Love is the Most
Excellent Way
is defined as:
Love is the Presence of Jesus
Love is Patient
Love is Kind
Love is Meekness (strength under control)
Love is Goodness in action
Love is Joyful
Love is Peace
Love is forgiving
Love is faith in action
Love is being faithful
Love is self-control
Love is longsuffering
Love does not brag on themselves
Love is not selfish or self-centered
Love is calm delight
Love can grow, increase and multiply
Love is joy and peace in believing
We know we have passed from death to life because we love
the brethren.
He who does not love remains in death spiritually speaking.
God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to redeem
God’s love is as vast as an ocean.
God’s love is a well that never runs dry.
God’s love for us is everlasting.
Love is more concerned about the needs of others than oneself.
Love avoids strife.
Strife is an enemy of love.
Love is not argumentative.
Love promotes unity in the home, marriage, and in churches.
Love never fails.
Faith won’t work without love.
If we remain in Jesus’ love, we will bear good fruit that
will last.
Love is greater than the gifts of the Spirit.
The Body of Christ builds itself up in love.
The person who hates one or more people walks in death and
cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless they repent.
Love is not greedy.
Love does not stir up trouble and strife.
Love is not boastful or inflated with pride.
Love is living on a higher plane.
Love is being gentle with others.
Love is disciplining your children so they grow up to be
respectful and responsible adults.
Love is extending mercy to others.
Love is expressing gratitude and thanks.
Love is warm and friendly.
Love is showing respect to others.
A wife demonstrates the most love to her husband by showing
him honor, respect, praise and reverence.
We only love Jesus because He first loved us.
Love is self-sacrificial.
Love is not demanding one’s own way.
Love is being courteous and considerate.
Love is talking in a soft spoken respectful manner.
Loving God is trusting Him completely.
Loving God is obeying His commands.
Love is being a servant leader.
Love is not envious of others or what they have.
Love is not jealous.
Love does not have a vicious spirit.
Love is not malicious.
Love does not spread gossip or lies about others.
Love does not publicly humiliate anyone.
Love does not speak, especially from the pulpit, against
other ministers, or else they might die a pre-mature death.
Love is not prejudiced against other people groups or
ethnic groups.
Love does not behave itself unmannerly.
Love is not puffed up with pride and ego.
Love apologizes to others when necessary.
Love repents when God convicts them of sin in their life or
something they did.
Love glorifies God.
Love edifies others.
Love encourages others.
Love esteems others.
Love compliments others.
Love exhorts others.
Love is everlasting.
Love is not arrogant.
Love does not point out the flaws in other people.
Love overlooks an insult and does not get even.
Love keeps their temper under control.
Love is faithful to their spouse and family.
Love treats their spouse like a king or queen.
Love honors those in authority.
Love obeys the laws of the land.
Love does not do reckless deeds.
Love walks in the light as Christ is in the light.
Love is friendly to others.
Love is a friend to the friendless.
Love provides for their family.
Love helps the poor.
Love treats their pets with kindness.
Love shows gratitude and says “thank you” often.
We are to be rooted and grounded in love.
Love is not abusive to others.
Love avoids strife in the home or workplace or church.
Love is a patient listener. They listen more than they
Love is a person of peace and grace.
Love is being a Covenant Keeper.
Love fulfills their promises.
Love is a generous provider to their family.
Love gives generous tithes and offerings.
Love is sweet and not bitter.
Love is not easily angered.
Love is gracious.
Love is cordial.
Love is praising others.
Love is a wife praising her husband.
Love is a husband praising his wife.
Love is praising and honoring and reverencing God.
Love is worshipping the Lord.
Love is faithful and true.
Love heals the brokenhearted.
Love heals wounds of the past.
Love is tender hearted.
Love magnifies the God of Israel.
God says to love our enemies and do good to them.
Love is affectionate.
Love is meeting the needs of your spouse and kids.
Love is nurturing.
Love causes the Body of Christ to grow up into spiritual
Love prays for others.
Love is a person of honesty and integrity.
Love is not rude.
Love does not display itself haughtily or have bad manners.
Love is not selfish.
Love sees the gold in people.
Love believes for the best.
Love covers others’ weaknesses.
Love keeps some things confidential.
God’s love is an unfailing love.
Love causes us to flourish in the House of God.
Love is joy and peace.
Love thinks of the needs of others before making a decision
that affects the whole family or workplace.
Love is even tempered.
Love practices self control and does not over indulge
themselves in food and drink.
Love does not drink too much alcohol and get intoxicated
and misbehave.
Love in marriage is a considerate lover.
Love is being polite to others.
Love does not focus on the quirks of others.
Love focuses on a person’s good points and strengths rather
than weak areas.
Love gives their lives for others like Jesus gave His life
for us.
Love rejoices in the truth.
Love does not deceive people.
Love does not tell lies or half truths.
Love bears up under anything and everything.
Love is not harsh or unkind.
Love is keeping the ten commandments.
Love is walking in unity with the saints.
Love is showing double honor and preferential treatment to
those who are the leaders.
Love cares about the needs of their pets.
Love cares about the feelings of others and is careful to
not offend others.
Love is not resentful or hateful, nor has ill will towards
Love does not have malice in their hearts toward others.
Love is led by the Spirit and not by the flesh.
Love is showing honor to whom honor is due.
Love is not stingy.
Love does not kill or steal or bear false witness against
Love is not a gossiper who spreads rumors.
Love refreshes the spirit of others.
Love quenches the thirsty soul.
Love is compassionate.
Love is there for others and does not abandon others.
Love is not verbally abusive or physically abusive.
Love is being responsible.
Love is not self-absorbed always thinking about themselves
all the time.
Love is pure.
Love does not commit adultery and other sexual sins and
have sexual vices or do internet porn.
Love repents right away.
Bondages and addictions can be broken by the power of God’s
Love is healing to the bones, sinews, and flesh.
Love calms down the weary soul.
Love protects others and covers others. There are some
things that are to be held confidential.
Love does not publicly broadcast other people’s sins or
weaknesses and humiliate others. Love keeps some things quiet.
Love does not broadcast fictitious things about others and
publicly humiliate them.
Love does not take others to court unless it involves
something very serious.
Love drops the issue and lets it go.
God’s love drowns our sins in the sea never to be
remembered ever again.
Love is not conceited.
Love is humble.
Jesus loved mankind and went to the Cross for us so we
could have eternal life, and prosper and be in health.
Jesus forgives all of our sins and heals all of our
diseases. He redeems our life from destruction, and crowns us with lovingkindness
and tender mercies. He does not treat us as our sins deserve, nor repay us
according to our iniquities.
Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord. Though
our sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. Though they be like
crimson, they shall be as wool.
Love nourishes the hungry soul.
Love focuses on the good traits in others rather than their
weak areas.
Love is a cheerleader for others to succeed.
Love does not resent the success of others, but rather is
happy and glad for them.
Love is not crabby or cantankerous.
Love does not swear or cuss or take God’s Name in vain.
Love desires the best for others.
Love is mild and easy to get along with.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear.
For fear involves torment and punishment. The person who fears has not been
made perfect or mature in love.
Love ministers healing to the sick.
Love ministers deliverance to the oppressed.
Love feeds the hungry and clothes the naked (those who are
living in poverty and have no money to provide for themselves).
Love meets the needs of mankind.
Love is benevolent.
Love digs wells for people who are poor to have clean drinking
Love does not make fun of other people.
Love, joy and peace are spiritual triplets.
Faith will only work if love is in operation.
If you give yourself as a martyr but have not love, it was all
in vain.
Love is walking in the light. The opposite of love is
walking in the darkness.
Love is life. Lack of love is death.
A person can only enter Heaven if they are saved and walk
in love.
Love does goodwill for others.
All of the other fruits of the Spirit have its spring in
being rooted in love.