Friday, June 7, 2024

More About Faith


More About Faith


Faith is the substance of things hoped for


Faith is the evidence of things not seen


Faith calls things into existence that are not as if it already were


Faith pleases God


Without faith, a person cannot please God


Faith moves mountains


Faith is activated by “speaking”


Faith is also activated by visualization.


Faith works in an obedient heart.


You have to have patience to obtain the promises of God.


The Spirit of faith speaks the Word of faith


Faith involves trusting God for the desired results


Faith agrees with God’s Word in spite of the circumstances or the symptoms


Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.


The shield of faith protects us from all of the fiery darts of the enemy.


Faith works by love, and love never fails.


Faith only works in a forgiving heart.


To have faith, you first have to decide what You want, and then begin to call it into existence.


Faith involves expressing gratitude to the Lord and offering up praise.


Faith makes prayer work.


If we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will grant the desires of our heart.


We can only receive by believing only without any fear or doubt or unbelief.


The man who wavers is double minded and cannot expect to receive anything from the Lord. He is unstable in all his ways.


Faith involves walking in the light that you do have.


Faith means to continue to believe even when it looks as if nothing is happening.