Saturday, August 31, 2024

Delight Yourself in the Lord


Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4


To delight in means to take great pleasure in. It means to thoroughly enjoy something or someone.


It speaks of happiness, joy, glee and gladness. It speaks of satisfaction.


To take great delight in also refers to appreciating that person, enjoying spending time in their presence, it means to relish and savor.


It means to revel and bask in, to be pleasing to someone, to thrill and to gratify. It means to have fun. It means to have desire for. It speaks of relaxation and indulgence.


It also refers to recreation, leisure, delectation.


Desire speaks of longing, craving, wishing, wanting, yearning, needing, aspiration, plea, request, appeal, entreaty, petition, to covet, to ask, to appeal, to implore, to intreat.


It means to have hunger for, to thirst for, to ache for, to want very much, to need, to have passion for, to have fervor.


A need means an essential, necessity, requirement, want, bidding, hope.


Hope means confidence, expectation, optimism, anticipation, courage, hopefulness, faith, chance, prospect, possibility, likelihood, promise, potential, desire, aspiration, dream, plan, wish, goal, want. It means probability, sureness, assurance, certainty, conviction, belief, trust, loyalty, persuasion, credence, principle, creed.


Belief means devotion, faithfulness, commitment, fidelity, constancy, dedication, perseverance, allegiance, devoutness, consecration, zeal, care, attentiveness, support, steadfastness, affection, love, adoration, adulation, worship, to esteem, high regard, reverence, exaltation, glorification, veneration, honoring.


To honor speaks of integrity, righteousness, principle, uprightness, morality, character, nobility, admiration, respect, dignity, distinction, to esteem, to hold in awe, to praise.


Praise speaks of commendation, approval, acclaim, tribute, applause, compliment, worship, honor, adoration, devotion, glory, celebration, blessing, thanksgiving, admiration, to extol, exaltation, to boast, to lift up, to laud, to revere, to elevate, to raise, to give tribute, to bow down to, to kneel, to pray, to sing.


Blessing speaks of consecration, sanctification, benediction, dedication, approval, sanction, permission, go ahead, consent, exaltation, hallowing, respecting, to make sacred, make holy.


The bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people.


He is delighted when we spend time in worship and praise, and giving thanks unto the Lord. He is pleased when we lift up holy hands and bless His Name, and sing praises to Him. He is delighted when we dance and shout, and bow down in reverence.


The Bible tells us to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. To be holy means to be set apart unto God. It is the opposite of living in carnality.


Clapping of hands and joyful singing is also beautiful unto the Lord and pleasant. The Lord like for us to take great pleasure in Him and to rejoice and be filled with joy to overflowing.


In His Presence there is fullness of joy, and at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore.


I am His and He is mine. O what fellowship Divine!


Worship is also intimacy with the Lord in spirit and soul. Intimacy means “into me you see”.


It means being familiar with, closeness, understanding, confidence, caring, tenderness, affection, sensitivity to others, gentleness, kindness, fondness, compassion, softness, relationship, quietness, friendliness, warmth, informality, feeling totally relaxed in someone’s presence and free to be you.


The Lord says that if we delight ourselves in Him, that He will give us the desires and secret petitions of our heart.


Do you enjoy spending time in the Presence of God? There is so much joy and peace in His Presence, and healing too.


In the Presence of Jehovah,

God Almighty, Prince of Peace

Troubles vanish, hearts are mended

In the Presence of the King.


To worship is to kiss towards, like how a dog licks his master’s hands. And the dog wags its tail, and prances around so excited to see his master.


If we take great delight in spending time in the Lord’s Presence and abiding in his Word, then He will grant the desires and secret petitions of our heart.


Your prayers will be answered and come to pass. Praising God brings breakthrough in one’s life. If a person is bound by any sin or addiction, the power of praise is able to set the captives free.


The anointing of the Lord

breaks yoke of bondage

The anointing of the Lord

Sets the captives free

The anointing of the Lord

Brings rivers to my desert

That anointing is falling on me

That anointing is resting on me.



Give your heart to the Lord today while there is still time


Not all people die at a ripe old age, but many die in their youth or Prime.


Come to the Cross and receive Christ as your Savior and Lord


Do it while you still have a chance

Time is of the essence and to put it off for a later date you cannot risk or afford.


You might be gone tomorrow for all you know


Today is the day of salvation


Give your life to Christ today and His Spirit will teach you His Word so your faith can flourish and grow.


Get into a good Bible believing church where you can grow in your Christian faith and have fellowship with the saints.


When you give your life to Jesus, you will inherit eternal and everlasting life.


You will not perish and go to hell if you invite Jesus into your heart


He’s done His part by going to the Cross and now you receive and do your part and ask Him to come into your heart.


He will wash away your sins and make you as white as snow.


Though your sins be as crimson, they shall be as white as wool.


Come and dine, the Master calleth, come and dine


You will feast at Jesus’ table all the time


He who fed the multitude and turned the water into wine


He calleth you to come to the table and dine.


Jesus knocks at the door of your heart.


If you open the door and let Him come in,


He will sup with you and you with Him.


He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness and wash away all your sins by His blood in that crimson flood.


Serve the Lord today


You cannot find joy and happiness any other way


He is calling you, listen to His Voice and obey


All of the promises of God are in Him Amen and yea and not nay.


Serving the Lord in the long run does pay.


Jesus wants the backslider to come back home to the Father’s House and no longer be a sheep who has gone astray.


When you speak and declare what you are believing God for, you shall have what you pray and say.


Come to the Lord today and in His presence bask and stay.


Jesus is the light of the world and my sweet sunshine and warm sun ray.


It rains most of the time where I currently live


Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart for you to get born again, and your life to Him to give.


He was nailed to the Cross for me

On the Cross crucified, for me He died

He was nailed to the Cross for me.


I how I love Jesus because He first loved me.


To me He is so wonderful because He first loved me.


Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me


I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.


When we’ve been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun


We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we’ve first begun.


If you prayed a prayer of salvation, you are now born again. You are accepted in the Beloved and are a child of God.


The Lord is faithful and true in all of His ways and He will walk by your side all of your earthly days.


God bless you.