Saturday, August 31, 2024

Prophetic Poetry - Jesus is Beautiful! - August 31, 2024


Jesus is Beautiful!

August 31, 2024


I love, respect, honor, reverence, and hold Jesus in awe and high esteem


The both of us working together make a good team.


Jesus is beautiful and full of splendor and majesty

He is my delight and sunbeam.


His countenance emanates with light

His clothing are robes of bright white

If there is an argument between us

I am usually always in the wrong and He is in the right.


When I was in despair, the Lord heard my plight.


He gives me wings like the eagles to soar and take flight.


Jesus is a God of faith and hope

He does not care for griping and complaining and being depressed and to go around and mope.


He is looking for those who have faith

Who will believe His Word and receive and hang onto the rope of hope.


Women who are barren will conceive

Those who are blind will perceive


The enemy only comes in order to steal and kill, destroy and deceive


But Jesus came to give us abundant life

And a life without strife


He wants our joy to be complete

And for our spirit to be cheerful and upbeat


He wants to fill us with so much joy that it begins to overflow


The joy of the Lord will strengthen you and the devil will be defeated with a blow.


Joy will sustain you through every trial and test

You can lay your head down on the pillow at night and have peaceful sleep and rest.


Joy is sunshine to our soul. When you are filled with joy, it heals your heart and makes you whole.


The Lord wants you to laugh and play and have fun

He wants to see you leap for joy and to take off in the aisles at church and begin to run.


Jesus is brighter than the noonday sun.

When you walk in faith and joy

It’s like shooting the devil with a loaded gun.


There is none other like Him in heaven or earth

He is more precious than jewels, and of high worth.


He is the Pearl of Great Price

He is a man who is very rare


Our sins and sicknesses on the Cross He did bear.


For You He does deeply love and care.

Come to Jesus and let Him into your heart … to you I dare


His countenance is fair

And He has shoulder length sandy brown hair


When you behold Him face to face

You cannot get your eyes off of Him and you will stare.


Jesus died on the Cross for you and me and His flesh they did pierce and rip and tear


Jesus has a wardrobe of many robes to wear


He is Jehovah and His Name is Ya’re.


He is El Shaddai, the God of more than enough


If you believe only, He is able to bless you with houses and lands, and all of the stuff.


His grace is sufficient for you

So don’t mope around and be blue


Just trust Him and doubt not

He paid a high price for you when you He redeemed and bought


I once was in the miry clay

But Jesus pulled me out one day


I once was blind but now I see

Jesus was crucified for you and me on Calvary’s Tree.


The price of sin Jesus did pay

Jesus is the truth, the life and the Way


No one comes to the Father except through His Son

On Calvary the victory over sin and death was won.


Jesus said on the Cross: “It is finished, the work is done.”

The load was so heavy, it felt like it weighed a ton.


He endured the weight of the sins of mankind

He removed the chains that do bind


In Him, joy and peace and everlasting life you will find.

Jesus is gracious, merciful and kind.


Jesus heals and renews the mind.



Jesus is the Prince of Peace

He causes all the demonic warfare to cease

He gives you an extended life with a brand new lease.


Jesus is the light of the world,

He shines as bright as the sun


In His arms you can run

He will amaze you and you He will stun.


His work on Calvary for your joy, healing, peace, prosperity, freedom and salvation is finished and done.


For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotten Son


That whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life


Jesus died on the Cross and defeated the devil and obtained the victory and triumph over death, hell and the grave and He won.


It was for our transgressions that He was bruised and His flesh was torn


The whipping post left permanent scars on His back for you to become reborn.


He took all your sicknesses on the Cross


He purified and sanctified you and removed all the dross.


Come to Jesus today, please do not delay


Come while you still have a chance


When you receive Him as your Savior and Lord you will feel so much joy bubbling up that you will run, skip, leap and dance.


He will give you peace you never knew

Sweet love and joy, and Heaven too


Only Jesus can satisfy your soul

Only He can heal your heart and make you whole


May Jesus be the Lord of all the kingdoms of your heart


He will save you from your sins, wash you clean, and give you a brand new start.


He separates our sins from us as far as the east is from the west


He wants to bring you into His kingdom, so you can enjoy sweet peace and rest.


No one knows for sure what tomorrow may hold


Come to Jesus right now and be bold


The testimony of Jesus I have shared and told


Jesus is from eternity and of old.


Heaven has seasons like earth does and in the winter it gets cold.


In the spring it is sunny with a crispness in the air


When it snows, it doesn’t happen much and is very rare.


Heaven has a climate that is more mild


There is peace in Heaven and the animals are tame and not wild.


If you long to have children, God will open your womb and bless you with one or more than one child.


All things are possible with God for those who believe


Just wait on the Lord for His perfect timing and you shall receive.


Don’t get impatient and panic and fret


Cast all your burdens on the Lord and all your needs, in due time, will be met.


If you want to see a harvest then cast out your net.


The Apostle Paul said to pray without ceasing and to give thanks and praise, and your voice you raise.


Lift up your holy hands and bless His Name, Jehovah is Israel’s fame.


Praise wins battles and pleases the Lord

Praise also brings unity and being in one accord.


Praise causes the showers of blessings to be outpoured.


I will sing to the Lord

He is highly exalted


The horse and its rider

He has hurled into the sea


When the enemy whispered

“I shall pursue and overtake them”


The Lord blew with His breath

And like lead they sank into the depths.


The Lord is a warrior

Jehovah is His Name.


The Lord is a warrior,

He’s Israel’s fame.


If you are standing at the Red Sea (impossible situation), if you begin to praise God than He will part the Sea and you will cross over on dry land and give you the victory.


The battle is the Lord’s.


Be still and know that He is God.


Many are the afflictions of the righteous


But the Lord delivers him from them all.


If you are not yet saved, then come to the Cross right now


Before His Throne kneel and bow


Receive Him into your heart as Savior and Lord and King


He will fill your heart with love and a new song to sing.


He will put on your finger a ring.


You will be spared from death and hell’s sting.


Please do not delay, because you never know what can happen in a given day


Nobody knows when they will die and be laid in the grave


Jesus died on the Cross for you to redeem and from hell to save


Give Him your life today

He is the truth, the life and the only Way


You can only come to the Father through Him


I urge you to come to the Cross today

Whether your first name is Jim, Kim, or Tim.


He knows your name and is waiting for you to turn your life over to Him today.


Please do not put it off until another day.


Come to the Lord right now while you have a chance


There is no guarantee in life of a second chance.


Come today to the Cross, for you never know how much time you have left.


Ask Jesus to come into your heart


And for His grace, love and mercy to you to impart.


He will cleanse you of every sin


And make you clean and as white as snow outside and in.


You will never regret serving Christ Jesus our Lord


The Christian life is exciting coming into the new things of God and I guarantee you that you will never get bored.


There are two kinds of people: those who are saved and those who are going to be.


Which one are you?


If you are going to be saved, then repeat this prayer:


“Dear Lord Jesus, I give my heart and life to You. I accept You and receive you into my heart as my Savior and Lord. Thank you for cleansing me of every sin and setting me free. Thank you for giving me peace and joy and eternal life. Help me to live for You. Teach me Your Word and fill me with your love.


In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


If you prayed this simple prayer, I believe you got born again. Please find a good Bible based church in your local area and get involved to grow in your faith and to have fellowship with the saints.


God bless you!