Monday, September 23, 2024

Communion with the Holy Spirit - Chapter 21 - 42 Quotes from Dr. Leroy Thompson


Chapter 21

42 Quotes by Dr. Leroy Thompson about the benefits of praying in tongues


1.  Tongues pulls you from the past into your future!


2.  When praying in the Spirit you are prophesying your God ordained future!


3.  When praying in the Spirit you are declaring the secrets of God!


4.  Praying in the Spirit is a direct line to the Almighty!


5.  Tongues reverses death and demonic assignments in your life!


6.  Tongues will give you unstoppable progress that your enemy can't deny!


7.  As you pray in tongues you will reach higher and higher in a dying world!


8.  Praying in tongues is praying things that have been concealed to be revealed!


9.  Praying in tongues keeps you spiritually fit!


10.             Praying in tongues piles up all the promises God has for you, and puts you in the position to receive them!


11.             When you pray in the Spirit, you enter into another zone!


12.             Praying in tongues synchronizes us with the timing of God!


13.             Praying in the Spirit arranges your present to receive your future!


14.             When praying in the Spirit you are breaking yokes that exist, and breaking future yokes before they can be put together!


15.             Praying in the Holy Ghost enables you to live a yoke free life!


16.             Praying in the Holy Spirit keeps you ministry fit!


17.             Praying in the Holy Spirit gives you step by step plans for your life!


18.             Praying in the Spirit cuts a path of blessings in tumultuous situations!


19.             When praying in tongues secrets that were withheld from others are revealed to you!


20.             When you pray in tongues, secrets and plans will be made known to you!


21.             Demons scream when you pray in the Holy Spirit because they can’t understand or stop you!


22.             When praying in tongues the enemy is helpless in sabotaging your prayer!


23.             Speaking in tongues is the language of glory!


24.             Praying in tongues is spiritual management!


25.             Praying in the Spirit paralyzes fear!


26.             Praying in the Spirit is the trigger to the supernatural!


27.             When you pray in the Holy Spirit the devil is reminded of his defeat and begins to have fits!


28.             Praying in the Spirit is drawing out secrets to life’s complicated issues!


29.             Praying in the Spirit will take you into God’s miracle zone!


30.             Praying in the Spirit is a supernatural weapon!


31.             When praying in the Spirit you are bathing in the invisible and getting wet with the visible!


32.             By praying in the Spirit you are making a path of blessings and power for you to walk in and enjoy!


33.             Praying in tongues is help with your ultimate weakness!


34.             When you pray in tongues you are declaring the mysteries of God!


35.             When praying in the Holy Ghost you are searching Christ!


36.             Praying in tongues has no respect for your problem!


37.             Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural!


38.             When you pray in the Spirit, you are speaking divine coded secrets!


39.             Praying in tongues takes you into the realm of nothing being impossible!


40.             Praying in tongues is a direct line to God where there are no interruptions, no interference, and no eavesdropping! Just you and Him!


41.             Praying in the Spirit is the way that you stir God up within you! 2 Timothy 1:6.


42.             Praying in the Spirit activates Power, Authority, and Dominion! Power means ability. Authority means a capability of authorizing things from a divine perspective. Dominion is the sovereign power of God!