Monday, April 29, 2024

Jairus and the Woman with the Issue of Blood


Jairus’ Only Daughter

Hearing and Believing

Chapter 1



Mark 5:21-24a (Amplified)

21 And when Jesus had recrossed in the boat to the other side, a great throng gathered about Him, and He was at the lakeshore.

22 Then one of the rulers of the synagogue came up, Jairus by name; and seeing Him, he prostrated himself at His feet

23 And begged Him earnestly, saying, My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay Your hands on her, so that she may be healed and live.

24 And Jesus went with him.


Luke 8:41-42 tells us that Jairus had just a one and only daughter who was sick and at the point of death.


41 And there came a man named Jairus, who had [for a long time] been a director of the synagogue; and falling at the feet of Jesus, he begged Him to come to his house,


42 For he had an only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she was dying. AMP


Jairus, who held a prestigious position as one of the rulers of the synagogue, heard that Jesus was in town. His one and only daughter, who was 12 years old and was the apple of her daddy’s eye, was very ill and at the point of death. He was desperate to do whatever he had to do to get his daughter well.


The Bible does not say so, but Jairus being wealthy, no doubt provided his daughter with the very best of physicians and specialists in that day. He had exhausted every possible avenue to get his daughter cured. Her condition was terminal and she was given a few days to live.


The timing could not have been more perfect. Jairus heard that Jesus was passing along that way in the region in which he lived. He had heard the reports of how Jesus healed the sick, performed miracles and raised the dead. Jairus was wise enough to not pass up this opportunity of finding the Master. Jairus was desperate to get a miracle for his daughter.


Jairus was a man of great faith, and Jesus was moved by his faith. According to Messianic Jewish Rabbis, they have said that it was the Jewish custom to wrap the sick person in the Tallit (prayer shawl). Before Jairus even left the house, he had his daughter wrapped up in the prayer shawl. It was the Covenant mantle.


Prophetically speaking, Jairus’ daughter was wrapped in the promises of the Covenant, two of those promises being that “I am the Lord Who heals you” (Exodus 15:26b AMP), and “With the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole” (Isaiah 53:5b AMP).


The prayer shawl also represented that his daughter was covered in prayer and intercession.


One major part of the Covenant is that God would take away all sickness and disease if His people would obey His commandments (Deuteronomy 7:15; Exodus 23:25).


In the New Testament, the Old Covenant is not done away with, but it is fulfilled in Christ. It’s an even better Covenant than the old. In the New Covenant, healing is available for both Jew and Gentile. If anyone be in Christ, he is the seed of Abraham and is an heir according to the promises (Galations 3:29).


If you are an heir, then that means that you have a legal right to claim what is rightfully yours. Healing is rightfully yours because of being an heir of God and a co-heir of Christ.


Hearing and Believing is the first step to receiving your salvation, healing, breakthrough, miracle, or anything else you are asking God for.


1. This is illustrated in the account about how Jairus heard the testimonies about Jesus healing the sick, raising the dead and performing miracles, and faith arose in his heart to believe that Jesus would heal his daughter.


Faith first comes by hearing (Romans 10:17), and hearing by the Word of God.


2. Jairus believed that the promises for healing in the Covenant (the Legal Agreement) between God and His people were legally and rightfully his to claim for his daughter. Then Jairus took it a step further and believed that he was going to find Jesus in the throng of the crowds, and that Jesus would agree to come to his house and lay His hands on his daughter and she would be healed and made whole.


In this case, Jairus had faith in what God had promised in His law about healing. The New Testament Bible had not been written yet, as we have it today. So he had his daughter wrapped in the prayer shawl, signifying that she had legal rights to the Hebrew (Old Testament) Covenant for healing.


The New Covenant takes it even further, where healing is available for the saved and the unsaved, because Jesus is a good God and loves everyone. If the unsaved can be healed (who still live by the law and are judged according to the Law), then how much more should those who are an heir of Grace receive their healing.


If anyone reading this is not yet saved or born again, Jesus is welcoming you with open arms. His love for you is like an ocean, with unlimited supply. He’s already forgiven your sins. He just wants you to accept Him as your Savior and Lord and invite His Presence into your heart.


According to Romans 10:9-10, it says “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” NKJV


Would you pray with me this simple prayer from your heart to become born again:


“Dear Father, I receive Your Son Jesus as my Savior and Lord. Come into my heart. I give my life to You. Thank You that I am born again and a brand new person in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


Now where is Jesus? Romans 8:16 says, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” NKJV


When His Spirit comes to dwell inside of us, we feel peace, the joy of the Lord, a feeling of being cleansed, and something inside of us comes alive.


Jesus said in John 7:38-39 that out of your “heart” (in the New King James Version) or “innermost being” (in the Amplified Version) shall flow rivers of living water. The phrase “rivers of living water” is in reference to being filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit.


Any sins or failures from your past are all washed away by Jesus’ Blood. The slate is now clean. You are now free from things that once enslaved you, because he whom the Son sets free, is free indeed (John 8:36).


You have always been accepted in the Beloved (Ephesians 1:6).


Therefore, if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 AMP.




Jairus’ Only Daughter

Saying, Taking Action and Receiving

Chapter 2



1. Jairus spoke by saying in his Heart (faith will only work for you if you believe it with your heart), that:


a) When Jesus comes to his house

b) And lays His hands on his daughter

c) She shall be whole and live.


The Bible says that we shall have whatever weSay” (Mark 11:23-24 NKJV), if we doubt not in our Heart.


The Greek word for “says” in the NKJV or “saith” in the KJV is epo (Strong’s #236), and it is defined as: “a primary verb (used only in the definite past tense); to speak or say (by word or writing).”


You have to speak or write as if your answer has already happened.


The Greek word for “heart” in Mark 11:23 is kardia (Strong’s #2588), which means: the heart, i.e. (figuratively), the thoughts or feelings (mind); also (by analogy), the middle.


This means that your heart, gut, mind and feelings have to be in agreement with what you speak or write in order for your promises to come to pass.


While this is true, Romans 8:7 says that the carnal mind is in enmity against God. Therefore, sometimes you can have faith in your heart while your mind is thinking contrary. However, the Word of God renews the mind (Romans 12:2). The word “renewing” in this verse is the Greek word: “anakainoo” (Strong’s #342), and is defined as: “to renovate”.


New Testament prophets usually confirm what the Holy Spirit has already spoken to us. You have to learn how to be the prophet over your own life and speak into existence whatever you want God to do in your life, and make sure that the Word of God supports it with Scriptures to back it up.


Romans 4:16-22 talks about Abraham’s faith in calling things into existence that were not as though it were, and the promise came to pass.


16 Therefore, [inheriting] the promise is the outcome of faith and depends [entirely] on faith, in order that it might be given as an act of grace (unmerited favor), to make it stable and valid and guaranteed to all his descendants — not only to the devotees and adherents of the Law, but also to those who share the faith of Abraham, who is [thus] the father of us all.


17 As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations. [He was appointed our father] in the sight of God in Whom he believed, Who gives life to the dead and speaks of the nonexistent things that [He has foretold and promised] as if they [already] existed. 


18 [For Abraham, human reason for] hope being gone, hoped in faith that he should become the father of many nations, as he had been promised, so [numberless] shall your descendants be. 


19 He did not weaken in faith when he considered the [utter] impotence of his own body, which was as good as dead because he was about a hundred years old, or [when he considered] the barrenness of Sarah's [deadened] womb. 

20 No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God,


21 Fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised.


22 That is why his faith was credited to him as righteousness (right standing with God). AMP


In Jairus’ case, he wanted healing for his only daughter. There are numerous passages in the Old Testament that Jairus could use to support healing and health for his daughter.


Luke 8:41-42 tells us that Jairus had one only daughter, and she was sick to the point of death, and he came searching for Jesus for a miracle for his only daughter.


Faith requires saying or confessing what you believe in your heart – Mark 11:22-23, Romans 10:10. 


Mark 11:22-23 says, So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” NKJV


The mountain Jesus is talking about is referring to any obstacle, difficulty or impossibility standing in your way.




Zechariah 4:6-7 in the NKJV says,


6 “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.


7 Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a [level] plain!”


Faith involves the mind or thinking to get into agreement with the Word of God and the Lord’s plan for your life.


However, you can confess that you have received your healing or miracle, but it won’t work until it gets down into your heart. Your heart and words have to be in agreement. You cannot claim something that is not in your heart and expect it to come to pass.


Salvation is received by believing and saying:


Romans 10:10

For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation. AMP


A. A person has to believe with their heart before receiving justification (which is a legal term which means a defense attorney, to excuse, to validate).


B. With the mouth, a person confesses (or speaks) and confirms his or her salvation.




2. Jairus took action. He had his daughter wrapped in the prayer shawl, signifying that she was wrapped in the promises of God and healing legally belonged to her. He told his family where he was going in the town to find Jesus, and his servants knew where to find him. Jairus pressed through the crowds until he finally found the Master. 


Faith without works is dead.  For faith to be faith, some kind of action is required - James 2:17,20,26. 



3. Jairus received his miracle. As far as Jairus was concerned, he had already received his miracle for his daughter even before he left the house to find Jesus. His mind was already made up. At the end of the story, Jesus raised his daughter from the dead and she lived and was made whole.


Believing that you have already received your miracle is Step 1.


Part of the believing is determining in your heart exactly what you want God to do for you. You have to be very specific too.


There was no doubt in Jairus’ heart. Jairus did not hope that his daughter would recover, but he knew she would be healed and live if Jesus came to his home and laid His hands on her. 


Faith does not contain doubt – Matthew 14:28-31; Mark 11:23-24.


Jairus knew, that he knew, that he knew that his daughter would be healed and live if Jesus laid His hands on her.





4. The Lord meets us at our place of faith.


In Jairus’ case, before he even left the house to find Jesus, he was confident that he would find Jesus among the crowds, and that upon explaining his situation, Jesus would agree to come to his house and lay His hands on his daughter, and she would be healed and live. 


When Jairus found Jesus, he told Jesus what he believed in his heart.  He said to Jesus, “Come and lay Your hands on her, and she shall be healed and live.”  Jesus honored his faith and went with Jairus to his house.




Jairus’ Only Daughter

Humility and Trust

Chapter 3



When Jairus found Jesus, the Bible says that he prostrated himself on the ground before Jesus, and pleaded with Jesus to come to his house, for his daughter was at the point of death.


For a man of high-ranking status and prestige, his reputation was on the line, and the position he held could have been jeopardized. Jairus was the ruler of the synagogue, and there were many Jews who were opposed to Jesus.


However, Jairus was not concerned with the thinking of his peers, but he was only concerned about getting his daughter well.


He had determined in his heart that if his peers rejected him, that it would be worth it if his daughter was healed and lived. His daughter came first above that of his peers. She was his first concern. She was the apple of her daddy’s eye and his love for her far outweighed anything else in this life.


Jairus was a responsible father. He was wealthy, and he sought out help from every avenue he could find to get medical help for his daughter. But even the most advanced of medical science could not cure her condition.


The Bible does not mention what disease or sickness the little girl had, but apparently it was not responsive to the medical treatment that was available back then. And now her condition was terminal and she was given a few days to live. Jairus had done all he could do in the natural to help his daughter get well. The only thing that could help her now would be a divine miracle from the Healer Himself.


Jairus was not ashamed to be associated with Jesus and His disciples, and laid himself on the ground in homage to Jesus as an act of saying “You are Lord, and I am not. No man can help me. Only You can help me!”


Jairus acknowledged that Jesus was Lord (“Lord”, not only meaning Master, but also meaning Jehovah) and that He had power and authority to heal the sick, cast out devils and raise the dead. Jairus humbled himself publicly, in the daytime, in full sight of the crowds to receive his miracle.


Jairus cried, “Come and lay Your hands on her, so that she may be healed and live!”


Jesus was moved by his faith and felt compassion for Jairus’ daughter and agreed to go with him to his house.


Jesus feels compassion for you too—whatever illness, heartache, suffering or circumstance you are going through. He wants to come to your house to visit you and your family, to heal you and your family and to raise your hopes from the dead.



Jairus’ Only Daughter


Woman With Issue of Blood

Jairus’ Miracle Delayed

Chapter 4



On the way to Jairus’ house, the Bible says that Jesus was thronged (some Bible versions say “almost suffocated”) by the massive crowds. There was a woman in the crowd who had suffered with an issue of blood for 12 years and she pressed in until she got close enough to touch Jesus.


As Jesus walked by or stopped to talk to someone, she quickly reached down and took hold of the hem of Jesus’ garment. She had said in her heart that if she just takes hold of the hem of His garment, she shall be made whole. Jesus wasn’t even aware that anyone touched His cloak, as He was surrounded by crowds of people.


Messianic Jewish Rabbis say that the outer garment Jesus wore was actually a prayer shawl, or tallit, with the fringes and tassles. At the very second the woman took hold of the tassles or fringes on the corner of the prayer shawl He was wearing, Jesus felt healing virtue go out of Him. He inquired who touched Him.


His disciples were baffled why Jesus would ask who touched Him, since He was thronged by the crowds. Everybody was trying to touch Him. Jesus looked around and was calling out for whoever touched Him to come forward and explain their self.


The woman, in fear and trembling, came forward and admitted that she was the one who touched the hem of His garment.


The Bible says that she told Jesus ALLLLLLL the story. Like most women, she started at the very beginning of the story and worked her way through each and every detail until she told the WHOLE story. Jesus was very patient to listen to her speak.


In the meantime, Jairus was probably getting very impatient because Jesus was supposed to be going with him to his house. His daughter’s situation was an emergency, as she could die at any moment.


They could have already been to the house by that time, but now were delayed. This other woman had been sick for a long time, but it wasn’t to the point where she was on her deathbed.


The story started out with Jairus, but then the focus was taken off of him when this woman, who was full of faith, slipped in and got her healing.


This interruption, although a good interruption, caused a delay for Jairus and for his daughter.


Yet Jesus did not seem to be worried about anything. Jesus acted like He had plenty of time and was in no rush to get to Jairus’ house.


When believing for our breakthroughs, so many times we will encounter delays and detours. Sometimes delays last for months or years.


And like in the case with Jairus, while we may be frantic at times, and we’re feeling the winds of the storm and hearing the thunder roaring around us, Jesus is perfectly calm and stable. He is the Prince of Peace, our Jehovah Shalom. He is our Rock who gives us sure footing. Jesus told us that we have the authority to speak to the stormy seas and winds in our lives and tell it: “Peace, be still” and it would obey us.


When we are believing God on a matter that involves the will or actions of someone else, sometimes there will be interferences that cause delays in our prayers being answered. Someone else may not be in agreement with you. While you can pray for someone, you cannot change someone else. To try to override someone’s will or force someone through direct or covert manipulative measures, is a form of witchcraft which is to be avoided.


Sometimes delays are due to timing issues. Our timing and God’s timing are often two different things. Sometimes it works the opposite, where God is ready for you to step out right now (He says “Now is the Time”). But you may not feel you are ready yet.


Sometimes there are other factors, which we don’t know the reason for, that cause delays to receiving our promises or breakthroughs. We may not understand the reasons why, but during those times, God wants us to trust Him.


As many modern-day preachers of the Word say, “Delay does not mean denial.”


Just because it’s taking longer than you anticipated for your prayer to be answered does not mean that your request got lost in the paperwork.


Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen.


Just because it seems like it’s now too late or impossible doesn’t mean that God agrees with human thinking.


When I was growing up, at church we used to sing an old hymn where the chorus went like this:


Got any rivers you think are uncrossable

Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through

God specializes in things thought impossible

And He will do what no other power can do.


Author: Oscar C. Eliason in 1929





Jairus’ Only Daughter


Woman With Issue of Blood

Jairus’ Daughter is Dead

Chapter 5



Jairus believed for his miracle. He believed in his heart that he would find Jesus in the crowds, and upon explaining the situation to the Master, that Jesus would agree to come to his house. For Jairus said, that if Jesus comes to his home and lays His hands on his daughter, that she would be healed and live.


Then Jairus put action to his faith. He sought out Jesus and found him. He had the Master’s full attention. He explained his emergency situation. Jesus agreed to come with him to his house and lay His hands on Jairus’ only daughter and heal her, and she would live.


On the way to the house, they were interrupted by a woman in the crowd who had pressed through the crowds to receive her healing from Jesus. They were delayed for quite a while as the woman told Jesus the WHOLE story.


She probably told Jesus every detail of her sickness—when it began, the symptoms she suffered with, how no doctors could help her but only made her worse, how she had spent every dime she had on physicians and still was not any better but rather worse, and so on. She probably told Jesus all about her life, her history and about her family.


By this time, Jairus was probably getting very impatient at this woman who was taking up so much time when his daughter could die at any moment. He was probably frustrated because Jesus didn’t act the least bit worried.


And maybe Jairus felt that it was his turn to have the attention of the Master and someone cut in on him, which was rude and showing lack of courtesy. Maybe Jairus felt that she could have waited her turn, or at the least, didn’t have to take up so much of their time in explaining her sickness, her life and her entire life history. These are human emotions that most people would probably feel if in Jairus’ shoes.


Jairus looked out of the corner of his eye and saw his servants from the house coming. His heart probably sank right then and there. It was bad news … he knew his daughter was gone. The servants said, “Why trouble the Teacher anymore, your daughter is dead.”


Upon hearing the news, Jairus’ heart was filled with sorrow and was gripped with inexpressible pain at the loss of his daughter. And all the faith that was in his heart to see her be healed and live … it was all leaking out … he experienced major disappointment … it was now too late. She was gone.


When Jesus heard what was said, He said to Jairus:


“Fear not, but only believe.”


Jesus was telling Jairus to stick to his original confession of faith for his daughter’s miracle when they first began their journey to his home.


There is power in what we say. We have to learn to be the prophet over our own life and declare the Word of the Lord over our own situations.


What did Jairus originally believe in his heart and say with his mouth concerning his daughter’s miracle? Jairus said: “When Jesus comes to my house, and lays His hands on my daughter, she will be healed and live.” That was his statement of faith and his heart was in agreement with what he said.


And so Jesus agreed to go with Jairus to his house and heal his daughter.


Jesus was telling Jairus to not back down from his original stance of faith, in spite of delay or even death. Even death was not the final word.


Fear is the opposite of faith, and Jesus told Jairus to fear not, but keep on believing.


Jesus is saying to us, prophetically, to hold onto our original confession of faith for whatever it is we are believing for—even if there has been a delay, detour or death of a dream in that promise coming to pass. Stick to what you believed and confessed in the beginning. Do not back up or back down from when and what you first believed. Press in.


Once you release the word of faith from your mouth for your situation, never back up even if the situation now seems dead, totally impossible and even unrealistic. Keep moving forward.


Jesus is not bound to our realities on this earth. God has His own idea of what is reality. He lives in a higher realm than we do. He can reverse sickness and disease. He can reverse setbacks and problems. He can reverse some of the consequences of mistakes we’ve made in the past because of His mercy and graciousness.


Jesus can even turn back the clock on the aging process. For example, I’ve heard of many testimonies where God touched someone’s body and although they are still their biological age, their physical body was years younger.


I’ve heard of people who had heart problems and God healed them, and when they went to the doctor, the cardiologist said that they may be 65 but have the heart of a 20 year old.


Francis Hunter received a creative miracle—a brand new heart when she was in her 70’s or 80’s. God is not only able to heal, but He can also replace organs with brand new ones. God’s warehouse in heaven of spare body parts is accessed through faith.


I’ve heard of cases where women who were around 45-50, that God touched their body and it was as if they were 30 years old again in terms of fertility and they conceived, had healthy pregnancies and gave birth to perfectly normal children. They even looked younger than their natural age.


I’ve heard testimonies where someone’s vision or hearing was failing, but God restored it as if they were young again. These are just a few examples of testimonies I’ve personally heard of where God turned back the aging process.


If there are dreams in your life that have died out, Jesus says to you: “Fear not, but only believe. I am not a man that I should lie, nor the son of man that I should change My mind. What I said, will I not do? What I have spoken, will I not make it good?”


If you have received promises from the Lord, and many confirmations along the way, that God said He was going to do a certain thing for you and yet it seems as if too much time has elapsed … maybe now it’s too late … it’s unrealistic … it’s beyond hope – Jesus says to you:


“Fear not, but only believe. What’s impossible for man is possible with God. Even Abraham, being not weak in faith, considered not his own body now being dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither the deadness of Sarah's womb. He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully persuaded that, what God had promised, He was able also to perform.” (Romans 4:19-21)


When Jairus got the news that his daughter was dead, Jesus’ reply was that she wasn’t dead, she was just sleeping. As in the case with Lazarus, Jesus knew in advance what He was going to do. He was planning on resurrecting her from the dead, as an illustration to us that He can resurrect any situation, dream, marriage or promise.




Jairus’ Only Daughter


Woman With Issue of Blood


Chapter 6



Notes from Sermon Preached at New Birth Church on December 5, 2010 in Pittsburg, California from Guest Speaker Dr. Samuel Chand



Jairus pleaded with Jesus to heal his young daughter who was at the point of death. Jairus said, “Come and lay Your hands on her, and she shall be healed and live.” Jesus agreed to go with Jairus to his home.


While on route to Jairus' home, Jesus stopped and took time out to minister to a woman in the crowd who had an issue of blood for 12 years.


Jairus' little girl had a loving and doting father, but the woman with the issue of blood was fatherless.


Jesus said, “I have to heal MY daughter first. Then I'll heal your daughter.”


Jesus called the woman with the issue of blood “HIS DAUGHTER”.


After Jesus ministered to His own daughter, then He went with Jairus to his home and raised Jairus' daughter from the dead.


Jesus equalizes everything.


In this world, so often those who have wealth and prestige are shown special favor, honor, attention and preferential treatment, even in the Body of Christ and in churches. They are the primary ones who have a voice. Jesus demonstrated that He views all of His children—the poor, rich, advantaged and disadvantaged—with equality.



Jesus Equalizes Everything


Jairus’ Only Daughter

Woman With Issue of Blood


Died on the same day that the woman with the issue of blood was healed.


Healed on the same day that the young girl died.


Was 12 years old and was sick.


Was sick for 12 long years.



Was wrapped in the Tallit (prayer shawl) signifying that she was wrapped in the Covenant and all the promises for healing were legally hers, and she was covered in prayer and intercession.

Took hold of the border of the Tallit (prayer shawl) that Jesus was wearing, signifying that she was taking hold of the promises of God that belonged to her in the Covenant, especially Malachi 4:2 which says that there is healing in His wings (the wings being the corners and border of the prayer shawl).


She was too young to have faith for herself to be healed. She was healed on the faith of others.


This woman was healed according to her own faith.


Twelve years of being coddled.


Twelve years of receiving no human touch (according to the law she was unclean and if anyone touched her they would become unclean).


Came from a rich family.


She spent all the money she had on physicians and was left in poverty.


She was provided for by her father.


She had no father or husband to provide for her. She was left desolate.


Jairus, being wealthy, had connections.


She had no connections.


Jairus was able to provide his daughter with the very best of physicians but his daughter remained sick and died.


She spent all the money she had on physicians, but was no better off, but rather grew worse.


She had a doting father.


She was fatherless.


She was loved and celebrated.


She was unloved and was an outcast.


She was surrounded by a large family, servants and friends.


She lived in isolation and her life was one of loneliness. She had no social network.


She was clothed in rich garments.


She was clothed in rags.


She was shown honor.


She lived in shame and disgrace.


When Jairus came to Jesus he risked his reputation as ruler of the synagogue.


When she came to Jesus she risked her life. She could have been stoned to death.


Jairus’ daughter needed healing.


Jesus’ daughter needed healing (Mark 5:34).


Jairus’ daughter died.


Jesus’ daughter had already died a thousand deaths in those 12 long years of living with this disease which brought her reproach and stole everything precious away from her.


Jesus gently laid His hands on the girl and healing virtue was imparted to her body.


Jesus gently laid His hands on her head and healing virtue was imparted to all the wounded, rejected and broken places of her heart.


Jesus raised her from the dead.


Jesus raised her soul, and all her hopes and dreams, from the dead.


Jesus gave the girl her life back.


Jesus gave her a second lease on life.


The girl was now free to run and play with the other children, and to flourish.


The woman was now free in her soul to soar to new heights and to pursue her dreams and prosper.



The girl’s future was restored to her.



The woman’s hope and future was restored to her.



What To Do While Waiting On Your Miracle


1.                Don’t be afraid. Faith and fear cannot co-exist.


2.                Only believe. The emphasis is on the word “only”.


3.                Do not doubt or waver. He who doubts and wavers cannot expect to receive anything from the Lord.


4.                Surround yourself with positive people.


5.                Remove yourself from the negative people in your life.


6.                Speak life to your situation.


7.                Feed your miracles. Take it and make it larger.




Jairus' Only Daughter


Woman With Issue of Blood

Fear Not (A)

Chapter 7



We’ve been talking about the account in Mark 5:21-43 about Jairus’ daughter being sick and at the point of death, and also about the woman with the issue of blood touching the hem of Jesus’ garment and instantly being made whole.


Jairus was originally focused on Restoration.


Jesus was focused on Resurrection.


In our last teaching, we talked about how Jesus equalizes everything.




Here is a prophetic insight the Lord gave to my pastor, Bishop Christopher C. Smith:


“The woman with the hemorrhaging of blood, being unclean according to the law, defiled Jesus (making Him unclean) when she took hold of the hem of His garment and received her healing. However, she now qualified Jesus to touch the dead, because a priest was not allowed (according to the law) to touch a dead person or animal. Jesus is our Great High Priest. Therefore, there was a divine purpose in the delay of reaching Jairus’ house.”



Jairus was delayed in receiving his miracle for his daughter because a woman in the crowd, who was full of faith, slipped in and received her healing. Then Jesus took time out to listen to her story and to minister to her. Meanwhile, Jairus’ servants showed up and told him to not trouble the Master any longer, because by this time his daughter had already passed on.


Jesus’ immediate response to Jairus was: “Fear not, but only believe.”


Jesus told Jairus to hold on to what he originally proclaimed in faith. What was Jairus’ original declaration?


Jairus said: “When Jesus comes to my home, and lays His hands on my daughter, she shall be healed and live.” And then Jesus agreed to go with Jairus to his home and heal his daughter.


When you have faith for something specific that you desire to receive from God, and then storms hit and fear tries to come in and things look hopeless, don’t back down. And don’t back up. Stick with what you originally declared in faith.


For example, what if you have been believing God for healing in your body, and even many times have spoken in faith and said something similar to: “Jesus, thank You for healing me … according to Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24, by Your stripes I was already healed (when You took my sickness upon Yourself on the Cross) and am healed. Lord, I receive that manifestation of healing in my body. Thank You that the disease and pain has left my body, in Jesus’ Name.”


Even if the symptoms are still there, go ahead and thank God that the symptoms already left. This is not being in denial, but rather putting into practice “calling those things that are not as though they already were” (Romans 4:17). Often times the symptoms or pain will go away when you say: “it’s left my body” (referring to the pain or disease). Jesus said that the winds would obey you, because our words have power to shift things in the Spirit realm.


A person is in denial when they know they are ill, but refuse to get medical help, and have the insurance and financial means to get help. That is not faith, but foolishness. God heals in many ways, including through physicians. God has given doctors wisdom in how the body works.


Often, medical help alone isn't enough to conquer a disease or rid the body of pain, and Jesus wants to step in and divinely heal you.


God wants us to live in balance when it comes to healing (He heals divinely, He heals through medical science, He heals through nutrition). All He is asking is that we acknowledge Him as the SOURCE of all healing, and place Him on the Throne above all humans and say from our heart that He is the Physician of physicians, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.


Kenneth Copeland has said quite frequently that you have to learn to be the prophet over your own life. You be the one to prophesy healing and health into your own body and command the disease to be healed at the root. You take authority. Especially if you are the head of your home, take authority in the Spirit concerning your family and give the command that they be healed, set free, or whatever the case may be. Even the demonic realm respects authority structure.


Getting back to what I said about sticking with what God originally promised you, let’s say that God speaks a promise to you and at first you are overjoyed. But then, let’s say that you are still suffering with that pain and sickness, or things get worse. Those are moments when the enemy tries to come in and convince you that it’s not going to happen for you ... that the principles of faith doesn't work. Fear tries to creep in. And it can lead to hopelessness and despair.


When God gives you a promise, the devil always tries to come and abort it, and if that doesn’t work, attacks so severely to try to get us to let go of it. The reason is, because he’s a thief. John 10:10a says that the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. The devil wants to see you sick, in pain, in distress, having family and marital problems, strife with others and financially strapped. He tries to wreak havoc in our lives and also comes up against ministries.


The positive part of John 10:10b is that Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, till it overflows. This is the heart and will of God—to give us all things pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).


In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to say: “May Your will be done on earth, even as it is in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10). What is Heaven like? We know there is no sickness, no misery, no pain, no poverty, no strife, etc in that place.


Jesus taught us about binding and loosing. This not only applies to situations dealing with demonic spirits, but also about things in our everyday lives. The Amplified Version words it very well.


Matthew 18:18-19 (AMP) tells us:

18 Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on earth must be what is already permitted in heaven.

19 Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (harmonize together, make a symphony together) about whatever [anything and everything] they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father in heaven.


Since disease, misery, poverty, pain, demonic harassment, etc is not permitted in Heaven, you don't have to permit it in your life or your family. You have authority in the Spirit to put a stop to it and to pronounce that the way Heaven operates is the way it’s going to be in your life and home.


There is synergistic power when two or more are in agreement in prayer over the same issue.









Jairus' Only Daughter


Woman With Issue of Blood

Fear Not (B)

Chapter 8



Jairus sought Jesus out to come to his home, lay His hands on his daughter, and she would be healed and live. This was Jairus’ statement of faith.


However, in the process of traveling to Jairus’ home, there was an unexpected delay when a woman with an issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was made whole. Jesus’ full attention turned to this woman, and He was patient as she told her entire story.


Meanwhile, Jairus’ servants showed up and told him the sad news that his daughter had died and to not trouble the Master any longer. Jesus’ response to Jairus was: “Fear not, but only believe.”


Fear is the opposite of the force of faith. Fear tempts you to give up and back down, while faith always agrees with what God has said in His Word regardless of whether or not the promise has manifested. Faith calls those things that are not, as though they already were.


You only need faith for what you currently do not see. Once the manifestation comes, faith is no longer necessary in order to obtain it. Once your answer comes, you need to remain in faith in order to maintain your healing or breakthrough.


When you are standing in faith for something, but then you are hit by storms and are tempted to back down, Jesus says to you: “Fear not, but only believe (or keep on believing).” God says to stick to your original confession of faith that you had in the very beginning when you first believed God for your breakthrough.


Maybe the Lord spoke to you prophetically and that word is backed by Scriptures because all prophecy must be in agreement with the Word, or the principles of the Word. Revelation 19:10, in the Living Bible translation, says that the purpose of prophecy is to tell, or testify, about Jesus. Maybe years have gone by and that prophetic word has been delayed from being fulfilled for one reason or another. Sometimes we don’t know why there have been delays.


When deferred hope sets in, the heart becomes sick. Then you are easy prey for the enemy to come in and severely attack you, because your defenses are down. God wants to repair any breaches in the wall where the enemy has snuck in because Jesus is a mender and a protector. And He loves you so very much. He longs, even more than you do, for you to receive every promise He’s spoken and for every desire of your heart to come true.


Even if a long period of time has elapsed between the original giving of the promise, and the fulfillment, continue to stick with what God first told you in the very beginning. Don’t allow the enemy to tempt you to start doubting God or speaking contrary to what the Holy Spirit originally said to you. I fell into that trap of doubting God, off and on, for many years. In my situation, I think that’s one reason my breakthrough was held up.


Also, unforgiveness, bitterness and harboring resentment was another factor in delaying my prayers from being answered. My own heart attitudes were tying the hands of God from bringing to pass what He wanted to do in my life. The Word says that faith works by love. When there are issues in our love walk, such as holding offenses and a root of bitterness, it really has a profound effect on our faith. Faith won’t work right without love.


The devil wants to take things away from you. But God is trying to get things TO you. Jesus loves you so very much! He has so many good gifts for you with your name written on it!


Fear not, but keep on believing is what Jesus is saying to you.


God said to Abram (before his named was changed to Abraham) in a vision:


“Fear not, Abram, I am your Shield, your abundant compensation, and your reward shall be exceedingly great.” Genesis 15:1 AMP


God said to Moses, in Exodus 14:13-16, when confronted with the Red Sea in front, Pharoah’s army behind, and hemmed in by the mountains to the left and right:


·         Fear Not

·         Stand still (firm, confident, undismayed)

·         See the salvation of the Lord which He shall work for you today

·         The Egyptians you see today you shall never see again

·         The Lord will fight for you

·         You shall hold your peace and remain at rest

·         Why do you cry to Me, says the Lord? 

·         The Living Bible says “Quit praying and get moving”

·         Go forward!

·         You lift up your rod (symbol of authority)

·         Stretch out your hand over the sea (obstacle) and divide it (xref Matthew 21:21-22)

·         You shall cross over on dry ground (xref Isaiah 40:4, Luke 3:5)


Luke 3:5 (AMP)

Every valley and ravine shall be filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be leveled; and the crooked places shall be made straight, and the rough roads shall be made smooth.


Matthew 21:21-22 (New Living Translation) says:


21 Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen.

22 You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.”


I grew up in a very legalistic church that had the mindset that the word “anything” in Verse 22 didn’t really mean “anything”, but only some things (especially spiritual things). But that’s not what Jesus said. He said that if you pray for anything (and “anything” means anything), then it’s yours (if you have faith).


What is faith?


1. Faith involves believing that you have ALREADY received what you prayed for. In other words, you already placed the order and the transaction is completed. Now, you’re just waiting for it to arrive at your doorstep.


2. Faith also involves saying. If you believe you’ve received your healing, then say words that are in agreement with that and also quote Scriptures (outloud) that pertain to healing. The opposite would be to speak things contrary, such as saying that you’ll always be sick or that God let you down.


3. Faith involves taking appropriate steps of action, by pursuing or preparing for what you are believing for, depending on what your situation is. You have to be Spirit-led on that one. God said He would impart wisdom to us liberally when we need it (James 1:5-8; James 3:13-18).


4. Faith involves testifying what God did for you when you receive your breakthrough. Your testimony encourages others to also believe for their miracle. Also, your testimony causes you to keep your healing. Sometimes people lose their healing when the devil comes in and whispers, “you’re not really healed … it’s just your imagination”. Then doubt comes in, and not long thereafter, the sickness returns. You have to be on the offensive when it comes to the devil because he’s a robber.


Psalms 107:15 KJV

Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!


This same exact verse is repeated twice in Psalms 107:21 and 31.


Since this is repeated three times in Psalm 107, God is getting His point across to us. He wants to show us His goodness and to display His wonderful works in our lives.


Lord, may we receive everything You have for us!





Jairus' Only Daughter


Woman With Issue of Blood

Ask For Anything

Part 9



In my last chapter, I mentioned Matthew 21:22 which says, “You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.” NLT


This is the passage that talks about commanding our mountains (obstacles) to be uprooted and removed out of our way, and it would obey us.


Many church denominations are in agreement that Matthew 21:22 is not really referring to “anything”, when Jesus said that you can pray for anything and it would be ours if we have faith. They feel that the word “anything” means “some things”, and especially spiritual things. Other than the spiritual, and divine healing, the rest of man is neglected.


God created us spirit, soul and body. Plus, we operate in a world that is governed by economics.


God wants to minister to every part of us and bring wholeness. He wants to bring healing and breakthrough in any area of our lives in which we need it. And not only for us, but also for our family members, loved ones and others.


I heard the Lord speak to my inner spirit a few days ago the phrase: “the whole nine yards”. The Lord was saying that He wants to bless His children with the “whole nine yards”.


This idiom is a figure of speech that means: “the whole thing; complete; all of it”. He is saying to not just ask Him for a few things, or to feel like you have to pick and choose. That’s what religion tells you. Religion always puts God in a box … to limit Him, and also tries to box us in too.


Even if, at one point, God told you to ask Him for what you wanted the very most, that was a prophetic act for that moment in time. In no way would God limit Himself to just doing one miracle.


Sometimes the Lord highlights, in our lives, what we want the very most because it’s the most sensitive area of our hearts. Sometimes He wants permission to gently touch those very sensitive areas, and to assure us that He desires those things for us as much as we want it, and that He cares.


God is saying to present Him with the entire list of everything you would like Him to do in your life, and declare to Him that He’s Able to do it.


If you need healing, then thank Him for it and receive it. Acts 10:38 says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him.”


If you need a breakthrough, He’s here to do it. If you are crying out for a loved one to be saved, He’s hearing your prayers and answering.


2 Peter 3:9 tells us: “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”


If you need a financial miracle, God is willing to do that for you. Philippians 4:19 says, “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”


If you need deliverance, Jesus says that He came to set the captives free. If you have a broken heart, the Lord promises that He is the healer of the brokenhearted and He binds up all our wounds. He promised to give us beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3).


Isaiah 61:1-3 says:


1 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;

2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn,

3 To console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness,

The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.” NKJV


Getting back to Matthew 21:22 about asking God for anything … it’s like in my spirit I can hear some people saying, “Yes, but what about the Scripture that says that you ask, but do not receive, because you ask amiss.”


In the next chapter we will talk about what asking amiss means.


Jairus’ Only Daughter

Asking Amiss (A)

Chapter 10



You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it (Matthew 21:22 NLT).


In this verse, the Greek word for “anything” (or “all things” in the KJV) is pas. It is defined as: all, any, every, the whole.


Therefore, “anything” means “anything”.


In my spirit, I could sense some people saying, “Yes, but what about James 4:3 that says that you ask, but do not receive, because you ask amiss.”


I am now going to address what asking amiss means.


We will begin with James 3:1-12.


This first passage is about using the tongue for good or evil and how we treat other people:


James 3:1-12 (Message Bible)


1 Don't be in any rush to become a teacher, my friends. Teaching is highly responsible work. Teachers are held to the strictest standards.

2 And none of us is perfectly qualified. We get it wrong nearly every time we open our mouths. If you could find someone whose speech was perfectly true, you'd have a perfect person, in perfect control of life.

3 A bit in the mouth of a horse controls the whole horse.

4 A small rudder on a huge ship in the hands of a skilled captain sets a course in the face of the strongest winds.

5 A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything—or destroy it! It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire.

6 A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell.

7 This is scary: You can tame a tiger,

8 but you can't tame a tongue—it's never been done. The tongue runs wild, a wanton killer.

9 With our tongues we bless God our Father; with the same tongues we curse the very men and women he made in his image.

10 Curses and blessings out of the same mouth! My friends, this can't go on.

11 A spring doesn't gush fresh water one day and brackish the next, does it?

12 Apple trees don't bear strawberries, do they? Raspberry bushes don't bear apples, do they? You're not going to dip into a polluted mud hole and get a cup of clear, cool water, are you? Live Well, Live Wisely.


People ask amiss when they have wrong attitudes in their heart to begin with. Jesus said that whatever a person speaks, it proceeds from the overflow of their heart. The heart is the center of our being. From the heart can flow good things or evil things.


If a person’s heart and attitude is not right, and they are in the habit of speaking words of cruelty, negativity, doubt, fear, unbelief, cursing, deceit—then they will probably ask God for things from wrong motives, lusts or greed, or things contrary to the Word of God because their heart and attitudes are not perfect before God.


Jesus said that we will be held accountable for every idle word which we have spoken (Matthew 12:36).


God is looking for a pure heart, and a tongue who speaks no guile.


Psalms 24:3-5 says:


3 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?

Or who may stand in His holy place?

4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,

Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,

Nor sworn deceitfully.

5 He shall receive blessing from the Lord,

And righteousness from the God of his salvation.



John 15:7 says, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” NKJV


To abide in Jesus is to be connected to Him and in intimate union with Him, thus bearing good fruit in your life. The picture in the natural is of the branch receiving its nourishment from the Vine. A branch cut off from the Vine will wither up and die.


If you are abiding in Jesus and in intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit, you probably would not ask anything amiss in the first place. It would be your heart’s desire to please Him and to live according to His Word. Your heart and motivations would be right.


If there is anyone reading who is not connected to Jesus, He is inviting you to come to Him. He loves you so very much! Maybe some have never accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Maybe others once knew the Lord but are backslidden and feel disconnected to the Lord—they feel like that branch that is severed from the trunk. Jesus is inviting you to come to Him right now.


Just call out to Him and invite Him to come into your heart. You can pray a prayer in your own words, or here is a sample prayer:


Dear Lord Jesus,


I feel disconnected from You. I want to be saved! I want to become connected (or re-connected) to You, as the branch receives its life from the Vine.


Jesus, I confess that You are Lord. Wash away all of my sins. Cleanse me in the Blood of the Lamb. Write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life.


Jesus, I invite You to come into my heart and I accept You as my Savior and Lord.


Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I need You and want You so very much. Fill me with the joy and peace of Your Presence dwelling on the inside of me. Let me know the joy of my salvation.


Transform me into the person You created me to be. Help me to live for You.


I want to live for You and I want to know You more. Teach me Your Word.


In Jesus’ Name, Amen



Where is Jesus right now? Do you feel His Presence in your heart?


You have just been born again.


Or if you were a backslider, you have now come back to God. The angels are rejoicing right now, and I am too. Father God rejoices over the prodigal coming home. He has the ring to put on your finger, the royal cloak to drape over your shoulders, and a party to celebrate you coming back to the fold.




Jairus’ Only Daughter

Asking Amiss (B)

Chapter 11



Jesus said that if we meet this requirement of abiding in Him and He in us (John 15:7), then we may ask what we desire and it shall be done for us.


If we are truly abiding in Him, then we will be in touch with the Lord's heart and most likely would never ask amiss because our motives would be pure and we would want to please Him.


When you are in love with someone you want to please that person. Love is unselfish and always giving. If you are in love with Jesus, and love others, it's hardly likely you would ask anything amiss.


In the previous posts, we talked about the tongue and about abiding in Christ. The tongue has the power to curse or bless. Choose blessing.


The next passage we are going to discuss is James 3:13-18 to help us understand the context in which James talks about asking amiss.


James 3:13-18 talks about the “so-called” wisdom of this world versus living our lives according to the Godly Wisdom from Heaven. If we live according to Heaven’s wisdom, then it’s very unlikely we would ask amiss.




Godly Wisdom


Worldly Wisdom

A spirit of humility


Pride, prejudice and arrogance

Taking others’ needs into consideration


Selfish ambition

Using our tongue to bless and encourage others


Using the tongue to put other people down, to injure others

Treating others the way you want to be treated

Manipulating others for selfish gain, with no regard for the feelings of others


Sowing seeds of peace


Sowing seeds of strife

Allowing God to promote you


Stepping on others to get ahead

Being kind and doing good to others

Being mean-spirited and malicious


Esteeming others


Trying to look better than others

Edifying Others


Tearing others down

Encouraging Others


Discouraging Others

Secure in who you are in God


Bitter jealousies

Wanting to help others succeed

Purposely seeking others’ demise


Living a holy life


Living for the devil

Being gentle and reasonable


Being cold-hearted, blood-thirsty

Integrity and Honesty

Two-faced, Deception, Lying, Cheating


Showing others dignity and honor


Showing disrespect and dishonor

Helping the poor


Exploiting the poor

A spirit of giving and generosity

Stinginess, selfishness, greed









Jairus’ Only Daughter

Asking Amiss (C)

Chapter 3



We are talking about what asking amiss really means. So far, we’ve seen that it involves the tongue. With the tongue we can curse or bless. Choose to bless others.


We’ve also seen that asking amiss involves “worldly wisdom”, which is opposite of the wisdom that comes down from Heaven.


This post will deal with the motivations of the heart, taken from James 4:1-3.


James 4:1-3 (New Living Translation)


1 What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don't they come from the evil desires at war within you?

2 You want what you don't have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can't get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don't have what you want because you don't ask God for it.

3 And even when you ask, you don't get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure.


The KJV words Verse 3 like this: “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.”


The word “amiss” in the Greek means: to ask wrongly or with wrong motives or wicked intentions, usually for selfish gain without regard for others (or no intention of using what you get to bless others with it).


The word “consume” in the Greek means: to squander, to waste, to misuse, to throw away, a lack of stewardship and of being responsible with what you have.


The word “lusts” in the Greek is in reference to riotous living, no self-discipline or self-control, indulgence in sinful pleasures, greed, covetousness, allowing things to control you.


God is against financial corruption, dishonesty, bribery, fraud, extortion, theft, exploitation, sexual immorality, vice, evil.


God looks at the heart and intentions when we ask Him for things. Those who have a pure heart and right intentions would not ask amiss.


Nowhere in any of these passages is it implying that it would be selfish on our part to ask God to bless us with an abundant supply in order that we may have everything we need for everyday living.


God is a King and His children are supposed to be princes and princesses.


Besides asking the Lord for financial blessings, I don’t see anywhere in the Bible where asking God for non-material blessings is wrong. For example, asking God for the husband or wife of His perfect will for you, asking God for children, asking the Lord for godly friends, asking God for healing, asking God for wisdom or asking God for anything else that is good and positive.


The devil is a thief who wants to steal everything from you (John 10:10a).


Jesus is the opposite – He is Righteous and Good. He came to give us life, and life more abundantly, till it overflows (John 10:10b).


The word “overflow” gives the picture of being so full that you cannot contain it anymore—it begins to spill over. If you fill a glass with water and keep the water spout on, the water will reach the top of the glass and then begin to spill over.


This is the picture of the Lord’s desire to bless His children. He wants to fill us with life and blessings—not just until we are full, but keep pouring it on until we are overflowing.


Religion says that God will meet our needs, but not our wants. God is a wonderful, generous father who delights in meeting both our needs and wants. (Every person and every culture may have their own definition of a need and a want.)


God does not necessarily distinguish between a need and a want. He is generous.


Psalms 37:4 says that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart.


That word “delight” is the Hebrew word anag. It means to be soft and pliable. God is the Potter and we are the clay, and He wants us to allow Him to mold us into the vessel that He wants to design us into. He wants us to allow Him to have His way in our lives.


The word delight also means to take pleasure in the Lord, to love Him and to worship Him.




Jairus' Only Daughter


Woman With Issue of Blood

Bleeding Dried Up

Chapter 13



Mark 5:21-34

We started this series talking about Jairus. His daughter was at the point of death and Jairus fell down before Jesus’ feet pleading with Him to come to his house and to heal his daughter. Jesus agreed to go with Jairus to his home.


On the way to the house, there was an unexpected interruption which delayed them. A woman in the crowd took hold of the hem or fringes of Jesus’ garment, and was instantly made whole. She told Jesus her testimony. She had suffered for 12 long years with an hemorrhaging of blood. It was a woman’s health condition involving bleeding inbetween menstrual cycles. Her condition rendered her as “unclean” according to the Jewish laws. She was not allowed to touch anyone or be touched. Therefore, she lived a very isolated life.


She was not supposed to be out in public while bleeding. She could have been stoned to death, but she took a risk. She was desperate to receive her healing, and took action. She heard that Jesus was passing by that way where she lived, and so she said within herself that if she just touches the hem of His garment that she would be made whole. And that’s exactly what happened.


At church my pastor spoke about Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood. Below are some notes that I wrote down in a journal:


The woman took action:


1. Her desperate condition. Desperate conditions move you to desperate measures.


2. She looked for answers by human means and found no help.


3. She had come to her end. She spent all she had on physicians and was no better, but rather grew worse. Sometimes we have to run out of self and all we’ve depended on before we turn to Jesus. Jesus should never be your last resort.


4. She heard of Jesus. Jesus is your answer regardless of what you’re going through. Don’t get upset at God and move yourself out of the place where we can hear from Him. Sometimes we think God didn’t come through. Maybe we didn’t show up. Winners never quit.


We haven’t prayed all those prayers and waited for so long, and worked so hard – only to quit and lose out from going to the next step. Winners stick with it.


Mark 5:27 – She came in the press behind. She pressed in.  Then she touched His garment. For she said: “If I may but touch His fringes (hem), I shall be made whole.”


5. She was determined to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. And she stepped out in faith and took action by doing exactly what she said she was going to do. No matter what is in your path, you have to be willing to press forward.


6. She exercised her faith by saying. When we say what we believe we release our faith to go to work on our behalf.


Hebrews 4:15 We have a High Priest who understands our infirmities.


Matthew 18:19-20 – “As touching”. Two or more come into agreement. We cut covenant with words.


Mark 5:29 And straightway the fountain of her blood dried up.


When we say what we believe, we release our faith to go to work on our behalf.


7. The woman’s touch of power flowing through her body was so powerful that Jesus was aware that virtue had gone out from Him.


She wasn’t even supposed to be out in public because she was unclean according to the law. But she was made whole. Jesus told her that her own faith made her whole.


Personal faith will always get from God what it believes. This is an unfailing law.




Matthew 9:20-22. Here is an excerpt from The Bible Exposition Commentary:


A broken hope (vv. 20-22).

Mark 5:26 informs us that this woman had tried many physicians, but none could help her. Imagine the despair and discouragement she felt. Her hopes were shattered. Because of this hemorrhage, the woman was ceremonially unclean (Leviticus 15:25 ff), which only added to her hopelessness. The “hem” refers to the special tassels that the Jews wore on their garments to remind them they were God's people (Numbers 15:37-41; Deuteronomy 22:12).


It is interesting that Jairus and this woman—two opposite people—met at the feet of Jesus. Jairus was a leading Jewish man; she was an anonymous woman with no prestige or resources. He was a synagogue leader, while her affliction kept her from worship. Jairus came pleading for his daughter, the woman came with a need of her own. The girl had been healthy for 12 years, and then died; the woman had been ill for 12 years and was now made whole. Jairus' need was public—all knew it; but the woman's need was private—only Jesus understood. Both Jairus and the woman trusted Christ, and He met their needs.


Jairus may have resented the woman, because she kept Jesus from getting to his daughter before the girl died. But his real problem was not the woman, but himself: He needed faith in Christ. Jesus forced the woman to give her testimony (see Mark's account) both for her sake and for the sake of Jairus. The fact that God has helped others ought to encourage us to trust Him more. We ought not to be so selfish in our praying that we cannot wait on the Lord, knowing He is never late.


Jesus honored this woman’s faith and healed her. People must “touch Christ” where they are able, even if they must start at the hem of His garment. The Pharisees enlarged their hems and tassels in order to appear more spiritual, but they lacked the power to heal (Matthew 23:5). Others touched the hem of Christ's garment and were also healed (Matthew 14:34-36).


(Copyright © 1989 by Chariot Victor Publishing, and imprint of Cook Communication Ministries. All rights reserved. Used by permission. From PC Study Bible Software.)




Jairus' Only Daughter


Woman With Issue of Blood

Paula White Comments

Chapter 14



Paula White, Move On Move Up (Boston: Faith Words Publishing), p. 210-213


Mark 5:21-34


p. 210

“We have come to adopt the word ‘issues’ for things we may once have termed ‘difficulties’, ‘inner turmoil’, ‘suppressed pain,’ or ‘dysfunction’.”


p. 211

“Generally speaking, issues are rooted in long-lasting areas of pain or emotional injury.”


p. 211

“Don't let old issues dictate your future.”


p. 211-212

“The issues of our lives come in many packages. Some of those packages seem to have no expiration date!


God’s Word tells a story about a woman who had an 'issue of blood' for twelve years. This was a literal, physical issue, but it was a condition that also had serious emotional consequences.


Because this woman was hemorrhaging, she was considered to be ‘unclean’ by others in her society and therefore was shunned. She was banished from religious ceremonies and if she went out in public, she was required to cry out, ‘Unclean, unclean!’ so that people could stay far away from her. She was an untouchable, and no doubt was lonely beyond our imagination. Her physical issue led her to have emotional issues.


This is often the case—the way we perceive ourselves physically, or the physical ailments we have, can isolate us from friendship and love. The reverse is also true. The emotional issues we have can physically keep us apart from other people, or even cause certain physical ailments.


We are wise to admit that we have issues.


We are even wiser to take action to resolve and heal them.


One day this woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years ignored the cultural and religious customs associated with her condition and she pushed her way through a crowd of people to reach down and touch the hem of the prayer shawl being worn by Jesus. In doing so, she touched Jesus in His spirit. And in doing that, her activated faith tapped into Jesus’ divine desire and ability to heal. She was instantly cured (see Mark 5:25-34).


When I speak about this incident, I often say, ‘She linked herself to the Word in faith.’ Jesus was and is the Word of God, the living human fullness of God’s message to mankind, eternally God and yet fully human. This woman with an issue found her answer in the Word. She tied it to her life by her faith. And the result was a complete physical healing and a full restoration to normal life as a woman in a small city in ancient Israel.


I believe the same thing happens when a person today ties his or her life to God’s Word in faith. The powerful truth of God’s Word overcomes all issues, if we will only believe that it can and does. We must believe to the point where we behave as if God’s Word is already accomplished in our lives. We must declare to our innermost soul that the Word of God will rule over any lie, accusation, or issue that appears to have a grip on us.”


p. 213

“Face up to the possibility that the issues of your life may be ruling you, just as the ‘issue’ in this woman’s life ruled her daily routines and behaviors.”


p. 213

“Faith overcomes all issues.”


p. 213

“Faith is believing that what God says in His Word is the only opinion that counts. Faith is believing that life can change, in good and beneficial ways. Faith is believing that God will be faithful to His Word and that what He has promised for one, He has promised for all. Faith is what leads us to go against the tide of our issues and take a bold step towards seeing those issues resolved. Faith is what leads us to believe with confidence that all issues are subject to healing and restoration.”





Jairus' Only Daughter


Woman With Issue of Blood

Pressing In

Chapter 15



Mark 5:21-34


In this series, we’ve been talking about two daughters that were made whole:


1.                Jairus’ Daughter – who was 12 years old, died and was raised to life.


2.                Jesus’ Daughter – who had suffered for 12 years with an issue of blood, died a thousand deaths of shame, reproach and her dreams being stolen from her, but was made whole and her life was given back to her.


Bishop Ernestine Reems was a guest speaker at my former church on September 19, 2010.


She discussed the importance of “pressing in”.


Philippians 3:13-14 NKJV


13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,

14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


Bishop Reems said:


1.                Get the ‘press’ in you, and stay in the ‘press’.


2.                Get under the load and press when you don’t feel like pressing. (She’s not talking about an oppressive load, but the load God has called you to carry. Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light) – Matthew 11:28-30. Sometimes the load God has us to carry feels heavy. Even when it does, God wants us to keep pressing forward.


3.                God’s Word is Yes and Amen - 2 Corinthians 1:20.


4.                God is bringing talents and gifts into your life to be used for His glory.


5.                Continue paying your tithes and offerings even under stress.


6.                God moves in miraculous ways.


7.                Miracles and blessings come through ‘pressing in’ and ‘pressing forward’.


8.                My Father is rich in cattle and lands (referring to God our Heavenly Father) – Psalm 50:10, Haggai 2:7. If ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land – Isaiah 1:19-20. Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you – 1 Peter 5:7.


9.                Whatever you desire, if you will ask for it, you will receive it – Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24. Notice that in Mark 11:25-26 it mentions forgiving others in conjunction with receiving answers to prayer and blessings from God.


10.           Don’t discuss spiritual things with carnal people – Matthew 7:6, 2 Corinthians 6:14-16.

Jairus' Only Daughter

Be Not Afraid, But Only Believe

Chapter 16



Mark 5:35-36


Now we are at the part in the story where Jesus has ministered to the woman with the issue of blood. In Mark 5:34 (KJV) Jesus told her: “Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole (NKJV says “well”); go in peace, and be whole of thy plague (NKJV says “affliction”).”


By the time the woman who had the issue of blood went her way healed of her plague, Jairus’ servants arrived with the sad news. They said, “Your daughter has died, why trouble (bother) the Master (Teacher) any further.”


Overhearing, but ignoring the report of Jairus’ servants, Jesus’ response to Jairus was: “Be not afraid, but only believe.”


God is still saying the same thing to us today when we face challenging situations: “Be not afraid, but only believe.”


The Lord says, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).


Jesus told Jairus not to be afraid because fear is the opposite of faith, and can weaken or cancel out our faith. Jesus told Jairus to keep on believing. 


When God first gives us a promise, or we originally have faith for something, don’t back down or give up even in the face of a seemingly impossible situation. Since Jesus has raised the dead, He can do anything. Keep on believing for that miracle or answer to prayer.


What was it that Jairus originally believed (and confessed with his tongue)?


Jairus said to Jesus:


1. That when (not if) Jesus came to his home

2. And Jesus laid His hands on Jairus’ daughter

3. She would be healed

4. And live.


Jesus told Jairus to not allow fear to enter into his heart and give up since his daughter was now dead. Jesus was planning on raising his daughter from the dead just to let him know (and let us know today) that there is no impossible situation that He cannot turn around.


When Jairus first came to Jesus, he was focused on restoration for his daughter. But Jesus purposely delayed coming to the house and was in no rush, because He was focused on resurrection.


For Jairus, where he was at in his faith, he believed from deep within his heart, that when those four steps were taken that his daughter would be whole (1. Jesus would come to his home 2. Jesus would lay His hands on his daughter 3. His daughter would be healed 4. His daughter would live).


And in the end, that is exactly what happened. Jesus came to the house, laid His hands on Jairus’ daughter, He called life back into her body and commanded her to rise up, and immediately she was healed. And she lived and was made whole.


Jesus honors our faith. Notice that in another instance in Jesus’ ministry, a Centurion pleaded with Jesus to heal his servant. Jesus’ response was that He would come to his house and heal him. However, the Centurion didn’t require for Jesus to come to His home.


The Centurion told Jesus that he was a man under authority (he took orders from commanders above him) and he was a man who had soldiers under him. When he gave orders, he knew those orders would be carried out by his officers. The Centurion asked Jesus to just speak the Word only (give the command), and his servant would be healed. At the very hour that Jesus gave the healing command, the Centurion’s servant recovered from his illness (even though Jesus was miles away in distance).


There is no distance in prayer with God.


The Lord can heal in various ways:

·                  Laying on of hands

·                  Just speaking the healing command

·                  Through anointed healing cloths

·                  Being wrapped in the prayer shawl

·                  Anointing with oil by the elders and praying in the Name of Jesus

·                  Confessing the Word of God, especially healing Scriptures

·                  Basking in the Presence of God where there is music and worship – worship carries the anointing just like water carries electricity

·                  Partaking of Holy Communion

·                  Nutrition and a healthy lifestyle

·                  Through medical doctors


There are many ways in which God heals. He cannot be put into a box or given boundaries in how He does things. We must never limit God in how He may want to do something. He just wants us to have faith and to refuse to let fear control us.





Jairus' Only Daughter


Chapter 17



Mark 5:35-37


We are talking about Jairus. We are at the part in the story where Jesus has finished ministering to the woman who was made whole of the issue of blood. By that time Jairus’ servants had showed up with the heartbreaking news that Jairus’ daughter was now dead, and to not bother the Teacher any further.


Jesus heard what the servants said, but ignored them. Jesus said to Jairus, “Be not afraid, but only believe.” Jesus was giving Jairus hope in a hopeless situation. Jesus was planning on raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead to show Jairus, and us today, that there is no circumstance that is impossible for God to turn around.


Jesus would not permit any of His disciples, or anyone else, to accompany Him and Jairus to the house, with the exception of His inner circle—Peter, James and John.


When you get to the point of transitioning into your promised land, you have to separate yourself from the multitude.


You have to separate yourself from the naysayers and those who do not have faith to believe with you for your miracle. You have to separate yourself from those who think that “it will never happen for you”, or laugh at you, or try to talk you out of receiving your miracle.


Jesus told His disciples—except for Peter, James and John—to stay put where they were until the four of them returned from the house. In the same way, we have to tell our friends and even family, who are filled with doubt and unbelief, that we will see them later when we get our miracle. But they can’t cross over the Jordan River with us into our promises. If you take them with you, their doubt and unbelief would drag you down.


Look at Joshua and Caleb. Their report was positive. They said that the children of Israel were more than able to take on the giants in Canaan and to go up immediately to possess the land. But the ten other spies gave a negative, fearful report. Therefore, there was a forty-year delay in Israel crossing over the Jordan and entering their promised land.


This is not at all saying to walk away from your spouse or family if they don’t believe like you do. This is all figurative language, saying that in the spirit realm, they can’t go with you on this journey if they are not in agreement with what you are believing for.


(There are some friends and even church folk that you do have to literally separate yourself from for a while if they are not in agreement with what you are believing for.)


When you are very close to receiving your miracle, you have to be around likeminded individuals full of faith, and in 100% agreement. You cannot tolerate any doubt and unbelief, or negative words.


Jesus said that if just two on earth agree as touching anything, that it shall be done for them of our Father in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in His Name (in unity), He is there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:19-20.


There were other instances in the New Testament where Jesus could only take with Him Peter, James and John. Those three were His closest associates. They were always in agreement with whatever Jesus wanted to do. They were teachable. They were leaders in training.


Jesus took those three with Him to the Mount when He was transfigured (human form, yet spirit form), and Jesus talked with Moses and Elijah. His garments shone with bright light. Then a Voice from Heaven (Father God’s Voice) said: “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” (2 Peter 1:16-18, Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36). They were surrounded by the Shekinah Cloud.


Jesus’ inner circle—Peter, James and John—represent for us today the importance of having a few close friends who stand in agreement with us in prayer. Peter, James and John experienced spiritual intimacy with Jesus Christ. Being Jesus’ friend. Being open and teachable for Jesus to pour out to His wisdom and revelation. An attitude that says to God, “Have Your own way in my life … You are the Potter and I am the clay … mold me and make me after Your will, while I am waiting yielded and still.”


How many can truly say: “Lord, have Your way in my life … You are the Potter and I am the clay … I allow You to mold and make me after Your will, while I am patiently waiting yielded and still.” At first, it may feel like a “death to self” saying that prayer, or singing that song.


But there is a realm in God where it brings joy and delight to say that to God, or to sing that song of consecration. A place in God where you truly mean it with all of your heart. Where you want Jesus more than anything, and it’s no longer about your agenda but God’s agenda.


There’s even a realm in God where you even welcome His discipline in your life. Because if you are disciplined, that means that you are a loved son or daughter. And if you yield to His discipline, you can avoid the judgment of God. Although getting a whippin’ or a stern warning is not pleasant for the moment, it produces a harvest of righteousness in the long run.


When you are about ready to receive your promise or miracle, surround yourself with positive, faith-filled people who are in agreement with what you are believing God for. Cross over your Jordan and enter your promises with those likeminded people cheering you on.


We become like the people we associate with the most. So therefore, when you are transitioning over into your promised land, it’s important to keep the right company.





Jairus' Only Daughter

Emotional Distress and Distractions

Chapter 18



Mark 5:35-40


In the last post we talked about transition. When you are transitioning into your promised land, and very close to receiving your miracle, you have to separate yourself from the multitude, from the naysayers, from those who are not in faith and agreement for what you are believing God for.


You can only take with you on your journey into your promised land those who are in agreement with you for your healing, promise or miracle, and those who have faith to see your miracle come to pass.


When you are that close to receiving your breakthrough, you have to have zero tolerance for any negative talk, or doubt and unbelief concerning receiving your answer to prayer.


Jesus told His disciples, and everyone else, to stay put where they were until He returned. He only allowed Peter, James and John to accompany Him and Jairus to the house to raise Jairus’ daughter from the dead.


Mark 5:38-39 (Message Bible)

38 They entered the leader's house and pushed their way through the gossips looking for a story and neighbors bringing in casseroles.

39 Jesus was abrupt: “Why all this busybody grief and gossip? This child isn't dead; she's sleeping.”


The Amplified Version words Verses 38-39 like this:

38 When they arrived at the house of the ruler of the synagogue, He looked [carefully and with understanding] at [the] tumult and the people weeping and wailing loudly.

39 And when He had gone in, He said to them, Why do you make an uproar and weep? The little girl is not dead but is sleeping.


The Living Bible words it like this:

38 When they arrived, Jesus saw that all was in great confusion, with unrestrained weeping and wailing.

39 He went inside and spoke to the people. “Why all this weeping and commotion?” he asked. “The child isn't dead; she is only asleep!”


In Mark 5:38, they arrived at the house. It was a scene of tumult, confusion, commotion, weeping, professional mourners who wailed loudly, plus the gossips (neighbors and friends of the family who were looking for a story to tell).


When you are very close to receiving your promises, there will be those people you encounter who cause much emotional distress and chaos. You might be going through a situation where you are being verbally and emotionally abused. If so, the Lord sees your pain and hears your cries. He will show you what to do.


You may be dealing with selfish manipulative people (who are abusive one moment, and the next minute are weeping as if you hurt them).


Then there are the gossipers you have to deal with who like to discuss everybody else’s business and stir up rumors, and cause confusion.


The devil uses these negative things as distractions to keep us from fulfilling our destiny in God and coming into our full inheritance in Christ. The enemy wants us to become discouraged, depressed and to give up.


You have to “push through” that crowd and not let them tear down your faith. You may be experiencing opposition or might feel like you are swimming upstream against the current. But in the process, you are becoming stronger.


You cannot listen to their unbelief and sarcasm (which can produce fear in you).


Fear tolerated is faith contaminated.


The Message Bible says in Verse 38 that when they (Jesus, Jairus, Peter, James and John) arrived at the house, that the neighbors were already bringing in the casseroles. As far as everyone else was concerned, the situation was hopeless. The girl was dead. Nobody (except for the girl’s parents, Jesus, Peter, James and John) believed that she would rise again.


In the figurative sense, does it seem like in your life that a lot of people have given up on you, feel that your situation is hopeless, do not believe that you will receive your miracle, if you are down they don’t believe you will ever rise again … and it’s as if they are already bringing over the casseroles?


(In the USA the custom is for people to bring over food—especially casseroles—when there is a death in the family.)


Are these same people who have given up on you ones who cause much emotional distress and try to distract you from receiving the promises of God?


Do you feel surrounded by the naysayers and the gossips (even at church)? Is there confusion and tumult all around you?


In Mark 5:39 the Message Bible says, Jesus was abrupt: “Why all this busybody grief and gossip? This child isn't dead; she's sleeping.”


In the Amplified Version, it says in Verse 39: And when He had gone in, He said to them, Why do you make an uproar and weep? The little girl is not dead but is sleeping.


Does it feel like others are causing an uproar in your life?


Even in the midst of turmoil, just remember that you are very close to receiving your miracle. The heat seems to get turned up seven times hotter right before your breakthrough comes.


You may be surrounded by chaos and confusion. Don’t let others get you stressed out. Don’t let others steal your hope.


You may be tempted to let go of your hope and faith. Hold on to your hope. Hope and faith are two different things, but you have to have hope in order for your faith to be alive and active.


Hope is always focused on the future … “someday this will happen in my life.” Faith is “right now” … “I believe I have my promise right now.”


Faith believes you already have your miracle even before it’s in your hands. Faith is like placing the order and completing the transaction, and you know that what you ordered “is yours!” It may take some time for it to arrive, but it’s already yours as far as you are concerned.


Others may have already given up on you, deeming your situation as hopeless. Other people may think that you will always be down and never rise again. They think you will never arise from your sickness, depression, financial setbacks, past grief or whatever has gotten you down. But that’s what “they” say.


What really matters the most is what “YOU” say. Are you going to be in agreement with those who are negative and full of unbelief, especially as it concerns your life? Or are you going to believe what God says?


You have to take charge of your own soul. You have to learn to be the prophet over your own life, speaking those things into existence that which you want to see happen. It’s not what others say or think, but what YOU say and believe that matters the most.





Jairus' Only Daughter

Jeering, She's Not Dead But Is Sleeping

Chapter 19


Mark 5:39-40


In the last post we talked about emotional distress and distractions. When you are very close to receiving your breakthrough, you might be surrounded with those who cause emotional turmoil, as well as the gossipers. Confusion and chaos may be all around you. But continue to hold on to your hope.


Some people may have given up hope on you, and think that you will never rise again. But it’s not what others say or think that matters, but what you say and believe that matters the most.


Your situation is not hopeless. You shall rise again. You shall rise up from your sickness, from that depression, from mourning, from that loss, from financial setbacks, from past mistakes.


In Mark 5:39-40, it says in the Amplified Version:

39 And when He had gone in, He said to them, Why do you make an uproar and weep? The little girl is not dead but is sleeping.

40 And they laughed and jeered at Him. But He put them all out, and, taking the child's father and mother and those who were with Him, He went in where the little girl was lying.


The Message Bible says it like this:

39 Jesus was abrupt: "Why all this busybody grief and gossip? This child isn't dead; she's sleeping."

40 Provoked to sarcasm, they told him he didn't know what he was talking about. But when he had sent them all out, he took the child's father and mother, along with his companions, and entered the child's room.


The Thesaurus gives related words that have a similar meaning as to the word “jeer”:


·               Heckled

·               Mocked

·               Taunted

·               Laughed At

·               Scorned

·               Ridiculed

·               Hissed

·               Sarcastic

·               Disrespectful

·               Irreverent

·               Cynical

·               Derogatory Remarks

·               Expressed Disapproval


The Bible Knowledge Commentary says the following about this passage:


“When the party arrived at Jairus’ home, the flute players and the noisy crowd of mourners had already assembled to weep for the family. They believed the child was dead, for when Jesus said the girl was merely asleep they laughed.


Jesus was not denying she was actually dead. He was simply comparing her dead condition to sleep. Like sleep, her death was temporary and she would rise from it.”


There are many who suffer with an illness of any kind, including depression and anxiety, but it's temporary and not a lifetime sentence. You shall rise up from your bed of affliction and be healed and whole. You shall live, and not die, and declare the Word of the Lord.


Some who have gone through a divorce shall rise again. Some who have gone through the loss of a loved one, or a financial loss—you shall rise again.


Remember ... Jesus said in Mark 5:39, “She's not dead, but is sleeping.” You shall rise again. Jesus has the power to bring resurrection life to your body, to your situation, to some relationships in your life where you are holding on by a thread.


Jesus arrived at the house to do something that would be a wonderful miracle. The best gift in the world would be for a parent to receive their beloved daughter raised to life. The father (Jairus) and the mother believed Jesus would raise their daughter from the dead. Yet their so-called friends did not believe. Instead, they mocked and laughed at Jesus when He compared the little girl’s death to temporary sleep.


Part of the problem is that they misunderstood what He meant. Another part of the problem is that they never believed there was any hope in the situation to begin with. They were supposed to be the friends of Jairus and his wife. But in that instance, they demonstrated that they were not really their friends at all. If these friends truly had Jairus and his wife’s best interest at heart, they would have stood in faith with them for the raising of their precious daughter.


When Jesus told the crowd to calm down from all the commotion, because the girl was not dead but just sleeping, the wise thing (even if they didn’t understand Jesus) would have been to remain quiet and just ponder what He said … and then observe what Jesus was going to do. Instead, the Bible says they began to jeer Jesus and say sarcastic remarks. Their professional weeping turned into ridicule.


They showed the Lord no reverence or respect. And their jeering also gave a message to Jairus and his wife that said “we don’t respect you either”. The crowd was totally insensitive to the feelings of the little girl’s parents.


The Bible Exposition Commentary says in regards to Mark 5:40:


“Unbelief laughs at God's Word, but faith lays hold of it and experiences the power of God. Jesus did not make a spectacle of this miracle. He was sensitive to the feelings of the parents and grieved by the scornful attitude of the mourners.”


Jesus kicked all of them out of the house. They would have no part in being an eyewitness in seeing this miracle take place. Jesus was only going to allow those people who had faith to remain in the house.


After the girl was raised to life and brought outside, then the crowd of mourners who jeered Jesus would see for themselves the power of God at work. Perhaps some of them would be transformed by that experience and put their trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


When we are almost at the point of breakthrough, there may be those who begin to jeer us, mock us and say derogatory remarks. When you are that close to receiving your miracle, you have to have zero tolerance for negativity and doubt.


When people laugh and mock at your belief in receiving the promises of God, your miracle or your healing, you have to shut the door on them. You cannot tolerate it. You can’t let others throw cold water on your faith.


When people mock you for your belief, it isn’t just you they are scorning. Whether done knowingly or not realizing it, they are showing disrespect for the Lord too. After all, He is the One who is doing the miracle. The only part you have to play is to just have faith and believe, as well as to position yourself to receive. It’s God who brings about the healing, the breakthrough, and brings the promise to pass.





Jairus' Only Daughter

Resurrection Power

Chapter 20



Mark 5:22-43


We’ve been talking about Jairus. His 12 year old daughter was at the point of death and he came to Jesus, pleading with Him to come to his house.


Jairus had faith (and confessed with his mouth) that:


1.                Jesus would agree to go to his house

2.                Jesus would lay hands on his daughter

3.                His daughter would be healed

4.                His daughter would live


And that is exactly what happened.


However, Jairus encountered several things in the process of getting his miracle.


In this series, we are now at the highest point of the account where Jesus is about to raise Jairus’ daughter from the dead.


To get to this point, Jairus went through:


1.            Risking being removed from his position as ruler of the synagogue because most of the Jewish leaders opposed Jesus.


2.            His reputation was on the line for approaching Jesus because: 1) of opposition from the Jews and 2) social status – Jairus’ associates were of the elite class who looked down on Jesus and His disciples.


3.            Delays


4.            Frustration


5.            A dead situation


6.            Fear that gripped his heart


7.            Continuing to believe for his miracle in spite of a seemingly impossible situation


8.            Holding on to his hope by a thread


9.            Pressing forward in faith when all the odds were stacked against him.


10.       Leaving behind the doubters as he was transitioning closer to his miracle.


11.       Chaos, confusion, and tumult breaking out at his house.


12.       Emotional distress


13.       Distractions


14.       The gossipers looking for a story to tell.


15.       His situation deemed as hopeless by others.


16.       The mockers jeering his faith.  Unbelief laughs at God's Word, but faith lays hold of it and experiences the power of God.


17.       The disrespect showed to him and his wife, and to Jesus.


18.       His “so-called” friends were kicked out of his house.



Jairus’ faith was tested to the max, and he came out like gold tried in the fire.


This is a prophetic picture to us today, that in the process of receiving our miracle, we may go through some challenging circumstances like Jairus did.


But be encouraged by the promise in Isaiah 43:2 which says that “when you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.”


Jesus only allowed the girl’s mother and father, and His inner circle—Peter, James and John—to remain in the house and enter into the room where the girl lay dead. Everyone else had been dismissed from the house.


There was 100% faith in that room, and not one ounce of doubt and unbelief, or pessimism. When everyone is in perfect agreement, ANYTHING can happen.


Jesus said that if just two on earth agree as touching anything, that it shall be done for them of our Father in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in His Name (in unity), He is there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:19-20.


When you are very close to receiving your miracle, you have to be around likeminded individuals full of faith, and in total agreement. You have to shut the door on the scoffers. You have to have zero tolerance for any doubt and unbelief, negative talk or those who mock your faith.


At the beginning of this series, I talked a little bit about the prayer shawl. Jairus’ daughter was lying in her sick (and death) bed wrapped in the Tallit (prayer shawl).


This showed faith on Jairus and his wife’s part. They believed, in advance, their daughter would be healed and live. They were putting a demand on the healing power of God.


The tassles on the prayer shawl represent the commandments and laws of God. Thus, this signified that Jairus’ little girl was wrapped in the Word of God. She was wrapped in faith. She was wrapped in the Covenant, and every healing promise legally belonged to her.


Within the Covenant (both the Old Testament and New Covenant), there are numerous healing promises. We can put a demand on what legally belongs to us.


Through Christ's Blood and by coming to the Cross of salvation, we have legal rights to receive all the promises in the New Testament.


If we are in Christ, then we are Abraham's seed and heirs of the promise. That means, that we also have legal rights to receive the promises for healing, blessing and prosperity in the Old Covenant.


Healing is the children's bread (Matthew 15:22-28). The children refer to anyone who is born again. Those who are filled with God's Spirit and led by the Holy Spirit are sons and daughters of God (Romans 8:14). However, healing is also for anyone who will receive it—whether saved or not.


For a list of Old and New Testament healing promises, please go to the first two posts in the month of July 2022.


If you are not saved and would like to be, or would like to re-dedicate your life to Christ, please pray this prayer with me right now:


Dear Lord Jesus,


I receive You as my personal Savior and Lord. I invite You to come into my heart. I believe that You rose from the dead, according to Romans 10:10. Wash away all of my sins by Your Blood. Write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life. Fill me with the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Give me the power and strength to live a victorious life for You, and to become the person You created me to be.


In Jesus' Name, Amen


If you prayed this prayer, where is Jesus right now? Is His presence in your heart? If so, then you are born again.



The girl being wrapped in the prayer shawl also signified that she was wrapped in prayer and intercession.


The little girl was healed by the faith of others, whereas the woman with the issue of blood (who took hold of the hem of Jesus’ prayer shawl or robe) was healed by her own faith.


The woman with the issue of blood put a demand on Jesus' healing power, and on the healing promise in Malachi 4:2, and she received her miracle.


The healing promise in Malachi 4:2 states that the Sun of Righteousness (a name for the Messiah) would arise with healing in His wings (“wings”, in the Hebrew, defined as the corner, border, edge, hem of the prayer shawl or robe).


When Jesus laid His hands on Jairus' girl's hand, and gave the resurrection command, He was saying [figuratively]: “Damsel wrapped in the Word, rise up!”


For more details and information about the prayer shawl, there is a book entitled Talit Ha Cumi – The Secrets of the Prayer Shawl by John Francis


Mark 5:41-43 in the Amplified Version says:


41 Gripping her [firmly] by the hand, He said to her, Talitha cumi—which translated is, Little girl, I say to you, arise [from the sleep of death]!

42 And instantly the girl got up and started walking around—for she was twelve years old. And they were utterly astonished and overcome with amazement.

43 And He strictly commanded and warned them that no one should know this, and He [expressly] told them to give her [something] to eat.


Notice that this passage says that:


Jesus took the girl by the hand (He touched her, just as Jairus said He would. From the very beginning, Jairus’ confession of faith was that when Jesus came to his house and laid His hands on his daughter, that she would be healed and live. And he got exactly what he said and believed for.)


Jesus gave the resurrection command, telling her to “Rise up!”


And she rose up.


She was instantly healed, because Verse 42 says that she began to walk around and Verse 43 says that Jesus told them to give her something to eat. That is an amazing miracle. Even when people recover from an illness or from surgery, usually they can’t just instantly get up and begin walking around and immediately begin eating solid food.


When the girl was healed, she was totally healed 100%, and her healing was instant.


Those in the room were utterly astonished and overcome with amazement.


Just as Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead, the Lord has the power to bring resurrection life to your body, to a promise from God, to your situation, to your finances, to a relationship, or whatever it is where you need a miracle.


Romans 8:11 (Amplified) says, “And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you.”


God is not only able to restore your physical body, but able to bring resurrection life to dead dreams. He’s able to do it.


Some people may have given up hope on you, and written you off. They think that you will always be down and never rise again. They are already writing out your obituary and preparing the casseroles (in the USA the custom is to bring food over when there is a death in the family, and especially casseroles).


The mockers and haters may be laughing at your faith.


But it’s not what others say or think that matters, but what YOU say and believe that matters the most. You have to learn to be the prophet over your own life, decreeing and declaring what you are expecting God to do in your life.


Your situation is not hopeless. You shall rise again. You shall rise up from your sickness, from that depression, from mourning, from that loss, from financial setbacks, from past mistakes, from whatever it is that has got you down.


Because Christ got up, and His resurrection power is dwelling in you, you can rise up too.


You shall live and not die, and declare the Word of the Lord and the works of the Lord.


In the account in Mark 5:22-43, two daughters were made whole:


1.                Jairus’ 12 year old daughter

2.                The woman who had an hemorrhaging of blood for 12 years


Both daughters got their lives back. Their situations were different, but both of them received their miracle.  God is faithful.


 It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!