Monday, April 29, 2024

Intimacy with God Through Worship


Intimacy with God Through Worship



Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. Psalms 16:11






As the deer pants after the water brooks, so my soul longs after You O Lord. My soul thirsts for God, for the Living God. Psalms 42:1-2






All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me, and the fairest of ten thousand is my Savior, Lord and King.




Come Holy Spirit, I need thee.

Come sweet Spirit I pray.

Come in thine strength and thy power.

Come in thine own special way.





In the Presence of Jehovah,

God Almighty, Prince of Peace,

Troubles vanish, hearts are mended

In the Presence of the King.





Holy Spirit, thou art welcome in this place,

Holy Spirit, thou art welcome in this place,

Omnipotent Father of mercy and grace

Thou art welcome in this place.


Lord in Thy Presence there’s healing Divine

No other power can save Lord, but Thine

Holy Spirit, thou art welcome in this place


Fill all the hungry and empty within

Restore us, O Father, revive us again

Holy Spirit, thou art welcome in this place.





As I worship in Your presence
Pouring out my heart to You
I can feel your mighty power,

gently move within my heart
I lift my hands in adoration,

singing songs of praise to You
Hallelujah, Almighty God

For You are wonderful, glorious and Mighty God
Beautiful, there's none compared to Your Majesty
We praise You, O Wonderful One.






In the midst of His children

The Lord said He would be

It doesn’t take very many,

It can be just two or three.

And I feel that same sweet Spirit

That I have felt oft times before

Surely I can say that I’ve been with the Lord.


Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.
I can feel His mighty power and His grace.
I can hear the brush of angels’ wings,
I see glory on each face.
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.

There’s a holy hush around us,
As God’s glory fills this place.
I’ve touched the hem of His garment,
I can almost see His face.
And my heart is overflowing
With the fullness of His joy.
And I know, without a doubt,
That I have been with the Lord.

Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this place.
I can feel His mighty power and His grace.
I can hear the brush of angels’ wings,
I see glory on each face.
Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this place.







What a healing Jesus

I’ve found in You

What a healing Jesus,

You restore, refresh and renew

You’re my healing Jesus

For such a time as this

Arise on healing wings,

O Sun of Righteousness.





His Name is Wonderful,

His Name is Wonderful

His Name is Wonderful,

Jesus my Lord

He is the Mighty King

He’s the Master of everything

His Name is Wonderful,

Jesus my Lord.


He’s the Great Shepherd

The Rock of all ages

Almighty God is He

Bow down before Him

Love and adore Him

His Name is Wonderful

Jesus my Lord.





What a Mighty God we serve

What a Mighty God we serve

Angels bow before Him

Heaven and Earth adore Him

What a Mighty God we serve!





Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

There’s just something about that Name

Master, Savior, Jesus

Like the fragrance after the rain

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

Let all Heaven and Earth proclaim

Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away

But there’s something about that Name.






He touched me, O He touched me

And O the joy that floods my soul

Something happened and now I know

He touched me and made me whole.


Since I met this blessed Savior

Since He cleansed and made me whole

I will never cease to praise Him

I’ll shout it while eternity rolls





Praise the Name of Jesus

Praise the Name of Jesus

He’s my Rock, He’s my Fortress

He’s my Deliverer

In Him will I trust

Praise the Name of Jesus.






Thy name is as ointment poured forth:
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Thy name is as ointment poured forth,
Thy name is as ointment poured forth.


Draw me, we will run after Thee:
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Draw me, we will run after Thee,
Draw me, we will run after Thee.


I found Him whom my soul doth love:
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
I found Him whom my soul doth love,
I found Him whom my soul doth love.




Rejoice for the steps of a righteous man

They are ordered of God

They are ordered of God

Rejoice for the steps of a righteous man

They are ordered of God.

In the time of trouble

Thou shalt protect him

That shalt preserve him

Thou shalt sustain him

In the time of trouble

Thou shalt lift him up

So rejoice your steps are ordered of God!






In thy presence is fullness of joy

At thy right hand are pleasures forevermore

O what fellowship Divine

I am His and He is mine

In the presence of the Lord

There is fullness of joy.






The Anointing of the Lord

Breaks the yoke of bondage

The Anointing of the Lord

Sets the captives free

The Anointing of the Lord

Brings rivers to my desert

That Anointing is falling on me

That Anointing is falling on me.






When Jesus comes,

The Tempter’s power is broken.
When Jesus comes,

Your tears are wiped away.
He takes your gloom,

And fills your heart with glory.
All is changed when Jesus comes to stay.










He’s here right now

He’s here right now

You don’t have to beg

You don’t have to plead

He’s passing out gifts

For all to receive

He’s here right now

He’s here right now

He’s here right now

To meet every need.


So we will praise Him

So we will praise Him

He’s passing out gifts

For all to receive

He’s here right now

He’s here right now

He’s here right now

To meet your needs.






Jesus, we crown You with praise

Jesus, we crown You with praise

We love and adore You

Bow down before You

Jesus, we crown You with praise.


There is a river

That flows from deep within

There is a river

That washes the soul from sin

Come to this river

There is a vast supply

There is a river

That never shall run dry.





I am His Beloved’s and He is mine

His banner over me is love

I am His Beloved’s and He is mine

His banner over me is love

I am His Beloved’s and He is mine

His banner over me is love

His banner over me is love.


He brought me to the banqueting table

His banner over me is love

He brought me to the banqueting table

His banner over me is love

He brought me to the banqueting table

His banner over me is love

His banner over me is love.




More of You, More of You

I’ve had it all

But what I need is more of You

I’ve had my fill

Yet I hunger still

Empty and bare

Lord hear my prayer

For more of You!





With my hands lifted up

And my mouth filled with praise

With the heart of thanksgiving

I will bless Thee O Lord.


I will bless Thee O Lord

I will bless Thee O Lord

With the heart of thanksgiving

I will bless Thee O Lord.







I will bless the Lord O my soul

And all that is within me

Bless Your Holy Name.


You have done great things

You have done great things

You have done great things

Bless Your Holy Name.






Blessed be the Name of the Lord

You are worthy to be praised and adored

So we lift up holy hands in one accord

Singing Blessed be the Name

Blessed be the Name

Blessed be the Name of the Lord.












I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee

I exalt Thee O Lord

I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee

I exalt Thee O Lord


For Thou O Lord art high

Above all the earth

Thou art exalted far above all gods

For Thou O Lord art high

Above all the earth

Thou art exalted far above all gods.





Put on the garment of praise

For the spirit of heaviness

O lift your voice to God

Pray in the Spirit

And with understanding

O magnify the Lord.









God is great

And greatly to be praised

Glory, Glory

To His Name

God is great

And greatly to be praised

Bless the Lord O my soul.


I will bow before His Majesty

I will lift my hands and sing

God is great

And greatly to be praised

Bless the Lord O my soul.

















I will sing to the Lord

Who is highly exalted

I will sing to the Lord

Who is highly exalted

The horse and its rider

He has hurled into the sea

The horse and its rider

He has hurled into the sea.


When the enemy whispered

“I shall pursue and overtake them”

You blew with Your breath

Like lead they sank into the depths.


The Lord is a warrior

Jehovah is His Name

The Lord is a warrior

He’s Israel’s fame.





Knowing You, Jesus

Knowing You

There is no greater thing

You’re my all

You’re the best

You’re my joy and righteousness

And I love You Lord!




O victory in Jesus

My Savior forever

He sought me

And He bought me

With His redeeming Blood

He loved me err I knew Him

And all my love is due Him

He plunged me to victory

Beneath the cleansing flood.






Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost, but now am found

Was blind but now I see.


When we’ve been there

Ten thousand years

Bright shining as the sun

We’ve no less days

To sing God’s praise

Then when we first begun.



Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return

And come with singing unto Zion

And everlasting joy shall be upon their heads.

They shall obtain gladness and joy

And sorrow and mourning shall flee away

Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return

And come with singing unto Zion

And everlasting joy shall be upon their heads.






Sing unto the Lord a new song

Sing unto the Lord all the earth

Sing unto the Lord a new song

Sing unto the Lord all the earth.


For God is great and greatly to be praised

God is great and greatly to be praised

Sing unto the Lord a new song

Sing unto the Lord all the earth

Sing unto the Lord a new song

Sing unto the Lord all the earth.





When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will dance like David danced.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will dance like David danced.


I will dance, I will dance, I will dance to thy Name

I will dance, I will dance, I will dance to thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will sing like David sang.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will sing like David sang.


I will sing, I will sing, I will sing to thy Name

I will sing, I will sing, I will sing to thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will shout like David shouted.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will shout like David shouted.


I will shout, I will shout, I will shout to thy Name

I will shout, I will shout, I will shout to thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will clap like David clapped.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will clap like David clapped.


I will clap, I will clap, I will clap to thy Name

I will clap, I will clap, I will clap to thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will bow like David bowed.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will bow like David bowed.


I will bow, I will bow, I will bow to thy Name

I will bow, I will bow, I will bow to thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will leap like David leaped.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will leap like David leaped.


I will leap, I will leap, I will leap to thy Name

I will leap, I will leap, I will leap to thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will run like David ran.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will run like David ran.


I will run, I will run, I will run to thy Name

I will run, I will run, I will run to thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will skip like David skipped.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will skip like David skipped.


I will skip, I will skip, I will skip to thy Name

I will skip, I will skip, I will skip to thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will wave like David waved.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will wave like David waved.


I will wave, I will wave, I will wave to thy Name

I will wave, I will wave, I will wave to thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will kneel like David knelt.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will kneel like David knelt.


I will kneel, I will kneel, I will kneel to thy Name

I will kneel, I will kneel, I will kneel to thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will bless the Lord like David blessed.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will bless the Lord like David blessed.


I will bless, I will bless, I will bless thy Name

I will bless, I will bless, I will bless thy Name.


When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will rejoice like David rejoiced.

When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart

I will rejoice like David rejoiced.


I will rejoice, I will rejoice, I will rejoice in thy Name

I will rejoice, I will rejoice, I will rejoice in thy Name.







Let there be glory, and honor, and power

Glory and honor to Jesus

Glory, honor

Glory and honor and praise.







To Thee we ascribe glory

To Thee we ascribe honor

To Thee we ascribe power and majesty

Holy is the Lord.





Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy

Thou art worthy O Lord

To receive glory

Glory and honor

Glory and honor and power.

For Thou hast created

Have all things created

For Thou hast created all things

And for Thy pleasure

They are created

Thou art worthy O Lord.





He was wounded for our transgressions

He was bruised for our iniquities

Surely He bore our sorrows

And by His stripes we are healed.





He is the King of kings

He is the Lord of lords

His Name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

O He is the King.




You are beautiful beyond description

Too marvelous for words

Too wonderful for comprehension

Like nothing ever seen or heard

Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom

Who can fathom the depths of Your love

You are beautiful beyond description

Majesty, enthroned above.


And I stand, I stand in awe of You

I stand, I stand in awe of You

Holy God to whom all praise is due

I stand in awe of You.



Majesty, worship His Majesty

Unto Jesus be all glory, honor and praise

Majesty, Kingdom Authority

Flows from Your Throne

Unto Your own, His anthem raised.

So exalt, lift up on high

The Name of Jesus

Magnify, come glorify

Christ Jesus the King

Majesty, worship His Majesty

Jesus who died is now glorified

King of all kings.





Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him all creatures here below

Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.





Make a joyful noise unto the Lord

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord

Raise up holy hands

Clap your hands and sing

Make a joyful noise

Make a joyful noise

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.



I love You Lord

And I lift my voice

To worship You

O my soul rejoice

Take joy my King

In what You hear

Let it be a sweet, sweet sound

In Your ears.




Holy! Holy!

Holy! Holy!

Holy! Holy!

Lord God Almighty

As we lift our hearts before You

As a token of our love

Holy! Holy!

Holy! Holy!


Precious Spirit, Precious Spirit

Precious Spirit, Precious Spirit

As we lift our hearts before You

As a token of our love

Precious Spirit, Precious Spirit!


Abba Father, Abba Father

Abba Father, Abba Father

As we lift our hearts before You

As a token of our love

Abba Father, Abba Father!


Precious Jesus, Precious Jesus

Precious Jesus, Precious Jesus

As we lift our hearts before You

As a token of our love

Precious Jesus, Precious Jesus!

You are worthy!

You are worthy!

You are worthy!

Lord God Almighty

As we lift our hearts before You

As a token of our love

You are worthy!

You are worthy!





We are standing on Holy Ground

And I know that there are angels all around

Let us praise Jesus now

We are standing in His Presence

On Holy Ground.





Lord, You are more precious than silver

Lord, You are more costly than gold

Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds

And nothing I desire compares with You.





In Your Presence is fullness of joy

At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore

O what fellowship Divine

I am Yours and You are mine

In the Presence of the Lord is fullness of joy.


In Your Presence is fullness of joy

At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore

O what fellowship Divine

Your Presence is sweet like honey

In the Presence of the Lord is fullness of joy.






Saturate us in Your Presence O Lord

Fill us with Your Anointing

Your Presence is a healing Presence

So tender, sweet and joyful

Fullness of love, gladness and peace

Refresh us in Your Glory

I love You O Lord my King and my God.








Jesus, we just want to thank You

Jesus, we just want to thank You

Jesus, we just want to thank You

Thank You for being so good.


Jesus, we just want to praise You

Jesus, we just want to praise You

Jesus, we just want to praise You

Praise You for being so good.





Great is thy faithfulness

Great is thy faithfulness

Morning by morning

New mercies I see

All I have needed

Thy hand has provided

Great is thy faithfulness

Lord unto me!



 It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!