Sunday, September 22, 2024

Communion with the Holy Spirit - Chapter 9 - Be Ye Separate, Says the Lord


Be Ye Separate, Says the Lord

To have the Holy Spirit’s abiding anointing on your life, it requires that you live holy. The Lord says in 1 Peter 1:16, “Be ye holy, for I am holy.”
The word “holy” comes from the Greek word hagios (Strong’s 40). Hagios is defined as: sacred, pure, morally blameless, consecrated.
Some synonyms for consecrated include: holy, sacred, sanctified, hallowed, blessed, set apart, distinguish, differentiate.
Numbers 8:14 says, “Thus you shall separate the Levites from among the children of Israel, and the Levites shall be Mine.” The Levites were considered to be the priesthood and clergy, and they were commanded to be separate unto the Lord. That means that they could not do everything that others were free to do. They were commanded to live up to stricter moral laws.
Also, they were not given an inheritance of land (as the other tribes were), for the Lord was their portion.
Second Corinthians 6:14-18 tells us:
“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
“I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people.”
“Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you.”
“I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the Lord Almighty.”
Although this passage is talking about being unequally yoked in marriage to unbelievers, it also refers to being unequally yoked to this world in general.
This means that if a Believer desires to have the Presence of God abiding on their life, then they cannot participate in all the ways of this world.
For example, you have to be very careful and selective about what movies at theaters you see, because most movies do NOT glorify God.
Even in many so-called family movies, it will be defiled by witchcraft. They try to present it as harmless, but we all know that most snakes and scorpions are NOT harmless. They are symbolic of demons.
You have to be very careful what you watch on television, as most of it depicts sinful living. Even Westerns are not innocent. It depicts shootings, killings, murder, running from the law, theft, alcohol intoxication, taverns and destruction of property in bar fights, rebellion to the authorities, prostitution, lying, cheating, stealing, violence. The only hope for Westerns is that in the end the good guys win out.
Even when it comes to the news media, it’s all filled with doom and gloom, fear-filled reports, rumors and negativity. After 15 minutes of hearing the news, it does not edify you to listen to all the killings and shootings, the scandals and crimes committed, and the economic outlook for the future. God said He would be our Provider. He said that for those who tithe and give offerings, and who fear the Lord, that they would be sustained during famine (Psalms 37:19).
To live set apart, for me personally, means that I have never drank any alcoholic beverage in my entire life, nor plan on doing so in the future. On my father’s side of the family, several of his family members were alcoholics and died young. I have never had a desire for alcohol, not even beer or a glass of wine. I do not use wine in cooking, or for partaking of Holy Communion. I have no issues with those who partake of wine during the Eucharist.
To live separated unto God also means to live sexually pure. That means no sexual activity outside of marriage, and marriage the way God originally created it is between a man and a woman. It’s a blessing when you hear about couples who are virgins getting married, and how they saved their virginity for their husband or wife. Of course, tragedies happen in life and some people are molested or raped, and have to work through all the painful emotions and memories. But they can still live in purity.
Now days you hear of couples living together outside of marriage. This ought not to be. God has called us to live pure.
Porn opens the door to all kinds of demonic spirits and filth, and keeps people bound in chains to where they cannot get free unless they get outside help. Porn is a form of adultery and homosexuality. Jesus said that if a man looks upon a woman to lust after her, that he has committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28). The same principle applies to women as well who view porn.
Another way we can live separated unto God is by the kind of music we listen to. Do you listen to worldly music? The lyrics to worldly music will defile you. It’s all about worldly love without commitment, worldly wisdom (James 3:15), sexual immorality, being cheated on, being abandoned, cussing and cursing. Of course, this does not apply to all types of music, such as Classical. The music we as born again believers should be listening to should be music that glorifies God. Some examples include praise and worship, Gospel, Choirs, uplifting music, Davidic worship.
To live separate is to avoid going to dance halls, as worldly dancing can be very lewd and sensual. The Jews in the Bible only danced to Yahweh, and the men and women danced separate. Some types of dancing is pure, such as ballet.
For me personally, the avoidance of tattoos and body piercings is one way that I live separated unto the Lord. Of course, there is mixed feelings about tattoos and body piercings in the Body of Christ, and I have no judgment against anyone who practices it. However, for me it would not be right. I do have pierced ears (just one piercing in each ear), and that is it.

Another way to live separated unto the Lord is by dressing conservatively. This means by covering up flesh and cleavage, and covering your legs from the knees up. Especially among pastors and leaders, there should be holiness in how we dress. It’s okay to dress in pants and jeans, but just not skin tight clothing.
Gambling is something Christians should avoid. Casinos are not places that the Holy Spirit dwells in. Also, God does not bless money that is gained through gambling and chance.
To live separate means to be very careful in choosing the right friends and relationships. People can make or break you, and you have to be cautious who you come into relationship with. We will become in life like the friends and relationships we spend the most time with. This also applies to spending time with people by reading their books and listening to their audios. Eventually, we start to become more and more like them and talk like them.
There are some issues, or television shows, that are not considered sinful, but are secular. For instance, years ago when Benny Hinn was just starting out in ministry, the Anointing would rest upon him for hours after a service. One evening after a service, while the Holy Spirit’s anointing was resting on Benny Hinn, some of his co-workers wanted him to watch a television program called “Let’s Make a Deal”. As soon as he began to watch the show, the Holy Spirit lifted His anointing off of Benny Hinn. In this case, it was not a sin issue or moral issue, but the fact that the show was secular, of this world.
As you begin to get to know the precious Holy Spirit, and understand more about His Anointing, you will discover that He will call you more and more away from this world to spend time in His Presence. Things that you used to do, now you do not do it any longer.
Recently, I went to a Honda Dealership with my mother, to their automotive garage for a minor repair. I was alone in the van and was complaining outloud to the Lord that I had to be wasting time at the automotive garage when I could be doing other things. Immediately, I felt His strong Presence and He was a little bit angry with me for complaining. So I repented. The fact is that my parents have a van, and it’s in great working condition, and the repair was minor. The Holy Spirit, that day, showed me that He does not care for complaining. It really sets Him off.
The Holy Spirit has been revealing Himself to me more and more recently, and doing a work of purification in my heart. He’s producing the fruit of the Spirit in my life, helping me to become more like Jesus.
Holiness involves all these outward things that I have mentioned in living a separated life. But God also wants us to develop holiness in our hearts. This means, that the love of God would be shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5) so that we would truly love God and others in the way He wants us to.
I grew up in a more legalistic church environment where it was common for many of the church members to adopt a separated life like I personally live. We were good at keeping the rules, but it was more difficult to walk in love towards some people. The Holy Spirit has really been doing a deep work in my heart when it comes to loving others, and especially when it comes to forgiving those who have hurt me and caused me pain. I’m still learning to forgive others.