Monday, September 23, 2024

Communion with the Holy Spirit - Chapter 20 - Tongues: 20 Benefits of


Chapter 20

Tongues:  20 Benefits of

1.       Impartation of wisdom and revelation.


2.       To receive word of knowledge.


3.       When you don’t know how to pray.


4.       Builds you up in your most holy faith.


5.       Helps you with your limitations and             weaknesses.


6.       Strengthens you on the inside.


7.       Your physical body and mind are                 renewed and strengthened.


8.       Your spirit is edified (built up).


9.       You pray the perfect will of God.


10.     It builds your immune system, according to medical science.


11.  Gives you the victory.


12.  Protection.


13.  Spiritual warfare.


14.  Intercession.


15. Gives understanding to questions you have.


16.  To receive comfort.


17.  Magnifies God.


18.  Declare mysteries of God.


19. The river of God flows through your         innermost being.


20.  Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural.