Monday, August 26, 2024

Phrases of Jehovah



Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Rapha Kol Tachaluw’


English Name:

The Lord who heals all your diseases


Key Reference:

Psalms 103:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7495, 3605, 8463





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Chabash Leb Shabar


English Name:

The Lord binds up the brokenhearted


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2280, 3820, 7665





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Shemen Sasown


English Name:

The Lord gives the oil of joy


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 8081, 8342





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Pe’er Tachath ‘Epher


English Name:

The Lord gives beauty for ashes


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 6287, 8478, 665





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Qara Derowr Shabah


English Name:

The Lord proclaims liberty to the captives


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7121, 1865, 7617





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Yashab Tehillah Yisrael


English Name:

The Lord inhabits the praises of Israel


Key Reference:

Psalms 22:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3427, 8416, 3478





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shuwl Mala’ Heykal


English Name:

The train of His robe fills the Temple


Key Reference:

Isaiah 6:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7757, 4390, 1964





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Elohim Yashab Yachiyd Bayith


English Name:

The Lord God sets the solitary in families


Key Reference:

Psalms 68:6


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 430, 3427, 3173, 1004



Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Checed Towb Chay


English Name:

Thy lovingkindness is better than life


Key Reference:

Psalms 63:3-4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2617, 2896, 2416





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Elohim Qereb Gibbowr


English Name:

The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty


Key Reference:

Zephaniah 3:17


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 430, 7130, 1368





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Suws `al Simchah


English Name:

The Lord will rejoice over thee with joy


Key Reference:

Zephaniah 3:17


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7797, 5921, 8057





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Yediyd Shehah


English Name:

The Lord gives His Beloved sleep


Key Reference:

Psalms 127:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 3039, 8142





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Asah ‘Asher Dabar


English Name:

The Lord will do that which He has spoken


Key Reference:

Isaiah 38:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6213, 834, 1697, 1696





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Me`od Rabah Sakar


English Name:

The Lord is my exceeding great reward


Key Reference:

Genesis 15:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3966, 7235, 7939





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Moed` Chanan Tsiyown Bow’


English Name:

The Lord’s set time to favor Zion has come


Key Reference:

Psalms 102:13


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4150, 2603, 6726, 935





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Bachar be- Chotham


English Name:

The Lord has chosen you as His signet ring


Key Reference:

Haggai 2:23


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 977, 871a, 2368




Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Machah Pesha` `Avon


English Name:

The Lord blots out your transgressions and iniquities


Key Reference:

Psalms 51:1,9


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4229, 6588, 5771





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Malak Har Tsiyown


English Name:

The Lord reigns from Mount Zion


Key Reference:

Isaiah 24:23


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4427, 2022, 6726





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Asah Shamayim ‘Erets


English Name:

The Lord who made Heaven and Earth


Key Reference:

Psalms 121:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6213, 8064, 776





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Ayin elohim Bil`adey


English Name:

Lord, there is no god beside You


Key Reference:

Isaiah 45:21


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 369, 430, 1107





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Mana` lo’ Towb Halak Tamiym


English Name:

The Lord withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly


Key Reference:

Psalms 84:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4513, 3808, 2896, 1980, 8549





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Paniym Soba` Simchah


English Name:

In the Lord’s Presence is fullness of joy


Key Reference:

Psalms 16:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6440, 7648, 8057





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shaqad Dabar `Asah


English Name:

The Lord watches (hastens) over His Word to perform it


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 1:12


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 8245, 1697, 6213





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shezab Nuwr ‘Attuwn


English Name:

The Lord who delivers from the fiery furnace


Key Reference:

Daniel 3:17


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7804, 5135, 861




Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Cegar Pum ‘Aryeh


English Name:

The Lord who shuts the mouths of the lions


Key Reference:

Daniel 6:22


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5463, 6433, 744





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nabat ‘el Nahar


English Name:

Those who look to the Lord are radiant


Key Reference:

Psalms 34:5


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5027, 413, 5102





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Yatsa’ ‘Aciyr Kowsharah


English Name:

The Lord brings out those bound in chains


Key Reference:

Psalms 68:6


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3318, 615, 3574





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Qara’ Peqach-Qowach ‘Acar


English Name:

The Lord proclaims the opening of the prison to those who are bound


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7121, 6495, 631





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Qarowb Leb Shabar


English Name:

The Lord is nigh to those with a broken heart


Key Reference:

Psalms 34:18


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7138, 3820, 7665





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Suwm Dim`ah No’wd


English Name:

The Lord puts my tears in a bottle


Key Reference:

Psalms 56:8


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7760, 1832, 4997





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Maqowr Chay Mayim


English Name:

The Lord is the Fountain of Living Waters


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 17:13


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4726, 2416, 4325





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Saba` ‘Orek Yowm


English Name:

The Lord will satisfy you with long life


Key Reference:

Psalms 91:16


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7646, 753, 3117




Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Kuwn Mits`ad Geber


English Name:

The Lord orders the steps of a good man


Key Reference:

Psalms 37:23


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3559, 4703, 1397





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Lachaq Kabowd


English Name:

The Lord shall receive me to Glory


Key Reference:

Psalms 73:24


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3947, 3519





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Tsavah Mal’ak le-


English Name:

The Lord shall give His angels charge over you


Key Reference:

Psalms 91:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6680, 4397, 3807a





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Cabab Ron Pallet


English Name:

The Lord will compass me about with songs of deliverance


Key Reference:

Psalms 32:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5437, 7438, 6405





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Natsal Pach Yaquwsh


English Name:

The Lord shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler


Key Reference:

Psalms 91:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5337, 6341, 3353





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Balal Ra`anan Shemen


English Name:

The Lord anoints me with fresh oil


Key Reference:

Psalms 92:10


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1101, 7488, 8081





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Pa’ar `Anav Yeshua


English Name:

The Lord beautifies the meek with salvation


Key Reference:

Psalms 149:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6286, 6035, 3444





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Athereth Shalom ‘Emeth


English Name:

Lord of the abundance of peace and truth


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 33:6


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7965, 6283



Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Kicce’ Kuwn ‘Az


English Name:

The Lord’s Throne is established of old


Key Reference:

Psalms 93:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3678, 3559, 227





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan ‘Omer


English Name:

The Lord gave the Word (great was the company of those that published it)


Key Reference:

Psalms 68:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 562





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shamar ‘al Nuwm


English Name:

The Lord that keeps you will not slumber


Key Reference:

Psalms 121:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 8104, 408, 5123





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Mish’alah Leb


English Name:

The Lord will give you the desires (requests) of your heart


Key Reference:

Psalms 37:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 4862, 3820





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah lo’ raphah lo’ `Azab


English Name:

The Lord will not fail you nor forsake you


Key Reference:

Deuteronomy 31:6,8


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3808, 7503, 3808, 5800





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shalach Dabar Rapha


English Name:

The Lord sent His Word and healed them (and delivered them from their destructions)


Key Reference:

Psalms 107:20


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7971, 1697, 7495





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Alah Sha’own Bowr


English Name:

The Lord brought me up from a horrible pit


Key Reference:

Psalms 40:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5927, 7588, 953





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Alah Yaven Tiyt


English Name:

The Lord lifted me out of the miry clay


Key Reference:

Psalms 40:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5927, 3121, 2916





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Kuwn ‘Ashur


English Name:

The Lord has established my goings


Key Reference:

Psalms 40:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3559, 838





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Chadash Shiyr Peh


English Name:

The Lord has put a new song in my mouth


Key Reference:

Psalms 40:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 2319, 7892, 6310





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Saba` Shaqaq Nephesh


English Name:

The Lord satisfies the longing soul


Key Reference:

Psalms 107:9


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7646, 8264, 5315





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Barak Kol `Eth Tehillah Tamiyd Peh


English Name:

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.


Key Reference:

Psalms 34:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1288, 3605, 6256, 8416, 8548, 6310





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Aqar Yashab Bayith Sameach ‘Em Ben


English Name:

The Lord makes the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children


Key Reference:

Psalms 113:9


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6135, 3497, 1004, 8056, 517, 1121





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Tsedaqah Ben Ben


English Name:

The Lord’s righteousness is unto children’s children


Key Reference:

Psalms 103:17


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6666, 1121, 1121





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Chazaq ‘Amats


English Name:

The Lord who infuses me with strength and good courage


Key Reference:

Deuteronomy 31:6


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2388, 553





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Aheb Dabeq ‘Ach


English Name:

The Lord is a friend that sticks closer than a brother


Key Reference:

Proverbs 18:24


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 157, 1695, 251





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Bachan Libbah Kilyah


English Name:

The Lord tries the heart and reins


Key Reference:

Psalms 7:9


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 974, 3826, 3629





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Lamad Yad Milchamah


English Name:

The Lord teaches my hands to war


Key Reference:

Psalms 18:34


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3925, 3027, 4421





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nashaq Neshiyqah Peh


English Name:

The Lord is affectionate


Key Reference:

Song of Solomon 1:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5401, 5390, 6310





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Bow’ ‘el Yayin Bayith


English Name:

The Lord has brought me to the banqueting house


Key Reference:

Song of Solomon 2:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 935, 413, 3196, 1004





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Degel `al ‘Ahabah


English Name:

The Lord’s Banner over me is Love


Key Reference:

Song of Solomon 2:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1714, 5921, 160





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Dowd Towb Yayin


English Name:

The Lord’s love is better than wine


Key Reference:

Song of Solomon 1:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1730, 2896, 3196





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Tsavah Berakah Gam


English Name:

The Lord commands the blessing for unity


Key Reference:

Psalms 133


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6680, 1293, 1571





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Kanac Dachah Yisrael


English Name:

The Lord gathers together the outcasts of Israel


Key Reference:

Psalms 147:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3664, 1760, 3478




Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Aheb `Olam ‘Ahabah


English Name:

The Lord has loved you with an everlasting love


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 31:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 157, 5769, 160





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Banah `Owd Banah


English Name:

The Lord will build you again and you shall be rebuilt


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 31:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1129, 5750, 1129





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Gadowl `Asah Pala’


English Name:

The Lord is great and does wondrous things


Key Reference:

Psalms 86:10


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1419, 6213, 6381





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Ratsown `Atar Tsinnah


English Name:

The Lord’s favor will compass me about as with a shield


Key Reference:

Psalms 5:12


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7522, 5849, 6793





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shavah Regel ‘Ayalah


English Name:

The Lord makes my feet like the hinds’ feet


Key Reference:

Psalms 18:33


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7737, 7272, 355





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Cathar Tsel Kanaph


English Name:

The Lord hides me under the shadow of His wings


Key Reference:

Psalms 17:8


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5641, 6738, 3671





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Sakak le- ‘Ebrah


English Name:

The Lord shall cover you with His feathers


Key Reference:

Psalms 91:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5526, 3807a, 84





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Mala’ Kol Mish’alah


English Name:

The Lord fulfill all your petitions


Key Reference:

Psalms 20:5


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4390, 3605, 4862




Hebrew Name:

Jehovah lo’ ‘Iysh Kazab Dabar Quwm


English Name:

The Lord is not a man that He should lie; when He speaks He makes it good


Key Reference:

Numbers 23:19


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 3808, 376, 3576, 1696, 6965





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Chalaph Koach Qavah


English Name:

The Lord renews our strength as we wait on Him


Key Reference:

Isaiah 40:31


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2498, 3581, 6960





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Alah ‘Eber Nesher


English Name:

The Lord will cause us to mount up with wings as eagles


Key Reference:

Isaiah 40:31


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5927, 83, 5404





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Ruwts lo’ Yaga` Yalak lo’ Ya`aph


English Name:

The Lord will cause us to run and not be weary, to walk and not faint


Key Reference:

Isaiah 40:31


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7323, 3808, 3021, 3212, 3808, 3286





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nathan Koach Ya`eph


English Name:

The Lord gives power to the faint


Key Reference:

Isaiah 40:29-31


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5414, 3581, 3287





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Natsal Kol Meguwrah


English Name:

The Lord delivered me from all my fears


Key Reference:

Psalms 34:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5337, 3605, 4035





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Mashach ‘Eth Qara’ Derowr Shabah


English Name:

The Lord has anointed me to proclaim liberty to the captives


Key Reference:

Isaiah 61:1


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4886, 853, 7121, 1865, 7617





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Haphak Micepd Machowl


English Name:

The Lord has turned my mourning into dancing


Key Reference:

Psalms 30:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2015, 4553, 4234





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Rabats Deshe’ Na’ah


English Name:

The Lord makes me lie down in green pastures


Key Reference:

Psalms 23:2


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7257, 1877, 4999





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Mashach Shemen Sasown


English Name:

The Lord anoints me with the oil of gladness


Key Reference:

Psalms 45:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4886, 8081, 8342





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Elyon `al Kol ‘Erets


English Name:

The Lord is the Most High over all the earth


Key Reference:

Psalms 83:18


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5945, 5921, 3605, 776





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shalom Machashabah Tiqvah ‘Achariyth


English Name:

The Lord has good and peaceful plans for my hope and future


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 29:11


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 7965, 4284, 8615, 319





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Azar Chayil Milchamah


English Name:

The Lord has girded me with strength for the battle


Key Reference:

Psalms 18:39


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 247, 2428, 4421





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Zakar ‘al Chatta’ah Na’ur


English Name:

The Lord remembers not the sins of my youth


Key Reference:

Psalms 25:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2142, 408, 2403, 5271





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Palah Chaciyd le-


English Name:

The Lord has set apart him who is godly for Himself


Key Reference:

Psalms 4:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6395, 2623, 3807a





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Asah Malak Ruwach


English Name:

The Lord makes His angels spirits


Key Reference:

Psalms 104:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6213, 4397, 7307





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah `Asah Sharath Lahat ‘Esh


English Name:

The Lord makes His ministers a flaming fire


Key Reference:

Psalms 104:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6213, 8334, 3857, 784





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Malak Chanah Cabiyb Yare’


English Name:

The Angel of the Lord encamps around them that fear Him


Key Reference:

Psalms 34:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4397, 2583, 5439, 3373





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah ‘Emeth Tsinnah Cocherah


English Name:

The Lord’s truth shall be your shield and buckler


Key Reference:

Psalms 91:4


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 571, 6793, 5507





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Nagad le- Gadowl Batsar


English Name:

The Lord will show you great and mighty things


Key Reference:

Jeremiah 33:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 5046, 3807a, 1419, 1219





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Galah Cowd ‘el- `Ebed Nabiy’


English Name:

The Lord reveals His secret unto His servants the prophets


Key Reference:

Amos 3:7


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1540, 5475, 413, 5650, 5030





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Qodesh Na’ah Bayith


English Name:

Holiness becometh thine house, Oh Lord, forever.


Key Reference:

Psalms 93:5


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 6944, 4988, 1004





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Mala’ Ra`eb Nephesh Towb


English Name:

The Lord fills the hungry soul with goodness


Key Reference:

Psalms 107:9


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 4390, 7457, 5315, 2896





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shaqah Nachal `Eden


English Name:

The Lord shall make them drink of the river of His pleasures


Key Reference:

Psalms 36:8


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 8248, 5158, 5730





Hebrew Name:

Batach ‘el Jehovah Kol Leb


English Name:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart


Key Reference:

Proverbs 3:5


Strong’s Numbers:

982, 413, 3068, 3605, 3820





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Chaphets Shalom `Ebed


English Name:

The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant


Key Reference:

Psalms 35:27


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 2655, 7965, 5650





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Shem Shemen Ruwq


English Name:

The Lord’s Name is as ointment poured forth


Key Reference:

Song of Solomon 1:3


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 8034, 8081, 7324





Hebrew Name:

Jehovah Barak Shamar Chanan


English Name:

The Lord bless thee and keep thee, and be gracious unto thee


Key Reference:

Numbers 6:24-25


Strong’s Numbers:

3068, 1288, 8104, 2603

It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!