Friday, August 16, 2024

Welcome Holy Spirit! A Study on the Holy Spirit.


Welcome Holy Spirit!


This study is all about the Precious Holy Spirit.


Listed below are the names of the Holy Spirit.


1.                 Spirit of a sound mind

2.                 Spirit of abundance

3.                 Spirit of access

4.                 Spirit of addition

5.                 Spirit of adoption

6.                 Spirit of anointing

7.                 Spirit of believing

8.                 Spirit of blessings

9.                 Spirit of burning

10.            Spirit of celebration

11.            Spirit of Christ

12.            Spirit of Comfort

13.            Spirit of compassion

14.            Spirit of confidence

15.            Spirit of consecration

16.            Spirit of contentment

17.            Spirit of counsel

18.            Spirit of counting your blessings

19.            Spirit of courage

20.            Spirit of Covenant

21.            Spirit of creativity

22.            Spirit of dancing

23.            Spirit of Davidic worship

24.            Spirit of Davidic protocol

25.            Spirit of deliverance

26.            Spirit of diligence

27.            Spirit of discernment

28.            Spirit of double portion

29.            Spirit of dreams and visions

30.            Spirit of encouragement

31.            Spirit of excellence

32.            Spirit of faith

33.            Spirit of faithfulness

34.            Spirit of fellowship with the Lord and the saints

35.            Spirit of flourishing

36.            Spirit of forgiveness

37.            Spirit of fortitude

38.            Spirit of freedom

39.            Spirit of happiness

40.            Spirit of humor

41.            Spirit of generational blessings

42.            Spirit of generosity

43.            Spirit of gentleness

44.            Spirit of giving

45.            Spirit of gladness

46.            Spirit of Glory

47.            Spirit of God

48.            Spirit of God sent to earth by the Father and Son

49.            Spirit of God’s Son

50.            Spirit of goodness

51.            Spirit of goodwill towards others

52.            Spirit of grace

53.            Spirit of gratitude

54.            Spirit of greatness

55.            Spirit of harmony

56.            Spirit of healing

57.            Spirit of Health

58.            Spirit of holiness

59.            Spirit of holy laughter

60.            Spirit of illumination

61.            Spirit of indwelling

62.            Spirit of inheritance

63.            Spirit of insight

64.            Spirit of Inspiration

65.            Spirit of integrity

66.            Spirit of intercession

67.            Spirit of inward promptings

68.            Spirit of Jehovah

69.            Spirit of Jesus Christ

70.            Spirit of joy

71.            Spirit of judgment

72.            Spirit of kindness

73.            Spirit of kingship

74.            Spirit of latter rain

75.            Spirit of liberty

76.            Spirit of life

77.            Spirit of longsuffering

78.            Spirit of love

79.            Spirit of meditation on the Word of God

80.            Spirit of meekness

81.            Spirit of might

82.            Spirit of multiplication

83.            Spirit of oneness with God

84.            Spirit of our God

85.            Spirit of outpouring

86.            Spirit of overcoming

87.            Spirit of patience

88.            Spirit of peace

89.            Spirit of pouring blessings on your seed (offspring)

90.            Spirit of power

91.            Spirit of praise

92.            Spirit of prayer

93.            Spirit of prophecy

94.            Spirit of prosperity

95.            Spirit of prudence

96.            Spirit of pure doctrine

97.            Spirit of purity

98.            Spirit of quickening

99.            Spirit of receiving promises of God.

100.      Spirit of regeneration

101.      Spirit of rejoicing

102.      Spirit of renewal

103.      Spirit of restoration

104.      Spirit of resurrection

105.      Spirit of revelation

106.      Spirit of revival

107.      Spirit of riches in glory

108.      Spirit of righteousness

109.      Spirit of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost

110.      Spirit of royal priesthood

111.      Spirit of ruling and reigning

112.      Spirit of satisfaction in Christ (only Jesus can satisfy your soul)

113.      Spirit of saying thank you to God

114.      Spirit of Shalom (nothing broken and nothing missing)

115.      Spirit of shifting seasons in our life

116.      Spirit of singing songs of the Lord

117.      Spirit of soaring like the eagles

118.      Spirit of speaking the lyrics of anointed songs

119.      Spirit of speaking through inward promptings

120.      Spirit of a still small voice

121.      Spirit who comes when there is quietness and stillness

122.      Spirit who speaks rhema (right now) words

123.      Spirit who speaks to us through the red light (stop or no), yellow light (caution or not yet) and green light (go, yes answer, pursue what you’re believing for).

124.      Spirit of strength

125.      Spirit of suffering for Christ’s sake

126.      Spirit of supplications

127.      Spirit of supply

128.      Spirit of temperance

129.      Spirit of tender mercies

130.      Spirit of thanksgiving

131.      Spirit of the fear of the Lord

132.      Spirit of the fullness of God

133.      Spirit of the Holy God

134.      Spirit of the Living God

135.      Spirit of the River of God

136.      Spirit of the River of Life

137.      Spirit of rivers in high places

138.      Spirit of rivers in the desert

139.      Spirit of rivers of living water

140.      Spirit of rivers of oil (rich anointing)

141.      Spirit who receives reverence and respect in His Presence and respect for the Anointing

142.      Spirit who is royalty and has sons and daughters

143.      Spirit who raised Christ from the dead and quickens our mortal bodies

144.      Spirit who rebuilds the ruins and broken areas of our life

145.      Spirit who refreshes

146.      Spirit who removes mountains in our life

147.      Spirit who renews us in the Holy Ghost

148.      Spirit who renews our mind

149.      Spirit who has a resting place

150.      Spirit who restores a double portion for your trouble

151.      Spirit who restores lost hopes and broken dreams

152.      Spirit who restores the years that the locusts and cankerworms have eaten

153.      Spirit who gives us resurrection life

154.      Spirit of Christ Jesus

155.      Spirit who reveals deception from the enemy

156.      Spirit who reveals the hidden treasures from His Word

157.      Spirit who reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets

158.      Spirit who proceeds from both the Father and Son

159.      Spirit who is very precious and dear

160.      Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit

161.      Praying in the Spirit (tongues)

162.      Spirit who is the Presence of the Father and Son

163.      Produces good fruit in our lives

164.      Promise of the Father

165.      Promise of the Spirit

166.      Prophecy is for edification, exhortation and comfort

167.      Prophesy to the dead bones and they will live

168.      The Spirit quickens (makes alive)

169.      Color purple represents kingly, royalty, majesty, prosperity, Gospel of Matthew

170.      The Holy Spirit anoints some people to be prophets, a prophetess, a psalmist, a songwriter, a prophetic poet.

171.      The Holy Spirit is the rain from heaven

172.      Rainbows represent the Glory of God.

173.      The Holy Spirit is Omnipotent, Omni-Present and Omniscient

174.      He is called “One Spirit”

175.      The Holy Spirit is the only wise God.

176.      The Holy Spirit only speaks what the Father and Son tell Him to speak

177.      Our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost

178.      He is the outpoured Spirit on all flesh

179.      He overshadows

180.      He is called the Parakletos (Advocate)

181.      He gives us peace that surpasses all understanding

182.      His Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost

183.      The Holy Spirit is also called Pneuma in the Greek

184.      The Holy Spirit is a prophetic poet

185.      The Holy Spirit brings us to pools of refreshing water (even while in the wilderness)

186.      The Holy Spirit is the power of God.

187.      He is called the power of the Highest.

188.      He is our Maker.

189.      He is known as the Mighty Voice.

190.      He molds us into the image of Christ from degree of glory to another.

191.      He is a matchmaker.

192.      He moved upon the face of the waters during creation.

193.      He moves mountains out of our way.

194.      He gives us a new spirit.

195.      He is known as the New Wine.

196.      No man can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Ghost.

197.      It’s not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.

198.      He is represented by the numbers 7 and 9 (7 Spirits of God and 9 Fruits of the Spirit)

199.      He is called the oil of anointing.

200.      He is called the oil of gladness.

201.      He is called the oil of joy.

202.      He is precious healing ointment.

203.      He is represented by the olive tree (the olive oil being used to light the Menorah in the tabernacle).

204.      In His Presence is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore.

205.      He intercedes for the saints in accordance with the will of God.

206.      He intercedes for us with groanings.

207.      We can share intimacy with the Beloved (spiritual intimacy).

208.      He is called the Invisible God.

209.      He issues out of the Father and out of the Son.

210.      He is linked to the Davidic Dynasty and the Key of David (Royal protocol, worship in the tabernacle, priests and kings).

211.      He knows our thoughts from afar.

212.      He is known as the latter rain.

213.      The law of the Spirit of Life is in Christ Jesus.

214.      He leads and guides us.

215.      He is the Lord God Almighty, the Holy One of Israel.

216.      He looses the prisoners from their chains and sets the oppressed free.

217.      He is Majesty on High.

218.      The Bible mentions the love of the Spirit.

219.      He heals the brokenhearted.

220.      He helps us to pray.

221.      He is the high priest who intercedes for us and understands our weaknesses and infirmities.

222.      He turns our wilderness into a beautiful thriving garden.

223.      Holy! Holy! Holy! Is the Lord God Almighty!

224.      He gives unction.

225.      He is the Holy One of Israel.

226.      He is your best friend.

227.      He is the Holy Spirit of promise.

228.      He imparts joy.

229.      He imparts life.

230.      He imparts love.

231.      He imparts peace.

232.      He imparts spiritual gifts.

233.      He is symbolized by the incense on the altar in David’s Tabernacle.

234.      He is known as the Inspiration of the Spirit. He inspires us.

235.      He is likened to the Glory Cloud (Shekinah Glory).

236.      He is the Glory of God.

237.      He is the God of Covenant.

238.      He is the God of Knowledge.

239.      He is represented by the Golden Candlestick (Menorah).

240.      He is called the Good Spirit.

241.      He governs the Church.

242.      He is known as our Guarantee (earnest, deposit, down payment).

243.      He will guide you into all truth.

244.      He is known as the habitation of the Spirit.

245.      He is known as the hand of the Lord.

246.      He has a mind, will, emotions, and determines decisions.

247.      He is the I AM that I AM.

248.      He brings revival.

249.      He is our Helper.

250.      He is Holy and to be reverenced.

251.      He draws all people to Christ.

252.      He drives out fear.

253.      He is the new wine, where the saints can partake of Him and get drunk in the Spirit and be overwhelmed with so much joy, delight, dancing, shouting and praising God.

254.      He is known as the Eternal Spirit.

255.      We can share fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

256.      He fights our battles for us.

257.      He fills people to overflowing.

258.      He is represented by the floods upon the dry ground.

259.      He is the Fountain of Life.

260.      He is the fragrance of the Lord.

261.      He is the fruits of the Spirit.

262.      He is the fullness of God.

263.      He is represented by the garment of praise.

264.      He is called the Gentle Whisper.

265.      He is a gift from the Father.

266.      He gives us the mind of Christ.

267.      He gives utterance.

268.      He always glorifies Jesus.

269.      He is the Comforter.

270.      He commissions people into ministry.

271.      We can have communion with the Holy Spirit.

272.      We are complete in Him.

273.      He conforms us into the image of Jesus Christ from one degree of glory to another.

274.      Our conscience bears witness in the Holy Ghost.

275.      He convicts us of sin or wrong doing or negative attitudes that are not Christ-like.

276.      He is called the Counselor.

277.      He is the Creator who co-created the earth and worlds along with the Father and Son.

278.      Dancing in the Spirit is part of the Davidic worship.

279.      He brings deliverance for the captives.

280.      He is called the Dew of the Morning.

281.      He is known as the Divine Abode.

282.      He is known as the Divine Presence.

283.      He is known as the Shekinah Glory.

284.      He is the door of hope.

285.      He is symbolized by the dove, for its purity, innocence and gentleness.

286.      He gives his saints a double portion of His Spirit if they seek Him for it.

287.      He is the Balm of Gilead.

288.      The saints can experience the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.

289.      The saints are baptized into the Body of Christ by the Spirit.

290.      The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.

291.      He gives us beauty for ashes, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, and fashions us into strong oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord so that He might be glorified. He gives us double for our trouble.

292.      He breaks addictions.

293.      He is called the Breath of God.

294.      He is called the Breath of Life.

295.      He is known as the Breath of the Almighty.

296.      He is the breath that gives you life.

297.      He brings rebirth, renewal and restoration.

298.      He brings liberty and freedom.

299.      He is known as Abba Father (or by Papa or Daddy). I call Him Papa.

300.      He abides with us.

301.      He is called Adonai.

302.      He is our Advocate.

303.      He is Altogether Lovely.

304.      He is represented by the color of amber, which speaks of the Glory of the Lord.

305.      He is the anointing that breaks every fetter.

306.      His Anointing heals the sick and  wounded emotionally.

307.      His anointing brings multiplication like on the Day of Pentecost.

308.      His anointing makes you fruitful.

309.      He is called the Anointing Oil.

310.      The Anointing teaches us all things and brings all things to our remembrance.

311.      He anoints us with fresh oil.

312.      He appoints overseers in the Church (Body of Christ)

313.      He is the author of the Holy Scriptures.

314.      He is the Spirit who sanctifies.

315.      The Spirit is also known as Ruwach.

316.      The Spirit satiates the thirsty soul.

317.      The Spirit is He who saves the lost and draws all people to Christ.

318.      The Spirit is the seal of our guarantee.

319.      The Spirit seals us until the day of redemption.

320.      The Spirit searches the deep things of God.

321.      The Spirit is associated with the seven Spirits of God that stand before the Throne. The seven spirits of God are not only seven characteristics of God, but also seven actual spirit beings who stand before the Throne who are elders in Heaven.

322.      The Spirit speaks to us through trances.

323.      The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of the Shekinah Glory.

324.      Spirit of the measure of Christ.

325.      Spirit of the Lord.

326.      Spirit of the spoken word manifesting.

327.      Spirit of truth.

328.      Spirit of understanding.

329.      Spirit of unity.

330.      Spirit of victory.

331.      Spirit of overcoming.

332.      Spirit of wealth.

333.      Spirit of wholeness.

334.      Spirit of winning.

335.      Spirit of wisdom.

336.      Spirit of worship.

337.      Spirit of your Father.

338.      Spirit of zeal.

It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!