Monday, December 30, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 4


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 4


#301 God wants you well! God wants you prosperous! God wants you whole! Just have faith and call it into existence.


#302 I believe my miracle has already happened in the unseen realm, and my faith pulls it into the seen realm.


#303 Faith needs to be exercised, like a muscle. The more you walk in faith, the easier it gets to have faith. It builds momentum.


#304 When we train our brains to dwell on faith and not the negative kind of fear, we will change our attitudes and expectations from negative to positive.


#305 Speak life over your family, bodies, home, land, finances, ministry, pets. Positive results will happen.


#306 God does not move in your life when you struggle. He moves when you pray in faith.


#307 Fill your mouth with thanksgiving. Maintain a thankful attitude all the time. It will go a long way in undergirding faith and patience.


#308 Know who you are in Christ and your authority as a Believer. You are an overcomer.


#309 Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.”


#310 Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness (or right way of living and doing things); and all these “things” (material things, or anything you need) shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33


#311 Speak life. Words have the power to create or energize, or the power to destroy.


#312 Speak life into your dead dreams. Allow the dreamer inside of you to dream again.


#313 When someone tells you it cannot be done, it’s more of a reflection of their limitations, not yours. With faith, anything is possible.


#314 Jeremiah 32:27 says, “Behold, I am the Lord (Jehovah, the Creator of everything that exists), the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me?”


#315 Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, and live the life you’ve imagined. God put those dreams in your heart.


#316 You pay God a compliment by asking great things of Him. St. Teresa of Avila


#317 The giant in front of you is never bigger than the God who lives in you. You are well able to defeat your Goliath like David did.


#318 Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul; man cannot live in health without them. Mahaliah Jackson


#319 When we least expect it, God brings a big solution that is better and easier than we ever expected!


#320 Don’t put your limits on a limitless God. Pray ridiculous prayers!


#321 The same faith that removes mountains moves us to obey God. You cannot be disobedient to God or the Word of God and have working faith.


#322 Vision is when you see it and others don’t. Faith is when you do it and others won’t. With vision and faith things can be done. Luci Swindoll


#323 The only word Satan respects is the Word of God when it is spoken and acted on. He is defeated and bound in chains by the authority of the Word of God. Jesus replied to the devil, “It is written …”


#324 God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe.


#325 Jesus said in John 10:10, “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).


#326 The beloved Apostle John said in 3 John 2, “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” Your health and financial prosperity greatly depend on the condition of the prosperity of your soul (mind, will, emotions and traditions).


#327 Set the tone for each day by speaking words of faith over your future.


#328 ASK. “Ask and it shall be given unto you.” The first step of faith is to ask God for what you want or need. You have not because you ask not (James 4:2).


#329 The mouth speaks what the heart is full of. If it’s full of faith, it will speak faith and words of life. If it’s full of hate, evil, fear or doubt, it will speak complaints, negative things and evil abusive words.


#330 God doesn’t ask you to figure it all out. He just asks you to believe.


#331 The reason that God honors faith is because faith honors God.


#332 We serve a Mighty God! In Matthew 8:27, the men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him.”


#333 Faith is not an emotion. It’s a decision to stand on the authority of God’s Word.


#334 Pray and ask. Then give God time to answer.


#335 Faith is like a little mustard seed. It starts out small like a tiny seed, but when planted it will grow exceedingly, just like the tiny mustard seed grows into a large tree giving shade to others and thick branches for birds to nest in.


#336 “The Lord shall open unto thee His good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in His season, and to bless all the work of thine hand. And thou shalt lend unto many nations, and not borrow.” Deuteronomy 28:12


#337 God planned for me to prosper in every area of life, to be blessed and not cursed, to be strong, and to take my rightful authority in the earth as a manifested son of God.


#338 Spend time in God’s Word, then see your faith increase.


#339 Great grace is activated in my life. I am empowered to prosper. The word prosper means to forge ahead, to make progress, to excel. This applies not only to money, but also to your relationships and health.


#340 Don’t dig up in doubt what you planted in faith. Elisabeth Elliott


#341 When the devil begins to pressure you, do not go back on what you prayed in faith. Stand firm until the answer comes.


#342 If you are always expecting things to not work out, shift that thinking and get your hopes up. In order for faith to work, you must first have hope. Paula White-Cain


#343 This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4


#344 H.O.P.E. = Have Only Positive Expectations


#345 Don’t downgrade your dream to match your reality. Upgrade your faith to match your destiny.


#346 Doubt sees the obstacles. Faith sees the way. Doubt sees the darkest night. Faith sees the day. Doubt dreads to take a step. Faith soars on high. Doubt questions, “Who believes?” Faith answers, “I”. Author unknown.


#347 I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible; then it is difficult; then it is done. Hudson Taylor


#348 God has a perfect plan for us. He never does it all at once, just step by step because He wants to teach us to walk by faith, not by sight.


#349 Believe God’s Word more than you do the devil’s threats.


#350 Bless your future today with faith-filled words. Whatever you declare, God will do it.


#351 The words you speak will become your reality. Only say what you would like to see happen in your life.


#352 “And God will generously provide all you need and plenty left over to share with others.” 2 Corinthians 9:8


#353 God would not have put a dream in your heart if He hadn’t already given you everything you need to fulfill it.


#354 If you have to verify things with your five senses, you are not in faith.


#355 Faith without works or corresponding action is dead. Sometimes faith can stand being tested and proven to be assured of something.


#356 The Word you speak in faith will cause you to prosper. The Word of God is alive, it will do the work!


#357 What you hear affects what you think which affects what you believe and your future.


#358 When you believe God's Word and speak it, it has the same power as if God spoke it! (Because Jesus has given us authority.)


#359 No word of God is without power. Believe it, speak it and God will manifest His goodness to you.


#360 You were born for exploits and to demonstrate the power of God to the whole world. They are waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.


#361 Your faith triggers God's anointing when you act on the Word of God.


#362 It’s never too late to start believing God for wholeness, health and breakthrough. Faith is now, time cannot limit God!


#363 Jesus didn't come to coexist with poverty, He came to destroy it. There is no poverty in Heaven, only wealth beyond human imagination.


#364 Faith is not to move God to work on your behalf. Faith moves you into position to RECEIVE what God has ALREADY given (promised, provided for) you.


#365 A spirit that is wounded or damaged, is difficult to create the force of faith to come out of it to do what needs to be done. Dr. Bill Winston


#366 Your faith takes possession of what grace has already provided.


#367 The only parts of the Bible that do you any good are the parts that you believe and act on.


#368 Jesus said that we (the Body of Christ) would do even greater works, miracles, healings and exploits than He did. Do you believe this?


#369 To do greater works than Jesus did, it requires great faith, prayer, intimacy with the Holy Spirit, obedience to the Word of God, a life of holiness, knowing your authority as a Believer, understanding who you are in Christ (your identity), receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for power and service, and walking in love.


#370 Fear is the lack of confidence. Fear always accompanies unbelief and unbelief leads to destroying your faith. Dr. Clarice Fluitt


#371 Faith begins with asking God for what you need and want. The Bible says we have not because we ask not.


#372 Faith empowers people to overcome and be successful. Fear, doubt and unbelief keep people defeated, and feeling like victims.


#373 Faith believes in the heart that God will give whatever you are asking for to you, whether you feel you deserve it or not (because God’s blessings and provision is by grace, not by merit or being spiritual enough).


#374 Faith doesn’t try to make, convince, beg, plead, force or coerce God to do something. Instead, faith claims what God already did for us when He sent Jesus to the Cross. Faith takes hold of what God has already provided for us. Everything we need in this life on earth has already been provided for us and is located in the spirit realm. Faith is what transfers it from the spirit realm into the earth realm and makes it a reality in our lives.


#375 Faith begins to speak things you are believing for into existence and believing in your heart that it will come to pass. Your words of faith, and confessing the Word of God, activate angels to work on your behalf. The Bible says that angels heed the Voice of the Word of God.


#376 Faith says the right things. Believing involves only speaking words of faith and victory, and not of doubt, unbelief, defeat, fear, negativity or complaining.


#377 Faith begins to prophesy what you would like to see come to pass in your life, and be very specific too. You have to learn how to be the prophet over your own life and family, and begin to decree and declare what the Word of God promises you can have, and it will be established unto you.


#378 Faith begins to thank and praise God, and dance for joy in advance, for your promise from God, healing, miracle, breakthrough, future spouse or provision even before it manifests.


#379 Faith begins to confess Scriptures that pertain to your situation. The Word of God, when applied, is like medicine to the body, mind, soul and spirit.


#380 Faith and patience work together as power twins. Some things take time to get from the spirit realm into the earthly realm. Also, when you are dealing with other people who are involved, you cannot override their will. God has to speak to them too and they have to make choices on their own. Sometimes it causes delays when there are other people involved.


#381 Faith involves sowing generous offerings (over and above the tithe, which is 10% of your gross income). Faith involves applying the principles of sowing and reaping.


#382 Faith is activated by visualization. When you post pictures on a vision board, in a journal, or on your computer or I-phone that represents whatever it is you are believing God for, and keep it before your eyes day and night, then eventually it becomes a reality in your life. This principle is seen in the story of Jacob and the spotted and speckled flock. It’s also seen in the account of Abraham, living in the desert, looking at the multiplied trillions of grains of sand every day during the daytime and beholding the innumerable stars in the heavens at night, and that represented how many descendants he would have (more than can be counted).


#383 Faith only operates when you are in a place of rest and peace, and fully trusting God. Striving will get you nowhere. Enter into God’s Sabbath Rest, and let Him take care of your battles for you. He wins each and every time. Get out of God’s way and don’t tie His hands by acting in the flesh. When you act in the flesh it only causes further complications and delays, and births Ishmael’s.


#384 To be in faith means to actively pursue a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Learn to hear His Voice. He speaks in numerous ways all the time. He will tell you what to do in each and every situation you face. He will give you wisdom and revelation, insight and understanding, and shed light on matters. He will lead you into all truth. He has your best interest at heart.


#385 Faith comes by HEARING. Hearing what, you may ask? Hearing, over and over again, the Word of God being taught and preached (Romans 10:17). Likewise, fear, doubt and unbelief also comes by hearing too — that is, hearing the negative reports of the devil, this world, the media, or even some religious folks who try to instill words of fear and unbelief into you and try to talk you out of your dreams. But faith in God comes from hearing the Word of God over and over again until it takes root. Faith comes from hearing faith-building messages on a consistent basis. Faith comes from learning how to get into the Word of God for yourself (self-feed) and diligently seek the Scriptures out and study it out for yourself, and dig out God’s treasures.


#386 Faith is not content with living an average, mediocre life or trying to be like everybody else. Or accepting a barely get-by, month-to-month existence financially, or getting into debt, as being the normal way it is in life. Faith is not accepting a life filled with sickness and disease and weakness as a normal part of life. Instead, faith believes it can have a better life and a more quality life. Faith accepts the fact that Jesus died to give us an abundant life (not just in Heaven someday, but also in the here and now).


#387 Faith doesn’t just wish and dream, but takes steps of action to achieve those dreams. It may mean making changes in our lifestyle and daily habits, getting advanced training, reading helpful material to help you reach your goals and dreams, or setting realistic goals that are achievable. Faith applies not only the spiritual principles found in the Word of God, but also things we can do in the natural to improve the quality of our lives. Faith partners with God to see their dreams come to pass, and their prayers answered.


#388 Faith will only work when you are walking in love and treating people with respect and honor. Dishonor will cancel out your faith and you won’t see the results in your life you would like to see. Dishonor will cut off your financial flow and cause resources to dry up. Dishonor will hinder your prayers from being answered. Dishonor will cause you to not qualify to receive your inheritance, or cause you to forfeit occupying your promised land. When you dishonor and show disrespect to others, it’s the same as dishonoring the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


#389 Faith will only work in your life if you are walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh (Galations 6). You cannot abuse or mistreat people and have working faith, or expect your prayers to be answered. You cannot come into the full blessings of God or live the abundant life if you do wicked or corrupt deeds, live in immorality, and live in disobedience to God’s commands. If you dabble into witchcraft or psychics, or get involved with others who do so, you can be assured that after a grace period you will be cut off from the Vine unless you repent – it’s that serious.


#390 Faith won’t work right if your home is filled with strife, chaos, tension, discord and fighting. God’s blessings rests on unity.


#391 Faith is like a bulldog. It is stubbornly aggressive, persistent and determined. It is a breed of remarkable ferocity, courage and tenacity of grip. Bite down on the Word of God and don’t let go. Pastor George Pearsons


#392 We must feed our spirit “faith food” to be strong. It contains the proper nutrients to have a strong spirit. Pastor George Pearsons


#393 The Lord wants you to get more aggressive about exercising your faith to lay hold of and possess new territory. Aggressively reach out with your faith and take what you need—command it to come. Demand it! Pastor George Pearsons


#394 Faith consists of believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. Zig Ziglar


#395 Faith is the Divine energy of life. Faith is alive. The Word of God is quick (alive) and active.


#396 Faith looks like extreme persistence and becomes a prayer that does not give up. Jennifer Eivaz


#397 Your words are containers that hold your future—fill them with declarations of God’s promises. Cathy Duplantis


#398 Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to. Pastor Rob Spina


#399 When you choose faith instead of fear it activates God’s power.


#400 Let faith be bigger than your fear.