Monday, December 23, 2024

Peace of God


Peace of God



We go out with joy and are led by peace.


The peace of God transcends our human understanding and reasoning.


The peace of God guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.


The peace of God is an umpire in the soul discerning between good and evil.


We can experience peace like a river.


God leads us to peaceful habitations to dwell in.


Shalom is the Jewish word for peace.


When you have peace, then you know in your heart that all is well.


Living in peace means being free from conflicts and strife.


Peace, peace, wonderful peace flowing down from the Father above, sweep over my spirit forever I pray in fathomless billows of love.


Peace is knowing that everything is going to work out and be okay.


Peace does not bicker and complain and stir up trouble and strife.


Peace is the opposite of discord.


God’s peace will still all your fears.


A peaceful atmosphere is a place of rest for the mind and soul and spirit.


God gives us peace when facing losses, such as the death of a loved one.


God gives us His peace when we are battling financial trials and He helps us to be still and know that He is God.


Jesus calms all your fears and sings over you with joy.


Peace is the absence of war and chaos.


God’s peace quiets down our worries and fears.


God’s peace will quiet your mind from dwelling on foreboding thoughts.


Peace is associated with joy and love.


When you are in the perfect will of God you will have a deep sense of peace in your heart.


When you are at peace, you can hear God speak to you more clearly.


God’s peace will quiet down any distress or disturbances in your life, mind and soul.


God’s peace is like the green light giving you permission to proceed forward.


Lack of peace and unrest is a sign that it’s time to put on the brakes before proceeding forward or making major decisions.


Seek peace and pursue it.


Live in peace. Be a peaceful person to be around.


Peace does not start heated arguments which results in strife breaking out.


The wisdom from above is to live and walk in peace.


When the storms come, Jesus says “Peace, be still”, and the winds and the waves obey Him.


Shalom (peace) speaks of nothing missing and nothing broken.


Jesus is the Prince of Peace.


Jesus is the Good Shepherd and quenches our thirst by leading us like sheep beside peaceful still waters, and He restores our soul.


He leads us to peaceful, green pastures where we can lie down and rest.


Peace is the absence of conflict and tension.


When a person is angry, they tend to lose their peace until they calm down and become still in the Presence of God.


Arguing and quarrelling steals our peace.


A soft spoken person promotes peace.


A person with a sharp tongue promotes chaos and tension.


Avoid making any major decisions unless you have the peace of God on the inside about the matter.


When you get into the Word, it brings peace to your troubled mind.


When you walk in peace, you will have stability in your life and things will go well for you.


Strive for peace in your marriage and family. Avoid strife, since it’s the enemy of love.


When you walk in love, then peace will be one of the fruits.


Turn your battles over to the Lord and let Him fight your battles. He wins each and every time.


When you walk in the fruits of kindness and meekness, you will be a person of peace.


If you feel a lack of peace about a major decision, then put on the brakes and be still and pray about it. Seek the Lord and He will give you a yes or no.


If God says neither yes or no, just drop the matter because you are getting into the permissive will of God rather than His perfect will. When you are in the permissive will of God, you will encounter more complications and bumps in the road that could have been avoided if you had sought after God’s perfect and acceptable will.


When you are walking in peace, you will be stable and on an even keel, and your life won’t be like a roller coaster with the ups and downs, twists and turns.


Make it your effort to get along with others to keep the peace in the atmosphere.


Peace is power and strength.


The Holy Spirit leads us through peace in our heart and mind.


Peace does not stir up controversies or heated debates, especially on doctrines and Biblical matters.


Peace is resting in the Lord.


You won’t have peace if you are outside of the will of God.


A person who causes chaos and strife disturbs the peace in their household or in the church or workplace.


Chaos and strife cause a lack of peace within the home and relationships, and often it leads to divorce or parting ways.


Being peaceful is also being very meek and gentle.


Be considerate of your neighbors especially if you live in an apartment, and keep the music and noise down, so it does not disturb the peace.


Jesus said, “My peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”


You can have peace like a river and joy like a fountain.


If you have turmoil in your heart, God’s peace can still your inner storm.


When you are obedient to the Lord, in whatever He tells you to do, then you will have total peace.


If you are disobedient to the Lord and resist Him, then you will have turmoil on the inside of your soul.


When you gripe and complain, it stirs up tension and turmoil and the Lord does not care for murmuring and complaining. He is looking for gratitude and thanksgiving and praises.


A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.


Someday when it’s your time to go be with the Lord, you will die in peace.


Hope is joy and peace in believing.


Love, joy and peace are spiritual triplets.


Peace will protect your heart and mind.


In the family unit, if you know that something triggers anger in your spouse or loved ones, then avoid it and keep the peace. Don’t bring up issues that stir up strife and arguments. Be a man and woman of peace. And then you will have rest for your soul.


Where there is strife, there is every demonic evil work. So pursue peace and avoid strife.


In families, avoid petty issues that are not that important in order to avoid tension in the atmosphere and anger.


Learn to overlook petty quirks in others in order to keep the peace.


Your faith won’t work right in an atmosphere of unforgiveness and strife. Get the strife out of your life and pursue peace.


Sometimes it’s best to be quiet in order to keep the peace in the home and workplace.


The wisdom from above is peaceable.


Creating beautiful gardens brings a sense of peacefulness.


When there is tension and strife, there is unrest. Where there is peace, then we can enter into the rest of God.


Where there is peace among the brethren, there is unity. And where the unity is, the anointing oil is there and begins to flow.


The Bible tells us to seek after peace and pursue it.


The peace from God is represented by the dove that is gentle and peaceful.


In the marriage unit, make sure there is mutual agreement and harmony on key issues, and then the home life will be very peaceful.


On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell on the 120 in the Upper Room when they were all in one accord and in harmony, peace and unity.


God’s peace quiets down the troubled soul.


God’s peace quiets down the distressed mind and helps you think clear thoughts.


In the Lord’s Presence, there is fullness of joy and peace, and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore.


When you are at a place of peace in your life, then you will stop worrying about things you cannot control or change. You will learn to cast your cares on the Lord and trust God.


Enter into God’s Sabbath rest and stop the striving.


If you are going through a trial right now, remember that the battle is the Lord’s and He always wins each and every battle and gives you the victory.


Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him from them all.


Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.