Sunday, September 22, 2024

Communion with the Holy Spirit - Chapter 7 - The Holy Spirit Speaks through Dreams and Visions


Chapter 7

The Holy Spirit Speaks Through Dreams and Visions


I make a differentiation between a dream and a vision of the night. A dream is full of symbols. In a vision of the night, the scenes unfolding are more literal like it is actually happening in waking life, although you are asleep.


The Holy Spirit has revealed the Father and Jesus to me through dreams and visions of the night ever since the mid to late 1990’s.


Jesus’ First Appearance To Me in November 2000


The first time Jesus appeared to me in Person in a vision of the night was in November of 2000. He took me by total surprise.


In the dream, the setting was daytime. I pulled into the driveway in my Toyota Camry. After I got out of the car and was taking things out of the trunk, I happened to glance to my right and was stunned when I saw Jesus standing in our front yard near the porch.


I laid everything aside, and then slowly began to approach Him. I was a little bit afraid at first, because He was a spirit being, yet He was totally tangible as well. It’s hard to explain unless you’ve seen it. That is how glorified bodies in heaven appear.


Jesus stood there with a serious expression on His face with His hands folded at His waist. He was approximately 6 feet tall and very slim but solid muscle. His hair was a sandy brown, and his hair flowed down a few inches past His shoulders. His eyes were blue. He has a light olive complexion. His beard and mustache were well trimmed.


He wore brown leather sandals and a white robe. The robe was mostly form fitting (and not the loose fitting shepherd’s or choir type robe). He wore a 4 inch wide gold belt around His waist between the bodice and the long skirt.


His eyes are what stood out the most. His eyes are penetrating and piercing, both literal and figurative. Literally, I felt invisible fire shooting out of His eyes burning holes in my heart and the heat penetrating inside of my body. I knew that He knew everything about me, but there was no condemnation on His part. He never said a word to me, as His eyes said it all.


When you stand in His Presence, there is nothing you can hide from Him. You are laid bare in His Presence, and you cannot lie or fake your way out of anything. You know that He could kill you if He wanted to or send you to hell, but He is very compassionate and merciful. You are also quiet at that moment too, out of respect and reverence, as He is a Holy God.


When you stand in His Presence, it is life transforming. You will never be the same ever again or view Jesus the same ever again. His Holiness and Majesty is almost more than a human person can withstand.


Just about the moment when I got within a foot or so of Jesus, all of a sudden He disappeared and I found myself standing in the middle of a Cloud. It was the Cloud of Glory, perhaps the one as in Moses’ Day. This Cloud was shaped like a funnel reaching two stories high, and inside of the Cloud were streaks of gold, silver and amber.


This was not the kind of Glory Cloud that made you feel good. This kind of Cloud was the type where you feel the TERROR of the Lord! As I already said, His Holiness and Majesty was so strong, that my body could hardly withstand it, and I thought I was going to fall down dead any second, and I could not understand how I kept on standing up when His terror and Holiness was so powerful, causing me to shake and tremble and panic.


I’ve heard people say that in hell, people experience not only the flames and other punishments, but also the terror of the Lord as well.


It feels worse than being electrocuted by thousands of watts of electricity.


When I woke up, I was very shaken up from the Glory Cloud experience.


The Lord gave me a high dosage of the fear of the Lord. It is one of the most frightening experiences you could ever have.


This vision of the night was a call to launch out into deeper waters of ministry, and to begin teaching on the fear of the Lord.


I have a teaching on the fear (holy reverence) of the Lord. It is in my book entitled: “King of kings – Knowing God Through His Names”, which is available wherever books are sold. In this teaching, I reveal 100 benefits from the Word of God for those who fear the Lord.



Vision of Jesus Raising Dead Marriages From the Grave


On January 28, 2011 I attended an all-night prayer and worship meeting at my former church, New Destiny Church in Pittsburg, California, called a Harp & Bowl Meeting. During the meeting, the Lord gave me a vision about how He wants to heal and restore marriages.


In the vision, the setting was a chapel with a small stage or platform. I saw Jesus, and He was dressed in a long white robe. He was standing at the front of the chapel on the ground floor level in front of the pulpit with the stage in back of Him.


Right in front of Him on the floor level was a white adult casket which was open. (From my vantage point at the entrance to the chapel, Jesus stood on the ground floor level behind the casket.)


I knew Jesus was beckoning me to come and see who or what was in the casket. I reverently walked down the middle aisle of the chapel in slow motion and looked down inside the casket. The casket was lined with white satin and lace. I was stunned when I saw two gold wedding bands lying side by side in the casket.


I was speechless and remained very quiet and did not say a word. Then I looked up and looked into Jesus’ blue eyes. Then Jesus said to me with authority, “Do you believe that I can raise the dead?”


End of vision.


Now years later (2019), I believe Jesus was referring to my spiritual parents' Benny and Suzanne Hinn’s divorce, which happened around that time between 2010-2013. But three years later (2013), God resurrected their dead relationship and they remarried on March 3, 2013. It was a miracle. There was much rejoicing.


The vision also applies to other marriages that are dead or struggling.


God also wants to restore youthful functioning to married couples as well. God can do creative miracles.


Jesus wants to heal and restore marriages. He is able to bring resurrection life to a lifeless situation. Jesus is the mender of a broken heart. Nothing is impossible with the Lord.


Luke 1:37 (Amplified)

For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.


In this vision, I was awake the entire time. So it was not a dream, or vision of the night, but just a vision.


Peter had a vision around noon time. While he was on the roof praying and waiting for lunch to be served, he was in the Spirit. Then God gave him the vision of unclean animals, and told Peter to kill and eat. Peter had never eaten anything unclean before. Then God’s audible voice told him to not call the Gentiles unclean. God had called him to minister salvation to the Gentiles, as well as the Jews.



Dream – Jesus Transforming Into Bag Lady – March 28, 2010


In the dream, I was inside of our house. I was in the family room and kitchen. I began to notice that Jesus was sitting in the living room.


He was wearing a long white robe. He just sat there busy doing something, although aware of my presence.


I walked over to where He was to greet Him. At first He ignored me. Then He gave me a cute little wave, although not really looking at me. Then He went back to what He was doing.


Then I began to approach Him again, and He transformed into that of a homeless bag lady with long sandy brown hair that had turned gray. She had a look of being forlorn and homely, her skin now leathery — like she had experienced a hard life.


Then I woke up.


The Scripture passage that came to mind is Matthew 25:33-46 that says that whatever you do for the least of the one of these, you do for Him.


During that season of my life, I ministered two Sundays a month at the local women’s shelter. That particular day on a Saturday night, I was considering canceling showing up the next day on Sunday afternoon at the women’s shelter because I was so tired. But Jesus showed me that when we minister to others, we are ministering to Him.


I did show up and we had a blessed meeting.


I would consider this an inspired dream from the Holy Spirit, as it contained symbols, and the set-up of the living room was different in the dream than it is in real life.



Audible Visitation From Jesus To Address Doubt and Unbelief


I am thankful for the correction of the Lord and the lessons learned so that I can make adjustments in my attitudes in order to qualify to receive my full inheritance that God has for me.


In the late 1990’s, Jesus appeared to me during the night while I was asleep in an audible visitation. He was right there in the same room with me, and I heard His Voice loud and clear (whether internal audible or exterior audible hearing I am unsure), but I could not see Him.


He was so enraged! Normally, He is very kind and meek, but that morning He was so angry with me. This is the one and only time that I have ever encountered Him being enraged with me. No one ever wants to get on His bad side, because you know you are in serious trouble then and He means business. He is a Man of Authority and demands respect.


He was very fed up with me and confronted me on the issue of doubt and unbelief, murmuring and complaining, and falsely accusing the faithful and good character of God.


When I was around 22-23 and began seeking the Lord regarding marriage because I longed to be married and have children, the Lord began to give me prophetic promises through many different individuals and ministers letting me know that the Father definitely has chosen a husband for me (if I would allow Him to do the choosing), and He spoke many wonderful promises to me. I thought that marriage would happen early on in life like it does for most people.


Then over the years after the initial promises were spoken through prophetic words that were spoken over me when I was 22-23, the Lord would confirm the promises along the way by many different prophets and ministers, and many of them were complete strangers that didn’t know me and I had never met them either. All of them basically said, in their own wording, many of the same things that the Lord had already promised to me in the beginning.


But then years and years had elapsed and nothing was happening. I was beginning to feel like God had forgotten about me, or changed His mind on what He had promised me. I began to feel rage, anger, resentment and offense towards God for depriving me of what I wanted the most out of life, second only to knowing Jesus more intimately in spirit and soul.


I began to question God’s character, and would begin to accuse Him of not being faithful to fulfill what He had promised me, and for failing to come through for me. I felt like God had let me down and I felt such great disappointment and disillusionment. I would accuse Him of not being a Good God to me.


I was very angry with God for a long time over this issue, and at times would even yell and scream at Him because I was so enraged at Him for not giving me the desires of my heart. I felt tremendous pain in my heart.


It seemed like all the other ladies around me were being blessed by the Lord with a husband and children, yet nothing was happening for me. I felt like God had rejected me. I felt that maybe He wanted to purposely cause me to suffer and grieve. I certainly did NOT feel favored by the Lord. I felt ignored by God and bypassed. I certainly did not feel blessed by God.


Then I began to let go of my faith and slip into doubt and unbelief, murmuring and complaining, and falsely accuse God’s good and righteous character of Him being faithful to make good on His promises.


Finally, Jesus was so fed up with me for all of my negative attitudes, that He decided to show up in Person Himself rather than sending a messenger, but in audible form where I could hear Him speaking, but not see Him.


(Later on, beginning in 2000, He totally surprised and shocked me when He showed up in Person and I saw Him for the first time from head to toe, dressed in a long white robe. After that time in 2000, He has since appeared to me several times in Person since then, the last visitation being in 2016.)


Boy, was He enraged! He was red hot! He meant business! The lion part of His personality emerged. No one ever wants to get on His bad side. Just take my word for it! I’m trying to spare you of an unpleasant experience.


He confronted me on everything I mentioned above. Then He said to me:




(Or in other words, “Are you telling Me that I am a liar? that I am an evil Person not wanting to grant the desires of your heart? that I am weak?, that I am small in your eyes?, that I am an unfaithful God who fails to come through on His promises?, that this matter is far too difficult and impossible for Me to handle?, that the Word of God may work for others but won’t work for you?, that I am purposely withholding from you just to bring suffering to your life? Do you know who you are talking to? I am God Almighty!!!”)


The Lord was so angry because of my doubt and unbelief, and murmuring and complaining, and falsely accusing God. It was the same as if I was slapping Him in the face telling Him He was a liar and that His Word won’t work for me. It was as if I was demonstrating the utmost disrespect, dishonor, irreverence and rudeness to God.


Jesus felt like I was emasculating Him, cutting Him down, belittling Him, and implying that it was too difficult of a task for God to bring to pass the promises. He didn’t like me insulting His character, and making Him out to be small and weak in my eyes.


Doubt and unbelief is a respect and honor issue with God, and that’s why He gets so angry over this issue.


So I replied back to Him that many years had gone by and the promises still had not come to pass. Then there was a pause and I knew I had really kindled His anger even more, but He managed to keep His anger under control without unleashing on me, and then Jesus’ reply back to me was:


“I’LL DO IT, WHEN I DO IT !!!!!!!”


Then He stormed out of there still being enraged and disappeared.


Jesus doesn’t always talk in the King James Version language, or like sophisticated theologians who use all the perfect nice sweet words to get their points across (although He is far more intelligent than they are).


He made His point loud and clear, in clear English, with a little bit of Urban slang mixed in that I could understand and never forget:


“I’LL DO IT, WHEN I DO IT !!!!!!!”


God tolerates a lot of sin without necessarily getting really angered, but He gets instantly enraged over the sin of doubt and unbelief, and murmuring and complaining. It’s in a higher sin category than murder and perversion.


If you want to know what button sets Him off the most into an instant rage if you press that button, it is the button of doubt and unbelief and murmuring and complaining. He hates to hear negative, pity party talk, and sour complaining and murmuring.


He will tolerate it for a while, but not for long. He has a short fuse when it comes to the issue of doubt and unbelief, and murmuring and complaining.


The Bible calls it “EVIL” in the sight of God.


Hebrews 3:12 tells us: “Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an EVIL heart of UNBELIEF in departing from the Living God.”


God was angry for 40 years with the first generation of Israelites who exited out of Egypt because of their constant doubt and unbelief, murmuring and complaining, and speaking evil accusations against God’s righteous character.

In spite of all of the many miraculous provisions, the parting of the Red Sea, and mighty deliverance, they still would murmur and complain, and have doubt and unbelief. They physically left Egypt, but Egypt (a slavery and victim mentality) was still in their souls and in their thinking patterns that they were never able to overcome.


They could have taken possession of their promised land right away after exiting Egypt, but out of 12 spies who went in to scout the land of Canaan, only two had a positive faith-filled report that they were well able to defeat the giants and take possession of the land. That was Joshua and Caleb.


The other ten spies were very fearful and doubt-filled and they said that they were very small and weak like grasshoppers in the sight of the giant Philistines who were taller and stronger than them physically speaking and trained in sophisticated warfare. Their evil and fear-filled negative report spread fear and unbelief throughout the entire camp and the Israelites failed to go in and take possession of their inheritance and occupy the land.


So they wandered in the wilderness, circling around the same mountain over and over again, until they finally perished in the wilderness.


God swore that they would never enter into their promised land because of their doubt and unbelief, and murmuring and complaining. That first generation all died in the wilderness and forfeited their inheritance, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb who always had a faith-filled report. Joshua and Caleb, along with the second generation of Israelites, went in and possessed the land and occupied it.


The entire first generation of Israelites who left Egypt all forfeited their inheritance and died in the wilderness. And it was all over the issue of doubt and unbelief, and murmuring and complaining, which is the opposite of faith and having the right confession.


Hebrews 3:16-19 says,


16 For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses?


17 Now with whom was He angry forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness?


18 And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His Rest (promised land), but to those who did not obey?


19 So we see that they could not enter in because of UNBELIEF.



Unbelief will keep you from receiving any good thing from God. And it will keep people out of heaven too.


Revelation 21:7-8 mentions that unbelief will keep people out of being able to enter into heaven:


7 He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son.


8 But the FEARFUL, and UNBELIEVING, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars (erroneous, deceitful, wicked), shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


The Greek word translated as “fearful” is the word deilos (NT: 1169) and is defined as: “FAITHLESS”.


The Greek word translated as “unbelieving” is the word apistos (NT: 571) and is defined as: disbelieving; without Christian faith (specifically a heathen); untrustworthy person.


Unbelief is a very serious issue with God.


If we continue to live in doubt and unbelief in certain areas of our lives, then we take a chance of forfeiting the promise altogether and not being able to enter into our inheritance and possess our promised land that God intends for us to have.


Unbelief will cancel out everything God wants to do in your life if it’s ongoing and continues on for a long period of time without repentance on your part.


Faith is the only thing that pleases God. Without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Hebrews 11:6).


Faith is the only thing that can take hold of the promises of God and receive answers to prayer.


God is ALWAYS good, 100% of the time. And it is impossible for God to lie. Once He makes a promise, He will follow through and do what He said, but in His timing and the way He wants to bring it about in your life.


It’s just our job to have faith, and to believe and receive, and be patient until the answer comes. T.D. Jakes always says that delay does not mean denial. The Lord has certain appointed seasons for certain promises to come to pass in our lives. Just because it’s taking longer than you expected, does not mean to give up and get angry and disappointed with God and let go of your faith and hope, but to keep on trusting the Lord that He knows what He is doing and He has not forgotten those promises He made to you.


Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?”


Romans 4:16-22 tells us about Abraham, the father of faith. God gave him a promise that he and his wife Sarah would bear a son from their own bodies, and their descendants would be as numerous as the grains of sand of the desert or seashore, and as populous as the stars in the heavens. But in the natural it seemed impossible because Sarah had been barren her entire life. When the promise was first given, Abraham was 75 and Sarah was 65.


Then 25 years went by before the promise was finally fulfilled. By this time Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90. Even if Sarah was not barren, now she was too old and Abraham was now too old to father children as his body was now dead.


But the Lord, along with a few angels, appeared to Abraham one day at his house when he was 99 and Sarah was 89 and announced that “by this time next year” they would be holding Isaac in their arms.


Abraham immediately embraced the promise with joy and full expectation because he had never had any doubts or unbelief in the first place. He was 100% convinced that eventually the promise would come to pass.


However, Sarah overheard the conversation and laughed a laugh of disbelief because of the impossibility of the situation. So the Lord confronted her for laughing in unbelief and said that there was nothing too hard for Him to do.


Then at the set time appointed by God, a year later they were holding Isaac in their arms. This time Sarah laughed again, but now it was the laugh of rejoicing and giving God praise, thanks and glory. Hebrews 11:11 says that Sarah received strength to conceive because she considered Him faithful who had made the promise.


In the case with Abraham, from Day 1 he had never lost faith or confidence during the entire 25 long years that elapsed until the promise was fulfilled. He would have never taken Hagar as a secondary wife to bear Ishmael if Sarah had not pressured him to do it due to her desperation to see the promise come to pass. But then their plan backfired and caused all kinds of complications which are still going on today between the Arabs and Jews.


Romans 4:16-22 says:


16 Therefore, [inheriting] the promise is the outcome of faith and depends [entirely] on faith, in order that it might be given as an act of grace (unmerited favor), to make it stable and valid and guaranteed to all his descendants — not only to the devotees and adherents of the Law, but also to those who share the faith of Abraham, who is [thus] the father of us all.


17 As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations. [He was appointed our father] in the sight of God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and speaks of the nonexistent things that [He has foretold and promised] as if they [already] existed.


18 [For Abraham, human reason for] hope being gone, hoped in faith that he should become the father of many nations, as he had been promised, So [numberless] shall your descendants be.


19 He did not weaken in faith when he considered the [utter] impotence of his own body, which was as good as dead because he was about a hundred years old, or [when he considered] the barrenness of Sarah's [deadened] womb. 


20 No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God,


21 Fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised.


22 That is why his faith was credited to him as righteousness (right standing with God). AMP


This experience that I had applies to the entire Body of Christ. Your situation might be different than mine in whatever you have been believing for and a long period of time has elapsed and nothing has happened yet.


But keep holding onto your hope and keep pressing forward in faith. Those words and promises will come to pass in your life if you do not slip into doubt and unbelief, and murmuring and complaining.


Begin to prophesy things into existence of what you DO WANT to see happen in your life. When you begin to call things into existence, somehow it brings about a speedy acceleration of those promises or prayers coming to pass and becoming a reality in your life.


It takes both faith AND patience to see the promises of God come to pass in your life and to receive your full inheritance.


Hebrews 6:12 says:


“That you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” NKJV


In my particular situation, the Lord told me from the very beginning when I was 22-23 that He would do a complete work of healing in my life, with my husband being the final healing in my life.


He also said that I would be older and more mature when it happened.


Now that I am older, for the most part I feel like a complete, whole, secure, empowered woman, regardless of marital status. I don’t need a man to validate me, nor do I expect a man to meet needs that only God can meet.


Women are complex and have sooooooo many needs and holes and voids in their heart, and they often think an earthly human man can mend all of those holes and empty spaces and fill every need. That is too much unrealistic pressure to put on a person.


There are some needs in women that only Jesus can meet because we are so complex with soooooo many emotional needs. Also, I have not experienced loneliness in many years. I like having my alone time.


Psalms 16:11 says about the Lord:


“In Your Presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” NKJV


And Psalms 42:1-2 which says:


“As the deer pants for the water brooks,

So pants my soul for You, O God.

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.

When shall I come and appear before God?”



I thirst for the Presence of God and although I get satiated, I am never completely 100% full, and keep on wanting more and more of God’s Presence and Glory.


I can certainly attest by personal experience that these two verses are true. There are no pleasures in this world that can exceed the Presence of the Lord. Knowing Jesus is the greatest thing of all.


Jesus is my first and eternal husband, so of course, I enjoy hanging out with Him all of the time and being one with Him in spirit and soul. I would rather be with Him than with any other human being.


In Ezekiel 12:25 God is proclaiming to us that His words shall no longer be prolonged, but is about to come to pass.


God declares and announces to us this day:


“For I am the Lord: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform it, says the Lord God.” KJV


The primary reason that I struggled with trusting God to bring my husband into my life like He had promised stemmed back to unhealed areas of my heart from the abuse my father put me through. He was always saying hurtful statements and battering me verbally. He was hateful so much of the time.


When I was 15 years old, he told me that no man would ever love me. That statement devastated me and held me in chains for years and years. Back then I would believe everything he told me. I was such a beaten down person emotionally.


I took my anger out on God because in my heart I struggled with anger and rage towards my earthly father. I second-questioned God’s love for me because I never received the love and affirmation from my earthly father that a daughter should receive.


God told me otherwise, that I would be married to a wonderful husband and we would minister together as a team and be anointed. But I struggled with a victim mentality. I just could not get past the painful words my earthly father used to say to me on a regular basis.


Another statement my father used to tell me on a regular ongoing basis for years was that I was “useless”. That statement has been difficult to get past over the years.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Choose to speak life over your family and your own self! We will be judged for every careless word that proceeds from our mouths. On that Day of Judgment I want to be found that I blessed and encouraged people with my words.


My father grew up in an abusive environment, and then became an abuser himself. But he is now a transformed man in his older years, and we have a good relationship now.


I am a work in progress. There is still more healing to take place in my life, especially as it applies to being married.


The Lord spoke to me around two years ago and told me that He had brought the husband He had ordained for me into my life when I was in my early 30’s. We met on a Christian dating site. But when he pursued me, I was scared. I felt confused wondering if he was the right man. I ended up not getting back to him.


Another reason I did not respond to this man’s pursuit was that I wasn’t ready to move to a new geographical location. However, he only lived in Southern California in one of the beach towns. That is only a 45 minute jet ride from Oakland to Anaheim. Most men don’t pursue me, but when he wanted for us to meet and get to know each other better, and told me that he felt we were supposed to be together, I froze in fear. I’ve always had a deep fear that a husband would leave me, forsake me, cheat on me, and abuse me. My father never left us or committed adultery. He just simply had a raging temper and would say mean things and talk negatively.


Another major factor is that for decades I’ve battled with depression and anxiety. I didn’t want to weigh a husband down with my issues. I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety since age 12, and I receive medical treatment for this condition.


A few years before this man came into my life I began gaining a lot of weight, such as 75 pounds. I was very self-conscious and ashamed of my body.


I now feel regret that I forfeited my opportunity. The Lord told me that this man married someone else. At the time, I did not know that this man was the person God had ordained for me. But I made the mistake in not giving it a chance to see what would develop.


I’ve learned that God is a good God, and even if we forfeit a prophetic word from coming to pass, then God will give us more opportunities. The Lord spoke to me last year and told me that I will eventually be married to a wonderful man, and this union may be even better than the first guy. But I’ve had to wait much longer than anticipated. My mistake cost me waiting an extra 20 years.


I didn’t want young women who are believing for marriage to read about my experiences about when I was in my early 20’s and seeking for marriage, and wonder why God would take so long to bring it to pass.


If you are seeking marriage, your love story could unfold rather quickly. In my case, I had a lot of deep wounds, and had deep fears that a husband would abuse me like my father did. I had to get healed of that. Plus, as I mentioned the depression and anxiety has been a major factor.


God is faithful, and He will bring to pass every word He has promised. He is the God of second chances. Jesus assured me years ago that I will be married.


I finally got married at the age of 55 years old. The date is March 7, 2021. Our marriage has been filled with joy and yet challenges too.


I always thought of marriage like a fairy tale that everything goes perfect everyday. I have now come to learn that marriage is a lot of hard work.


It involves give and take (more giving than taking). It involves two partners being really good forgivers. Because offenses will come and you have to learn to drop the issue and let it go and just forgive and don’t keep rehashing old hurts.


You have to learn to put your partner’s needs above that of your own. You have to learn to not be demanding. You have to become more mature in the fruits of the Spirit for a joy-filled successful marriage.


Ladies need to learn to show respect, honor and reverence to their husband and the husband needs to learn how to express love to his wife in the way she needs to receive it.


Having a good marriage involves a lot of communication (talking in soft tones and not being argumentative or allowing strife to break out).


Joyce Meyer’s book on Life Without Strife is very helpful to read. And her book on how to have a good marriage is very helpful. The title is: Help me! I’m Married! 


She talks about the early years of marriage with her husband Dave. Joyce had been sexually abused growing up and so she had a lot of issues to work through, but Dave was very patient.


She would always rant and rave or pout and throw a fit when Dave wanted to go play golf. Joyce was insecure and felt resentful that he was playing golf while she was working so hard to clean the house and take care of small children.


She was a work-a-holic. That was the way she found her acceptance and self esteem was when she was working so hard. Growing up, the only time her father showed her acceptance was when she was working hard.


After years of her complaining about how Dave always wanted to play golf as a hobby, she began to join him and go to the golf course with him. I believe that they have now been married for more than 50 years and have a lot of wisdom to share to married couples who are struggling in their marriage.





Dream About Seeing the Father – July 10, 2016


In a vision of the night (which is similar to a dream, except almost totally literal), I saw the Father in Person. The setting was a banqueting room at a hotel or palace in Heaven. The Father was in the form of a man with sandy brown long hair similar to Jesus. His mustache and beard were well trimmed.


The Father and Son were getting ready to conduct a business meeting for a small number of guests (maybe 100-200 guests at the most), and a dinner would be prepared for the event. The setting was a casual event. Both the Father and Son were dressed in casual simple white robes and brown leather sandals.


I arrived there in the afternoon while workers were getting the ballroom ready for a small casual business meeting that would take place hours later and a dinner would be served. The podium and sound system were being set up, and workers were starting to prepare food in the kitchen and some workers were putting linens on the tables, plus the plates, forks, spoons, knives and goblets.


I saw the Father for the first time, and He looked similar to Jesus but a little different. He is a larger build than Jesus, more like a football player. Jesus is around 6 feet tall and very slim, and has long sandy brown hair.


The Father was in the form of a man like Jesus can be. The Father was not a Being of light, or electricity, or exuded the sound of many waters, or the appearance of thunder and lightning issuing out of Him (although He can manifest as that too).


He was just a normal looking man the size of a football player with sandy brown hair that drapes a few inches past His shoulders. He had a fair complexion.


The Father and Son were near each other, around 8 to 10 feet away from each other. Jesus was standing up with a thick pile of business paper work on the table that He was sorting through. Jesus never did talk to me, as He was busy getting the paper work all filed and sorted neatly and in the order He wanted to discuss it at the meeting.


Meanwhile, the Father was quietly seated on one of the banqueting chairs near the back of the room in front of some windows with white curtains. As I said, the Father was seated about 8 to 10 feet away from His Son Jesus. And both of them have long sandy brown colored hair, a fair Mediterranean complexion, and both wore casual brown sandals and simple white robes.


The banqueting chairs were more fancy than banquet chairs we have here on earth. For instance, the chairs had wood armrests, and the wood had fancy carvings in them. The fabric was a royal red color, and the chairs were built wider to give people more space between them and other people.


The Father, I noticed, is a very quiet and gentle spirit. He never said a word, but had His hands folded on His lap. 


Then I smiled at Him with a little smile. Then He responded by smiling back at me with a huge smile from ear to ear, with His face so radiant and full of joy, and His face all lit up. Liquid love emanated out of His eyes for me. For the first time in my life, I felt 100% love and acceptance from the Father. He has such a sweet disposition.


I learned that He is actually more meek, gracious, patient, gentle and loving than even Jesus is. Jesus has a shorter fuse, and at times gets angry or enraged.


The Father is more of the image of a doting grandfather who takes such great delight in their grandchildren, and everything their grandchildren does is so cute. If the kids get out of line, He just gives a gentle correction, then goes back to playing with them. He is not harsh or cruel. He is very kind.


The Father is all male, but He also possesses motherly characteristics of being very nurturing and gentle. He is like both a nurturing mother and a gentle father all in one.


This was not only a revelatory dream to show me the heart of the Father, but also a healing dream as well.


Both the Father and Son have spoken to me internal audible, and both have very pleasant sounding voices. Their voice tones are neither too deep pitched or high pitched, but just right in the middle like a tenor voice.


Both the Father and Son are the meekest men ever in the Universe! They are the most humble in heart and gracious! They are secure in who they are and have no need to dominate others or push people around. They hold all authority, yet they are the most humble.


This vision of the night gave me a new revelation of the Father as my Abba, Daddy Father. My relationship with Him has really blossomed out since this anointed dream.


I have had other dreams of seeing Jesus face to face, but these mentioned are the main ones.


In the late 1990’s, I had an anointed dream where I saw a loaf of bread placed on a platter. Then a man’s voice from the bread began speaking, and said: “Feed Me to people until they are full and want no more.” The bread is referring to feeding people with the Word of God until they are full and want no more.


I graduated from Bible College in 2003. For the first year I did nothing in terms of ministry or using my Theological degree. It seemed as if no ministry doors were opened. Then I had a dream where I was taken to where Jesus was (whether it was earth or heaven I do not know).


The setting was a large white Victorian home on a large property with acres of rich green grass. Jesus and I were standing near the porch. Jesus proceeded to tell me to fulfill my commission, and then He said that the Father has given Him a mission to do as well. During our conversation, one of the workers interrupted us to ask Jesus a question. After Jesus gave him a brief answer, we went back to our conversation.


In the dream, Jesus was not angry with me for not doing any ministry work for a year since graduating. He was just telling me to get started.


So I started out with a blog on, and would post teachings. I’ve had a couple of other blogs since that time. I’ve reached over 200,000 people worldwide so far. To view my teaching blog, please go to: .