Faith Quotes by Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When you forgive, your faith will produce results and
move mountains for you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#6 Believe it in your
heart; say it with your mouth. That is the principle of faith. You can have
what you say. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Hope says, “I’ll have it sometime”, faith says, “I have
it now.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If you’ve been in the habit of worrying, get in the habit of faith instead.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The faith of Thomas cannot produce the blessings of
Abraham. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If faith is a fight then
there must be enemies and hindrances to it. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
It takes faith to forgive others and yourself. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If you are a believer, you do have faith. So start where you are in faith.
Start believing God where your faith is developed right now. Kenneth W. Hagin
You are not going to get your faith to work if you don’t exercise it. People
who haven’t taken time to develop their faith have weak faith. So if they try
to believe God for something beyond their level of faith, their faith fails
them, and they are hindered for months. Then they think they don't have faith
when really they have just never developed their faith! Kenneth W. Hagin
Start developing your faith now for the things you need from God. But first you’re
going to have to know what God has said in His Word. If God hasn’t said it,
then you can't believe for it. But if He promised you something in His Word,
then you can believe Him to bring it to pass in your life. Kenneth W. Hagin
Some people confuse faith with feelings. They are always waiting for a feeling
before they will believe God. In essence, that is telling God that His Word is
a lie. But that’s not how faith works. First, you have faith, and then the
feelings come. Kenneth W. Hagin
God promised that if we believe His Word, we can receive from Him (Mark 11:24).
So our assurance must be in God’s Word. We don’t need feelings when we have the
facts—the facts of God’s Word. If God said it, shall He not do it? He watches
over His Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12). He will certainly make His Word
good in our lives if we will just believe Him! Kenneth W. Hagin
The devil may have destined us for pain and sorrow, but we can change our
destiny through faith in God. We hold the key to our own destiny and future.
God doesn’t. God already has done everything He’s going to do for mankind. He
has made a way of escape. Through the blood redemption of the Lord Jesus
Christ, we can have faith to change our destiny while on this earth. Kenneth W.
Forgiveness is two-fold: Not only must you learn to forgive others;
you also must learn to forgive yourself. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#20 It takes faith to forgive! In fact, your faith won’t work
unless you do forgive. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
In Mark 11:24, after Jesus had spoken about “What things soever ye desire, when
ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them,” with the same
breath, in the same setting, He immediately began talking about forgiveness in
connection with prayer: “And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought
against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your
trespasses” (v. 25). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
It makes a lot of difference, friends, when you walk in love. When you walk in
love, your faith will work. If my faith wasn't working, that's the first thing
I would check up on—to see if I was walking in love. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
We know that faith works by love; in fact, faith won't work any other way. In
other words, you could have faith to move mountains, but if you’re not walking
in love, your faith will be ineffective. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You’ve got to release the love of God from your heart in the same way you
release your faith—through actions and words—because faith and love are of the
heart. And faith works by love! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You need to realize that confession precedes possession. Most people want to
possess the blessing first and then they’ll confess it. But notice Jesus said,
“he shall have whatsoever he saith” (Mark 11:23). You see, at the time you say
it, you don't have it. That's because confession precedes possession. You must
confess God’s Word to bring the thing you desire into the realm of reality
(Hebrews 11:1). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You must believe your words. You must
believe in your heart that what you say will come to pass. You must believe the
Word of God in your heart and then you must believe the Word of God on your
lips. We believe and therefore we speak (2 Corinthians 4:13). Kenneth E. Hagin,
#27 Believing and speaking the Word
is operating in the same principle of faith Jesus talked about in Mark 11:23.
There are many examples in the Word that show us that, good or bad, our words
dominate our lives. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You don’t have to get in a big hurry about some things. The Bible says, “… He
that believeth shall not make haste” (Isaiah 28:16). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Faith doesn’t get in a hurry. The devil will try to push you. He will say,
“Hurry up, hurry up, hurry, hurry, hurry.” He will try to move you out of
faith, and move you into doubt, move you into unbelief, and get you away from
the leading of God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
There is a difference between speaking to your mountain, and speaking about
your mountain. Kenneth W. Hagin
Speaking about your mountain will magnify the problem in your mind. The
problem will begin to look bigger and bigger in your sight. But speaking to
your mountain keeps things in proper perspective. Kenneth W. Hagin
When you put God’s Word in your mouth, magnifying the answer above all else,
speaking to the mountain will cause it to move. Kenneth W. Hagin
Take a day and keep track of how many times you speak about the problem
you’re facing. Go to God’s Word—the Bible—and find out what it says
about the problem. Begin to replace your words about the situation with God’s
Word on the matter. Kenneth W. Hagin
Each time you start to speak about the problem, remind yourself to speak
to it. Tell it to change and conform to what the Word says. Then, watch
that mountain move! Kenneth W. Hagin
Jesus paid for salvation for every man, woman, boy, and girl who would ever
live on this earth. But people must believe on Jesus and receive Him as their
own Savior before salvation can benefit them. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Central Truth: Prayer is successful only when it is based on the promises in
God’s Word! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Do not have any anxiety about anything. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You are what you read. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Our confession will either imprison us or set us free. Our confession is the
result of our believing, and our believing is the result of our right or wrong
thinking. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
People must act like the Scriptures are true. If they don’t act like the Word
is true, they are walking by what their senses are telling them and not by what
the Bible says. That’s what is throwing them off. They’re missing the faith
realm entirely, which is based on what the Word says, not on what they see or
feel. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Healing belongs to you. It belongs to you because sickness is of the enemy. It
belongs to you because you are a spiritual child of Abraham. It belongs to you
because sickness is a curse, and Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the
law. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When you know the Word of God, it will change you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Sometimes we have to unlearn things before we can learn the right things.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Do what God says do. Endeavor to be faithful, no matter what happens or what
comes. And leave the results to God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
How little wives may realize that a biting, stinging word in the morning will
rob a husband of efficiency the whole day long. But a loving, tender, beautiful
word—a little prayer word—will fill him with music and will lead him into
victory. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Whatever God has called you to do—whatever He’s gifted and endued you by the
Holy Spirit to accomplish—He hasn’t changed His mind about it. One day you will
have to give an account of what you did with that calling. Obedience to God’s
call will bring blessing and satisfaction to your life. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
What does “righteousness” mean? First of all, it means right standing with God.
Nobody has any better standing with God than you do. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Doubt is from the devil. You have to resist doubts and rebuke them. You have to
get your mind on the answer—on God’s Word. In order to receive answers to your
prayers, you must eradicate every image, suggestion, vision, dream, impression,
feeling, and all thoughts that do not contribute to your faith and that do not
affirm that you have what you have asked God for. The word “eradicate” means to
uproot or remove. Remember, Satan moves in the sense realm, in the natural
realm, and he uses the tool of suggestion. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You Are Righteous! “For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;
that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
God’s Word says that you have your answer if you based your petition on the
Word and believed you received it when you prayed. When you believe you receive
your answer before you see it manifested, you are appropriating God’s Word by
faith. It’s that kind of faith that moves God! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
People keep on struggling when it comes to prayer and faith because they don’t
actually believe what the Word says. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number four to receiving answered prayer is guard against every evil
thought that comes into your mind to try to make you doubt God’s Word. Thoughts
are governed by observation, association, and teaching. So this step is closely
associated. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Years ago on the flyleaf of my Bible I wrote in red ink, “The Bible says it, I
believe it, and that settles it for me.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Faith changes hope into reality. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Our confession will either imprison us or set us free. Our confession is the
result of our believing, and our believing is the result of our right or wrong
thinking. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Thinking faith thoughts, and speaking faith words, will lead the heart out of
defeat and into victory. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Success is always the result of following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Believe it in your heart, say it with your mouth. That is the principle of
faith. You can have what you say. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God is glorified through healing and deliverance, not through sickness and
suffering. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Feeling is the voice of the body; reasoning is the voice of the mind;
conscience is the voice of the Spirit. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Jesus, in His earth walk, was the will of God in action. If you want to know
what God thinks about sickness─look at Jesus! He went about healing the sick!
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Stay put in the hard places, and you’ll eventually rest upon the mountaintop.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Praying in tongues charges your spirit like a battery charger charges a
battery. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is God’s “I will” to every seeker for
full salvation of spirit, soul and body. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Believers should never deal with doubts and fears because they are the devil’s
narcotics. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If what you hear preached doesn’t cause faith to come and build faith in your
spirit, then it either isn’t the Word of God or else you’re not hearing it.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Yes, sin, sickness and disease, spiritual death, poverty and everything else
that’s of the devil once ruled us. But now, bless God, we rule them─for this is
the Day of Dominion! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Thoughts may come and persist in staying. But thoughts that are not put into
word or action die unborn! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God wants us to prosper. Our need, however, is to evaluate things as they
should be evaluated─to esteem earthly things lightly ─to put first things
first. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When God moves, everybody will be blessed. If something is of the flesh,
everybody will have a sick feeling. And if something is of the devil, it seems
like the hair will stand up on your neck. That’s a simple way everyone can
judge, whether they’ve got any spiritual discernment or not. Kenneth E. Hagin,
If you stand by the Word, God will stand by you and will make His Word good in
your life. But if you don’t stand on God’s Word, then He has nothing to make
good in your life. Many folks pray and pray and pray, but they don’t pray
according to the Word. But John 15:7 says, “If ye abide in Me, and My words
abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. The
Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. Romans
8:14, 16-17
Our combat with the devil always should be with the consciousness that we have
authority over him because he is a defeated foe─the Lord Jesus Christ defeated
him for us. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The mature believer is God-conscious, and ever conscious of what God’s Word
says about him and to him. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number one to receiving answered prayer is decide what you want from God
and find the Scripture or Scriptures that definitely promise you these things.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Be careful (anxious) for nothing; but in everything, by prayer and supplication
(petition) with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6
If you do not get your mind renewed by these Bible facts─even though you are
born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, and speak with tongues─you will remain
a negative person and miss the blessings of God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Satan is the Destroyer. Jesus is the Deliverer. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Confession: I believe in my heart Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He
was raised from the dead for my justification. I confess Him as my Lord and
Savior. Jesus is my Lord. He is dominating my life. He is guiding me. He is
leading me. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God’s Word says that you have your answer if you based your petition on the
Word and believed you received it when you prayed. When you believe you receive
your answer before you see it manifested, you are appropriating God’s Word by
faith. It’s that kind of faith that moves God! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Many times we’re cheated out of the blessings God wants us to have in this life
because we’re not cooperating with Him. Instead of praying again for Sister
Gray’s healing, the congregation should have raised their hands and thanked God
that she had been healed. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If you don’t stand by the Word, although God wants to stand by you, He can’t
because the only way God works is through His Word. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Healing belongs to you. It belongs to you because sickness is of the enemy. It
belongs to you because you are a spiritual child of Abraham. It belongs to you
because sickness is a curse, and Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the
law. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When you know the Word of God, it will change you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number three to receiving answered prayer is let every thought and desire
affirm that you have what you asked for. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Bible is a legal document, sealed by the Blood of Jesus. However, it is
your believing it and your confessing it which makes it a reality to you.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Satan can move in the supernatural realm, too, because he is a spirit being as
is God. You’ve got to be able to know whether a vision, dream, impression or
suggestion is from God or Satan. Those suggestions that do not line up with the
Word are of the devil. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number six to receiving answered prayer is in your every waking moment,
think on the greatness of God and His goodness, and count your blessings. This
will increase your faith. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Make this confession out loud: “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.”
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
What we believe is a result of our thinking. If we think wrong, we will believe
wrong. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number seven to receiving answered prayer is to make every prayer relative
to what you’ve asked a statement of faith instead of unbelief. You can think
and say words of faith just as easily as you can think and say words of doubt
and unbelief. It is thinking faith thoughts and speaking faith words that leads
the heart out of defeat and into victory. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
We receive the authority of Christ when we are born again. We are made new
creatures in Christ Jesus, we inherit the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we
can use it in prayer against the enemy. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Hope says, “I’ll get healed sometime.” Heart faith says, “It’s mine now”.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God, my Heavenly Father, does not have any favorite children. He loves every
one of us with the same love. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Do what God says do. Endeavor to be faithful, no matter what happens or what
comes. And leave the results to God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If you’ll simply step out and do what He’s called you to do─whether it’s to
proclaim His Word, or to assist others through the ministry of helps─you’ll
find yourself walking into the blessings of God and a greater fulfillment in
your life than you ever dreamed possible. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When the Word gains entrance into your heart, into your spirit, faith will be
there automatically. You won’t have to seek. You won’t have to search. There
will be no effort on your part. Faith will come unconsciously into your spirit
as you feed upon and accept His words. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You are Righteous! “For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;
that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
Whatever God has called you to do─whatever He’s gifted and endued you by the
Holy Spirit to accomplish─He hasn’t changed His mind about it. One day you will
have to give an account of what you did with that calling. Obedience to God’s
call will bring blessing and satisfaction to your life. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If God’s Word says He hears and answers prayer, and if that Word doesn’t depart
from before your eyes, then you’re bound to see yourself with the things you
asked for. If you don’t see yourself with the things you desire, then God’s
Word has departed from before your eyes. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number four to receiving answered prayer is to guard against every evil
thought that comes into your mind to try to make you doubt God’s Word. Thoughts
are governed by observation, association and teaching. So this step is closely
associated. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Know the facts of God’s Word─what belongs to you and who you are in Him.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
To me, when I read the Bible, it’s God’s Word. I believe it. That settles it.
And that’s the end of it. There’s no use in discussing it. Because the Bible
says so, His words are health. They are medicine to all my flesh. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
Sometimes we have to unlearn things before we can learn the right things.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Like Dad Nelson said, “The time will come that you will need faith, either for
yourself, or for some member of your family. And if you haven’t kept your faith
strong, you’ll be at a disadvantage.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You are what you read. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
How does God look on us? He looks on us as though we had never done anything
wrong. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Feed your faith and starve your doubts. Kenneth E. Hagin Sr.
God doesn’t propagate doubt and unbelief. Every image suggestion, vision,
dream, impression, feeling, and all thoughts that do not contribute to your
believing that you have what you have asked for, should be completely cast down
and eradicated. They should be replaced with God’s Word (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God’s Word says that you have your answer if you based your petition on the
Word and believed you received it when you prayed. When you believe you receive
your answer before you see it manifested, you are appropriating God’s Word by
faith. It’s that kind of faith that moves God! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Our confession will either imprison us or set us free. Our confession is the
result of our believing, and our believing is the result of our right or wrong
thinking. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When you know the Word of God, it will change you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
But if you do not get your mind renewed with these Bible facts—even though you
are born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, and speak with tongues—you will
remain a negative person and miss the blessings of God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You’ll not have any better standing with God when you get to Heaven than you do
right now. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
What does “righteousness” mean? First of all, it means right standing with God.
Nobody has any better standing with God than you do. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number four to receiving answered prayer is guard against every evil
thought that comes into your mind to try to make you doubt God’s Word. Thoughts
are governed by observation, association, and teaching. So this step is closely
associated with step number three. The Bible says we are to cast down every
imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians
10:5). That’s why you should stay away from all places and things that do not
support your affirmation that God has answered your prayer. Your thoughts are
governed and affected by observations, associations, and teaching. That means
that sometimes you will have to stay away from the kind of churches that can
put more unbelief in you than anything else. Also, be sure to enjoy fellowship
with those who contribute to your faith. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Bible tells us in Philippians exactly what to think on. Many people are
thinking on the wrong things, and they’re defeated in life as a result. But if
you will guard against every evil thought and think only on those things which
affirm that God has heard and answered your prayers, you will be cooperating
with God in faith. You will have to guard your mind in order to develop in
faith. And as you stand your ground firm in faith, your faith will see you
through to victory. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number three to receiving answered prayer is let every thought and desire
affirm that you have what you asked for. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You Are Righteous! “For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;
that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
Feed your faith and starve your doubts. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Success is always the result of following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
“Yes, sin, sickness and disease, spiritual death, poverty and everything else
that’s of the devil once ruled us. But now, bless God, we rule them. For this
is the Day of Dominion!” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
“Prayer is a walk with God....We can minister to the Lord as a group but I’ll
tell you one thing about it, you’ll never have that intimacy of ministering to
the Lord and worshiping Him with a group that you’ll have in your own
individual life.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Faith changes hope into reality. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Believer’s should never deal with doubts and fears because they are the devil’s
narcotics. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God is glorified through healing and deliverance, not through sickness and
suffering. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Jesus, in His earth walk, was the will of God in action. If you want to know
what God thinks about sickness─look at Jesus! He went about healing the sick!
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Stay put in the hard places, and you’ll eventually rest upon the mountaintop.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is God’s “I Will” to every seeker for
full salvation of spirit, soul and body. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Learn to think in line with God’s Word. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Faith in God and His Word that is acted upon will bring results every time.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
A lot of times, our thinking is wrong. It’s not in line with the Bible. And if
our thinking is wrong, then our believing is going to be wrong. And if our
believing is wrong, then our talking is going to be wrong. Kenneth E. Hagin,
We walk in purity by walking in the Word and by walking in love. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
Godliness ensures divine protection! That simply means God will see you
through! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When you live for God, He’ll promote you. He’s on your side. He’s not against
you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
To obey the voice of God, you must know the voice of God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
It’s always right and timely to practice the Word. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Don’t you do something just because so-and-so did it. Be sure the Spirit of God
is telling you to do it. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Don't do something just because somebody else did. Don't operate on the other
fellow's experience. Operate on what you know the Bible said, and operate on
what the Holy Ghost is saying to you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The love of money is the root of all evil. It is not wrong to have money; it is
wrong for money to have you. It is wrong for money to be your master. Kenneth
E. Hagin, Sr.
Keep things in the right perspective. In other words, keep your attitudes and
motives right. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Success in God doesn’t come overnight. And if you’re not prospering in life
right now, your prosperity in God won’t appear overnight either. But if you'll
continually honor and obey God and His Word, it will come. Kenneth E. Hagin,
Honor God with your faith, your giving, and right motives. Kenneth E. Hagin,
Many Christians are not prospering today because they are not willing and
obedient to the call of God on their lives or to some specific direction God
has given them. Others simply need to get their thinking straightened out so
they can think, talk, and act in line with God’s Word concerning prosperity.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
In order to honor and obey the Word, a person must first find out what the Word
has to say. The Word of God has a great deal to say about prosperity for the
believer. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The manifestations of the Holy Spirit are as He wills; we can't make them
happen. But whether there is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit or not, we
always have the Word to act upon. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You talk about your trials, you talk about your difficulties, you talk about
your lack of faith, you talk about your lack of money, and your faith will just
absolutely shrivel. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#148 Since we have that Spirit of faith, we ought to
speak the things we believe. Never talk failure. I don’t know about you, but I
don’t believe in failure. Never talk defeat. I don’t know about you, but I don’t
believe in defeat. I believe in victory, praise God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#149 If you get any revelation from God, friends,
check it in line with the Word, and then put it into practice for yourself
before you start preaching it. If it won't work for you, it won't work for
anybody else. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#150 God is not going to bless someone whose motives
are impure. No, that person has to be willing and obedient and have the right
motives. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#151 Honor God with your faith, your giving, and right
motives. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#152 The Word works in any situation or circumstance.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#153 An unregenerate man needs life from God because
he is spiritually dead. But thanks to be God, Christ has redeemed us from
spiritual death! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#154 If you talk about sickness, it will develop
sickness in your system. If you talk about your doubts, your doubts will become
stronger, and they will destroy your faith. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#155 What you say defeats you or puts you over.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#156 If you want to walk in the perfect will of God
and experience His richest and best for your life, you’ve got to do the perfect
will of God. That requires honoring and obeying God and His Word. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
#157 If you see yourself sick. If you see yourself
unhealed. If you see yourself getting worse. That Word has departed from before
your eyes. You’re looking at something else. You’re seeing yourself with
something else. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#158 But if you will guard against every evil thought
and think only on those things which affirm that God has heard and answered
your prayers, you will be cooperating with God in faith. You will have to guard
your mind in order to develop in faith. And as you stand your ground firm in
faith, your faith will see you through to victory. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#159 Some people think truth pertains to things they
can see with their physical eye, but you can't see the things of the Spirit.
Spiritual things are not natural and they are not material. Everything we need
is provided for us in the spiritual realm by God’s Word. Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed
be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all
spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” This scripture means that
everything we need has been provided for us in Christ Jesus. You can’t see
those things, but they are there because God's Word says they are there. There
is sense-knowledge truth. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#160 So then faith cometh ... ‘We know it comes. From
where does it come? How does it come?’... ‘Faith cometh by hearing... It
doesn't come by seeing. It doesn't come by feeling. It comes by hearing.’ ‘Hearing
what?... and hearing by the Word of God. It comes by hearing the Word of God.’
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#161 Step one is to decide what you want from God and
find scriptures that promise you the things you desire. Step number two to
receiving answered prayer is ask God for the things you want and believe that
you receive them. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#162 In order to fight the good fight of faith, you
must learn how to use the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
Fighting the good fight of faith is speaking the Word out of your mouth that
you believe in your heart or your spirit. That’s why it’s important to hide the
Word of God in your heart and be ready to use Scriptures against demons when
they try to attack you and try to make you doubt God’s Word. Kenneth E. Hagin,
#163 The mature believer is God-conscious, and
ever-conscious of what God’s Word says about him and to him. Kenneth E. Hagin,
#164 And as you feed upon the Word by meditating, you
will be ready to use these Scriptures against demons who will try to make you
doubt God and who will try to rob you of what you want. It is the devil who
tries to make you doubt God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#165 Faith begins where the will, or the Word, of God
is known. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#166 Too few Christians realize the importance of the
Word of God in prayer. We know that faith begins where the will of God is
known. And we know that God's Word is His will. So find scriptures that
definitely promise the things you are asking for. If the Scriptures don’t
promise you the things you are desiring, you don’t have any business praying
for those things. And you shouldn’t want anything that the Word of God says you
shouldn’t have. Many believers are trying to pray beyond their faith. But it’s
the Word that gives you faith. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#167 Back during the Gold Rush you could go into a
stream of water and pan out a little gold dust. But if you really wanted to
make a strike and get down where the real gold was, you had to dig for it. In
the same way you can skim along on the top of scriptures—but if you really want
to find out what the Bible says, you'll have to dig down into the Word of God.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#168 Step number one to receiving answered prayer is
decide what you want from God and find the Scripture or Scriptures that
definitely promise you these things. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#169 Then the minute the first symptoms show up, they
say, “I thought the Lord healed me. I guess He didn’t.” And when they say that,
they open the door to the devil. Instead of rising up and meeting the devil
with the Word of God and commanding his power to be broken, they yield. Why?
Because they have no foundation of God’s Word in their lives. They are
depending on others to carry them on their prayers and faith. Kenneth E. Hagin,
#170 So God contacts you through your spirit—not
through your mind, and not through your body—because He is a Spirit. He's not a
mind. He’s not a man. The Bible says He isn’t. Although He has a spirit-body
over in the spirit world (angels do, too), God is not a physical being. He is a
Spirit. He contacts us through our spirit, and we contact Him through our
spirit. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#171 If your spirit were healed, you would still have
the same spirit, too, except it would just be healed. But no, blessed be God,
Second Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new
creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Not
half of them─all of them. Every bit of them. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#172 The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles
it. I'm not interested in what this or that church believes. I’m interested in
what the Bible says. I’m not interested in church creeds or church doctrines. I’m
interested in what the Bible says. If God's Word says He hears and answers
prayer, and if that Word doesn’t depart from before your eyes, then you’re
bound to see yourself with the things you asked for. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Well, if he had ever read the Bible, he should know a sinner does not get
healed spiritually. The human spirit of the lost man or woman is not healed—it’s
reborn. That person becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus. Old things are
passed away. All things become new. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Confession: I believe in my heart Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He
was raised from the dead for my justification. I confess Him as my Lord and
Savior. Jesus is my Lord. He is dominating my life. He is guiding me. He is
leading me. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number seven to receiving answered prayer is make every prayer relative to
what you’ve asked a statement of faith instead of unbelief. You can think and
say words of faith just as easily as you can think and say words of doubt and
unbelief. It is thinking faith thoughts and speaking faith words that leads the
heart out of defeat and into victory. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Satan is the destroyer. Jesus is the Deliverer. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number six to receiving answered prayer is in your every waking moment,
think on the greatness of God and His goodness, and count your blessings. This
will increase your faith. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Many people believe the lie that it is not God’s will to heal them, yet it is
illogical to believe that God heals, and at the same time believe that He won’t
heal you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The way God works is through His Word. Remember, God only works and moves in
line with His Word. He has bound Himself by His Word. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If God’s Word says He hears and answers prayer, and if that Word doesn't depart
from before your eyes, then you’re bound to see yourself with the things you
asked for. If you don't see yourself with the things you desire, then God’s
Word has departed from before your eyes. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
1. Say it. 2. Do it. 3. Receive it. 4. Tell it. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Many Christians do not take advantage of what belongs to them. Either they do
not know how to take advantage of what belongs to them, or the do not know what
belongs to them. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Bible is a legal document, sealed by the Blood of Jesus. However, it is
your believing it and your confessing it which makes it a reality to you.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Hope says, “I'll get healed sometime.” Heart faith says, “It's mine now.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You should constantly be confessing who you are. Oh no, not who you are
physically─the son or daughter of John Doe who lives on such-and-such street.
No! But who you are according to the Word of God. That’s the confession we're
to hold fast to. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Many folks pray and pray and pray, but they don’t pray according to the Word.
But John 15:7 says, If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask
what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If you stand by the Word, God will stand by you and will make His Word good in
your life. But if you don't stand on God’s Word, then He has nothing to make
good in your life. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number four to receiving answered prayer is guard against every evil
thought that comes into your mind to try to make you doubt God’s Word. Thoughts
are governed by observation, association, and teaching. So this step is closely
associated. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
People keep on struggling when it comes to prayer and faith because they don’t
actually believe what the Word says. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God’s Word says that you have your answer if you based your petition on the
Word and believed you received it when you prayed. When you believe you receive
your answer before you see it manifested, you are appropriating God’s Word by
faith. It’s that kind of faith that moves God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
To me, when I read the Bible, it’s God's Word. I believe it. That settles it.
And that’s the end of it. There’s no use in discussing it. Because the Bible
says so, His Words are health. They are medicine to all their flesh. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
Satan can move in the supernatural realm, too, because he is a spirit being, as
is God. You’ve got to be able to know whether a vision, dream, impression, or
suggestion is from God or Satan. Those suggestions that do not line up with the
Word are of the devil. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Doubt is from the devil. You have to resist doubts and rebuke them. You have to
get your mind on the answer—on God’s Word. In order to receive answers to your
prayers, you must eradicate every image, suggestion, vision, dream, impression,
feeling, and all thoughts that do not contribute to your faith and that do not
affirm that you have what you have asked God for. The word ‘eradicate’ means to
uproot or remove. Remember, Satan moves in the sense realm, in the natural
realm, and he uses the tool of suggestion. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
One. If you wait to become a conqueror before you believe you are one, you are
mistaken. You have to confess it first to become one. Faith’s confessions
create reality. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If you’ll simply step out and do what He’s called you to do whether it’s to
proclaim His Word, or to assist others through the ministry of helps—you’ll
find yourself walking into the blessings of God and a greater fulfillment in
your life than you ever dreamed possible. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step number three to receiving answered prayer is let every thought and desire
affirm that you have what you asked for. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Often I ask them if they have ever acted as though the Word is so. People must
act like the Scriptures are true. If they don’t act like the Word is true, they
are walking by what their senses are telling them and not by what the Bible
says. That’s what is throwing them off. They’re missing the faith realm
entirely, which is based on what the Word says, not on what they see or feel.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Whatever God has called you to do—whatever He’s gifted and endued you by the
Holy Spirit to accomplish—He hasn’t changed His mind about it. One day you will
have to give an account of what you did with that calling. Obedience to God’s
call will bring blessing and satisfaction to your life. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Know the facts of God’s Word—what belongs to you and who you are in Him.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Know who I am! I’m a new creature in Christ Jesus. I’m a child of God. I’m an
heir of God. I’m a joint-heir with Jesus Christ. I’m the righteousness of God.
Hallelujah. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Every person born into the family of God has the same redemption. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
God, my Heavenly Father, does not have any favorite children. He loves every
one of us with the same love. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Make this confession out loud: “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.”
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Mothers and Dads: Your home atmosphere is the product of WORDS. Children fail
because wrong WORDS were spoken. The right WORDS were not spoken. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
What we believe is a result of our thinking. If we think wrong, we will believe
wrong. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Righteousness gives you the privilege of standing in God the Father’s Presence
as though you had never committed sin. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
How does God look on us? He looks on us as though we had never done anything
wrong. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God is glorified through healing and deliverance, not through sickness and
suffering. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Word tells us that God meets our needs according to His riches in glory by
Christ Jesus. Begin to talk and act as if it is true. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You Are Righteous! “For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;
that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” 2 Corinthians 5:21.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God doesn’t propagate doubt and unbelief. Every image suggestion, vision,
dream, impression, feeling, and all thoughts that do not contribute to your
believing that you have what you have asked for, should be completely cast down
and eradicated. They should be replaced with God's Word (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
But if you do not get your mind renewed with these Bible facts—even though you
are born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, and speak with tongues—you will
remain a negative person and miss the blessings of God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God’s Word abides in us in the measure that it governs our lives─in the measure
that we act upon it. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Sometimes we have to unlearn things before we can learn the right things.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When you know the Word of God, it will change you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Name of Jesus and You. Here’s another Bible fact: The Name of Jesus belongs
to every believer, every child of God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Do what God says do. Endeavor to be faithful, no matter what happens or what
comes. And leave the results to God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Healing belongs to you. It belongs to you because sickness is of the enemy. It
belongs to you because you are a spiritual child of Abraham. It belongs to you
because sickness is a curse, and Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the
law. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God wants us to prosper. Our need, however, is to evaluate things as they
should be evaluated─to esteem earthly things lightly ─to put first things
first. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is God’s ‘I Will’ to every seeker for
full salvation of spirit, soul and body. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Do not have any anxiety about anything. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Thoughts may come and persist in staying. But thoughts that are not put into
word or action die unborn. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Jesus, in His earth walk, was the will of God in action. If you want to know
what God thinks about sickness─look at Jesus! He went about healing the sick.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Stay put in the hard places, and you’ll eventually rest upon the mountaintop.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Faith changes hope into reality. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Yes, sin, sickness and disease, spiritual death, poverty and everything else
that’s of the devil once ruled us. But now, bless God, we rule them─for this is
the Day of Dominion. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Feeling is the voice of the body; reasoning is the voice of the mind;
conscience is the voice of the spirit. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If what you hear preached doesn’t cause faith to come and build faith in your
spirit, then it either isn’t the Word of God or else you’re not hearing it.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Our confession will either imprison us or set us free. Our confession is the
result of our believing, and our believing is the result of our right or wrong
thinking. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Thinking faith thoughts, and speaking faith words, will lead the heart out of
defeat and into victory. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Believe it in your heart; say it with your mouth. That is the principle of
faith. You can have what you say. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Praying in tongues charges your spirit like a battery charger charges a
battery. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Prayer is a walk with God. We can minister to the Lord as a group but I’ll tell
you one thing about it, you'll never have that intimacy of ministering to the
Lord and worshiping Him with a group that you’ll have in your own individual
life. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Central Truth: Prayer is successful only when it is based on the promises in
God’s Word. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Success is always the result of following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#236 I’ve trained myself for years to think
like this: “How is what I am about to say or do affect the other fellow?” Love
worketh no ill to anyone! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#237 Be careful for extremes. The devil knows
if he can’t stop you, he will push you too far and you will end up in the
ditch. Stay in the middle of the Gospel road and you will reach your
destination. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
#238 Some people pick up on one part of what you
say, twist it, and go off into excess and error and create confusion in the
Body of Christ. There will probably be those who will read this book and take
what I am saying out of context and get off into error. However, misguided
people prone to error should not keep us from flowing with what is Biblical and
right. It should not keep us from flowing with what the Holy Spirit is wanting
to teach the Body of Christ in this hour! I believe that those who have ears to
hear will hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church in this hour and will
cooperate with Him to help usher in the move of God all of our hearts so
earnestly desire. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Charles Finney is probably the most outstanding exponent of prayer. He is known
as the man who prayed down revivals. He had the greatest success, and his
converts were the most consistent since the days of the Apostle Paul. It is
common knowledge that eighty-five percent of his converts remained true to God.
D. L. Moody was a great evangelist, but only about fifty percent of his
converts remained faithful. We have had a mighty move over the past several
years, but it is common knowledge that not more than fifty percent of the
converts have remained true to the Lord. Finney had the greatest success
numbers’ wise as far as keeping the fruit of his labor, since the days of the
Apostle Paul — whole cities were stirred. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God's Word abides in us in the measure that it governs our lives─in the measure
that we act upon it. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
In Chapter One, I discussed four of the seven steps to answered prayer. The
four steps already covered are as follows: 1. Decide what you want from God and
find the scripture or scriptures that definitely promise you these things. 2.
Ask God for the things you want and believe that you receive them. 3. Let every
thought and desire affirm that you have what you asked for. 4. Guard against
every evil thought that comes into your mind to try to make you doubt God’s
Word. 5.
Meditate on God’s Promises. Step number five to receiving answered
prayer is meditate constantly on the promises upon which you based the answer
to your prayer. In other words, you must see yourself in possession of what
you’ve asked for and make plans accordingly as if it were already a reality.
Proverbs 4:20-22 20 says, “My son, ATTEND TO MY WORDS; incline thine ear unto
my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of
thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all
their flesh.” God said, “My son, attend to my words . . .” (Proverbs
4:20). God will make His Word good in your life if you’ll act on it. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it. I’m not interested in
what this or that church believes. I’m interested in what the Bible says. I’m
not interested in church creeds or church doctrines. I’m interested in what the
Bible says. If God’s Word says He hears and answers prayer, and if that Word
doesn’t depart from before your eyes, then you’re bound to see yourself with
the things you asked for. If you don’t see yourself with the things you desire,
then God’s Word has departed from before your eyes. If you don’t stand by the
Word, although God wants to stand by you, He can’t, because the only way God
works is through His Word. Remember, God only works and moves in line with His
Word. He has bound Himself by His Word. He has magnified His Word above His
Name (Psalms 138:2). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
John 16:23,24 23 says, “And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily,
verily, I say unto you, WHATSOEVER ye shall ask the Father in my Name, He will
give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my Name: ASK, and ye shall
receive, that your joy may be full.”
Philippians 4:6–7 6 says, “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus.”
“My words are life unto those that find them, and my words are health, or
medicine, to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:20–22).
“For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the
works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).
Why do I say that? Because if you are expecting just prayer to do it, it won’t
work. It’s exercising faith in God’s Word that makes prayer work. To expect
prayer itself to do the job is the same as expecting your physical hand to
unlock a car door; it can’t do it by itself. You have to have the key to unlock
the door. And in prayer you have to have faith in the Name of Jesus and in the
Word of God in order to get the job done. The Name of Jesus is our key. I think
sometimes we think we can move God with our tears and our prayers and our
fasting. But God doesn’t ever change. He’s always the same (Malachi 3:6;
Hebrews 13:8). God moves when you come to Him according to His Word and use the
Word and the Name of Jesus as the key. Then prayer will work for you, and
you’ll have your answer. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
My mother told me that when she knew I was traveling, she would pray that the
Lord would be with me. I would finish a meeting in California and then travel
straight through until I got home. She would just stay awake worrying, waiting
for the telephone to ring, announcing bad news. I told her that she was wasting
her time, that she might as well not pray if she was going to keep on worrying.
She would pray that God would protect me, and then she would stay awake
worrying. That’s the way many people act when they pray. But worry can hinder
you from receiving answers to prayers. Worry can stop God from being able to
move on your behalf. Thank God, prayer means more than that. John 16:24 says,
“. . . ask, and ye SHALL RECEIVE, that your joy may be full.” When
you pray in faith, according to God’s Word, you are full of joy and rejoicing
even before the answer materializes because you know God heard you. You have
His Word for it. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
I know who I am! I’m a new creature in Christ Jesus. I’m a child of God. I’m an
heir of God. I’m a joint-heir with Jesus Christ. I’m the righteousness of God.
Hallelujah! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
So many preachers, she said, get off onto one thing and ride it like a
hobbyhorse. Some get off on women’s dress. That’s all they ever preach
about—and dressing one way or the other will not get you to heaven, or send you
to hell. You need to preach Jesus, get the people saved and filled with the
Holy Ghost, and let the Lord tell them what to do. Don’t fight other
denominations. Don’t fight fellow Christians, she advised. Just preach Jesus,
the Cross, the Blood, and the Resurrection. I’ve learned God will meet people I
never thought He’d reach, because their hearts are hungry. I don’t preach
against anything. I preach for something. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Smith Wigglesworth said once that there is something about faith that will
cause God to pass over a million people just to get to one person who is in
faith. You see, the cry of faith will bring God on the scene. The cry of faith
invokes a blessing. The word “invoke” means to call forth, to put into
operation, or to bring about. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Jesus is talking about how you as an individual can receive the desires of your
heart. Many times, people read something else into Mark 11:24. They think God
might answer their prayer if it’s His will. Well, it must have been His will to
answer their prayers or Jesus never would have said to ask! Kenneth E. Hagin,
I’m paying my tithes because I love God. And I love the church, and I want to
see it go forward and succeed. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
That’s why I’m paying tithes and giving offerings. And I expect You to honor
Your Word, and I thank You for doing it. You said, “Them that honor Me, I’ll
honor.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
I know from experience, dear friends, if you’re going to walk in health, you’re
going to have to walk in love and pray for those who persecute you and
despitefully use you. Pray for them: That’s the best way in the world to
overcome the problem. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The scriptures... when properly examined and rightly divided, do not portray
Jesus as a poverty-stricken individual. On the contrary, Jesus is seen as a Man
whose needs were met and who was regularly involved in meeting the needs of
others. He was a carpenter in his father Joseph’s business and they did very
well. Also, He was a home owner in Capernaum, Israel near the Sea of Galilee.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
What was Abraham’s blessing. Well, we know it was a three-fold blessing. First,
God promised Abraham that He was going to make him rich (Genesis 12:2,3; 13:2).
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The majority of Christians—though sincere—are weak. This is because they never
really dared to confess what God’s Word says about them. They have never dared
to confess that they are what the Bible says they are—and that they have what
the Bible says they have. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God says, “Believe and exercise my spiritual authority in the area of
finances.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Lord said to me, “Don’t pray about money like you have been. Whatever you
need, claim it in Jesus’ Name. And then you say, ‘Satan, take your hands off my
money.’ And then say, ‘Go, ministering spirits, and cause the money to come.”
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You see, you can’t always go by what it looks like. There always comes a test
to your faith. The trial of your faith, the Bible said, is more precious than
gold. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The love of money is the root of all evil. It is not wrong to have money; it is
wrong for money to have you. It is wrong for money to be your master. Kenneth
E. Hagin, Sr.
Isaiah 1:19 says, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the
land.” But we sure weren’t eating the good of the land! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Now notice Proverbs 6:2. In the margin of my Bible, that verse reads, “Thou art
taken captive with the words of thy mouth.” In other words, you said the wrong
thing, and as a result, you were taken captive. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You see, for the Word to work for you, it’s got to be both in your mouth and in
your heart. It can’t just be in your mouth. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Faith that receives the promises of God will only work by believing and saying.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If you’re saved, you already have that spirit of faith. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Since we have that spirit of faith, we ought to speak the things we believe.
Never talk failure. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If you talk about sickness, it will develop sickness in your system. If you
talk about your doubts, your doubts will become stronger, and they will destroy
your faith. If you talk about your lack of finances, it will stop the money
from coming in. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If they’ll believe in their heart what the Word of God said and confess it with
their mouth, they’ll get results. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Christians do not take advantage of what belongs to them. Either they do not
know how to take advantage of what belongs to them, or they do not know what
belongs to them. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
(Hebrews 11:1). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
One qualification for prospering is to esteem earthly things lightly. You
cannot put earthly things above spiritual things and expect to prosper as God
desires you to. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God wants you to prosper financially! But your prosperity depends on your
putting first things first. There are qualifications involved. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
The Lord said, “You do the going, and I’ll do the doing.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Physical and material prosperity depends upon your spiritual prosperity.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When you confess what and who you are in Christ, claim it, and walk in it, you
are appropriating the reality of what is legally yours. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest PROSPER and BE IN HEALTH,
“And in your own life, just say, claim or ask for it once. And whenever you
think about it, just praise God for the answer.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Your faith and prayers work by getting convinced in your heart first. It won’t
work just by saying, “Well, I’m going to try that.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Someone said, “I can stay home and be as good a Christian as anybody.” You
can’t do it. The Bible says, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves
together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the
more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
No, we don’t go to church because we’re in love with the pastor or the pastor’s
wife or the Sunday school teacher. We should go to church because we love God
and want to worship Him. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not
depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).
Determine in your heart to put spiritual things first and to esteem earthly
things lightly. Put God first, even before your own self. You’ll be blessed
spiritually, physically, and in every way — you and your family as well.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You’ve got to get all three of them — your thinking, your believing, and your
speaking — synchronized with the Word of God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God’s plan is to operate through us. The Holy Spirit is our Helper. The Holy
Spirit, however, does not do the work for us. This is another place where our
thinking has been wrong. “Let the Holy Spirit do it” has been the cry of many.
But the Holy Spirit was not sent to do it! The American Revised Version of John
14:18 says, “I will not leave you helpless. I will come to you. I will send you
another Helper.” The Greek word paraclete that is translated “Comforter” means
“One called alongside to help.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Churches that muzzle God’s servant never prosper. Spiritual blessings are
withheld from them and financial blessings are withheld from them because
they’re in violation of God’s Word. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
“And how shall they hear without a preacher?” The Bible says that God ordained
that men should be saved through the preaching of the Word. Kenneth E. Hagin,
You see, a Christian is not renovated like an old mattress. An old mattress is
just made over. But the New Birth is not a reformation or a renovation. A
born-again Christian is a brand-new creature; a new creation. One translation
of Second Corinthians 5:17 reads, “He is a new species.” This new creature is
simply something that never existed before! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Romans 13:8 “Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth
another hath FULFILLED THE LAW.” Galatians 5:14 “For all THE LAW IS FULFILLED
in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
I know from experience of more than fifty years of ministry and talking with
many thousands of people through the years on a one-to-one basis, that
unforgiveness is the main reason why people’s faith doesn’t work. And
unforgiveness is the main reason why people fail to receive their healing.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Romans 13:9,10 “For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill,
Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet;
and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this
saying, namely, THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF. Love worketh no ill
to his neighbor: therefore LOVE IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW.”
Your faith will not work right without love in operation. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Many people believe the lie that it is not God’s will to heal them, yet it is
illogical to believe that God heals, and at the same time believe that He won’t
heal you. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Acts 10:38, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power;
who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil;
for God was with him.”
Abraham’s promise was three-fold in nature. It was first a spiritual blessing.
Second, it was a physical blessing. And third, it was a financial and material
blessing.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
In fact, go through the four Gospels and search the Scriptures for yourself,
and write out every verse Jesus ever mentioned relative to faith. You will find
that unforgiveness — the lack of walking in love — is a specific hindrance to
faith and prayer that Jesus mentioned (Mark 11:23-25). That doesn’t mean there
aren’t other hindrances to faith and prayer. But what it does mean is that
unforgiveness is the main hindrance to faith and answered prayer. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
“We’ve all sinned; we’ve all come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).”
In Mark 11:25, Jesus said, “When you stand praying, forgive if ye have ought
against anyone.” The word “ought” means any kind of grudge or ill will or wrong
feelings about anyone at all. That means a little grudge, a middle-sized
grudge, or a big grudge — anything at all against another person. After all,
the Bible says it’s the little foxes that spoil the vine (Song of Solomon
2:15). So many times it’s not the big things in believers’ lives that spoil
their Christian walk. It’s the many little sins they fail to deal with that
destroy their faith. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Faith is based on the knowledge of God’s Word! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Bible has the answer to every problem and to every situation in life. No
matter what happens in life, the Bible has the answer. It may not be the answer
we want to hear, but it’s the answer. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
God just blesses people who repent, forgive, and believe. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When you walk in love, you fulfill the Law — all of God’s requirements. Without
love, you won’t be able to walk in God’s ways because God is love. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
I will never be any older than I am right now. I am no older now than I was a
few years ago. I know more now than I did then, but I'm not any older. My hair
may become grayer and I may get a few more wrinkles, but the real me will never
become old. For the inward man is renewed day by day. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Be quick to repent, quick to forgive, and quick to believe God. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
In looking to the Holy Spirit for guidance, I rely as much on what He doesn't
tell me as on what He does. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Three gifts of utterance that say something: Prophecy, Diverse kinds of
tongues, Interpretation of tongues. Three gifts of power that do something: The
gift of faith, The working of miracles, The gifts of healings. Three gifts of
revelation that reveal something: The word of wisdom, The word of knowledge,
The discerning of spirits. 1 Corinthians 14
It is hard to wait without seeing anything, because the natural mind wants to
walk by sight. But God wants us to walk by faith. Faith is of the heart. Our
spirit will not be trained to walk in this way of faith overnight. We will make
some mistakes along the way and miss God. But as we continue to seek after Him,
we can train our spirit to be led of this inner voice.” Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If you don’t forgive yourself, it can keep you from receiving healing, and it
can keep your prayers from being answered because your faith won’t work except
by love. If you don’t forgive yourself, it will hinder your faith just as much
as unforgiveness toward another person will hinder your faith. It’s just as
wrong not to forgive yourself and to harbor ill will and animosity against
yourself as it is not to forgive someone else. 1 John 3:18-21 “My little
children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before
him. FOR IF OUR HEART CONDEMN US, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth
TOWARD GOD. You see, if you harbor unforgiveness and ill will in your
heart, your heart will condemn you, and you won’t be able to come boldly before
God to get your petitions answered. Your prayers will be hindered. Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
We are about to examine these marvelous truths in-depth. They are almost beyond
our capacity to grasp. But as we feed upon them, little by little, they will
become a part of our inner consciousness. We need to catch a glimpse of them in
our spirits—not in our heads. (Yet they do have to go through our heads to get
down into our hearts; the mind is the door to the heart.) Once these truths
really dawn on our hearts, people will say of us as it was said of those in the
Old Testament, “There are giants in the land,” for this will make us to become
spiritual giants! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
When you and I became born again, God became our Father. He is a love God. We
are love children of a love God, because we have been born of God, and God is
love. The nature of God in us is love. We have His nature in our spirit, not in
our flesh. (We’ve got the flesh to contend with, but we can “crucify” it).
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
We're waiting on God, and He's waiting on us, and He won't do anything until we
act. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
There are two kinds of unbelief: 1. Some doubt God’s Word because they do not
know it. This is unbelief that is based on a lack of knowledge of the Word of
God-— because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. So if
people do not hear and do not know the Word of God, they cannot have faith. 2.
Another type of unbelief is failure to be persuaded. The children of Israel
knew they were to take the Promised Land, because God had said He had given it
to them. But they could not be persuaded to act on His Word. There are many
believers who are informed about God’s Word, but they cannot be persuaded to
act on it. This is unbelief. The cure for this particular kind of unbelief is
obedience. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
He that hath the Son hath life (1 John 5:12).
The reason Christians are weak is because they have never dared to confess what
they are in Christ. You can know who you are in Christ and what you have in
Christ! The children of Israel knew what God had said belonged to them. He had
said, “I will give you the land.” Everything else God had said had come to
pass. The children of Israel had seen God’s faithfulness in everything else He
had promised them, but they could not be persuaded to act on God’s Word in this
matter of taking the land. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Well, if he had ever read the Bible, he should know a sinner does not get
healed spiritually. The human spirit of the lost man or woman is not
healed—it’s reborn. That person becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus. Old
things are passed away. All things become new. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
If your spirit were healed, you would still have the same spirit, too, except
it would just be healed. But no, blessed be God, Second Corinthians 5:17 tells
us, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a NEW creature: old things are
passed away; behold, all things are become NEW.” Not half of them—all of them.
Every bit of them. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
So God contacts you through your SPIRIT—not through your MIND, and not through
your BODY—because He is a Spirit. He’s not a mind. He’s not a man. The Bible
says He isn’t. Although He has a spirit-body over in the spirit world (angels
do, too), God is not a PHYSICAL being. He is a Spirit. He contacts us through
our spirit, and we contact Him through our spirit. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
We must have this spirit of wisdom and revelation of Christ and His Word if we
are to grow. It is not going to be imparted to us through our intellect,
either. The Holy Spirit must unveil it to us. “And I pray that the Father of
Glory may impart unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, in the knowledge
of Him, understanding mysteries and your spirit and heart receiving
illumination into the things of God (Ephesians 1:17).”
The minute the first symptoms show up, they say, “I thought the Lord healed me.
I guess He didn’t.” And when they say that, they open the door to the devil.
Instead of rising up and meeting the devil with the Word of God and commanding
his power to be broken, they yield. Why? Because they have no foundation of
God’s Word in their lives. They are depending on others to carry them on their
prayers and faith. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
We grow our faith by a constant, careful, diligent, reverent, prayerful study
of God’s Word. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Some think that authority over the devil belongs to only a few chosen people to
whom God has given special power. It doesn’t; it belongs to all the children of
God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Back during the Gold Rush you could go into a stream of water and pan out a
little gold dust. But if you really wanted to make a strike and get down where
the real gold was, you had to dig for it. In the same way you can skim along on
the top of scriptures—but if you really want to find out what the Bible says,
you’ll have to dig down into the Word of God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Scriptural promises will work if you’ll get it down on the inside of you!
Into your heart! The way you do that is not by just reading it and forgetting
it. But by meditating upon it. By thinking upon it. By feeding upon it. Until
it becomes a part of your inward man. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Salvation belongs to the sinner. Jesus already has bought the salvation of the
worst sinner, just as He did for us. That’s the reason He told us to go tell
the Good News; go tell sinners they’re reconciled to God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Faith begins where the will, or the Word, of God is known. Kenneth E. Hagin,
Dr. Lilian B. Yeoman’s, a medical doctor who received divine healing for
herself and then devoted her life to ministering and teaching this subject,
would teach what she called “healing classes” in the daytime during her revival
meetings. She wrote in one of her books to this effect, “I almost become angry
sometimes. For when we’re studying the Word of God on such an important subject
as healing for the body, you can tell people are not paying a bit of attention
to it. They’ll thumb through the songbook. Stare off into space. Look out the
window. Chew gum. And then those same people want you to pray the prayer of
faith for them. Yet they don’t want to do anything themselves.” Kenneth E.
Hagin, Sr.
There’s no sin problem. Jesus settled that. There’s just a sinner problem. Get
the sinner to Jesus, and that cures the problem. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
You will not come into victory until you gain a knowledge of the plan of God
which He planned and sent the Lord Jesus to consummate...until you gain a
knowledge of who you are in Christ, and Christ in you...until you gain a
knowledge of what He did for you in His death, burial, resurrection, ascension,
and seating at the right hand of the Father...until you gain a knowledge of
what He's doing for you right now, seated at the right hand of the Father where
He ever liveth to make intercession for you...until you gain a knowledge of
your standing before the throne of God...until you gain a knowledge of the fact
that He defeated Satan and demons, and that all the forces of the rulers of the
darkness of this world are dethroned powers, and that they can't rule over you.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
As you feed upon the Word by meditating, you will be ready to use these
scriptures against demons who will try to make you doubt God and who will try
to rob you of what you want. It is the devil who tries to make you doubt God.
Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Then the Bible says Satan took Jesus upon a pinnacle of the temple and tempted
Jesus again. Matthew 4:7-11 says, “Jesus said unto him, It is written
again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” Again, the devil taketh him up
into an exceeding high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world,
and the glory of them. And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee,
if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, “Get thee
hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him
only shalt thou serve.” Then the devil left him, and, behold, angels came and
ministered unto him. Jesus did not use a single weapon to defeat the devil on
this occasion that the saints of God do not have available to them today. When
you are being tempted by the enemy, all you have to do is say, “It is written”
and use the Word of God against Satan. But in order to be able to say that and
to resist the devil effectively, you have to be armed with the sword of the
Spirit, the Word of God. In other words, you have to hide God’s Word in your
heart by meditating on it continually in order for it to work for you. Then you
will be able to withstand the attacks of the enemy. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
The Bible says, “Fight the good fight of faith . . .” (1 Timothy
6:12). If there weren’t any hindrances to faith, there wouldn’t be a fight.
When it comes to the natural things, people will fight tooth and toe nail for
what belongs to them. But when it comes to spiritual things, many times they
just roll over and play dead! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Step one is to decide what you want from God and find scriptures that promise
you the things you desire. Step number two to receiving answered prayer is ask
God for the things you want and believe that you receive them. Certainly, the
Lord knows what we need even before we ask, but He still said for us to ask
Him. The Bible says, “. . . your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have
need of all these things” (Matthew 6:32). But He also tells you to ask for what
you need: “. . . ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be
full” (John 16:24). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
John 16:23,24 says, “And in that day ye shall ASK me nothing. Verily, verily, I
say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it
you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that
your joy may be full.” Mathew 7:7,8 says, “ASK, and it shall be given
you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every
one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that
knocketh it shall be opened.” Mark 11:23,24 says, “For verily I say unto you,
That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast
into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those
things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
Therefore, I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe
that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
Some people think truth pertains to things they can see with their physical
eye, but you can’t see the things of the Spirit. Spiritual things are not
natural and they are not material. Everything we need is provided for us in the
spiritual realm by God’s Word. Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with ALL SPIRITUAL
BLESSINGS in heavenly places in Christ.” This scripture means that everything
we need has been provided for us in Christ Jesus. You can’t see those things,
but they are there because God’s Word says they are there. There is
sense-knowledge truth. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
But if you will guard against every evil thought and think only on those things
which affirm that God has heard and answered your prayers, you will be
cooperating with God in faith. You will have to guard your mind in order to
develop in faith. And as you stand your ground firm in faith, your faith will
see you through to victory. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
Some people think truth pertains to things they can see with their physical
eye, but you can’t see the things of the Spirit. Spiritual things are not
natural and they are not material. Everything we need is provided for us in the
spiritual realm by God’s Word. Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with ALL SPIRITUAL
BLESSINGS in heavenly places in Christ. This scripture means that everything we
need has been provided for us in Christ Jesus. You can’t see those things, but
they are there because God’s Word says they are there. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.
There is sense-knowledge truth and there is revelation truth. When
sense-knowledge truth contradicts revelation truth — the truth of God’s Word —
then I start walking by revelation truth. I walk by what God has said in His
Word. That which is in the spiritual realm is made real in the natural realm
through my faith in the Word of God. My faith grasps it and creates the reality
of it in my life (Romans 4:17). So when you pray, believe that you receive
whatever it is you are praying for, and you shall have it. That’s beyond
natural thinking. In fact, the natural mind can’t grasp it. The majority of the
leaders of our churches today are sense-knowledge people. Sense knowledge has
taken the church captive. We are to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians
5:7). Believe the truth and not a lie. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.