Monday, April 29, 2024

Faith Quotes from Mark Hankins


Faith Quotes from Mark Hankins


#1 Victim or Victor? Your choice. Blame others for your failures or believe and receive victory. The Spirit of Faith will take the victim out of your voice and put victory in your voice (2 Corinthians 2:14). Mark Hankins


#2 The Word of God has the power to produce what it demands and to perform what it promises. Mark Hankins


#3 There are no immovable mountains (Matthew 21:21). Mark Hankins


#4 You can grow in the God-kind of love! Mark Hankins


#5 It's not enough to have faith in your heart, you need to have faith in your mouth (2 Corinthians 4:13). Mark Hankins


#6 As believers we don’t fight for victory, we fight from victory! Mark Hankins


#7 It's time to get the Bible out and say, 'Devil, if you can't read, let me read it to you!' Mark Hankins


#8 The fire of God will burn up the things that have been hindering you and will ignite the gift of God within you (2 Timothy 1:6). Mark Hankins


#9 Don't talk to God about your mountain, talk to your mountain about your God (Mark 11:23). Mark Hankins


#10 The moment you act on the Word, God makes Himself responsible for the results (James 2:17 & Jeremiah 1:12). Mark Hankins


#11 Unspeakable joy is a container for the glory of God! Mark Hankins


#12 Every breakthrough in faith comes from a breakthrough in revelation knowledge. Mark Hankins


#13 Anytime someone asks me how I'm feeling, I say: I'm feeling the same way Jesus was feeling when He overcame this feeling. I overcome because He did (Hebrews 4:14-16). Mark Hankins


#14 The Holy Spirit has never lost a case if He can get His client to listen to Him! Mark Hankins


#15 You don’t always have to try harder, but you do need to receive the Word better. The Word is what does the work. Mark Hankins


#16 Do you want to see increase in your life? Learning how God thinks about generosity will produce tremendous results! Mark Hankins


#17 You can grow in love, you can grow in faith, you can grow in revelation knowledge of the Word, but you cannot grow in righteousness; it is a free gift (Philippians 3:8-10). Mark Hankins


#18 Revelation knowledge fuels your dedication to God (Ephesians 1:17-23). Mark Hankins


#19 Understanding you have God's Divine Approval on your life sets you free from the sense of rejection, inadequacy or inferiority. Mark Hankins

#20 Faith is motion activated. Act on the Word. Mark Hankins


#21 It is impossible to be disappointed when your expectation is only on God (Psalms 62:5). Mark Hankins


#22 You can't believe beyond your knowledge of the Word of God (Ephesians 1:16-23 & Romans 10:17). Mark Hankins


#23 There are certain gifts and callings that aren’t activated until you are saturated with the Holy Spirit. Mark Hankins


#24 You can never be more righteous than the day you confessed Jesus Christ as Lord! (2 Corinthians 5:21). Mark Hankins


#25 It's not enough to believe in the Blood of Jesus, you must apply the Blood with your confession. Mark Hankins


#26 You are the Believer, God is the performer (Romans 4:21). Mark Hankins


#27 How you receive the Word determines your results: we plant and water the Word and God gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6-7). Mark Hankins


#28 Since unbelief is curable, nothing is incurable (Mark 9:23). Mark Hankins


#29 The Blood not only opens Heaven to anyone who believes, but it also reaches in and opens the hardest of hearts (Hebrews 9:12-14). Mark Hankins


#30 God put everything into Christ He wanted you to have (Colossians 2:9-10). Mark Hankins


#31 Jesus came not only to get us to Heaven, but to get the life of Heaven in us. Mark Hankins


#32 Never let your struggle become your identity. Declare who you are in Christ. Mark Hankins


#33 Your faith might not prevent all mountains, but it will move all mountains! (Mark 11:23). Mark Hankins


#34 Revelation knowledge is the source of mountain-moving faith! (Ephesians 1:17-23). Mark Hankins


#35 There is no such thing as silent faith. Say, say, say! (Mark 11:23) Mark Hankins


#36 One person who believes God, can change the outcome for multitudes! (Matthew 19:26). Mark Hankins


#37 Don’t let your past photobomb your future! Mark Hankins


#38 Confession precedes possession! Mark Hankins


#39 The moment you can access God, He can access your problem! (Ephesians 3:12). Mark Hankins


#40 The devil will never challenge you about your last miracle. He will only challenge you concerning your next miracle! Mark Hankins


#41 In the Old Testament, God said I will not remember your sin. In the New Testament, God said He would not remember our sins, and neither will you. Sin-consciousness is removed through the Blood of Jesus! Mark Hankins


#42 When you pray in the Spirit, that is the Devil's worst nightmare! Mark Hankins


#43 You will give yourself to many things. Give yourself first to love! Henry Drummond


#44 Your tongue determines the direction and destiny of your life! (Mark 11:23 and James 3). Mark Hankins


#45 If you’re not thinking the way love thinks, then you won’t be acting the way love acts! Mark Hankins


#46 Growing in Love … Growing in Godliness … Growing spiritually! Mark Hankins


#47 Your voice is your address in the realm of the Spirit! (Acts 16:25-26). Mark Hankins


#48 You must have a drinking relationship with God (spiritually speaking), not just a thinking relationship. The Holy Spirit is liquid God. He satisfies like no other! (John 7:37-39). Mark Hankins


#49 When you have a revelation of righteousness, it is impossible to be depressed! (Isaiah 54:14). Mark Hankins


#50 If you establish your giving standard, God will establish your living standard! Mark Hankins


#51 Faith has a beginning and faith has an end. Joy unspeakable and full of glory is the bridge between believing and receiving (1 Peter 1:8-9). Mark Hankins


#52 Your faith has a beginning, a middle, and an end. In the middle of a faith fight, you have to tell the devil how it is going to turn out. Jesus is the Author and Finisher of your faith. Your situation may look bad right now, but everything is going to turn out alright! Mark Hankins


#53 When you go through a trial, the joy of the Lord neutralizes the pressure. Mark Hankins


#54 First Corinthians 14:1 (AMPC) says, “Eagerly pursue and seek to acquire [this] love [make it your aim, your great quest].” Walking in love should be our quest. A quest is a lifelong dream. It’s anything that dominates your life and holds your attention. We should make the decision to walk in love continually—whether anybody else does or not. Mark Hankins


#55 Here’s how to walk in God’s love. First, forgive. When you see how much God loves you, you can forgive yourself and others. When you do, you release past hurts, sins and disappointments. Be quick to repent, quick to forgive and quick to believe! Mark Hankins


#56 Next, meditate on God’s love. Affirm it aloud. Use your imagination to see yourself, others and situations you’re facing in the light of God’s love. James 1:25 (NLT) says, “But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.” Mark Hankins


#57 Finally, pray in the Spirit. “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God” (Jude 20-21, KJV). The tongue must be continually yielded to the power of the Holy Spirit who gives us power to overcome. Mark Hankins


#58 Faith works by love and when you walk in love, you’ll see the worst people and situations turn around. Make love your quest this year and find favor, promotion and heaven on earth! Mark Hankins


#59 Every moment of your life is infallible proof of God’s love and work. Now is the time to receive His full power and start walking in all He has for you. Don’t be ashamed. Now is the time to live supernaturally. It’s time to live what you believe! Mark Hankins


#60 There is not one thing in me the Blood does not cleanse. If sin can damage it, the Blood can fix it! (Hebrews 9:12). Mark Hankins


#61 God isn't planning on you giving yourself broke! (Isaiah 32:8). Mark Hankins


#62 The Holy Spirit takes what Jesus has done for us and makes it a reality in us! (John 14:13-15). Mark Hankins


#63 If the devil can challenge your identity, he can hinder your destiny! Mark Hankins


#64 The Gospel of Jesus Christ will work in any nation, any language, and for any people! (Romans 1:16). Mark Hankins


#65 Nothing will establish you and build your faith as quickly as confession! F.F. Bosworth


#66 The crowning achievement of redemption is that you and I can have fellowship with God! Mark Hankins


#67 It seems Jesus dislikes self-righteousness more than unrighteousness! (Matthew 23:25-28 & 9:10-13). Mark Hankins


#68 If you keep your faith, your faith will keep you! Mark Hankins


#69 You show respect with words, but you honor with substance. Honor will always cost you something! Mark Hankins


#70 If you are going to be a forgiven person, you will have to be a forgiving person! Mark Hankins


#71 Every born-again Believer has a measure of mountain-moving faith! Mark Hankins


#72 I’ve trained myself for years to think like this: “How is what I am about to say or do affect the other fellow?” Love worketh no ill to anyone! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#73 Joy is the bridge between believing and receiving! (1 Peter 1:8-9). Mark Hankins


#74 You don't have to be a tither to receive Jesus, but you do have to be a tither to follow Jesus! Mark Hankins


#75 What happened in Christ is greater than anything that has ever happened to you! (Romans 5:20). Mark Hankins


#76 Nobody cares how holy you are if you are stingy and ungenerous! Nobody cares how talented or smart you are if you are stingy! Live generously! Mark Hankins


#77 An empty world can't be helped by an empty Christian. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit! (Ephesians 5:18). Mark Hankins


#78 God did not design the tithe and generous giving for you to decrease. He designed generous giving and sowing to produce increase! Mark Hankins


#79 God never asked you to pay for it. He said to believe for it. If you can believe for it, God will pay for it! Mark Hankins


#80 The Spirit of Faith will cause you to shout while the walls are still standing! Mark Hankins


#81 It is impossible to be offended or disappointed if your expectation is only on God! (Psalms 62). Mark Hankins


#82 When you have a Spirit of Faith, quitting is not an option! Mark Hankins


#83 One of the reasons God rewards faithfulness is because it is one of His greatest characteristics! Mark Hankins


#84 If it was God's will for the mountain to be there, Jesus would not have told you to move it! Mark Hankins


#85 The fight of faith is the only fight Believers are called to fight! Mark Hankins


#86 Not taking your words seriously is like driving a vehicle without taking the steering wheel seriously! Mark Hankins


#87 Victim or victor: your choice. Blame others for your failures or believe and receive victory. Faith will take the whine out of your voice. Jesus is Lord! Mark Hankins


#88 The generous person plans to be generous and by his generosity he stands! Mark Hankins


#89 God's love in us is kind, gentle, benign, pervading and penetrating the whole nature, mellowing all which would be harsh and austere! Mark Hankins


#90 What Jesus did with His Blood was the greatest demonstration of love there has ever been! Mark Hankins


#91 God’s work in Christ far exceeds any damage done to us by Adam’s fall! Mark Hankins


#92 The gifts of God are activated when we are saturated by the Holy Spirit! Mark Hankins


#93 Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ! 2 Corinthians 10:5


#94 What’s happening IN you is greater than what’s happening TO you! Mark Hankins


#95 My confession is a preview of coming attractions! Mark Hankins


#96 When revelation knowledge hits your spirit, it's like wasabi (Japanese horseradish) hitting your brain! Every breakthrough in faith comes from a breakthrough in revelation knowledge! (Ephesians 1:17-23). Mark Hankins


#97 Harvests never get confused. If your giving doesn’t affect you much, neither will your harvest! Mark Hankins


#98 Open your mouth, speak the WORD and put the devil on the run! Mark Hankins


#99 When you open up your mouth, you shut the devil’s mouth! Mark Hankins


#100 For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death! (Romans 8:2). Mark Hankins


#101 When you put your faith in the Blood of Jesus, you go from looking for healing to being in the presence of the Healer! Mark Hankins


#102 Open your mouth, speak the WORD and put the devil on the run! Mark Hankins


#103 When faith comes, fear goes. Mark Hankins


#104 The Spirit of faith is a fire, and it is lit by your confession! Mark Hankins


#105 There's something about a fresh anointing that connects you to your destiny! Mark Hankins


#106 Believer, I urge you, let every thought about the Blood awaken in you the glorious confession, “By His own Blood, the Lord Jesus has sanctified me. He has taken complete possession of me for God. And I belong entirely to God!” Andrew Murray


#107 You get some places because you trust God and you get other places because God trusts you! Mark Hankins


#108 God did in Christ what He wanted to do in every man. He gave us the same identical life, righteousness, blessing, and authority that is in Christ. Anyone in Christ is a new creature! (2 Corinthians 5:17). Mark Hankins


#109 Christianity doesn't begin with what you do. It begins with something God has done for you IN CHRIST! Mark Hankins


#110 Faith is your grip on God. Grace is God's grip on you. God's grip on you is always stronger than your grip on Him. Mark Hankins


#111 Your joy is a demonstration to the unseen world of your victory in Christ Jesus! Mark Hankins


#112 You have to win the war of words before you can win the fight of faith. Never run at your giants with your mouth shut. Mark Hankins


#113 Your faith can grow exceedingly, so don't be disappointed where you're at. Crank it up a notch! Once you break one barrier, you can break it the rest of your life! Mark Hankins


#114 Once you have a meeting with God, you always come out with a smile on your face and a confession of faith! Mark Hankins


#115 The Word of God has the power to produce what it demands and to perform what it promises. Mark Hankins


#116 If you let the enemy have your beans; he's coming after your taco, your burrito and your whole Mexican dinner! Mark Hankins


#117 The victory is in your confession. You cannot be silent! You cannot just nod! God needs a verbal response! 'JESUS IS LORD!'. Mark Hankins


#118 It’s amazing how much forgiveness we expect to receive, but how little we are willing to give out to others. Mark Hankins


#119 As long as I can move my mouth, I can move mountains! (Mark 11:23). Mark Hankins


#120 There is no penalty for excessive celebration in the Kingdom of God. Mark Hankins


#121 The secret power of joy. Unspeakable joy is a container for the glory of God! Mark Hankins


#122 The remission of sin... cancellation of penalty and the removal of guilt... absolute remission... molecular remission... justified!! Just as if I'd never sinned! 100% righteous In Christ! Revolutionary revelation... BLOOD BLESSED! Mark Hankins


#123 See yourself in Christ. Mark Hankins


#124 Abundance has a way of coming to you when it observes generosity. If you desire to give and you get addicted to giving, God will support your habit! Mark Hankins


#125 The Holy Spirit lands where the Word of God is spoken. Mark Hankins


#126 Your faith must move your mouth before it moves your mountain. Mark Hankins


#127 Unspeakable joy is a container for the glory of God (1 Peter 1:8). Mark Hankins


#128 Every advance in the call and blessing of God comes from an advance in revelation knowledge (Ephesians 1:17-23). Mark Hankins


#129 The greatest reward for obeying God is not what you get; it's what you become! (Ephesians 4:24). Mark Hankins


#130 When you have the Spirit of faith, quitting is not an option. Mark Hankins


#131 Sow honor, reap honor. It's that simple! Mark Hankins


#132 When you practice walking in love, God will fight your battles for you. Mark Hankins


#133 God has revealed His love, His power, His goodness, His righteousness, and His wisdom IN CHRIST! The Gospel of Christ has uncovered the eternal purpose for every man. Mark Hankins


#134 The Spirit of faith requires two things: believing and speaking! Believing is the attitude of faith. Speaking is the initial act of faith!! We believe and therefore we speak! Mark Hankins


#135 God did IN CHRIST what He wanted to do in every man! Quit seeing yourself as damaged and see yourself as a new creation IN CHRIST. God put into Christ everything He wanted you to have! Mark Hankins


#136 Some of the most serious business of Heaven is conducted in an atmosphere of JOY. Mark Hankins


#137 If you knew what was on the other side of your mountain, you would move it. Mark Hankins


#138 The same power that is in the resurrection is in the Message of the Gospel. Satan is just as defeated by the Message as he was in the resurrection event. The Gospel of Christ is the Power of God. Mark Hankins


#139 You cannot stay in the natural and expect supernatural results! Your answer, your victory is in the Spirit! Mark Hankins


#140 Your Faith has to be big enough to move your mouth before it can move your mountain. Mark Hankins


#141 Our confession connects us with God's ability! We are the Believer, but God is the Performer! Keep your expectation only on God! Mark Hankins


#142 If you want the God-Kind of results, you must have the God-Kind of Faith! Mark Hankins


#143 Your value and identity is in Christ! Mark Hankins


#144 The Holy Spirit has a reputation for working with some real losers and making them champions. Mark Hankins


#145 The reason words will move a mountain is because mountains are made by words. Mark Hankins


#146 The Fire of God will burn up the things that have been hindering you and will ignite the gift of God within you. Mark Hankins


#147 If you want what God wants, for the same reason He wants it, you are invincible.  F.F. Bosworth


#148 Some people are self-conscious, some people are people-conscious, some people are sin-conscious, some people are unconscious, Faith is God-Conscious! Mark Hankins


#149 Feed on the Word! Mark Hankins


#150 Activation of all Revelation begins with confession. Mark Hankins


#151 There is not one thing in me the Blood does not cleanse. If sin can damage it, the Blood can fix it! Mark Hankins


#152 The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation opens our eyes to see the unlimited possibilities of God. Mark Hankins


#153 God is not opposed to you being rich or abundantly provided for. However, He is opposed to you being covetous. Mark Hankins


#154 Your Joy is a demonstration of the Triumph of Christ! Your celebration is a demonstration of your expectation! Joy is serious business! Mark Hankins


#155 You look a lot better IN CHRIST than you do outside of Him! Mark Hankins


#156 Your words can limit you or loose you! Mark Hankins


#157 You can’t cure everyone else’s unthankfulness, but you can cure yours. Mark Hankins


#158 Being obedient in the place of your finances allows for God to use you in other areas. Mark Hankins


#159 In Christ, you have access to the Father! Mark Hankins


#160 God’s will for you is to be in health (3 John 2). Mark Hankins


#161 Anytime God wants to change someone's life, he always touches their mouth [Jeremiah 1:9]. Mark Hankins


#162 Many Christians are weak, though sincere, because they lack a bold confession of who they are in Christ. Mark Hankins


#163 It doesn't matter how long you have been facing your challenge; it can be overcome and won! Trina Hankins


#164 It's not enough to know your identity. You have to carry it! (Spiritual Passport). Mark Hankins


#165 If you are not impressed with who you are in Christ, you just haven't seen Him lately. You look a whole lot better in Christ than you do outside of Him [2 Corinthians 5:17]. Mark Hankins


#166 We can experience freedom from guilt and a sin consciousness. Mark Hankins


#167 DIVINE APPROVAL. The radical, revolutionary revelation of the reality of righteousness! Understanding you have God's divine approval on your life sets you free from the sense of rejection, inadequacy or inferiority. Mark Hankins


#168 The Blood of Jesus silences the voice of condemnation. Mark Hankins


#169 The blood of Jesus carries the power of all that Jesus overcame. Mark Hankins


#170 Just because you know how faith works, doesn't mean you know how you're going to get your miracle. Mark Hankins


#171 Your extravagant generosity is a REFLECTION of God’s extravagant generosity! Mark Hankins


#172 God is your source of supply! Mark Hankins


#173 A spirit of faith will give you boldness and confidence to go forward in the blessings and the will of God for your life! Mark Hankins


#174 Faith is obeying God even when there's an element of the unknown. Mark Hankins


#175 You can think yourself happy, knowing that you are in the perfect will of God for your life! Mark Hankins


#176 Never take God out of your faith formula. Mark Hankins


#177 If the price that was paid for you is precious ... then you must be precious. Mark Hankins


#178 When we give God our cares, He gives us His strength and more! Mark Hankins


#179 Join the 3-1 gang: Say, Say, Say, BELIEVE! The saying part of faith is mentioned three times, and the believing part is only mentioned once (Mark 11:23). Mark Hankins


#180 You are redeemed from the curse of the law. Mark Hankins


#181 Only the Blood of Jesus has the power to free you from the worst blows dealt to you in life and bring such healing that even your memory is freed from the thought of them. Mark Hankins


#182 ASK-SEEK-KNOCK! God has MORE for you!! Mark Hankins


#183 If you are in Christ, You are not in crisis. Mark Hankins


#184 Everybody wants the Lord to use them. The problem is they want Him to use them the way they want to be used. Mark Hankins


#185 I am the believer. God is the Performer! Mark Hankins


#186 You are such a new creation in Christ that God will have to introduce you to your new self! [2 Corinthians 5:17]. Mark Hankins


#187 The Spirit of wisdom and revelation opens our eyes to see the unlimited possibilities of God [Ephesians 1:17-23]. Mark Hankins


#188 The substance of your faith is enriched when you pray in the Holy Spirit [Jude 1:20]. Mark Hankins


#189 Your revelation on the will of God for your life will fuel your dedication! Mark Hankins


#190 Revolutionary revelation produces revolutionary results. Mark Hankins


#191 God would not design a plan for your life that did not require faith! Mark Hankins


#192 Faith is acting on God's Word. The simplest definition of faith is to act like the Bible is true. Mark Hankins


#193 You cannot be defeated unless you are spiritually depleted. Mark Hankins


#194 When you are a generous giver, God does things for you that money cannot do. Mark Hankins


#195 Faith in the blood - plus nothing, minus nothing - is all you need to enjoy God's best blessings. Mark Hankins


#196 Some people will never receive their healing until they receive a revelation of righteousness. Mark Hankins


#197 The Word of God has the power to produce what it demands and to perform what it promises. Mark Hankins


#198 Your identity comes from who you are in Christ. Mark Hankins


#199 There's no limit to God's giving except our capacity to receive it! Mark Hankins


#200 Everything God did in Christ, He did for us and it is set to the credit of our account like we did it. Mark Hankins


#201 Always sow cheerfully! Your sowing shows your affection and your expectation. Mark Hankins


#202 The Spirit of faith will take the whine out of your voice! Mark Hankins


#203 God did in Christ what He wanted to do in every man [2 Corinthians 5:17]! Mark Hankins


#204 The Word of God is a spoken thing! It was spoken before it was written and it was written so it could be spoken! Mark Hankins


#205 We must see the glory of God to do the will of God! Mark Hankins


#206 Hold tight to your confession! Mark Hankins


#207 LOVE: THE SECRET TO SUCCESS. Walking in the God-Kind of love is our greatest challenge. It's also our greatest reward. God not only commands us to love one another, but He has given us love in our hearts to do so. Mark Hankins


#208 Your faith must move your mouth before it moves your mountain. Mark Hankins


#209 In the New Testament we are redeemed from sin and sin-consciousness … guilt and shame are removed by the power of the Blood of Jesus [Colossians 1:20-22]. Mark Hankins


#210 Your joy is a demonstration to the unseen world of your victory in Christ Jesus! Mark Hankins


#211 Receive and transmit the glory of God. Mark Hankins


#212 If you want the God-kind of results, you must have the God-kind of faith. Mark Hankins


#213 The spirit of faith will take the victim out of your voice! Mark Hankins


#214 Sow honor, reap honor. It’s that simple! Mark Hankins


#215 The Holy Spirit is a genius! If you listen to Him, He will make you look smart. B.B. Hankins


#216 Our relationship with Jesus is directly tied to our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Mark Hankins


#217 God did not design giving for you to decrease. God designed giving for you to increase [Luke 6:38]! Mark Hankins


#218 Preach the Gospel, not the gossip. Mark Hankins


#219 God is on my side, for the blood has been applied. Every need shall be supplied, nothing shall be denied. So I enter into rest, I know that I am blessed. I have passed the test. I will get God's best! Trina Hankins


#220 Jesus gave us His authority to move that mountain! Mark Hankins


#221 The spirit of faith will take the victim out of your voice and put victory in your voice! Mark Hankins


#222 Nothing will establish you and build your faith as quickly as your confession. F.F. Bosworth


#223 God will call you things there's no evidence it exists. Mark Hankins


#224 The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. Psalms 119:130


#225 The spirit of faith requires two things: Believing and speaking! Believing is the ATTITUDE of faith. Speaking is the initial ACT of faith! We believe and therefore we speak! Mark Hankins


#226 Jesus didn't say come and think. He said come and drink! If you drink better, you will think better [John 7:37-38]. Mark Hankins


#227 Learn how to act on God's Word; use your authority and receive your healing; maintain your healing. Trina Hankins


#228 We can have shame-free living. For the Scripture saith, “Whoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed (Romans 10:11). Mark Hankins


#229 What Jesus did with His Blood was the greatest demonstration of love there has ever been [Hebrew 9:12-24]. Mark Hankins


#230 The spirit of wisdom and revelation will open your eyes! Ephesians 1:17-23


#231 The spirit of wisdom and revelation floods your mind and soul with light. You’re going to see things different than ever before. Mark Hankins


#232 Since unbelief is curable, nothing is incurable! Mark Hankins


#233 Jesus took our shame. Mark Hankins


#234 Some people have more respect for the devil than they do Jesus Christ and the power of His Blood. Joshua Waldoch


#235 Where the Blood of Jesus flows, the Holy Spirit goes. Mark Hankins


#236 Jesus changes everything! Mark Hankins


#237 “The Blood of Jesus keeps and guards my mind day and night.” Grace Ryerson Roos


#238 This is a new day of boldness! Mark Hankins


#239 Your faith may not prevent all mountains, but it will move them [Mark 11:23]. Mark Hankins


#240 The fight of faith starts with your identification with Christ. You are seated in Heavenly places [Ephesians 2:6]. Mark Hankins


#241 Use your authority and receive your healing! Trina Hankins


#242 There is no problem you are facing that is bigger than the words in your mouth. Mark Hankins


#243 Revelation knowledge of the Word of God fuels your faith. Mark Hankins


#244 Hold fast to your confession! Mark Hankins


#245 Faith in the Blood of Jesus is a spiritual law that accesses the kingdom of God and all its power! Mark Hankins


#246 Act like the Bible is true! Mark Hankins


#247 The moment you access God, He can access your problem. Mark Hankins


#248 God always makes His grace visible in Christ, who includes us as partners of His endless triumph. Through our yielded lives He spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere we go. 2 Corinthians 2:14 TPT


#249 Every advance in the call and blessing of God comes from an advance in revelation knowledge. Mark Hankins


#250 God sees you in Christ! Mark Hankins


#251 The source of revelation knowledge is found as you fall down in surrender before the Lord. Don’t expect to see Shekinah glory until the Lord sees your sincere humility. Mark Hankins


#252 You don’t have to let the devil dominate you. Leon Stump


#253 There is no problem you are facing that is bigger than the words in your mouth. Mark Hankins


#254 The devil cannot dominate any person with a revelation of righteousness. Mark Hankins


#255 There is no such thing as unexpressed thanks! Be thankful! Say it! Mark Hankins


#256 What the blood of Jesus has done in Heaven… the Holy Spirit does the exact same thing in the heart of every believer. Mark Hankins


#257 A man in Christ is a new creature! Mark Hankins


#258 The Holy Spirit ain't scared of any kind of mess. He will jump in the middle of what's ugly and make it pretty! Mark Hankins


#259 It is faith confessions that create your reality. Mark Hankins


#260 Our job is to believe and speak! But God is the Performer [Jeremiah 1:12]! Mark Hankins


#261 Intimacy with God brings POWER! Trina Hankins


#262 Revelation knowledge is the source of mountain moving faith! Mark Hankins


#263 Faith without corresponding action is dead! [James 2:18]


#264 These two words, 'In Christ' give us profound insight into the divine method of salvation. These two words open to us mysteries and secrets that were hidden for ages and generations. A.J. Gordon [Colossians 2:3,9,10]


#265 Acknowledge every good thing in Christ. Mark Hankins


#266 THE BLOODLINE OF A CHAMPION. Through faith in the Blood of Jesus, we can live in the reality of our redemption which gives real solutions to real problems for real people. Mark Hankins


#267 Press on towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. Mark Hankins


#268 The biggest enemy to faith is unforgiveness. Mark Hankins [Mark 11:25]


#269 The Blood of Jesus silences the voice of condemnation. Mark Hankins


#270 Stand up in your faith! Mark Hankins


#271 Take authority over the devil and tell him how things are going to be!


#272 Whosoever shall have whatsoever. Faith works the same in every area of life. Mark Hankins [Mark 11:23]


#273 Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved! Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13


#274 The repetition of the Word brings increase! Mark Hankins


#275 One of the reasons God rewards faithfulness is it is one of his greatest characteristics. Mark Hankins [Hebrews 11:6 || Lamentations 3:23]


#276 Make your faith effective! Mark Hankins


#277 Your rejoicing will take you from believing to receiving. Mark Hankins


#278 Devil, I’m ready to fight! We overcome the devil by our confession of faith and taking a bold stand! Mark Hankins


#279 You don't get healed because you are the best Christian in the church! You get healed because of the mercy of God and the Blood of Jesus! Mark Hankins


#280 You’re not going to reach your God-given destiny without discovering your God-given identity. Mark Hankins


#281 Have a bold confession of faith! Mark Hankins


#282 The Blood of Jesus carries the power of all that Jesus overcame. Mark Hankins


#283 There are abundant blessings in Christ! Mark Hankins


#284 When you are filled with the Holy Ghost, He will have you laughing at the most unusual times. Mark Hankins


#285 What happened to Jesus on the Cross is greater than anything that has ever happened to you! Mark Hankins [Galatians 2:20]


#286 Acknowledge every good thing in your life! Mark Hankins


#287 My faith must be strong enough to move my mouth. Terri Copeland Pearsons


#288 That the communication of your faith may become effectual by acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. Philemon 1:6


#289 When the Holy Ghost moves in, every other kind of ghost has to move out! Mark Hankins


#290 Be teachable, you’re not always right!


#291 What you’re saying is determining what you’re having right now. Mark Hankins


#292 Never remove God from your situation. Terri Copeland Pearsons


#293 The moment you start moving your mouth, revelation starts to flow! Mark Hankins


#294 Never run at your giant with your mouth shut! Mark Hankins


#295 You have to be just as thrilled with the watering process, the repetition of the Word, as when you first heard it. Mark Hankins


#296 There is no problem you are facing that is bigger than the words in your mouth. Mark Hankins [Mark 11:23]


#297 The yoke is destroyed because of the Anointing of the Lord! Mark Hankins


#298 The Anointing of the Lord breaks the yoke of bondage, the Anointing of the Lord sets the captives free, the Anointing of the Lord brings rivers to my desert, that Anointing is falling on me, that Anointing is resting on me.


#299 When Jesus comes, the tempter’s power is broken. When Jesus comes, He wipes away your tears. He’ll take your gloom and fill your heart and life with glory and gladness, for all is changed when Jesus comes to stay.


#300 Never let your struggle to become your identity. Your identity is in Christ! Mark Hankins


#301 Some people are self-conscious. Some people are people-conscious. Some people are time-conscious. Some people are sin-conscious. Some people are demon-conscious. Some people are unconscious. Faith is God-conscious! Mark Hankins


#302 Every breakthrough in faith comes from a breakthrough in revelation knowledge. Mark Hankins


#303 The Anointing abides in you! Mark Hankins


#304 God's head-bypass operation: Praying in the Holy Ghost. Mark Hankins [1 Corinthians 14:14]


#305 Fight the good fight of faith with your confession! Mark Hankins


#306 A wrong confession can open the door to the enemy. The right confession, in agreement with the Word of God, will close the door to the enemy.” Mark Hankins [Revelation 12:11]


#307 The confession of faith is the Blood Covenant connection. Mark Hankins [Hebrews 4:14 (AMP) | Romans 10:9,10]


#308 Anytime God wants to change someone’s life, He always touches their mouth. Mark Hankins [Jeremiah 1:9]


#309 Exercise your authority over your thoughts! Mark Hankins


#310 Be an enforcer of the Word! Mark Hankins


#311 It’s easy to be a generous giver when you realize this world is temporary. We are living in the light of eternity. Mark Hankins


#312 If your faith isn't talking, it isn't working. Faith always has a voice. Mark Hankins [Mark 11:23]


#313 No wavering allowed! Don’t be silent. HOLD FAST to your confession of faith! Mark Hankins


#314 If you are fighting everything in the natural, you are going to lose. It’s not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts! [Zechariah 4:6] Mark Hankins


#315 By faith we understand that the entire universe was created by the spoken Word of God. Hebrews 11:3


#316 The Word of God has the power to product what it demands and to perform what it promises. Mark Hankins


#317 The spirit of faith will announce the outcome in the middle of adversity! Mark Hankins [Acts 27:25]


#318 Act on God’s Word! Mark Hankins


#319 Faith is activated when you start talking! Mark Hankins


#320 Generosity is a demonstration that God is our source! Mark Hankins [Luke 6:38]


#321 The Anointing of Jesus sets the captives free and brings breakthroughs!


#322 Be careful for extremes. The devil knows if he can’t stop you, he will push you too far and you will end up in the ditch. Stay in the middle of the Gospel road and you will reach your destination. Kenneth Dad Hagin, Sr.


#323 Exercise your authority over your thoughts! Mark Hankins


#324 God wants to bless you so much that He can use you as advertisement of how good He treats His children. Mark Hankins [Ephesians 1:19-20 TPT]


#325 You don’t have to dishonor. Just refuse to honor. That is dishonor. Mark Hankins


#326 Honor will always cost you something. Mark Hankins


#327 The God kind of honor always requires substance. Some people stop at respect, but honor goes above and beyond just respect. True honor is when you give something of value; which would be time, money or talents. Honor will always cost you something. Mark Hankins


#328 It's not enough to believe in the Blood of Jesus. You have to apply it with your voice. Mark Hankins


#329 Meditation … moving from information to revelation. Mark Hankins


#330 I believe and I speak! Mark Hankins


#331 Faith is obeying God even when there is an element of the unknown. Mark Hankins [Hebrews 11:8]


#332 We need to discover our identity in Christ, who is the Anointed One! Mark Hankins


#333 Your celebration is a demonstration of your expectation! Mark Hankins


#334 Soul, be still and know that the Lord is God. Let Him fight your battles for you. He has never lost a case. He wins each and every battle!


#335 Sensitive people always have hurt feelings. Offended, rejected, mistreated … sensitivity is of the devil! Mark Hankins


#336 Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them. Psalms 119:165


#337 The secret power of joy overcomes in every circumstance and situation. Mark Hankins


#338 Unspeakable joy is a container for the Glory of God! Mark Hankins


#339 Your inward man is being renewed day by day my meditating on the Word of God and walking in faith, love, peace and joy!


#340 Your faith can grow exceedingly. So don't be disappointed where you're at. Crank it up a notch! Once you break one barrier, you can break it the rest of your life! Mark Hankins


#341 Your faith in God will change your words … that will change your scenery! Have faith in God! Mark Hankins


#342 There's something about a fresh anointing that connects you to your destiny. Mark Hankins


#343 The key to your future is living by faith and walking in the love of God! The Lord has a bright, sunny, glorious future for you! Just develop hope, and believe in God’s goodness! Expect great things from the Lord! Pray your desired future into existence!


#344 God's work in Christ far exceeds any damage done to us. Mark Hankins [Romans 5:17-20 || 2 Corinthians 5:17]


#345 You have the same spirit of FAITH as the heroes of the faith! Same thing Moses had. Same thing Abraham had. Say “I GOT IT! Mark Hankins


#346 Feed your faith spiritual food from the Word of God! Mark Hankins


#347 Equal position gets you equal possession! Mark Hankins [Ephesians 2:6]


#348 Master your body. You tell it what to do, and you feed it the nutrition that it needs. Take control over your body. Our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Mark Hankins


#349 Revelation knowledge makes believers dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. Mark Hankins [2 Corinthians 12:7]


#350 Choose life and not death. Death and Life are in the power of the tongue. You will eat the fruit of the choices you make! So choose life, so that you and your offspring would be blessed! Mark Hankins


#351 The Blood of Jesus has the power to reach into your conscience and silence the voice of self condemnation! Mark Hankins


#352 Never underestimate the importance of the repetition of the Word. Mark Hankins


#353 Get your weapons out! The weapons we fight with are not natural or carnal, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds! And casting down all vain imaginations and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ!


#354 The Blood of Jesus has redeemed us ONCE and for all eternity! Glory!


#355 Any time you are feeling and acting mistreated, you know the devil is working on you. Mark Hankins


#356 God’s ready to give you some firsts. Are you ready? Mark Hankins


#357 If you are not impressed with who you are in Christ, you've not seen Him lately! Mark Hankins


#358 Where the Blood of Jesus flows... the Holy Spirit goes! Mark Hankins


#359 You can win the war over foreboding thoughts, battles of the mind, vain imaginations, having a negative mindset, fearful thoughts, defeated mindset, and doubt-filled thinking patterns. Just saturate yourself in faith and the Word of God, and apply total trust in God for Him to deliver you and set you free!


#360 The world of the generous gets larger and larger. The world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. Proverbs 11:24 (Message Translation)


#361 Have faith in the Name of Jesus. His Name is above every other name, both in Heaven and Earth. At His Name, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. In His Name, is salvation, baptism, healing, deliverance, prosperity, divine health, wealth, everlasting life, and every blessing in Christ Jesus.


#362 We honor the Blood of Jesus by boldly confessing that it cleanses us from all sin and removes sin consciousness. Faith in the Blood of Jesus produces righteousness consciousness. Mark Hankins [2 Corinthians 5:21 || Hebrews 10:14-23]


#363 A man’s harvest in life depends entirely on what he sows. Mark Hankins [Galations 6:7]


#364 Our relationship with the Father and Jesus is directly tied to our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Mark Hankins [John 16:13,14]


#365 The spiritual weapons of our warfare include: faith, praise, worship, walking in love and the fruit of the Spirit, allowing the force of joy to flow through us, walking in Divine fellowship with God, obeying the Word, quoting the Word to the devil, following God’s commands, living in purity, holiness, righteousness and truth.


#366 Never mock a pain you have never endured, because when life hits you … you might become everything you ever criticized! Mark Hankins


#367 Love is the secret to success! Walking in the God-Kind of love is our greatest challenge. It's also our greatest reward. God not only commands us to love one another, but He has given us love in our hearts to do so. Mark Hankins


#368 God did not design giving for you to decrease. God designed giving for you to increase! Mark Hankins


#369 The Word of God and faith renews the mind! Mark Hankins


#370 The substance of your faith is enriched when you pray in the Holy Spirit. Mark Hankins [Jude 1:20]


#371 Praise will light your candle! God wants to see you get lit with a Spirit of Faith so He can turn some things around! Psalms 18:28-29 Mark Hankins


#372 Who is “right” and who is “wrong” is decided by who is best at walking in the God kind of love! Mark Hankins [1 Corinthians 13:4-8]


#373 You are not just a forgiven sinner … you are a brand new person, a new kind of human In Christ! Mark Hankins [2 Corinthians 5:17]


#374 Walking by faith and believing God’s Word changes things on the inside of you! Mark Hankins


#375 It is impossible to be offended or disappointed if your expectation is only on God. Mark Hankins [Psalm 62]


#376 Feed your faith the Word of God every day. It will cause you to grow, flourish and become fruitful in your life.


#377 We live by faith and not by sight!


#378 The just shall live by faith!


#379 We are justified by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ!


#380 When you practice walking in love, God will fight your battles for you!


#381 God’s mercy endures forever. His mercies are new every morning, and great is His faithfulness!


#382 Present your body as a living sacrifice to God, holy and without blame, walking in faith, love and holiness!


#383 Not only does God make you righteous, but He freely gives you His righteousness and qualifies you for His best blessings. Mark Hankins [Romans 5:17 (TPT)] [Romans 8:32]


#384 Act on God’s Word. Do what is says to do in every situation. This shows that you believe God! Mark Hankins


#385 When you give and sow into someone’s need, you get your needs met. When you sow into someone’s dream, your dreams come to pass! Mark Hankins [2 Corinthians 9:6-10]


#386 Satan is the accuser... Jesus is the Advocate... Always plead the Blood of Jesus. Mark Hankins [Revelation 12:10,11]


#387 Elijah and Elisha were men of strong faith! Many miracles were performed during their ministry. The dead were also raised! Elisha walked in a double portion anointing!


#388 God will always give you the victory! Glory! Mark Hankins


#389 Stay in the Anointing flow! Mark Hankins


#390 The devil doesn't care what you believe, as long as you are silent about it. Mark Hankins [Mark 11:23]


#391 Joy is a harvesting factor! Kenneth Copeland


#392 The joy of the Lord strengthens our spirit man, our soul (mind, will, emotions) and our physical body. Joy and laughter are medicine to the body and health to all our flesh.


#393 The joy of the Lord causes us to triumph and to obtain our victory! Joy mixed with love and faith is especially powerful and effective!


#394 The joy of the Lord extinguishes the fiery darts and attacks of the enemy, and causes the devil to flee from us. The enemy cannot handle joy. A joyful person is a powerful person. The enemy wants us to feel gloom, despair, and misery. But when we begin to dance and shout for joy, and put on the garment of praise, it sends the devil scattering and all demonic strongholds are broken by the power of God! Joy undermines the devil’s whole operation and causes confusion to the enemy camp.


#395 We are blessed when we serve others. Serving others is one way of expressing the agape love of God to our families, friends and the brethren. Jesus said that to become great in the kingdom of God, one must first of all be a servant. Jesus did not come to be served, but rather to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.


#396 Faith laughs at impossibilities! Mark Hankins


#397 Faith makes a way where there seems to be no way! Mark Hankins


#398 If you keep your faith, your faith will keep you. Mark Hankins [2 Timothy 4:7]


#399 Faith causes you to have favor with God and man, and gives you supernatural promotion! Mark Hankins


#400 You don’t have to try harder … you just have to receive the Word better. The Word will do the work! Mark Hankins


#401 Humble yourself in the sight of God and He will lift you up! Put on a spirit of meekness and humility. Mark Hankins


#402 Faith enables a person to possess their promised land. Without faith, a person will never enter into their rest. Mark Hankins


#403 There are giants in the promised land, but our faith is the victory that overcomes every adversity and enemy.


#404 Faith won’t work without love. Love never fails. Love is the most excellent way. Love never fades away or becomes obsolete. Love is everlasting. Love endures trials. Love is a generous giver of their finances, friendship, time and talents.


#405 Love is patient, long-suffering, kind, gentle, courteous, considerate, humble, meek, faithful, loyal, slow to anger, not rude or unbecoming, not selfish or self-centered, not swelled up with pride, not arrogant, not abusive, not controlling, does not demand its own way, does not tear down others but rather builds them up, is not jealous or filled with malice, has no prejudice in their heart, has no guile on their tongue, does not backbite their neighbor, is not cruel to others or to their pets, love forgives others, love extends mercy to others, love gives others a second chance, to walk in love is to be like Jesus. God is love. To walk in love is to abide in the light. He who hates his brother abides in the darkness. Perfect (mature and complete) love casts our fear, because fear involves torment and the one who fears has not been made perfect in love. The Bible says to become rooted and grounded in love. That we may come to experientially know the height and the depth, the length and the width, of the love of God, so that we would come into the full measure or stature of Christ. The love of God is vast like an ocean.


#406 The first 90 seconds before you get out of bed … “I ain’t crashing” … “I’m walking by faith.” Mark Hankins


#407 When we become partners with God, it is to His advantage when you prosper. Mark Hankins [Philippians 4:14-29]


#408 A dance isn’t something God gives you. A dance is something you give God! Mark Hankins


#409 If you are struggling with a physical illness, or in some other area of your life, begin to dance before the Lord in victory and triumph. It causes the devil to flee. It brings about breakthroughs in the Spirit realm. Before you know it, the victory has come and you discover that you are healed and made whole. Prosperity comes, deliverance comes, joy comes. Whatever you need from God comes.


#410 Walking by faith leads you into the new places in God. Mark Hankins


#411 The Blood of Jesus carries the power of all that Jesus overcame. Mark Hankins


#412 The moment you act on the Word, God makes Himself responsible for the results. Mark Hankins


#413 Be confident that the gift of God is inside you and the Holy Ghost has equipped you and He will bring it all to pass! Trina Hankins


#414 God likes people to brag about who they are “IN HIM”. Mark Hankins [Philemon 6]


#415 My soul will boast in the goodness and greatness of the Lord. He is Glorious, Magnificent, Marvelous and Majestic! He is the Mighty God! He is clothed in splendor! He can do anything, except fail. He has never lost a case. He wins each and every battle! He is the Awesome God who rules and reigns in power, dominion and authority. Nothing is too difficult for our God to do. He is mighty in deeds! He is a Promise Keeper and keeps His covenant to a thousand generations. His Name is Faithful and True.


#416 God is giving you a change of clothes. Instead of garments of sin, He is giving you the garment of Salvation and Righteousness.


#417 Instead of the garment of depression, oppression or despair, He is giving you the garment of praise!


#418 Instead of the garment of sadness, He is giving you the garment of Beauty and Joy!


#419 Instead of the garment of mourning, He is giving you the garment of gladness and rejoicing.


#420 Instead of the garment of setbacks, He is giving you the garment of promotion.


#421 Instead of the garment of defeat, He is giving you the garment of victory.


#422 Instead of the garment of sickness, He is giving you the garment of Divine health.


#423 Instead of the garment of poverty, He is giving you the garment of prosperity and wealth.


#424 Instead of the garment of lack, He is giving you the garment of abundance.


#425 Instead of the garment of loneliness, He is giving you the garment of godly companionship and fellowship.


#426 Instead of the garment of hopelessness, He is giving you a new garment of fresh hope and a vision of a bright, sunny, glorious future filled with the promises of God.


#427 Instead of the garment of doubt and unbelief, He is giving you the garment of faith and trust in God.


#428 Instead of the garment of chaos, He is giving you the garment of peace (Shalom).


#429 Instead of a garment of failure or regrets, He is replacing it with a garment of second chances.


#430 Instead of the garment of confusion and disorder, He is giving you a new garment of confidence, certainty, assurance, belief, trust and clear sound thinking.


#431 Instead of the garment of fear, He is replacing it with a garment of faith and courage.


#432 Instead of a garment of physical, mental or emotional pain, He is replacing it with a garment of His love, peace, healing and wholeness.


#433 Instead of a garment of addictions, He is giving you a garment of total recovery.


#434 Instead of a garment of losses and grief, He is giving you a new garment of restoration and comfort.


#435 Instead of a garment of pride, He is replacing it with a garment of a spirit of humility and meekness.


#436 Instead of a garment of rejection, He is replacing it with a new garment of being accepted in the Beloved.


#437 Instead of a garment of feeling bypassed by man, He is replacing it with a garment of being His chosen vessel.


#438 Instead of a garment of impurity or defilement, He is replacing it with a garment of purity and holiness.


#439 Instead of a garment of past abuse or trauma, He is replacing it with a garment of inner healing and total recovery.


#440 Instead of a garment of lying and cheating, He is replacing it with a new garment of truth and integrity.


#441 Instead of a garment of death of some type, He is replacing it with a garment of abundant life. To fail to walk in love is the same as abiding in death. We know we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren.


#442 Instead of a garment of dead dreams and disappointment, He is replacing it with a brand new garment of resurrection life to those dreams and entering into brand new blessings of God. Those who hope in Him will not be disappointed.


#443 Instead of a garment of shame or disgrace, He is replacing it with a white bridal veil. He will remove the reproach, and give you new beginnings in your life.


#444 Instead of a garment of living in sin, He is replacing it with a garment of salvation and remission of sin by the Blood of Jesus.


#445 Instead of a garment of anger, rage, bitterness and unforgiveness, He is replacing it with a garment of love, mercy, grace, and letting go of offenses, putting the past behind, and dropping the matter and moving forward.


#446 Instead of a garment of mental illness that has gone on for a very long time, He is replacing it with total cure and recovery.


#447 Instead of a garment of struggling with the battlefield of the mind, or with foreboding thoughts, He is replacing it with a brand new garment of clear, sound thoughts, thinking on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, praiseworthy, edifying, faith-filled, positive, peaceful, joyful, clean thoughts, counting your blessings, and focusing on the bright sunny side of life. My meditation of the Lord shall be sweet, and I will be glad in Him (Psalms 104:34).


 It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!