Thursday, August 29, 2024

Prophetic Poetry - Showing Respect and Reverence for the Anointing


Jesus is the Lamb of God whose Blood was shed for the remission of sins


Whosoever is an overcomer until the very end wins


Is Jesus your Savior and Lord?

His grace for you has been outpoured.


He was nailed to the Cross for me


I was blind, but by His grace now I can see.


I was bound, but now am set free.


On the Cross crucified, for me He died


I was born in sin, but the Lord took me in.


I used to be a sinner, but now am a winner.


I used to gripe and complain

But I never did take the Lord’s Name in vain.


You are the sacrificial Lamb who was slain.


With Your blood You washed away every stain.


Now I have Heaven to gain.


His harvest field is ripe like the golden grain.


His Presence is outpoured like the latter rain.


In Him I live and move and remain.


He is the most excellent of men


I am a ready writer with my pen.


He is the Lion of Judah

And the bright and morning star

He is the fairest of ten thousand

Mary anointed His feet with precious oil from her alabaster jar.


Jesus said that she anointed Him for His death and burial which would not be down the road too far.


Jesus thinks of You each time He looks in the mirror at every scar.


His back still has the scars of the scourging.

Will you allow him to do in your life a work of purification and purging?


Griping and complaining make Him mad. Living in sin makes Him sad.


He does not want you to do things that are bad.


When you obey the Lord, blessings to your life He will add.

Jesus is my best friend and my Master too

He is very easy to submit myself to

And whatever He says I follow through and do.


He loves Italian and Chinese food

Sometimes I get melancholy and brood when I’m not in a good mood.


I try to be cordial, kind and never rude.

He loves the great outdoors and is a great dude.


He blesses me financially and making sure I have plenty of provision and me He feeds.


He feeds me both in body and in soul

He causes me to become healed and whole.


He holds me in His arms when I need it the most


Jesus is a wonderful 100% God and 100% man man and in Him I like to boast.


He loves nature and enjoys going to the ocean coast.


He loves going to the Crystal Sea

Someday when I get to heaven we will walk hand in hand along the promenade and those who surf the waves we see.


For His promises He is never slack.


He keeps excellent financial records and is always in the black.


With Him, I am never in financial or other types of lack. He watches my back.

Sometimes I talk too much and yack.


He prefers for all women to have a gentle spirit and be quiet in spirit and soul


To please the Lord in all my ways is my goal.


My future is sunny and bright.

Everything wrong in my life will be all right.


Just be quiet and still, and He will give you your heart’s will.


The thief comes only to steal and kill.

That is not God’s perfect will.


He is holy and to be shown reverence on His Holy Hill.


When I struggled financially without a dime in the bank, the Lord heard my prayer and plea and made sure people in the body of Christ who are merciful and are friends of mine paid off every bill.


I am so relieved those bills are now fully paid


At the Cross my burdens I laid.


Some women make a career of being a maid.


I am God’s beautiful creation that He fashioned and made.


Love is the most excellent of all virtues and will never become obsolete or fade.


On Calvary, my sins Christ paid.


Ever since I have been saved, I have never strayed away from Jesus, but through trials have always been faithful and by His side I hae remained and stayed.


I will never leave or forsake Him,

I will always stand by His side


He is my all in all and my daily joy and pride.


He is my stable rock whenever my emotions go on a roller coaster ride.


I try my best to stay in sync with Him every single day


He goes before me and makes a way where there doesn’t seem to be a way.


He knows how to part my figurative Red Sea (impossible situation)

And I cross over to the other side and from the enemy pursuing me now am safe and set free.


The Lord will perfect His good work in me

And His glory and goodness in the land I will see.


The Lord is good, and good all the time

He only went about doing good and loving others … that was His crime.


He endured the beatings and the whipping post

By His stripes we are healed and in Him all the day I will boast.


In Him I will worship and praise forever and ever


I will never forsake Him, no never.


I am fully committed through thick or thin to have an everlasting marriage

And we will give birth to babies and push a baby carriage.


Someday we will minister to husbands and wives. One of the keys will be to teach them to not use their tongues as knives.


We will raise sweet pets and take them to vets.

We will be fishers of men and put out our nets.

I will praise His Name all day long until the sun sets.


In the Lord do I place my full trust.


He knows my weaknesses because I am only a human being made from dust.


We are made lower than the angels on High


They are much more intelligent and sophisticated than we as humans are no matter how hard we try.


They are highly advanced in all academic subjects and in medicine and being a scientist, doctor or nurse.


I gave away my leather red wallet and matching leather red designer purse.


Jesus died on the Cross to remove the curse.


Do you know Jesus as the Truth, Life and the Way?


I urge you to come to the Cross today.


Give your life to Christ and receive Him into your heart.


His presence from you will never depart.


Make Him Savior and Lord of your life


This promise of salvation is for you, your children and wife.


The Lord will remove all the pain and strife and sin and addictions from your life.


Accept Him as your Savior today

Do not delay another day.


Submit to Him, relinquish control, and let Him have in your life His perfect way.


Jesus will rescue you as he does the lost sheep when they stray.


He hears you when you pray.


Pray in faith and do not doubt,


And the Lord shall surely bring you out.


Give your burdens to the Lord and leave them there


Your infirmities on the Cross He did bear.


For you He won’t leave or forsake you, but will always be there.


He very deeply for you does care.


He has even numbered every strand of your hair.


Someday He is coming for the rapture of His church in the air


I long to become a Proverbs 31 virtuous woman who is very rare.


His beauty is so magnificent that I cannot stop to stare.

His countenance is fair.


He has sandy brown medium long hair.


He is my faithful Provider when the cupboards and refrigerator are bare.


All of my setbacks and problems and burdens, He does genuinely care.


I encourage you to trust the Lord and develop strong faith … to you I dare


The Lord is kind to all His children and is just and fair


He is a spiritual husband who is very rare.


He is able to remove every weed and tare.


I’ve chosen the best and can enter into peace and rest. My life is full of zest.


The Lord gets rid of every pest (demons). He hears every prayer request.


To live for the Lord is my number one desire and quest.


In others around me, with my time, energy, sermons and teaching do I invest.


If you want joy and peace and rest in your life, then in every decision choose the best.


It is time to enter into your Sabbath Rest. You have endured many trials and afflictions and have passed the test.


You have been an overcomer and have chosen the best.


It’s time to leave mom and dad and the nest, and to cleave to my husband and children, and live in rest.


I always say that when I arrive in heaven I want to live with mom and dad.


That is only because I miss them and have been mourning for them and am sad.


When I am reunited with them and other family members I will be filled with joy and be glad.


But I want to make my future husband first place in my life, and be the woman He needs for him and the children and to meet his needs and be a loving and doting wife.


Lord remove any strife in my life. Help me to be a wonderful loving caring wife.


Harsh words cut deep like a knife.


Watch the words you say so that you would live the abundant life.


Read Joyce Meyer’s book called “Life without Strife”. She knows by experience about how to develop and become a good wife.


She has been married to Dave for almost 50 years and he is the love of her life.


But in the beginning, she was all messed up emotionally due to past abuse and caused a lot of family strife.


She had so much anger, and knew she needed help and was in marital danger.


Her dad abused her and her mother abandoned her and abuse was all she knew.


She had to learn how to love Dave and her kids and others too. Once she did, her life blossomed out and she became a person who was brand new.


I am a lot like Joyce in that she was all emotionally messed up. I never went through the kind of abuse she went through, but nevertheless growing up I tasted of a bitter cup.


I thought that was my lot in life, to live in a household filled with anger and strife.


But finally peace and rest came into our family tree, and then I received healing in my life and from unforgiveness and bitterness and was set free.


If you have any bitterness, rage, anger or unforgiveness in your life, take an inventory of your heart and get rid of all the strife and no longer say cutting remarks that wound like a sharp knife. You will then after you forgive others and yourself be able to live the abundant life.


Bitterness is a root that defiles many


Uproot it from your life if you find any.


To harbor unforgiveness and bitterness is to kindle an out of control fire, and you travel through life driving on a flat tire. And you are stuck in the mud and mire.


The Lord lifted me up out of the mud and mire and placed my feet on solid ground. Now I am Heaven bound. I once was lost but now am found. I have a mind that is calm and sound. I am not wavering every time I turn around.


I am stable and well able.


The Lord is doing this deep work in me


I am progressively becoming more and more free.


There is power in unity when two or three agree.


The devil knows not to mess with me anymore,


When I rebuke those demons they have to flee.


If I walk in forgiveness and love, and drop the issue and let it go, then demons have no legal ground to torment or harass me because the Word says so.


The enemy attacks families and churches the hardest when there is life WITH strife.


Seek peace and pursue it with all others

Walk in unity and love with your neighbors and with your father, brother and mother. Learn to walk in love in the Body of Christ with each other.


Love does no harm to its enemy, therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.


Sometimes our emotions can be raw.


In the year 2000, in a vision of the night the Lord Jesus appeared to me and Him I saw. I was a person who tried so hard to keep God’s law.


Out of his eyes were flames of fire and bright light

His countenance was radiant and bright.

He wore a long white robe with a gold band around his waist

The Lord is good, just see and taste.


The light that shone out of Him bore holes in my heart and he purged all the dross. I knew He was Lord God Almighty and the boss. I came to the Cross. He healed my broken heart at the time from going through loss. My own selfish agenda, out the door I did toss.


I knew He was in charge, He is 6 feet tall and slim and not overweight or large.


Then I found myself standing inside the Glory Cloud


I felt the literal terror of the Lord and a purging taking place.


I saw streaks of amber and silver inside of the cloud and it was like the pillar of cloud that led the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years.


I experienced the literal terror and reverential fear of the Lord. I woke up literally trembling.


I learned to always respect and hold in high esteem and reverence the Anointing.


If a person behaves irreverently, they could be struck dead by the power of God.


You have to be very careful when you are under a heavy anointing. It is not a toy to play with. It contains much power and electricity. A person could be zapped if they behave in irreverence.


Learn to respect and reverence the Anointing and the things of God, or it can cost you your life. The strife in your family could also cost you from walking in the Anointing and cause premature death. Taking Communion or the Lord’s Supper in an irreverent manner can also cost you your life and bring about premature death.


Hold dear, and reverence the Anointing.


Be careful and respectful in handling the holy things of God.


Do not speak against other ministers or else the day might come when you drop dead and are executed by the Lord for showing disrespect, dishonor and irreverence to His servants the prophets.


This is a warning from God. Heed the warning and you will live.



It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 


For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.


The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.


I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 


Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:


Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")


I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 


I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 


Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 


Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 


And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 


If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.


I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 


Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 


God bless you!!!