 7665





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Shemen Sasown


English Name:

The Lord gives the oil of joy


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 8081, 8342





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Pe’er Tachath ‘Epher


English Name:

The Lord gives beauty for ashes


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 6287, 8478, 665





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Qara Derowr Shabah


English Name:

The Lord proclaims liberty to the captives


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7121, 1865, 7617





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Yashab Tehillah Yisrael


English Name:

The Lord inhabits the praises of Israel


Key Reference:

Psalms 22:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3427, 8416, 3478





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shuwl Mala’ Heykal


English Name:

The train of His robe fills the Temple


Key Reference:

Isaiah 6:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7757, 4390, 1964





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Elohim Yashab Yachiyd Bayith


English Name:

The Lord God sets the solitary in families


Key Reference:

Psalms 68:6


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 430, 3427, 3173, 1004





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Checed Towb Chay


English Name:

Thy lovingkindness is better than life


Key Reference:

Psalms 63:3-4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2617, 2896, 2416





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Elohim Qereb Gibbowr


English Name:

The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty


Key Reference:

Zephaniah 3:17


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 430, 7130, 1368





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Suws `al Simchah


English Name:

The Lord will rejoice over thee with joy


Key Reference:

Zephaniah 3:17


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7797, 5921, 8057





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Yediyd Shehah


English Name:

The Lord gives His Beloved sleep


Key Reference:

Psalms 127:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 3039, 8142





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Asah ‘Asher Dabar


English Name:

The Lord will do that which He has spoken


Key Reference:

Isaiah 38:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6213, 834, 1697, 1696





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Me`od Rabah Sakar


English Name:

The Lord is my exceeding great reward


Key Reference:

Genesis 15:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3966, 7235, 7939





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Moed` Chanan Tsiyown Bow’


English Name:

The Lord’s set time to favor Zion has come


Key Reference:

Psalms 102:13


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4150, 2603, 6726, 935





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Bachar be- Chotham


English Name:

The Lord has chosen you as His signet ring


Key Reference:

Haggai 2:23


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 977, 871a, 2368





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Machah Pesha` `Avon


English Name:

The Lord blots out your transgressions and iniquities


Key Reference:

Psalms 51:1,9


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4229, 6588, 5771





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Malak Har Tsiyown


English Name:

The Lord reigns from Mount Zion


Key Reference:

Isaiah 24:23


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4427, 2022, 6726





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Asah Shamayim ‘Erets


English Name:

The Lord who made Heaven and Earth


Key Reference:

Psalms 121:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6213, 8064, 776





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Ayin elohim Bil`adey


English Name:

Lord, there is no god beside You


Key Reference:

Isaiah 45:21


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 369, 430, 1107





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Mana` lo’ Towb Halak Tamiym


English Name:

The Lord withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly


Key Reference:

Psalms 84:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4513, 3808, 2896, 1980, 8549





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Paniym Soba` Simchah


English Name:

In the Lord’s Presence is fullness of joy


Key Reference:

Psalms 16:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6440, 7648, 8057





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shaqad Dabar `Asah


English Name:

The Lord watches (hastens) over His Word to perform it


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 1:12


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 8245, 1697, 6213





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shezab Nuwr ‘Attuwn


English Name:

The Lord who delivers from the fiery furnace


Key Reference:

Daniel 3:17


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7804, 5135, 861



Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Cegar Pum ‘Aryeh


English Name:

The Lord who shuts the mouths of the lions


Key Reference:

Daniel 6:22


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5463, 6433, 744





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nabat ‘el Nahar


English Name:

Those who look to the Lord are radiant


Key Reference:

Psalms 34:5


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5027, 413, 5102





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Yatsa’ ‘Aciyr Kowsharah


English Name:

The Lord brings out those bound in chains


Key Reference:

Psalms 68:6


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3318, 615, 3574





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Qara’ Peqach-Qowach ‘Acar


English Name:

The Lord proclaims the opening of the prison to those who are bound


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7121, 6495, 631





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Qarowb Leb Shabar


English Name:

The Lord is nigh to those with a broken heart


Key Reference:

Psalms 34:18


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7138, 3820, 7665





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Suwm Dim`ah No’wd


English Name:

The Lord puts my tears in a bottle


Key Reference:

Psalms 56:8


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7760, 1832, 4997





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Maqowr Chay Mayim


English Name:

The Lord is the Fountain of Living Waters


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 17:13


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4726, 2416, 4325





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Saba` ‘Orek Yowm


English Name:

The Lord will satisfy you with long life


Key Reference:

Psalms 91:16


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7646, 753, 3117





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Kuwn Mits`ad Geber


English Name:

The Lord orders the steps of a good man


Key Reference:

Psalms 37:23


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3559, 4703, 1397





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Lachaq Kabowd


English Name:

The Lord shall receive me to Glory


Key Reference:

Psalms 73:24


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3947, 3519





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Tsavah Mal’ak le-


English Name:

The Lord shall give His angels charge over you


Key Reference:

Psalms 91:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6680, 4397, 3807a





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Cabab Ron Pallet


English Name:

The Lord will compass me about with songs of deliverance


Key Reference:

Psalms 32:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5437, 7438, 6405





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Natsal Pach Yaquwsh


English Name:

The Lord shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler


Key Reference:

Psalms 91:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5337, 6341, 3353





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Balal Ra`anan Shemen


English Name:

The Lord anoints me with fresh oil


Key Reference:

Psalms 92:10


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1101, 7488, 8081





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Pa’ar `Anav Yeshua


English Name:

The Lord beautifies the meek with salvation


Key Reference:

Psalms 149:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6286, 6035, 3444





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Athereth Shalom ‘Emeth


English Name:

Lord of the abundance of peace and truth


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 33:6


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7965, 6283





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Kicce’ Kuwn ‘Az


English Name:

The Lord’s Throne is established of old


Key Reference:

Psalms 93:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3678, 3559, 227





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan ‘Omer


English Name:

The Lord gave the Word (great was the company of those that published it)


Key Reference:

Psalms 68:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 562





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shamar ‘al Nuwm


English Name:

The Lord that keeps you will not slumber


Key Reference:

Psalms 121:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 8104, 408, 5123





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Mish’alah Leb


English Name:

The Lord will give you the desires (requests) of your heart


Key Reference:

Psalms 37:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 4862, 3820





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah lo’ raphah lo’ `Azab


English Name:

The Lord will not fail you nor forsake you


Key Reference:

Deuteronomy 31:6,8


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3808, 7503, 3808, 5800





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shalach Dabar Rapha


English Name:

The Lord sent His Word and healed them (and delivered them from their destructions)


Key Reference:

Psalms 107:20


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7971, 1697, 7495





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Alah Sha’own Bowr


English Name:

The Lord brought me up from a horrible pit


Key Reference:

Psalms 40:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5927, 7588, 953





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Alah Yaven Tiyt


English Name:

The Lord lifted me out of the miry clay


Key Reference:

Psalms 40:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5927, 3121, 2916





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Kuwn ‘Ashur


English Name:

The Lord has established my goings


Key Reference:

Psalms 40:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3559, 838





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Chadash Shiyr Peh


English Name:

The Lord has put a new song in my mouth


Key Reference:

Psalms 40:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 2319, 7892, 6310





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Saba` Shaqaq Nephesh


English Name:

The Lord satisfies the longing soul


Key Reference:

Psalms 107:9


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7646, 8264, 5315





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Barak Kol `Eth Tehillah Tamiyd Peh


English Name:

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.


Key Reference:

Psalms 34:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1288, 3605, 6256, 8416, 8548, 6310





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Aqar Yashab Bayith Sameach ‘Em Ben


English Name:

The Lord makes the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children


Key Reference:

Psalms 113:9


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6135, 3497, 1004, 8056, 517, 1121





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Tsedaqah Ben Ben


English Name:

The Lord’s righteousness is unto children’s children


Key Reference:

Psalms 103:17


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6666, 1121, 1121





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Chazaq ‘Amats


English Name:

The Lord who infuses me with strength and good courage


Key Reference:

Deuteronomy 31:6


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2388, 553





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Aheb Dabeq ‘Ach


English Name:

The Lord is a friend that sticks closer than a brother


Key Reference:

Proverbs 18:24


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 157, 1695, 251





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Bachan Libbah Kilyah


English Name:

The Lord tries the heart and reins


Key Reference:

Psalms 7:9


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 974, 3826, 3629





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Lamad Yad Milchamah


English Name:

The Lord teaches my hands to war


Key Reference:

Psalms 18:34


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3925, 3027, 4421





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nashaq Neshiyqah Peh


English Name:

The Lord is affectionate


Key Reference:

Song of Solomon 1:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5401, 5390, 6310





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Bow’ ‘el Yayin Bayith


English Name:

The Lord has brought me to the banqueting house


Key Reference:

Song of Solomon 2:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 935, 413, 3196, 1004





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Degel `al ‘Ahabah


English Name:

The Lord’s Banner over me is Love


Key Reference:

Song of Solomon 2:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1714, 5921, 160





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Dowd Towb Yayin


English Name:

The Lord’s love is better than wine


Key Reference:

Song of Solomon 1:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1730, 2896, 3196





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Tsavah Berakah Gam


English Name:

The Lord commands the blessing for unity


Key Reference:

Psalms 133


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6680, 1293, 1571





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Kanac Dachah Yisrael


English Name:

The Lord gathers together the outcasts of Israel


Key Reference:

Psalms 147:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3664, 1760, 3478





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Aheb `Olam ‘Ahabah


English Name:

The Lord has loved you with an everlasting love


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 31:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 157, 5769, 160





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Banah `Owd Banah


English Name:

The Lord will build you again and you shall be rebuilt


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 31:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1129, 5750, 1129





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Gadowl `Asah Pala’


English Name:

The Lord is great and does wondrous things


Key Reference:

Psalms 86:10


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1419, 6213, 6381





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Ratsown `Atar Tsinnah


English Name:

The Lord’s favor will compass me about as with a shield


Key Reference:

Psalms 5:12


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7522, 5849, 6793





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shavah Regel ‘Ayalah


English Name:

The Lord makes my feet like the hinds’ feet


Key Reference:

Psalms 18:33


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7737, 7272, 355





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Cathar Tsel Kanaph


English Name:

The Lord hides me under the shadow of His wings


Key Reference:

Psalms 17:8


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5641, 6738, 3671





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Sakak le- ‘Ebrah


English Name:

The Lord shall cover you with His feathers


Key Reference:

Psalms 91:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5526, 3807a, 84





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Mala’ Kol Mish’alah


English Name:

The Lord fulfill all your petitions


Key Reference:

Psalms 20:5


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4390, 3605, 4862



Hebrew Name:

Jehovah lo’ ‘Iysh Kazab Dabar Quwm


English Name:

The Lord is not a man that He should lie; when He speaks He makes it good


Key Reference:

Numbers 23:19


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3808, 376, 3576, 1696, 6965





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Chalaph Koach Qavah


English Name:

The Lord renews our strength as we wait on Him


Key Reference:

Isaiah 40:31


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2498, 3581, 6960





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Alah ‘Eber Nesher


English Name:

The Lord will cause us to mount up with wings as eagles


Key Reference:

Isaiah 40:31


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5927, 83, 5404





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Ruwts lo’ Yaga` Yalak lo’ Ya`aph


English Name:

The Lord will cause us to run and not be weary, to walk and not faint


Key Reference:

Isaiah 40:31


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7323, 3808, 3021, 3212, 3808, 3286





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Koach Ya`eph


English Name:

The Lord gives power to the faint


Key Reference:

Isaiah 40:29-31


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 3581, 3287





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Natsal Kol Meguwrah


English Name:

The Lord delivered me from all my fears


Key Reference:

Psalms 34:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5337, 3605, 4035





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Mashach ‘Eth Qara’ Derowr Shabah


English Name:

The Lord has anointed me to proclaim liberty to the captives


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4886, 853, 7121, 1865, 7617





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Haphak Micepd Machowl


English Name:

The Lord has turned my mourning into dancing


Key Reference:

Psalms 30:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2015, 4553, 4234





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Rabats Deshe’ Na’ah


English Name:

The Lord makes me lie down in green pastures


Key Reference:

Psalms 23:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7257, 1877, 4999





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Mashach Shemen Sasown


English Name:

The Lord anoints me with the oil of gladness


Key Reference:

Psalms 45:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4886, 8081, 8342





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Elyon `al Kol ‘Erets


English Name:

The Lord is the Most High over all the earth


Key Reference:

Psalms 83:18


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5945, 5921, 3605, 776





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shalom Machashabah Tiqvah ‘Achariyth


English Name:

The Lord has good and peaceful plans for my hope and future


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 29:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7965, 4284, 8615, 319





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Azar Chayil Milchamah


English Name:

The Lord has girded me with strength for the battle


Key Reference:

Psalms 18:39


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 247, 2428, 4421





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Zakar ‘al Chatta’ah Na’ur


English Name:

The Lord remembers not the sins of my youth


Key Reference:

Psalms 25:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2142, 408, 2403, 5271





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Palah Chaciyd le-


English Name:

The Lord has set apart him who is godly for Himself


Key Reference:

Psalms 4:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6395, 2623, 3807a





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Asah Malak Ruwach


English Name:

The Lord makes His angels spirits


Key Reference:

Psalms 104:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6213, 4397, 7307





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Asah Sharath Lahat ‘Esh


English Name:

The Lord makes His ministers a flaming fire


Key Reference:

Psalms 104:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6213, 8334, 3857, 784





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Malak Chanah Cabiyb Yare’


English Name:

The Angel of the Lord encamps around them that fear Him


Key Reference:

Psalms 34:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4397, 2583, 5439, 3373





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Emeth Tsinnah Cocherah


English Name:

The Lord’s truth shall be your shield and buckler


Key Reference:

Psalms 91:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 571, 6793, 5507





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nagad le- Gadowl Batsar


English Name:

The Lord will show you great and mighty things


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 33:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5046, 3807a, 1419, 1219





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Galah Cowd ‘el- `Ebed Nabiy’


English Name:

The Lord reveals His secret unto His servants the prophets


Key Reference:

Amos 3:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1540, 5475, 413, 5650, 5030





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Qodesh Na’ah Bayith


English Name:

Holiness becometh thine house, Oh Lord, forever.


Key Reference:

Psalms 93:5


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6944, 4988, 1004





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Mala’ Ra`eb Nephesh Towb


English Name:

The Lord fills the hungry soul with goodness


Key Reference:

Psalms 107:9


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4390, 7457, 5315, 2896





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shaqah Nachal `Eden


English Name:

The Lord shall make them drink of the river of His pleasures


Key Reference:

Psalms 36:8


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 8248, 5158, 5730





Hebrew Name:

Batach ‘el Jehovah Kol Leb


English Name:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart


Key Reference:

Proverbs 3:5


Strong’s Numbers:

982, 413, 3068, 3605, 3820





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Chaphets Shalom `Ebed


English Name:

The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant


Key Reference:

Psalms 35:27


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2655, 7965, 5650





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shem Shemen Ruwq


English Name:

The Lord’s Name is as ointment poured forth


Key Reference:

Song of Solomon 1:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 8034, 8081, 7324





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Barak Shamar Chanan


English Name:

The Lord bless thee and keep thee, and be gracious unto thee


Key Reference:

Numbers 6:24-25


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1288, 8104, 2603