Saturday, September 21, 2024

Communion With the Holy Spirit book - About the Author


2 Corinthians 13:14

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

About the Author

My name is Kathleen Riley. My nickname is Kelli. 

I was born on July 31, 1966 in San Francisco, California.

My parents are now with the Lord, but their names are Robert and June Riley. 

My precious mother went to be with the Lord on July 4, 2019. Fourteen months after she passed on, my dad also went to be with the Lord on August 26, 2020. 

Both parents died of cardiovascular complications. 

My parents were successfully married for 55 years and 4 months. 

I have one sibling, a brother who is 16 months younger than me. His name is Gary and he lives in the Denver, Colorado area. He has a son named Colin who lives with his mother's side of the family in Oklahoma. He is going to turn 21 in November of 2024. 

My brother also has a daughter named Ashley, but when she was only 11 months old, her mother was driving on the highway in Kansas and was involved in a horrible car accident. Ashley was instantly killed and went to heaven. Colin and his mother survived the crash. 

Gary and Kimberly went through a painful divorce in 2006, and neither one has ever remarried. 

Kimberly works as an instructional aide with young children at the school district in her home town. 

Gary works full time as a small airplane mechanic at the Denver Airport. The airport has a division for just small aircrafts and a second division where the major jetliners land and take off. Gary works for the smaller division where they just service small aircrafts.

I have one sister, but she is in heaven. My mother miscarried her about a year after I was born. I never got to know my sister, but will meet her when I get to heaven.

For the first nine years of my life, my Grandmother Minnie Ford lived with us in our home. My parents took good care of her in her elderly age. My grandfather Lovic Ford had a major stroke just three weeks after I was born, and died one week later. I never got to know him, but look forward to meeting him when I get to heaven.

My grandparents and relatives on my father's side of the family lived in the Wisconsin and Iowa area, and one brother in Texas. We visited every now and then, but I never really got to be around my dad's side of the family to get to know them better. They are all in heaven now and I look forward to getting to know them when I arrive in heaven.

My lifelong and forever friend is Leslee. She is married to Ed. They live in Idaho and have two grown children, Elyse and Eddie. Neither one of her kids are married yet or have children yet. 

I grew up my entire life in the city of Antioch, California. It is located 60 miles east of San Francisco and 45 miles east of Oakland. 

I got married later in life at the age of 55 years old, and God blessed my womb to be able to conceive and give birth to children even in my older age. I am 58 now. With God, nothing shall be impossible!

We have both sons and daughters.

For many years I had pets and raised many cats. All of my pets are now in Heaven and I miss them very much and look forward to being reunited with them when my time comes to go to heaven. 

For many years of my life I worked doing Secretarial and Administrative Assistant jobs located about 20 miles west of Antioch in the Concord and Walnut Creek area.

I began attending Shiloh Christian Fellowship in Oakland, California in 1994. In 1995, I began attending the Bible College at the church. The president of the Bible College was Dr. Violet Kiteley. She is now with the Lord.

Her son and daughter-n-law Pastors David and Marilyn Kiteley were the senior pastors for many years. Pastor David is now in heaven with the Lord. Their daughter Melinda and son-n-law Javier Ramos now are the senior pastors of the church.

I attended Bible College for 8 years and received a Bachelor of Theology degree in 2003. I was chosen to be the Valedictorian of the class of 2003. I was very nervous when giving my speech in front of thousands of people.

After graduating from Bible College, I began to get involved with doing teaching blogs over the internet. On blog I reached the most people worldwide (over $200,000 that I am aware of). I never paid for any advertising, but people found my website on the internet. 

My teaching ministry has been small and I worked from home. Yet at the same time for someone who is unknown, over 200,000 people found my blog over a process of many years. I never charged any money and did not receive any income from my teaching ministry. I have done it for free, but my parents provided for me. 

I got saved and born again at the young age of 6 years old. It was a Sunday afternoon, and my dad had to work overtime that day. At home, it was my mom, grandma, brother and me at home. 

We were watching Rex Humbard on television. His church was based in the Akron, Ohio area. Every Sunday his services were televised. Television was brand new back then. 

I don't remember the sermon he preached, but whatever he said it gripped my heart and I wanted to receive Jesus Christ into my heart as my Savior and Lord. My mother led me in a salvation prayer and I accepted Jesus into my heart and I literally felt His Presence enter into my heart and wash me clean on the inside. I was instantly filled with the Holy Spirit too. 

I have lived my entire lifetime for the Lord and served Him faithfully and with joy. There were times of rough patches in my life, but I never backslid or turned from the faith. I have been an overcomer until the very end. I love the Lord with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength. 

The Lord gave me the talents of being able to play the piano and keyboard. For years at past churches I also sang in the choir. Sometimes I have written songs when inspired. I want to further develop my musical skills. 

Sometimes the Holy Spirit anoints me to write prophetic poetry and to preach. I mainly teach the Word, but the Lord is also calling me to preach too. 

I grew up attending the Assemblies of God churches. Then when I was older, I was a member of Charismatic churches in the local area and Word of Faith churches too.

My favorite musical artists are the Jimmy Swaggart band and singers at Family Worship Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I have most of their CD's and also watch them online too.

My leisure hobbies include doing cross stitch projects and reading faith based books. My favorite authors include Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Hagin Sr., Mark Hankins, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and Benny Hinn.

I love the Lord with my whole heart and it is my delight to share the Word of God with others.