Sunday, September 22, 2024

Communion with the Holy Spirit - Chapter 8 - I Desperately Need the Holy Spirit!


Chapter 8

I Desperately Need the Holy Spirit!


Healing and deliverance take place when the power and presence of the Holy Spirit is present. Those in healing ministry (or any ministry) can attest to the fact that they can do nothing apart from the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Ghost is what backs the healings and miracles.


Kathryn Kuhlman (powerfully anointed healing evangelist in the 1970's) used to speak very affectionately about her best friend, the One she could never live without, the One that kept her going. This Beautiful Person is the Holy Spirit. He longs to share sweet, intimate communion with us.


I have also come to the place in my life of being able to begin to understand Kathryn Kuhlman's affection for the Holy Spirit. I recently told the Lord that I can possibly survive without any other thing in this materialistic world, but I cannot survive without His Presence. I have prayed: “Do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me” (Psalms 51:11). 

I need Him, I want Him, I am desperate for Him, I cannot live without Him. He means more to me than life itself. He is the very breath I breathe. He is refreshing water to my thirsty soul, and bread that feeds me. He is my life, my everything, my all in all.


I cannot survive without the Holy Spirit in my life, nor would I want to be without Him for one second. I love Him more than any other human being. I want to endeavor to please Him in every way and be obedient to Him. 

I spent enough years grieving Him by my attitudes and in some areas of life, disobedience (for which now I am very repentant), and do not want to do or say anything that would cause Him any sorrow. The Holy Spirit is so tender, so gentle, and can be easily grieved.


I cannot begin to express how much I LOVE to be in His Presence worshiping Him. I love to spend time with Him, just waiting on Him. 

I love to worship Him especially with music and song. His Presence is the most delightful thing in this world. The Psalmist said, “In His Presence is fullness of joy and at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore” (Psalms 16:11).


Going behind the Veil into the Holy of Holies is the best place to be. Just feeling His Presence around me is the most satisfying thing in this world. 

I continue to contend for His glory (Shekinah Presence) to be poured out (in my personal life, as well as revival in the Body of Christ). I do feel His glory to a degree, but it's not to the level of swimming in it yet. However, that is the goal and longing—to swim and flow in His mighty river of anointing.


The Holy Spirit is the One who transforms our wilderness into a pool of refreshing springs (Isaiah 41:18). He turns our waste places (ruins of our life) into a beautiful, thriving Eden and gives us a melody to sing (Isaiah 51:3). 

He is that stream in the desert that causes us to blossom out like the rose (Isaiah 35). He is the rivers of living water (John 7:38) flowing out of our inward being. He is that well of water springing up within us (John 4:14). He is the One who leads us out of our wilderness leaning on our Beloved, who is Jesus (Song of Solomon 8:5).


Who is the Holy Spirit? He is God, the Third Person of the Trinity. He is a Divine Person whom you can have fellowship with.


To clarify, the word “Person” is a theological term used in reference to the Holy Spirit because He has a mind, will and emotions. He has a personality. He sees, hears, speaks, feels joy and can be grieved. He performs actions. He is NOT a mere power or influence. He talks to you and you can commune with Him. He is the Presence of the Father and the Son (Matthew 10:20, John 15:26, Galations 4:6, Romans 8:9-10, 1 Peter 1:11, Philippians 1:19).


How do we get to know this Precious, Beautiful Person called the Holy Spirit? (Because to know Him is to love Him.)


In this book on the Holy Spirit, I will discuss ways of getting to know the Holy Spirit:


·      Through His Names, as His Names reveal His identity, personality and character.

·      Through knowing general facts about the Holy Ghost found in the Word of God.

·      Through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

·      Through worship.

·      Reverencing the Holy Spirit.


Philippians 2:1 mentions the fellowship of the Spirit. He is very Dear, very Sweet. He is our Friend. He is the One who knows and understands us better than any other person. I cherish His Presence more than any other thing in this world.


In Exodus 33:14-17, Moses said that he would not proceed unless God's Presence went with him. I feel the same way. I only want to be and go wherever the Holy Spirit leads. The Spirit is that pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. When He is standing still, we are to stay put. When He begins to move, we are to move with the Cloud.