Monday, December 30, 2024

Daily Devotional by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland - Day 1 - A Life Worth Living


Daily Devotional by


Kenneth and Gloria Copeland



A Life Worth Living


A great many people claim to know God. They call themselves Christians and say, “The Lord told me this” or “The Lord told me that”. Yet it’s not just what we say that proves we know Jesus, it’s how we live.


The Bible says if we are abiding in Him, we will live as He lived.


How did Jesus live? First and foremost, He lived a life of love.


Jesus didn’t live for Himself. He didn’t seek to do His own will. He lived to do the will of the Father. He lived to pour out His life for others.


You might say it this way: Jesus lived to give Himself away.


Worldly people do not understand that kind of life. They’ll warn you against it. They’ll say, ‘If you live like that you’ll be miserable’. You’ll never have any fun. You’ll never get anywhere. You’ll be a weakling, and people will walk all over you.” But don’t listen. They don’t know what they’re talking about.


Jesus lived like that and His life was wonderful! He walked the earth in total victory! He defeated Satan and destroyed his works at every turn. Everywhere He went He loved people. He made the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the lame to walk. He cast out demons and raised the dead. He made people know the love of God.


No matter how the world tries to convince us that it’s more rewarding to live in sin and selfishness than in love and obedience, Jesus proved it’s not. He lived the most rewarding life in history.


If you’ll live the life of love by faith in Jesus, you’ll have the same kinds of experiences He had.  Jesus said on John 14:12 you’ll even do the works that He did. You won’t be cheated out of the good things in life. On the contrary, you’ll enjoy the most thrilling life of victory you could ever imagine. You’ll experience God pouring out His power out through you. You’ll know the joy of the Lord.


Now that’s what I call a life worth living!