Friday, August 30, 2024

Prophetic Poetry - Give Your Heart to Jesus Today - August 30, 2024



Jesus is the One I Iove and treasure


In His Presence is joy and pleasure.


Are you born again? Have you made Jesus your Lord and Savior?


If not, come to the Cross today and the Lord will wash away your sins and you will have on your life His approval and favor.


Don’t delay another day


A person does not know how long they will live


To Jesus your heart to Him please give.


A person does not know the exact date they will die. So it is wise to give your life to Christ right now so that when your day comes you will leave your body and to this world wave goodbye.


Jesus died on the Cross to save you from sin


He wants you to accept Him into your heart and to heaven someday enter in.


In Christ you are no longer a loser, but you always win.


Jesus is able to take you from “Victim to Victor” and give you a new successful and happy life


You can live a life where there is no strife, and where a woman respects her husband and a husband loves his wife, and where married couples do not use their tongues as a sharp knife.


Be careful of harboring rage and anger because it can lead to danger.


Let go of all bitterness and strife,


And give to Jesus every area of your life.


Let go of unforgiveness and forget the past


The Lord is doing a new thing in your life that will eternally last.


Only Jesus can satisfy your soul, only He can heal your heart and make you whole.


He will give you peace you never knew,

Sweet love and joy, and Heaven too.


Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this place


I can feel His mighty power and His grace


I can hear the brush of angels’ wings

I see Glory on each face


Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this place.


In the midst of His children


The Lord said He would be


It doesn’t take very many


It can be just two or three


And I feel that same sweet Spirit


That I’ve felt at times before


Surely I can say that I’ve been with the Lord


There’s a holy rush around us


As God’s glory fills this place


I can touch the hem of His garment


I can almost see His face


And my heart is overflowing


With the fullness of His joy


I know without a doubt that I have been with the Lord.


The joy of the Lord is your strength.


The love of God is immeasurable in width and length.


Joy will sustain you through every trial you ever go through


The Lord will give you peace and work everything out if you stay in faith and He will bring about a major breakthrough.


The Lord will deliver you of all your fears

And He will dry all of your tears

The Lord will add blessings to your years

Your prayers God answers and hears.


If your life is filled with sin, pride and strife, today at this very hour give to Him your life.


Ask Him to come into your heart today

He will wash away all your sins and cleanse you with His Blood … today is the day, repent today, don’t put it off for tomorrow, come to the Cross and surrender your life to Christ today.


He is the life, the truth and the Way.


No one can come to the Father, except through His Son.


When you give your life to Jesus, you are a winner and have won.


The load of guilt, shame and sin might feel like it weighs a ton.


Give your life today to God’s only begotten Son.


He paid the price for your salvation, it was accomplished and the work is done.


I urge you to come to the Cross today,


Allow Jesus to have His perfect way


Please do not put it off and delay


A person never knows when will be their last and final day.


Please receive Christ before it is too late


Please do not put it off and for a long time decide to wait


Come today to the Cross and receive Him into your soul


He will heal you completely and make you every whit whole.


He will fill your heart with peace and joy,


Jesus died for every man and woman and girl and boy.


He took those stripes on His back so you could be healed


Until the day of redemption you will be sealed.


The Holy Spirit will teach you all things


Love, joy and peace is what He brings.


Be baptized into the Holy Spirit today


Let Him enter into your heart as you ask him to come into your heart when you pray.


He will lead and guide you into all truth


He is also a good matchmaker like in the story of Boaz and Ruth.


He will show you in the future things to come


When you obey the Lord you will dwell in a land that is prosperous and



You are the apple of Jesus’ eye

His love for you is higher than the sky


Will you give Him your heart today,

He is waiting for your reply


He will be with you always and never say goodbye


He will never leave you or forsake you

But walk by your side until the day you die.


When you see Him in His splendor and Majesty for the first time


Your response will be “My Oh My!!!”


Make Jesus the Lord of your life

Allow Him to remove all the sin and the strife


He wants entire families to be saved, the children, husband and wife


Accepting Jesus into your heart is the best decision you will ever make.


Come to Christ right away,


Your eternal destiny is at stake.


Please do not put it off or delay

You don’t know what tomorrow holds,

Whether you will live or die,

So give your life to Jesus today.


Oh, how I love Jesus because He first loved me.


To me, He is so wonderful, because He first loved me.


You can only fall in love with Him because He loved you first.


Jesus is able to satisfy your inner hunger and thirst.


He is the river of living waters that shall never run dry,


Jesus will fill you with His glory and He hears your every cry.


When Jesus comes

The Tempter’s power is broken


When Jesus comes

He wipes away all tears


He will take your gloom

And fill your life with glory


For all is changed

When Jesus comes to stay.


If you are backslidden today and are a sheep that is a stray


Jesus wants you to come back to the Father’s house and He will restore you and make you brand new.


He is waiting for you to come back to Him,


Please come back to the Lord today. Please do not delay.


Hell is very real and you don’t want to go there


Your sins Jesus did on the Cross bear


You were made justified by grace and became his heir.


The cat of nine tails whip tore His flesh so you could be healed and whole


Sin has taken on your life it’s toll.

The Lord will restore all that from you the devil stole.


He will throw you a rope and pull you out of the pit and hole.


Make sure your heart is made right with God


The Lord will part your figurative Red Sea (impossible situation) by extending His rod.


He will lead you out of the wilderness to a land of peace, prosperity and joy,


It will be a glorious land for every man, woman, girl and boy.


Stop fighting with others and live in unity and peace


Then it will command the blessing and your prosperity will never cease.


Jesus specializes in things thought impossible


And He can do what no other power can do.


He loves you completely … through and through … yes, you!!!


Develop your faith and confidence in God


With the preparation of peace, have your feet shod


The shield of faith extinguishes every fiery dart


The enemy will not be able to wound your heart.


The enemy only comes to kill, steal and destroy


But Jesus came to save everyone and give abundant life to every man, woman, girl and boy.


What a healing Jesus I’ve found in You


What a healing Jesus, You restore, refresh and renew


You’re my healing Jesus for such a time as this


Arise on healing wings, O Sun of Righteousness!


Come to the Cross today and give your heart to Christ. Make Him the Lord of your life. Accept Him into your heart as your Savior. He will come into your heart by His Spirit, and flood you with His peace and joy. He will heal you everywhere you hurt. He will wash and cleanse you and make your life new.


Give Him your heart today, and please I urge you to not put it off and delay.


May God bless you and keep you and shine His light and grace on you, and give you peace.