Monday, December 23, 2024

Do You Struggle with Foreboding Thoughts?


Do You Struggle with Foreboding Thoughts?





Proverbs 15:15 says,


“All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil by anxious thoughts and forebodings. But he who has a glad heart has a continual feast regardless of circumstances.:


A person who struggles with foreboding thoughts usually struggles with deep depression, anxiety, fear, despondency and hopelessness due to circumstances in their life that are too overwhelming for them to handle.


The Bible calls forebodings “evil” in God’s sight.


Forebodings usually involves dwelling on thoughts that something negative is going to happen. People who struggle with evil forebodings always see a dim future. They always think something really tragic or bad is going to happen.


Usually they struggle in this area in their thought life due to past abuse, like Joyce Meyer did.


For years so many negative things happened to her in her childhood and teenage years, that she couldn’t think anything good or positive would ever happen for her. She always dwelled on what negative thing might happen next.


But those who think on positive, uplifting, good things always have a continual feast.


These kinds of people have the joy of the Lord in their life, and have the peace of God that surpasses understanding. They trust God completely to take care of them and turn their burdens over to the Lord for Him to take care of.


These kinds of people don’t spend all day in worry, fear, negative thinking, gloomy thoughts, or doubt and unbelief.


They believe God and have faith that God will turn their situation around.


They have their hopes up, and believe that when they speak the answer in faith, that is shall come to pass and that mountain will be removed out of their lives.


They are people of faith and hope, and trust God completely. They stand on what the Word says, and claim all the promises of God.


They are happy individuals who are joyful, bubbly and cheerful. They are upbeat. Instead of seeing gloom all around them, they see the sunshine. Instead of defeat, they are victorious. They are an overcomer.


They are built up in the Word of God. The Word of God is the candle of the Lord, which lights our path, and gives us illumination, wisdom and revelation. The entrance of God’s Word brings light.


They stand on the Word of God and expect the promises of God to come to pass in their life.


They live and speak faith. They expect what they are believing for to come to pass.


They believe only and do not doubt, and surely God does bring them out. They cast their burdens on the Lord and leave them there at the foot of the Cross.


They believe for the best outcome.


They do not fear what the future holds, but rather have positive expectation that things are going to get better and brighter. And everything is going to work out be okay.


They do not panic when they see the storm, winds and the waves, but they call upon the Lord and He says to their situation, “Peace … be still.”


Be still and know that He is God. Turn your battles over to the Lord, step back, and give Him a chance to work in the situation.


He will take your gloom and fill your heart with gladness and wipe all your tears away, and calm all of your fears. He sings over you with joy.


Choose joy today. Joy is a choice. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect in your life in order to live in the peace of God and the joy of the Lord in your daily life.


When you trust God and turn the problem over to the Lord and step back, and give Him a chance to work, He will do wonders. He will do more than you could ever ask or imagine. He will work everything out for you.


If it’s your finances, He will work that area out in your life. It is His perfect will that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. It is His perfect will that all your needs are met according to His riches in Glory in Christ Jesus. It is His will that you are fully supplied. It is His will that you be rich and wealthy.


Jesus died to give us abundant life. Life that overflows with good things.


He wants to pour out His blessings in our lives and give us a hope and a future.


If you are under a lot of pressure right now and feel inward distress in your soul, the Lord wants to lift your heavy burdens.


His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He will give you rest.


You will have God’s peace in your mind and emotions that surpasses your understanding.


Don’t be afraid, just believe only.


Have faith in God. He is able to remove those mountains from your life. You have to call into existence those things in faith you are believing for. Nothing is impossible with God. He can do anything except fail.


If He parted the literal Red Sea, He will part your figurative Red Sea and you will cross over on dry land.


If you are wandering in the wilderness right now, the Lord will cause the desert to bloom and be lush and green and flourish. There will be rivers of living water to refresh and rejuvenate your weary soul.


Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. In due time you shall reap if you believe only and faint not.


Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart, and grant your secret petitions of your heart.


He will do above and beyond what you could ever think, imagine or hope for. He is a great and mighty God, and nothing is too difficult for Him. He is great is power and mighty in deed and nothing is too hard for the Lord.


He is able to cause the barren woman to conceive children. He is able to heal the sick. He is able to restore your finances. He is able to heal your marriage. He is able to remove the strife from your life and home. He is able to give you a deep peace and rest in your soul.


Just believe only and have faith. Get into the Word and believe the promises and expect it to come to pass in your life.


To those who feel tired and weary, the Lord wants to refresh you in your physical body, your soul and emotions, your mind and in your home life.


His peace is like a river and His joy is like a fountain springing up in our soul.


If you have not felt joy in a long time, He is able to put a smile on your face and fill you with gladness and laughter.


Joy is also calm delight. Sometimes joy is hilarity where you laugh so hard it hurts your side.


His joy will sustain us through any trial we may go through.


Speak into existence what you desire to come to pass in your life and family. You will begin to see positive results.


The Bible says that we shall have what we say. Say only good and positive things.


Offer up gratitude and thanksgiving to the Lord. Begin to praise Him. Worship Him in the beauty of holiness. Love Him and adore Him. Spend time in His presence, and your soul shall be refreshed.


Give the Lord the praise, glory, honor and reverence that He deserves. Trust Him to answer your prayers. Offer up thanks and gratitude. The Lord does not care for griping and complaining, so avoid that and offer up praise instead. Praise will get you farther along than if you whine and complain.


Be single minded. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways and cannot expect to receive anything from the Lord.


Get the strife out of your home and life. Strife is an enemy to love, and where there is strife, there is also confusion and every evil demonic work.


Rejoice and be glad. May your soul rejoice in the Lord. Be happy and begin to sing praises to God. Offer up gratitude to the Lord. Things will begin to change for the better once you put these principles into operation.


Dance your way out of your problem or setback. Give glory to God and worship Him. Sing praise to Him for He is holy. He is the Awesome God who does Awesome deeds.


Fear the Lord and walk in His ways and keep His commandments, and things will go well for you. To fear the Lord, it is referring to the reverential fear of the Lord. Which is honor, reverence, love and respect.


Sometimes you have to begin to sing and praise your way out of difficult circumstances. Praise wins battles and brings about the victory.


Avoid evil forebodings and gloomy dark thoughts. Instead, dwell on the promises in God’s Word.


Become a word of faith person. Get into the Word and believe what it says, and your faith will increase. Obey the Word and see positive results in your life.


God’s Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. It gives you wisdom and revelation and illumination.


Do not worry, but believe only. Leave your burdens at the Cross. Don’t think about your problems all day long. Go and do something that you enjoy doing like a wholesome hobby or listen to praise and worship music. But stay occupied doing wholesome things. Get your mind off of your troubles, and instead think on the past victories in your life and the good things of the Lord.


Posting Scriptures around your house and reading them often helps to be a reminder to trust God.


God will work everything out in your life if you will trust Him and give Him a chance to work.


Do not be afraid, but believe only.


God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Fear involves torment and the one who fears has not been made perfect or mature in love.


Walk in love with the brethren and then God’s light will shine on your path. We know we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren. He who does not walk in love dwells in death. Love is light, and lack of love is darkness. Dwell in the light as Christ is in the light.


Abide in the Vine (Jesus) and you will bear much good fruit that will last.


Just trust and do not doubt, and surely God will bring you out. Turn your burdens over to the Lord and leave them there.


God bless you!