Saturday, August 31, 2024

Poetry about Losing a Baby to Miscarriage


Losing a baby to Miscarriage



This week I had a miscarriage.


My husband and I had conceived a tiny embryo in our marriage.


The majority of my pregnancies have been successful and have gone great


But for some reason this week my body miscarried. There was no pain, but just passing clots and bleeding. I’m unsure if the miscarriage happened due to something I ate.


If so it was accidental on my part


I love every baby to the moon and back with my whole heart.


Lately my body has been getting very tired and weak. I am 58 years old now and at my childbearing peak.


We’ve had over twenty children so far

But my body was strong and up to par.


Maybe we need to take a break from purposely trying to conceive


My body is exhausted I perceive.


I take all my supplements including Vitamin C, D, E, B and Zinc

Yet for some reason my body has been weaker lately and out of sync.


This week I also came down with the beginning stages of flu

That could be the reason for the miscarriage that has left me sad and blue


Every child is a precious gift from the Lord above

All of our children including a newly conceived embryo we celebrate and love.


All of them are so pure and innocent like a dove.


In the beginning of our marriage, I had a dream of being in heaven pushing a baby carriage.


I saw a baby hospital run by angel doctors and nurses in heaven somewhere


The hospital was for miscarried, aborted or preemie babies to receive care


The angels would intravenously feed them night and day until the babies were fully developed and 100% healthy and okay


Then the parent/s would come to the hospital to pick up the baby and bring him or her home to where they live


The angel doctors and nurses with all the babies in the hospital with tender loving care to each baby that did give.


And all of the babies did flourish and grow and live.


The parent had to sign paperwork for the baby to be released to go home with mom and dad


They waited in the waiting room until the angel came out holding the baby in a blanket the color of white and the parents were happy and glad.


In Heaven no miscarried or aborted baby ever dies

The angels nurse the babies to full health and you can hear the baby cries.


In the dream my husband was there to pick up our baby who miscarried and didn’t make it newly after being conceived


The angel nurse brought the baby out wrapped in a white blanket and the baby my husband held in His arms and received.


My husband was a father who was so doting, gentle, loving, and tender


Because the angels had the baby wrapped in a white blanket

I didn’t know in the dream if the baby was a male or female gender.


This baby hospital does exist somewhere in Heaven


Since that dream I had three years ago we have had more babies than just seven


We’ve had over 20 kids so far

In my reproductive health I was strong and up to par.


But now my body is starting get tired and weak

Maybe I’ve reached my childbearing peak

Maybe adoption of children is what we need to now seek


Both of us can love other children born from a different mother

And adopt out two babies or twins … a baby sister and baby brother


Heaven has a lot to offer in regards to baby and child care. I don’t know where the baby hospital is located in Heaven, but it is there somewhere.


The parents can pick up the baby and take them to their forever loving home in the sky.


In Heaven if you miscarry a baby you never have to permanently say goodbye.


The parents do not, like on earth, have to grieve and mourn if they have a stillborn


The doctors and nurses at this baby hospital nurses the babies back to optimal health


Babies are a gift from God and a treasure and more precious than monetary wealth.


Babies never die there

They receive proper medical care


Some babies at full stage are born with a thick head of hair


Some babies are conceived as a single one and other babies are twins and a pair.


There are even triplets there receiving good medical care.


These recent miscarriages I’ve had leaves us feeling blue and sad


Yet at the same time we know that when they are fully developed at this hospital we can come and take them home to be with us and we will be so happy, overflowing with joy and glad.


A recent baby we conceived is named Caroline. She is healthy and doing just fine.


We have several girls, over nine.


Before you can take the baby home from the baby hospital run by angels, there is release paperwork the parent has to sign.


Do you know Jesus today?


He is the Potter and we are the clay. Our prayer should be for Him to me me and make after His will, while I am waiting yielded and still.


We are the branches and He is the Vine.


We can sit at His banqueting table to dine.


If we abide in Him we will bear good fruit that will last


The Lord’s love, compassion and mercy for you is like an ocean so vast.


Give Jesus your heart today,


He is the truth, the life and the only Way


You can only come to the Father through His son


Jesus died on the Cross and spoiled principalities and powers and the victory He won.


The work of the Cross is now finished and done.


The Lord rejects nobody who comes to Him, no not one.


Come to the Cross today,


Please don’t put it off and delay.


A person never knows how much time they have left on earth


You can only be saved through the New Birth.


Nobody is guaranteed they will be alive tomorrow or today


The Lord is speaking to you to come to Him,

Please listen to His Voice and obey.


He is by His Spirit drawing you to Himself at this moment in time


The Lord will forgive you of petty sins and even if you committed a crime.


He is able to transform you into a new woman or man after His own heart


And give you in life a brand new start.


His Presence in your life will always follow you and He will never leave you or depart.


In Heaven you will have a part, and you will be granted a brand new start.


The devil won’t be in heaven to shoot and wound you with his fiery dart.


In Heaven, people are much more intelligent and smart.


Angels have more supernatural abilities, wisdom and insight and a higher IQ than humans do


That is certainly true. They can walk through walls if they want to.


Give your heart to the Lord today while there is still time


Not all people die at a ripe old age, but many die in their youth or Prime.


Come to the Cross and receive Christ as your Savior and Lord


Do it while you still have a chance

Time is of the essence and to put it off for a later date you cannot risk or afford.


You might be gone tomorrow for all you know


Today is the day of salvation


Give your life to Christ today and His Spirit will teach you His Word so your faith can flourish and grow.


Get into a good Bible believing church where you can grow in your Christian faith and have fellowship with the saints.


When you give your life to Jesus, you will inherit eternal and everlasting life.


You will not perish and go to hell if you invite Jesus into your heart


He’s done His part by going to the Cross and now you receive and do your part and ask Him to come into your heart.


He will wash away your sins and make you as white as snow.


Though your sins be as crimson, they shall be as white as wool.


Come and dine, the Master calleth, come and dine


You will feast at Jesus’ table all the time


He who fed the multitude and turned the water into wine


He calleth you to come to the table and dine.


Jesus knocks at the door of your heart.


If you open the door and let Him come in,


He will sup with you and you with Him.


He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness and wash away all your sins by His blood in that crimson flood.


Serve the Lord today


You cannot find joy and happiness any other way


He is calling you, listen to His Voice and obey


All of the promises of God are in Him Amen and yea and not nay.


Serving the Lord in the long run does pay.


Jesus wants the backslider to come back home to the Father’s House and no longer be a sheep who has gone astray.


When you speak and declare what you are believing God for, you shall have what you pray and say.


Come to the Lord today and in His presence bask and stay.


Jesus is the light of the world and my sweet sunshine and warm sun ray.


It rains most of the time where I currently live


Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart for you to get born again, and your life to Him to give.


He was nailed to the Cross for me

On the Cross crucified, for me He died

He was nailed to the Cross for me.


I how I love Jesus because He first loved me.


To me He is so wonderful because He first loved me.


Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me


I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.


When we’ve been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun


We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we’ve first begun.

I will lead you in a salvation prayer. Just say,

"Dear Lord Jesus, I invite You to come into my heart. I accept and receive You as my Savior and Lord. I believe that You died and rose again. Thank You for washing away all of my sins and making me brand new. Help me to live for you. I give my life to You. I want to get to know You better and serve You for the rest of my years. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and teach me Your Word and Your ways. In Jesus' Name, Amen."

If you prayed a prayer of salvation, you are now born again. You are accepted in the Beloved and are a child of God.


The Lord is faithful and true in all of His ways and He will walk by your side all of your earthly days.


God bless you.