Sunday, August 25, 2024

Jesus the Beloved - Names of Christ (G - I)

 Jesus the Beloved

Names and Titles of Christ

G - I

Garments are fragrant with myrrh, aloes and cassia = Psalms 45:8


Gathers Together the Outcasts of Israel = Isaiah 56:8


Gave His life as a ransom for many = Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; Isaiah 53:11-12


Gift of God = John 4:10; Acts 8:20; Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8


Given everlasting dominion (everlasting kingdom) = Psalms 145:13; Daniel 4:3, 7:14,27; 1 Peter 5:11; 2 Peter 1:11; Jude 25; Revelation 1:6


Gives Beauty for Ashes = Isaiah 61:3


Gives hearing to the deaf (both physical and spiritual deafness) = Luke 7:22; Matthew 13:15


Gives His Beloved Sleep = Psalms 127:2


Gives sight to the blind = Isaiah 35:5


Gives the barren woman children = Psalms 113:9; Isaiah 54


Gives the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness = Isaiah 61:3


Gives us good gifts with our names written on it = Matthew 7:11


Gives you eyes to see and ears to hear = Deuteronomy 29:4


Glorious Throne to His Father’s House = Isaiah 22:23


Glorious to behold = John 1:14


Glory and Honor and Blessing to Him = Revelation 5:12


Glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father = John 1:14


Glory Cloud = 1 Kings 8-11; 2 Chronicles 5:12-14


Glory, Honor and Praise = Revelation 4-5


Glory Lights All of Heaven = Revelation 21:23


Glory of God (Shekinah) = Easton’s Bible Dictionary says, “A Chaldee word meaning resting-place, not found in Scripture, but used by the later Jews to designate the visible symbol of God’s Presence in the Tabernacle, and afterwards in Solomon’s Temple. When the Lord led Israel out of Egypt, He went before them in a pillar of a Cloud. This was the symbol of His Presence with His people.”


Glory of Israel = Luke 2:32


Glory of the Father = Matthew 16:27; Mark 8:38


Glory of the Lord = Ezekiel 1:26-28, 3:12,23, 10:4,18, 11:23, 43:4. Also, Exodus 16:7,10, 24:16-17; Leviticus 9:6,23; Numbers 14:10-11, 16:19-24,42, 20:6-9. The Glory of the Lord, in these verses, points to the Name of a Person (Jesus Christ), rather than a manifestation of God’s Presence.


God = The Hebrew Old Testament names for God are “El, Eloah, and Elohim”. The Greek New Testament name for God is Theos (Strong’s Number: 2316). These Hebrew and Greek names may be in reference to the one and only true and living God, or to false gods, magistrates or mighty men. Genesis 1:1 says, In the beginning, God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth.” Elohim is a plural word, meaning more than one God. In the New Testament, John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Word is speaking of Jesus Christ (John 1:14; Revelation 19:13). In Verse 18, the Greek says “only begotten God” (monogenes Theos), although the KJV translates it as “only begotten Son”. Also see Colossians 1:15, 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16.


God blessed forever = Romans 1:25, 9:5


God Brings Revival = Psalms 85:6; Hosea 6:2; Joel 2:28-29


God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone = James 1:13-14


God Changes Not = Malachi 3:6


God delights in those whose ways are blameless = Proverbs 11:20 NIV


God has anointed Him with the oil of gladness above his fellows = Hebrews 1:9


God is a Consuming Fire = Hebrews 12:29


God is a Spirit = John 4:24


God is Good! = Exodus 33:19; Psalms 27:13, 31:19, 34:8-10, 65:4, 100:5, 135:3


God is looking for worshippers who worship Him in spirit and in truth = John 4:23-24


God is love = 1 John 4:7-8, 16


God is not willing that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance = 2 Peter 3:9


God is the same yesterday, and today, and forever = Hebrews 13:8


God leads by peace and we go out with joy! = Isaiah 55:12


God manifest in the flesh = 1 Timothy 3:16


God of a second chance (the Apostle Paul, Peter and Jonah are examples).


God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob = Genesis 26:24, 28:10-19; Exodus 3:2-6, 4:1-7


God of all comfort = 2 Corinthians 1:3


God of all Grace = 1 Peter 5:10


God of Bethel = Genesis 31:11-13


God of David thy father = 2 Kings 20:5


God of Glory = Psalms 29:3; Acts 7:2


God of gods = Deuteronomy 10:17; Joshua 22:22; Psalms 136:2; Daniel 2:47, 11:36


God of Hope = Romans 15:13


God of Integrity = 1 Kings 9:4; Mark 12:14 (both NIV)


God of Israel = Exodus 24:10; Psalms 41:13


God of Israel, the Savior = Isaiah 45:15


God of Jacob = 2 Samuel 23:1; Psalms 20:1, 46:7,11


God of Jerusalem = 2 Chronicles 32:19, Ezra 7:19


God of Jeshurun = Deuteronomy 33:26


God of Judah.


God of Kindness = Nehemiah 9:17; Psalms 117:2, 119:76; Isaiah 54:8,10; Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Ephesians 2:7, 4:32; Colossians 3:12; Titus 3:4; 2 Peter 1:7


God of Knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed = 1 Samuel 2:3


God of Lovingkindness = Psalms 36:7, 42:8, 51:1, 63:3, 69:16, 92:2, 103:4, 119:88, 138:2, 143:8; Jeremiah 9:24, 31:3-4; Hosea 2:19


God of Mercy = Psalms 23:6, 36:5, 86:15, 102:13, 103:8


God of my Righteousness = Psalms 4:1


God of my Salvation = Psalms 18:46


God of my Strength = Psalms 43:2


God of our Salvation = Psalms 68:19


God of Patience and Consolation = Romans 15:5-6


God of Peace = Romans 16:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:20-21


God of Recompense = Jeremiah 51:56


God of the Jews and Gentiles = Romans 3:29


God of the whole earth = Isaiah 54:5


God our Savior = Titus 2:10; Jude 25


God of Wealth and Prosperity = Deuteronomy 8:18; 3 John 2


God who hides Himself = Isaiah 45:15


God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus = Ephesians 2:4-6


God will perfect that which concerns me = Psalms 138:8


God’s Dear Son = Colossians 1:13


God’s Only Begotten Son = Psalms 2:7 (xref Acts 13:33); John 1:14,18, 3:16; Hebrews 1:5, 5:5; 1 John 4:9


Good Master = Matthew 19:16


Good Shepherd = Psalms 23, 80:1; Ezekiel 34:11-16; Matthew 26:31; Mark 14:27; John 10:2-16,27, 21:15-17; Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 2:25, 5:4


Goodness of God leads us to repentance = Romans 2:4


Goodness of Jesus our Savior = Romans 11:22; 2 Thessalonians 1:11


Governor = Genesis 49:10; Isaiah 9:7; Matthew 2:6 (xref Micah 5:2); Revelation 11:15


Governor over the nations


Grace and Truth = John 1:14,17


Grace is poured upon His lips (His words are anointed with grace) = Psalms 45:2


Grace of Jesus is greater than all our sin.


Grace of Jesus was poured on us lavishly.


Grace is not a license to sin. It’s the grace to not sin.


Great and Greatly to be Praised = Psalms 48:1


Great and Marvelous are His Works = Revelation 15:3


Great and Mighty = Deuteronomy 10:17; Jeremiah 33:3


Great are thy tender mercies = Psalms 119:156


Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ = Titus 2:13


Great High Priest that is passed into the Heavens = Hebrews 4:14-16


Great Intercessor = Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25


Great in counsel = Jeremiah 32:19


Great is His mercy towards me = Psalms 86:13


Great is our Lord, and of Great Power; His understanding is infinite = Psalms 147:5


Great is the glory of the Lord = Psalms 138:5


Great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee = Isaiah 12:4


Great is thy faithfulness = Lamentations 3:22-23


Great King above all gods = Psalms 95:3


Great King over all the earth = Psalms 47:2


Great Light = Isaiah 9:2


Great Mercy = Ephesians 2:4-7


Great peace have they which love thy law = Psalms 119:165


Great Physician = Matthew 4:23-24, 8:16-17, 9:12,35, 12:15; Mark 2:17; Luke 4:23,40, 5:31, 6:19, 9:11; Acts 10:38; 1 Peter 2:24


Great Prophet = Luke 7:16


Great shall be the peace of thy children, for they shall be taught of the Lord = Isaiah 54:13


Great Shepherd of the Sheep = Hebrews 13:20


Greater and more perfect Tabernacle = Hebrews 9:11


Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world = 1 John 4:4


Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends = John 15:13


Greater than Abraham = John 8:53


Greater than Jacob = John 4:12


Greater than Jonah is here = Matthew 12:41


Greater than Moses = Hebrews 3:3


Greater than Solomon is here = Matthew 12:42


Greater works shall you do because I go to my Father = John 14:12


Guide even until death = Psalms 48:14


Guile was never found in His mouth = 1 Peter 2:22


Guiltless = Matthew 12:7; Luke 23:41


Habitation of Justice = Jeremiah 50:7


Habitation of Thy House = Psalms 26:8, 91:9


Habitation of thy Throne is justice and judgment = Psalms 89:14


Hair is white like wool (in His glory) = Revelation 1:14


Halal El Qodesh (Praise God in His Sanctuary) = Psalms 150:1


Hallelujah to the Lamb! = Revelation 19


Harmless = Hebrews 7:26


Harps and Bowls (The harp represents praise and worship ascending to His Throne, and the bowls of incense represent our prayers and intercession rising up to Heaven) = Revelation 5:8


Has a sharp, two-edged sword in His mouth (which is the Word of God) = Revelation 19:15


Has a tender, loving, kind heart = Psalms 103:4, 117:2, 145:9; Isaiah 54:10; Ephesians 2:7; Titus 3:4; James 5:11


Has compassion on the sick and those who have no shepherd = Matthew 9:36-38, 15:32; 20:34; Mark 1:41, 5:19, 6:34, 8:2


Has the Key of David = Revelation 3:7 (Involves 9 facets: Access, Authority, Opening and Closing Doors, Locking and Unlocking Doors, Governmental and Kingly ruling and reigning, Priestly Anointing, Prophetic Anointing, Praise and Worship, Intercession)


Has obtained a more excellent name than the angels = Hebrews 1:4


Hayah (I AM that I AM). The name Yahweh or Jehovah is derived from the Hebrew word “hayah” (Strong’s Old Testament #1961, translated as “I AM”). In Exodus 3:14, God said to Moses, “Tell the people that I AM that I AM has sent you” – “hayah ‘aher hayah”). Meaning, “I will be what I will be” or “I will be all that is necessary as the occasion will arise”. Hayah is defined as “to exist, to be or become”.


He and the Father are one (one in unity, but also Jesus can literally step into the Father and they become one Being, then step out of the Father and they are two Beings).


He carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God; and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; and had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb = Revelation 21:10-14


He Comes with Clouds = Revelation 1:7


He has done great things = Psalms 126:3


He healed them ALL = Matthew 12:15; Luke 6:19


He heals the mute, blind, crippled, maimed and replaces body parts and grows new limbs = Matthew 15:30-31 (Living Bible)


He hears me when I call = Psalms 4:1


He is a Servant Leader = Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45 (NIV)


He is before all things and by Him all things consist = Colossians 1:17


He is cheerful and loves to laugh and have fun.


He is easy to relate to and to share fellowship with.


He is faithful and a man of fidelity (seen in His relationship with Israel, His Beloved)


He is 100% human, and therefore, He understands our weaknesses and our needs.


He is gentle and humble in heart = Matthew 11:29 (NIV)


He is in submission to the Father’s will and plans.


He is in the Father and the Father is in Him = John 1:18, 5:19, 10:30,38, 14:10-11,20,23; 17:11,22


He is in the midst of two or three gathered together in His Name = Matthew 18:20


He is married to the backslider = Jeremiah 3:14


He is not a dictator. He gives us freedom and allows us to take part in making decisions, as long as it’s within His will.


He is not harsh or easily angered. Even when He is angry or enraged, He keeps His anger under control and does not unleash on you. He is meek natured.


He is Our All in All = 1 Corinthians 15:28; Ephesians 1:23


He is our Mediator between us and the Father = 1 Timothy 2:5


He is the Lord our Righteousness = Jeremiah 23:6, 33:16; Isaiah 11:1-5; Malachi 4:2; Romans 3:21-31, 5:17-19; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 3:9; Hebrews 1:8-9, 7:2; Revelation 19:7-8


He is very compassionate = Psalms 86:15, 145:8; Lamentations 3:22; Matthew 9:36, 14:14; Mark 8:2; Luke 15:20; Romans 9:15


He is very kind-hearted = Psalms 117:2; Isaiah 54:8,10; Joel 2:13; Ephesians 2:7, 4:32; Titus 3:4


He knocks on the door of your heart. If you will open the door and let Him come in, He will dine with you and you with Him = Revelation 3:20


He likes to laugh and have fun.


He speaks in soft, gentle tones.


He shall take great delight in you = Zephaniah 3:17


He sprinkled His own Blood on the Mercy Seat in Heaven, for eternal redemption = Hebrews 9:12


He that dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty = Psalms 91:1


He that holds the seven stars in His right hand (the stars are the seven angels or bishops of the seven churches) = Revelation 2:1


He that opens and no man shuts; and shuts and no man opens = Revelation 3:7


He who has eyes like a flame of fire = Revelation 2:18


He who has feet like fine brass = Revelation 2:18


He who has the Seven Spirits of God (or the seven-fold Spirit of God) = Revelation 1:4, 3:1, 4:5, 5:6. The Seven Spirits of God is the Person of the Holy Spirit, characteristics of the Holy Spirit, as well as seven actual spirit Beings (see Isaiah 11:1-5).


He who knew no sin, became sin for us so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus = 2 Corinthians 5:21


He who makes His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire = Psalms 104:4; Hebrews 1:7


He who makes the clouds His chariot = Psalms 104:3


He who seeks Him will find Him = Jeremiah 29:13


He who walks in the midst of the seven Golden Candlesticks = Revelation 2:1


He whom the Son sets free, is free indeed! = John 8:36


He will quench your thirst and you will never thirst again = John 4:14, 6:35


He will sup with you if you invite Him into your heart = Revelation 3:20


Head of all Principality and Power = Colossians 2:10


Head of man is Christ, and the Head of Christ is God = 1 Corinthians 11:3


Head of the Body (or Church) = the Greek word for “church” is Ekklesia, meaning “called out ones”. Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:11-15, 5:23-33; Colossians 1:18,24, 2:18-19; Acts 20:28; Revelation 2-3


Head of the Corner = 1 Peter 2:7


Healer (Jehovah Rapha) = Exodus 15:26; Acts 10:38


Healer of infirmities = Isaiah 53:5


Healing in His Wings = Malachi 4:2


Healing through His Blood = Isaiah 53:5


Healing virtue went out of Him = Luke 6:19


Heals all your diseases = Psalms 103:3


Heals the Brokenhearted = Luke 4:18; Isaiah 61


Hears my Prayer = Psalms 4:1


Hears the cry of the afflicted = Job 34:28


Heavenly = John 3:13-18,31, 6:38; 1 Corinthians 15:45-49


Heavenly High Priest = Hebrews 8:1-13


Heir of all things = Hebrews 1:2


Helper = Hebrews 13:6


Hidden Manna = Revelation 2:17


Hiding Place = Psalms 32:7


High and Lofty One Who Inhabits Eternity = Isaiah 57:15


High Priest = Hebrews 3:1, 4:15, 5:1-10, 7:26, 8:1, 9:11-28, 10:19-23, 13:11-12


High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek = Psalms 110:4 (xref Genesis 14:18-20); Hebrews 5:5-10, 6:20, 7:1-28


High Priest over the House of God = Hebrews 10:21


High Tower = Psalms 18:2, 144:2


Higher than the angels = Hebrews 1:4-14


Higher than the heavens = Hebrews 7:26


Highly Exalted = Psalms 57:5; Isaiah 33:5; Acts 2:33, 5:31; Philippians 2:9


Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out = John 6:37


Him whom my soul loves = Song of Solomon 3:2


His Banner over me is Love = Song of Solomon 2:4


His Blessing is Upon His People = Psalms 3:8


His own (the Jews) received Him not; but to them who did receive Him, to them He gave the power to become sons of God, to all who believe on His Name = John 1:11-12


His Presence comes to live inside your heart


His Soul Was an Offering for Sin = Isaiah 53:10


His Soul was not left in hell (Sheol) = Acts 2:31; Ephesians 4:8-9; 1 Peter 3:18-22


His Star in the East = Matthew 2:2-12


His Thoughts Are Higher Than Our Thoughts = Isaiah 55:9


His Ways Are Higher Than Our Ways = Isaiah 55:9


His Word Shall Not Return Void = Isaiah 55:11


His Yoke is easy and His burden is light = Matthew 11:28-30


Holds the seven stars (angels or bishops) in His right hand = Revelation 1:16,20


Holds your hand when you walk through darkness = Psalms 63:8, 73:23


Holiness Adorns Him = Psalms 93:5, 96:9


Holiness becometh thine house, O Lord, forever = Psalms 93:5


Holy = Revelation 3:7, 4-5, 15:3-4; Isaiah 6:1-6, 57:15; Hebrews 12:14


Holy and True = Revelation 6:10


Holy Child = Acts 4:30


Holy Child Jesus = Acts 4:27,30


Holy habitation = Deuteronomy 26:15


Holy is His Name = Luke 1:49


Holy One = Acts 2:27 (xref Psalms 16:10); Luke 1:35


Holy One and the Just = Acts 3:14


Holy One of God = Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34


Holy One of Israel = Isaiah 45:11, 48:17


Holy Spirit issues out of the Son = Matthew 10:20; John 15:26; Galations 4:6; Philippians 1:19


Holy!, Holy!, Holy! the seraphim cry out when they behold Jesus in His Majesty, Holiness and Glory = Isaiah 6:1-8


Honor the Son as you do the Father = John 5:23


Hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us = Romans 5:5


Hope of Glory = Colossians 1:27


Hope of His people = Joel 3:16


Hope of Israel = Jeremiah 14:8, 17:13; Acts 28:20


Horn of David = Psalms 132:17


Horn of My Salvation = Psalms 18:2


Horn of Salvation = Luke 1:69


Horn of the House of Israel = Ezekiel 29:21


Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord! = Matthew 21:9; Mark 11:9-10; John 12:13


Householder = Matthew 20:1


How great is thy goodness = Psalms 31:19


How precious are thy thoughts towards me, and great is the sum of them = Psalms 139:17


Humble and Gentle in heart = Matthew 11:29 (NIV)


Husband = Isaiah 54:5


I AM = John 8:58. In Exodus 3:14, God said to Moses, “Tell the people that I AM that I AM has sent you” = (“hayah ‘aher hayah”). Meaning, “I will be what I will be” or “I will be all that is necessary as the occasion will arise”.


I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance = Matthew 9:13; Luke 5:32


I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord = Philippians 3:8


I dwell with the one who is contrite and humble in spirit = Isaiah 57:15


I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business, but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you = John 15:15


I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant = Psalms 34:4-5


I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding = Jeremiah 3:15


I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels = Isaiah 61:10


I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. = John 14:16


I will sing to the Lord, who is highly exalted, the horse and its rider, He has hurled into the sea. When the enemy whispered, “I will pursue and overtake them”, You blew with Your breath, like lead they sank into the depths. The Lord is a Warrior, Jehovah is His Name. The Lord is Warrior, He’s Israel’s fame. Song of Miriam in Exodus after crossing the Red Sea


I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God as long as I have my being = Psalms 104:33


If you’ve seen Jesus, you’ve seen the Father = John 14:9


Image of His Person = Hebrews 1:3


Image of the Invisible God = 2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15


Immanuel “God with us” = Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23


In all things He might have the pre-eminence = Colossians 1:18


In Christ, all of my needs are supplied according to His riches in Glory = Philippians 4:19


In Christ, He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? = Romans 8:32


In Christ, Hope in God and His promises does not disappoint me, delude me or shame me! = Romans 5:5 Amplified


In Christ, I am a believer, and the light of the Gospel shines in my mind! = 2 Corinthians 4:4


In Christ, I am a doer of the Word and blessed in my actions! = James 1:22-25


In Christ, I am a faithful person and I shall abound with blessings! = Proverbs 28:20


In Christ, I am a friend and lover of Jesus! = John 15:15


In Christ, I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. Old things are passed away, and behold all things have become new = 2 Corinthians 5:17


In Christ, I am accepted in the Beloved = Ephesians 1:6


In Christ, I am blessed with all natural and spiritual blessings, and am a blessing to others = Genesis 12:2; Joshua 28:2-13; Proverbs 28:20; Ephesians 1:3


In Christ, I am growing in grace = 2 Peter 3:18


In Christ, I am justified by faith (just as if I had never sinned) = Romans 5:1


In Christ, I am prospering and in health, even as my soul prospers = 3 John 2


In Christ, I am seated with Him in Heavenly Places = Ephesians 2:6


In Christ, I am the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath = Deuteronomy 28:13


In Christ, I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus = 2 Corinthians 5:21


In Christ, I am the seed of Abraham, and an heir according to the promise = Galations 3:29


In Christ, I am triumphant and victorious = 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14; 1 John 5:4


In Christ, I go from one plateau of glory to another in my Christian walk = 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP


In Christ, I have abundant life, till it overflows = John 10:10


In Christ, I have liberty and freedom through His Spirit = 2 Corinthians 3:17


In Christ, I have received propitiation for all of my sins = Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2, 4:10


In Christ, I have received the favor of God = Psalms 102:13; Proverbs 8:35, 12:2; Luke 2:52


In Christ, I have the peace and love of God, and the full measure of God, which surpasses my understanding = Ephesians 3:16-20; Philippians 4:7


In Christ, I have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, and insight into the mysteries of God = Ephesians 1:17-19


In Christ, we are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus = Romans 8:17


In Christ, we are His workmanship and created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has foreordained for us to do = Ephesians 2:10


In Christ, we are not saved by works or good deeds, but by faith and grace. However, faith without works is dead = Ephesians 2:8-9; James 2:20-26


In Christ, we have an inheritance = Ephesians 1:11


In Christ, whom the Father foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren = Romans 8:29-30


In Christ, you who once were far away have come nigh by His Blood = Ephesians 2:13


In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge = Colossians 2:3


In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily = Colossians 2:9


In Him should all the fullness dwell = Colossians 1:18-19


In Him the promises of God are “Yes” and “Amen” = 2 Corinthians 1:20


In Him was life; and the life was the light of men = John 1:4


In Him we live, and move, and have our being = Acts 17:28


In His Presence is fullness of joy, and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore = Psalms 16:11


In His Presence we overcome, In His Presence there’s fullness of joy, In His Presence we come (bow) in one accord, in the Presence of the Lord. (Song I heard sung in an auditorium in Heaven in a dream on October 24, 2021)


In My Father’s House are many mansions = John 14:2


In the midst of two or three gathered together in My Name, I am there among you = Matthew 18:20


Inhabits the praises of His people = Psalms 22:3; 1 Peter 2:9


Innocent Blood = Matthew 27:4


Innocent Lamb = 1 Peter 1:19


Intercedes for us forevermore = Isaiah 53:12; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:22-25


Isaac (a type of Christ) = Genesis 18-28; Hebrews 11:17-19


Israel’s Fame.


Israel’s Hero.


Issues out of the Father = John 1:18

It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!