Monday, April 29, 2024

Hope That Does Not Disappoint Quotes


Hope That Does Not Disappoint Quotes



#1 The Greek definition of hope is: expectation, confidence, to anticipate (usually with pleasure), to trust, to have faith.


#2 You must first have hope in order for faith to arise and work in your life (Hebrews 11:1).


#3 Hope is categorized along with faith and love (1 Corinthians 13:13).


#4 Hope in God and His promises does not disappoint us, delude us or shame us (Romans 5:5 Amplified).


#5 Hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he already has? Romans 8:24


#6 If we hope for what we do not see or have, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance, patience and composure (Romans 8:25).


#7 We were saved by hope that one day God will give us our full rights as His children, including new bodies He has promised us—bodies that will never be sick again and will never die. Romans 8:23-24


#8 Hope brings rejoicing (Romans 12:12).


#9 God is the God of Hope who gives us hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).


#10 Hope is joy and peace in believing (Romans 15:13).


#11 Jesus Christ is our hope (1 Timothy 1:1).


#12 It is said about Abraham “who against hope, believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, and being not weak in faith, Abraham considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb. Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully persuaded that, what God had promised, He was able also to perform” (Romans 4:18-21).


#13 Hope is the anchor for the soul (Hebrews 6:19).


#14 Hope sees with the eyes of faith what it is that it desires.


#15 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes it is a tree of life (Proverbs 13:12).


#16 Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord (Psalms 31:24).


#17 Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him (Psalms 42:11).


#18 Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you (Zechariah 9:12).


#19 The Lord will turn your Valley of Achor (valley of trouble) into a door of hope and you’ll be able to help others (Hosea 2:15).


#20 There is hope in your future, says the Lord (Jeremiah 31:17).


#21 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).


#22 This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I hope in Him! Lamentations 3:21-24


#23 You shall be secure and feel confident because there is hope (Job 11:18).


#24 For there is hope for a tree if it is cut down, that it will sprout again and that the tender shoots of it will not cease (Job 14:7).


#25 Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy (Psalms 33:18).


#26 Our hope is in God’s Word—His Word is true and He is faithful to all His promises (Psalms 119:114, 130:5).


#27 Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption (Psalms 130:7).


#28 Happy is he that has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God (Psalms 146:5).


#29 The Lord takes pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy (Psalms 147:11).


#30 The hopes of the godly result in happiness (Proverbs 10:28).


#31 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8


#32 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!” Lamentations 3:24


#33 It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord (Lamentations 3:26).


#34 When all hope seems to be lost, the Lord will pull you up from the pit of despair and you will live again (Ezekiel 37:11-14).


#35 For surely there is a latter end [a future and a reward], and your hope and expectation shall not be cut off (Proverbs 23:18).


#36 Through Him also we have access (entrance, introduction) by faith into this grace (state of God's favor) in which we stand. And let us rejoice and exult in our hope of experiencing and enjoying the glory of God. Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] Let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance. And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation. Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us. Romans 5:2-5 Amplified


#37 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope (Romans 15:4).


#38 It is written for our sakes, because the plowman ought to plow in hope, and the thresher ought to thresh in expectation of partaking of the harvest (1 Corinthians 9:10).


#39 For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith (Galatians 5:5).


#40 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling (Ephesians 1:18).


#41 At that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:12-13).


#42 Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).


#43 We do not sorrow as those who have no hope, but we have hope that we will be with our loved ones in heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14).


#44 The helmet (armor of God) is the hope of salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:8).


#45 That having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life (Titus 3:7).


#46 Our faith and hope are centered in and rests in God (1 Peter 1:21).


#47 Receiving grace by faith causes you to hope (2 Thessalonians 2:16).


#48 Love always hopes (1 Corinthians 13:7).


#49 Hope is like having a dream that you believe will come to pass.


#50 To have hope is to know that things are going to get better no matter how they look right now.


#51 Your future and your hope are gifts from God that no one can take away!


#52 Hope is a gift! All you have to do is receive it and you can walk in divine hope every day.


#53 When you look around at your circumstances and limitations, it can often be discouraging and disappointing.


#54 When you look UP and look to Jesus, at His possibilities, hope comes.


#55 Keep expecting God’s favor and blessing.


#56 Look at Joseph in the Bible—there was no hope left for him, except what God had promised him.


#57 As Joseph looked to God, he went from the pit to Potiphar’s house; from the prison to the Palace. And so will you!


#58 Hope is desire, but notice that the desire is accompanied by expectation. It means I am expecting something to happen.


#59 Often things never arrive because you have no expectation of it showing up.


#60 You must have anticipation that what you are hoping for, that hope will bring it to the door.


#61 Hope is defined in the Webster’s Dictionary as “a feeling that what is wanted is likely to happen”.


#62 Hope brings security. If you are looking for security, you will not find it in manmade things. It is found in trust in God.


#63 Hope in God never deceives us or misleads us. Hope in God never tricks us. Hope in God and His Word never frustrates us.


#64 If you are frustrated it’s because you have put your hope in something other than God. Hope in God never disappoints.


#65 When we are in pain, we tend to let go of the anchor of hope, but you must hold on to it.


#66 Romans 5:4 speaks of matured character and tried integrity. Endurance produces the type of character than can with joy and confidence withstand trials, hoping in God, and such hope never disappoints or shames us.


#67 In Isaiah 31:1 “woe” is a warning. Woe to those who go to the world systems for their help. Our hope is in God.


#68 The world will fool you, mislead you and disappoint you. But the kingdom of God won’t do that because it can only operate in truth.


#69 God gave Abraham a promise—I have made you a father of many nations. God quickens the dead. God made a promise pertaining to something that was dead and He called those things that be not as though they were. Abraham hoped in something in which there was no hope in the natural. It was beyond natural laws. What you’re dealing with may seem impossible and you can’t see how it’s going to happen. You can start calling those things which be not as though it were. As long as there is a residue of hope, the thing or situation can live again.


#70 What has God promised you that seems hopeless? God’s Word for you is that He can turn everything around. You must believe.


#71 Abraham was hoping in the unseen realm like it was the seen. Our hope in the unseen will bring what we are hoping for into the seen realm.


#72 Often hope is deferred because we are wavering, doubting and questioning if God can do it and we stop waiting on God and try to help God.


#73 God does not need our help. Our role is to praise Him. This displays confidence and firm relying trust with expectation.


#74 You have a right to your harvest. The enemy uses your past to discourage you and condemn you, but God is not looking at that. God is looking at your hope and faith. If you are hoping for something, you have a Blood-bought right to expect it to manifest.


#75 God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. The moment you come to Him in faith and hope, you are pleasing God.


#76 In your waiting season you cannot become anxious and move ahead of God. It takes time to get what you’re hoping for into the earthly realm.


#77 While we are waiting, God is working. Wait in hope, confidence and expectation.


#78 Genuine hope is not wishful thinking, but affirmed assurance about things that are unseen and still in the future.


#79 Hope does not arise from the individual’s desires or wishes, but from God, who is Himself the believer’s hope.


#80 Hope sets the goal. Faith obtains it.


#81 God’s hope is in you waiting, that when He shows up, you are where you are supposed to be. A lot of our hope has been deferred because we moved out of the place where we were supposed to be.


#82 Hope brings with it all joy and peace. When the manifestation of what we’re hoping for comes, it is a tree of life.


#83 Romans 5:13, in the Amplified version, talks about overflowing and bubbling over with hope.


#84 Expectation must accompany hope. Expectation is looking forward to something. It is anticipation.


#85 Expectation is looking for what is due, proper or necessary. It is prospect of the future, of advancement and blessing.


#86 You must always release your faith with hope accompanied by expectation.


#87 When you operate in faith you have to hope for whatever you’re believing for. Believing is not enough. When you believe, you have to hope for what you believe. On the other end of your hope, there has to be great expectation that will bring you to some good.


#88 How do you release God’s faith, have hope and expectation so you can get the advancement and receive the good for your life? By speaking and declaring the Word of God. You are to say what God said and wait to see what God said, with expectation.


#89 In the Law of First Mention, we see God first speaking, releasing His faith with hope accompanied with expectation in Genesis.


#90 The fact that you spoke the promise with faith, hope, accompanied with expectation, surely it’s going to come to pass.


#91 We have an anchor (hope) for our soul that gives us constant cheerful, confident, expectation that God’s goodness is ours.


#92 The anchor of the soul (hope) holds us steady while we wait on God’s provision to show up in our lives.


#93 The storms of life come to all of us but God has given us an anchor (hope) that reaches into the very presence of God.


#94 Hope is as supernatural as faith and love are.


#95 Hope is a force that keeps you holding on until the answer comes. Hope and patience work together.


#96 Hope and faith differ, in that faith changes things. Hope’s job is to keep you moving forward until the manifestation comes.


#97 Hope is focused on the future, whereas faith is right now.


#98 Faith in the Word of God will always give you hope for the future.


#99 Grace will never show up without hope.


#100 Romans 12:12 in the Message Bible says that hope is “cheerfully expectant.” The KJV says “rejoicing in hope”. The Amplified says “rejoice and exult in hope.” The Living Bible says “Be glad for all God is planning for you.” The NLT says “rejoice in our confident hope.” The NIV says “joyful in hope.”


#101 Hope is more than desiring for something to happen, or knowing that what you would like to receive is a possibility. According to the Greek definition of hope, hope is confident expectation that what you would like to see happen will come to pass, and while you are waiting, to be joyful knowing that you will receive from God what you have asked for.


#102 The spirit of faith never says “it is coming.” It always says “it’s here and I have it now.” If it is here, I begin to make preparation for what’s here like it is here.


#103 It will take more than just hope alone for a promise from God to come to pass. Hope is just a part of it. It’s going to take faith and confident expectation working together to see the manifestation of what you are believing for. It’s also going to involve “speaking” the promise.


#104 Hebrews 6:19 says that hope is an anchor to the soul. When the storms come and the winds blow, hope will keep us firmly secured so that we are not tossed to and fro.


#105 The expression “Valley of Achor” became proverbial for that which caused trouble. That which has been a source of calamity will become a source of blessing. The Valley of Achor (trouble) will be for a door of hope.


#106 Hope sees the future as better and brighter. When you have hope you believe things will change, renew and improve. Casey Treat


#107 You can’t have faith unless you first have hope.


#108 God wants us to be so full of hope, so full of expectancy, that we just can’t help believing for the best. Joel Osteen


#109 Hope is a trusting expectation that God is going to keep His Word.


#110 Hope is another stream in the fountain of joy. It is a product of the Word of God, which is revealed by the Holy Spirit. It stabilizes the heart and imparts joy in the inner man. David Oyedepo


#111 You can’t be hopeful without being joyful. You are only downcast when you become hopeless. David Oyedepo


#112 Hope is the mother of faith. If there is no hope, then there is nothing faith can substantiate, because faith is the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1). David Oyedepo


#113 You are born into a kingdom of hope, you can’t afford to live a hopeless life. God has guaranteed you a colorful future, but He has left you with the responsibility of dancing your way into it. David Oyedepo


#114 Most believers don't pay much attention to hope. They don't think of it as very important. They certainly don't consider it to be as important as faith. But the fact is, faith won't function without hope. That's because “faith is the substance of things hoped for” (Hebrews 11:1). Sometimes I say it this way, “Hope is the blueprint of faith.” Kenneth Copeland


#115 When hope is lost, faith loses its aim. It no longer has a mission to accomplish. It just scatters uselessly in every direction. Kenneth Copeland


#116 Hope is a vital link to workable faith. I mix faith with hope. If you have no hope, faith alone will not produce results. Faith gives substance to hope. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. Hope is the climate in which faith works. John Osteen


#117 Faith is the substance of things hoped for... You hope for that promise to be true for you. We all hope for the promises of the Word of God to become true in our personal life, such as healing, financial prosperity and spiritual gifts. But hope will not bring the promise into manifestation. Yet hope is needful. For without hope you won't have anything for faith to give substance to. Charles Capps


#118 People come to be prayed for hoping to be healed. But hope will not heal them, because there is no substance of healing in hope. Yet, if they didn't have hope, they wouldn't come. Many lose hope, then they have nothing for faith to give substance to. They give up too quickly. Charles Capps


#119 Faith is substance. Hope is a goal setter. Charles Capps


#120 H.O.P.E. = Have Only Positive Expectations


#121 H.O.P.E. = Hold On, Pain Ends



H. = Healing Memories

O. = Overcoming Fears

P. = Pressing Through

E. = Eternal and External Rewards


#123 Hope takes us into the Holy Place and Holy of Holies behind the Veil, into the very Presence of God. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#124 Hope causes us to triumph. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#125 We have to believe that at the end of a matter, favor and good will come out of it. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#126 Abraham waited patiently, and then received what God had promised him. He never gave up hope. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#127 God has given us both His promise and His oath. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#128 Hope is a desire accompanied by expectation. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#129 God will comfort people through you. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#130 You must have expectation that what you are hoping for will come to pass. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#131 Hope is the beginning of every idea, every desire, every vision, every dream. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#132 The starting place is the arena of hope. Hope comes long before faith. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#133 Faith is the “substance” (materiality) of things hoped for. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#134 Hope tells faith, when it goes into the Presence of God, what to choose. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#135 When a person loses hope, ideas diminish, desires fade, vision loses focus, and dreams become just dreams. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#136 Where there is no hope, there is no vision. Where there is no vision, the people perish. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#137 Hope has the power to anchor your soul. It’s through the mind (soul) that men lose hope, focus and aim, and then quit. The mind is the battlefield. The heart believes what the soul perceives. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#138 Once a ship is anchored, the anchor will keep it from drifting off course. Hope has the power to keep you on course and prevent you from sinking or crashing. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#139 Step out in hope. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#140 Hope will never make you ashamed. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#141 We’re going to make it to the other side. Jesus is in the ship with us. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#142 Hope has resurrection power. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#143 With a new heart, we can believe God for a new life. There’s no medicine like hope. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#144 Ecclesiastes 9:4 says, “Anyone who is among the living has hope for a better day and better tomorrow.” Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#145 Psalms 34:10 (Amplified) says, “The young lions lack food and suffer hunger, but they who seek (inquire of and require) the Lord [by right of their need and on the authority of His Word], none of them shall lack any beneficial thing.”


#146 Those who lack hope also lack happiness, joy and peace. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#147 People want to hear good news. The Gospel is supposed to be the Good News and impart hope. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#148 Romans 15:13 (Amplified) says to “abound” and be overflowing with hope. Abound means rich, surplus. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#149 God has hope on demand to help us overcome hopeless situations. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#150 You make your demand for hope by your authority in Christ. You have to release the Word with confidence. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#151 As born again believers, you have a right to make a demand on hope to get your needs met. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#152 Hope encourages the believer to believe that nothing is impossible to happen. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#153 Hope is having and having anticipation that something good is about to happen for me. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#154 Hope gives the hopeless an awareness that God is giving you expectation to see His goodness. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#155 No problem will ever keep God from rescuing us. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#156 Matthew 6:33 All these essential things will be added to you. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#157 Hope anchors the soul and keeps us from drifting off shore. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#158 Hope is a desire, trust, wish, happiness. Hope is beautiful. It will never leave you ashamed. Hope is believing that whatever you are believing for is likely to happen. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#159 In Romans 4:16 God’s declaration over Abraham came to pass. His promises are His declarations and decrees. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#160 There are many promises in the Bible. The promise coming to pass in your life is not based on your ability, but from the One who made the promise. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#161 When God spoke, Abraham believed God. And it was accounted to him as righteousness. Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed. He held onto his confession. Abraham didn’t deny the facts. Real Bible faith never denies the facts. But the truth says that by His stripes I am healed, and that the Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not lack. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#162 Abraham considered not the facts. Hope only considers the Word. Romans 4:19 says that his faith was so strong, it could not be undermined by the facts. Hope needs faith and faith needs hope. Your hope and faith will trump the facts. God will bring the very thing He promised you into your life. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#163 Your confession will bring forth your possession. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#164 It is not a time for wavering (Hebrews 10:23). Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#165 Romans 4:3 (TPT) Abraham’s faith transferred God’s righteousness into His account. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#166 Everything you are hoping for is located behind the Veil in the Holy of Holies. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#167 When you start calling those things that be not as though they were, it will come into being on your behalf. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#168 Hebrews 10:23 (TPT) God always keeps His promises. He is faithful to bring to pass every promise He has made to you. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#169 Romans 15:13 (Amplified) May the God of your hope fill you with all joy … bubbling over with hope.


#170 Hope encourages the believer that nothing is impossible with God. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#171 Hope is having a happy anticipation that something good is going to happen. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#172 Hope gives the hopeless an awareness that God is expecting, looking and longing to show up on your behalf with His goodness. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#173 God will rescue us. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#174 Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you. The God we serve is a good God. God has promised to take care of you. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#175 Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick. But when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life.


#176 Delay doesn’t mean denial. We have to learn to wait on the Lord. God is working things out in our favor. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#177 Romans 5:3 (Amplified) We are being developed while we’re waiting. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#178 Hope is hoping to reach a destination. A contaminated heart can’t carry hope to the desired destination. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#179 Hope energizes and motivates us to take action by causing us to step out by faith. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#180 Hope has the power to see the invisible, feel the intangible and achieve the impossible. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#181 We have to embrace hope on purpose. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#182 Hope influences our thoughts, attitudes and outlook on life, and how you speak. Keep speaking positive. Hope never speaks death to the situations you go through. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#183 In 2 King 4, the Shunamite woman’s son died. But she said, “All is well”. Never speak death to your situation. She perceived that Elisha was a man of God and prepared a room for him to stay. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#184 Perception connects you to your miracle. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#185 The Shunamite woman never allowed doubt, fear and unbelief into her heart.


#186 Hope keeps you moving forward in life. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#187 Proverbs 4:25 Look straight ahead and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#188 The more we yearn for the future, the less we will focus on the past. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#189 Hope increases momentum. Hope deletes regrets. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#190 Hope gives us access behind the Veil. It’s there we find grace and mercy. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#191 Don’t take the thought of lack and act on it or speak it. There is authority in your mouth. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#192 God wants to be the greater influence in your life. He’s a just God and will take care of us. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#193 Abraham had to believe God and stick it out to receive all God promised. Abraham had to learn to persevere. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#194 Do you have what it takes to stick it out and receive your promise? Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#195 Guard your mind. “Up” your thinking. Believe you can have it, and achieve it. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#196 He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23).


#197 God cannot lie. That’s not a part of His Divine nature. God is not a man who lies or changes his mind. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#198 “In blessing, I will bless you.” The Word of God guarantees this promise. The blessing is not stuff. The blessing is an empowerment, ability to excel and do well, to prosper. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#199 Psalms 138:2 You’ve manifested Your Word above Your Name. His Word guarantees His promises. There is nothing greater or more important than the Word of God. The Word is an unbreakable spiritual lifeline to all who believe. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#200 Hope gives faith its assignment. Hope anchors the soul. It keeps your mind and emotions from drifting. You have focus. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#201 Hope increases your faith. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#202 What gasoline is to an automobile, hope and faith are to the life of the believer. No gas means no acceleration and you can’t get to your destiny. You need faith and hope to get to your destiny in God. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#203 The Bible is a book of principles. When you work the principles, then you will see results. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#204 Without hope, your faith will never develop and will limp around. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#205 Your faith level is determined by your hope level. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#206 Romans 4:17 talks about calling things that are not reality into existence. You have to call in your finances and promises. If God said it, it will surely come to pass. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#207 Hope stabilizes the mind. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#208 Start framing your world with faith. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#209 Negativity is a hope robber. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#210 You can’t expect to feed on bad news all day and to feel good and hopeful on the inside. Bad news will never help you feel good about yourself. It robs you of peace in your soul. Bad news triggers anxiety, worry and stress. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#211 Bad news is toxic. It causes depression and pessimism. It makes you feel angry and exhausted. Bad news opens the door to fear. Fear opens the door to panic. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#212 Good news delivers hope and encouragement for a better future. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#213 The Word of God is good news. The answer is in the good news (Luke 4:18-19).


#214 He’s anointed me to be hope to the poor. There are many levels of poverty. The message of hope is your answer to poverty. Hope is the vaccine to anxiety and depression (Philippians 4:6-8 Amplified and Colossians 3:15 Amplified). Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#215 Hope in the Word. Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had, or the desire will come to pass. Hope should cause you to have joy. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#216 The words you allow into your life have the power to set the course of your life. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#217 Your attitude determines your altitude and everything about you. One word can trigger you. Words determine your day. Words determine your future and shape your destiny. You are where you are based on what you say. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#218 Words have power. They are physical containers that can become good or bad outcomes. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Focus on what is good about you. Encourage yourself in the Lord. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#219 The promise has to come to pass if you speak your hope and take steps of faith. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#220 People will be rewarded by what they say. The words we speak have consequences. You are decreeing a thing and making declarations. To declare means to make known or state clearly. To reveal, manifest. Giving things permission to exist. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#221 I’m authorized to use the Word of God and get the same results that Jesus got. The Word of God has the final authority in your life. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#222 John 1:14 The Word became flesh … the Word took on substance. Substance is that of which a thing consists, physical matter or material. Things need permission to exist. Words are sown like seeds. Mark 11:23 Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#223 Ezekiel 3:1-4 Another word for growth is “develop”. The spirit of fear will always open you up to anxiety, doubt and unbelief. If you fixate on fear, it will develop in your life. It paralyzes you. Fear paralyzes in the mind. If you fixate on faith, you will grow and develop in faith. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#224 The Gospel of the Kingdom liberates you. You have to protect your mind from bad news and from negative people. Whatever you feed on, it will grow in your heart, especially what you say. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#225 Aim with words (not to destroy, but to heal). We’re to feed on faith over fear. Feed on the Scroll (Word of God). Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#226 All prophecy is conditional. You have to get your hopes up so your faith could agree with the Word that was spoken over your life. You need to wake your hope up. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#227 The Word of God gives us hope. His Word saves us and revives us. It heals us, liberates us and keeps our soul in a constant state of peace. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#228 By this time next year, you will start delivering spiritual babies (hopes, dreams, things coming to pass). Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#229 Our words become mighty to God for the pulling down of strongholds. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#230 John 1:1-3, 14 Everything in life starts with a word to live. The word takes on material substance, and matter to reveal Himself to us. Our words contain power to take on flesh. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#231 Why am I confessing but not possessing? Could be maturity level … you’re not ready. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#232 Many things in our lives we give permission to exist (Mark 11:23). The key is not allowing doubt to enter your heart. Doubt is having a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#233 Hope and faith working on your behalf is not based on what you see, but on what you believe in your heart and what you’ve said out of your mouth. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#234 Faith is always in the NOW. Hope is in the future. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#235 Faith causes your hope to move from the invisible to visible realm. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#236 Hope is the starting point of all things. It’s the goal-setter. Hope passes the baton to faith. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#237 God has called us to land in a wealthy place. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#238 We live by believing and not by seeing. Your future and destiny depend on what you believe and what you say (2 Corinthians 5:7). Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#239 What rain is to seed is God’s Word to things (Isaiah 55:11). You’re not going down, but going up! Your words are the fertilizer to things manifesting. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#240 If words were spoken over you that were negative, like curses, begin praying for a crop failure. Pray that those words won’t manifest in your life. The negative words won’t prosper. It is void of power, void of dominion and void of authority. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#241 There is hope for your future (Jeremiah 29:11).


#242 Make me the pen of a ready writer to write upon the tablets of men’s hearts. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#243 In the midst of crisis, God still has a plan for our life. God’s plan is for good to come to you in the midst of crisis. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#244 God’s goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever! Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#245 In the midst of uncertainty, you want to look for clarity and consistency. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#246 Don’t let the enemy rob you of your time and focus, and faith, and gift, and testimony. Your gift shall rise to the top. Your confession brings about your possession. You can be in a crisis, but not affected by it. This is the time for God’s plan to kick in in your life. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#247 He who has begun a good work in you will complete it. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#248 Take time to prepare for your future. Preparation plus opportunity equals success. Listen for a clear Word. Take time to reset your life. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#249 There’s a brand new day on the horizon. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#250 In the midst of crisis, hold on to your confidence. You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


#251 You want to part ways with fear, doubt and unbelief. But keep company with faith, hope and confidence. Bishop Christopher C. Smith


It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!