Thursday, August 22, 2024

Prophetic Poetry - Jesus is my best friend



Jesus is my best friend and joy of my life


I am happy and pleased to be His spiritual wife.


He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother


I’ve come to love Him even more than my mother.


He is never a bother


He is like a father


He cheers me up when I am sad


And He gives me joy and makes me glad


In His Presence of worship I love to dwell


When my emotions are unstable He lets me know that all is going to be well.


Often my emotions are like a roller coaster, up and down, up and down


He understands my weaknesses and does not frown.


He is my stable rock in whom I trust


He formed and created me out of the dust.


When I feel overwhelmed by financial pressures and lack


He helps me to overcome and has my back.  


He calms down all of my fears


And dries all of my tears.


He restores all the lost years.


He is my Master, Savior and Lord


I love fellowshipping with Him and never get bored


It is very difficult to break a three-fold cord.


In the midst of His children the Lord said He would be


It doesn’t take very many, it can be just two or three


He encourages me to have faith and believe


And then I shall receive


He shows me marvelous things to come and in the Spirit realm I conceive.


The promises of God are faithful and true

He is always doing wonderful things that are brand new.


He was co-creator of all of the flowers and trees


And created the birds and the bees.


He grants the barren woman to conceive seed

Jesus is always there to meet the need.


Jesus is so Majestic, Radiant, Beautiful and Fair


He is chief among all men

And the stripes on the Cross He did bear.

He wants us to be vessels of honor fit for the Master’s use


I love the tall green trees called the Spruce.


He loves nature, flowers and trees

One day we will bow down before Him on our hands and knees.


He is full of splendor and Majesty on High

He is compassionate and hears your every cry.


He satiates your soul when you feel dry.

He is always with you forever and never says goodbye.


He wants you to succeed, if you will just believe and try


He expects us to tell the truth and never lie.


He promised in His Word that to us He would draw nigh.


He looses the prisoners who sigh.


Quit asking the questions, “When God When” and “Why God Why”


Have faith that His Word is true

He will show up just in time and give you a breakthrough


Quit being depressed and blue

Just trust that He has the answer for you.


He will meet your needs just as He said

And He will bless you with provision and bread


We shall inherit the territory where our feet have tread


He will bless and satisfy you with long life before you give up the Ghost and are dead.


It all depends on what a person considers to be long life


Some people prefer to go sooner just to get rid of the diseases they suffer with and the enemy strife


The point is that you are satisfied with the length of your years of living on earth


Every child of God is of great worth.

When death comes, you will go to your fathers and be at peace and rest


Heaven is the place to live forever that is best.


In that place there are no devouring pests.


If you are an overcomer to the end you will have successfully passed the test.


You will sit with Jesus on His throne and rule and reign


Being an overcomer on earth will in Heaven bring your rewards and great gain.


Do not shrink back from serving the Lord.

His Precious Holy Spirit is freshly outpoured.


The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth

When you get to Heaven you will be young again like in your youth.


You will be healthy and wealthy.


You will live in a beautiful home built just for you.


Your home will be custom built and brand new.


In Heaven, you will feel better in your health, have wealth, and not always feel blue.


The Lord is faithful to His promises and is called “Faithful and True”.  


The Lord promised that those who faithfully serve Him, that He would bless them with homes and land.


It will be so glorious and grand.


You will take hold of Jesus’ strong hand.


Abraham’s offspring is as the grains of sand.


If you are weak right now, He will help you to stand.


The Lord is holy in all His ways

He will bless you all of your days.


Jesus is like sweet sunshine rays.

He gives fresh hope to those who offer up adoration and praise.


When you praise you shall be raised.

When you complain, you shall remain.


The Lord honors thanksgiving and praise

And the person who continually prays.


The Lord does not care for murmuring, complaining, griping and finding fault


He has riches beyond measure in His vault.


He longs to share His wealth with you


But you have to receive it, have faith and quit being depressed and blue.


You have to believe only and do not doubt

And the Lord shall surely bring you out.


Jesus’ countenance is as bright as the sun

He doesn’t mind if His children want to have fun


His work at Calvary was completed and done

The victory over the devil, hell and death He won.


When we try to carry our own burdens, the weight feels like a ton.


Cast your cares on the Lord

And you shall see victory with your loved one.


Faith is the victory that overcomes the world where we live.

The Lord wants you to be generous and have the right attitude when you give.


Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords, so glorious to behold


To receive from the Lord you have to be bold.


Some of His children disobey and them He has to scold.


Those songs about the Cross written decades ago are anointed and never get old.


The Lord told me to give away a wool winter coat to a woman who might be in the cold.


Years ago while living in California I purchased the coat from an upper end department store.


I rarely have worn the coat over the years, so felt led to donate it to a lady who may be out in the cold and in tears.


I moved from Antioch, California to Juneau, Alaska in 2020 when both parents went to be with the Lord 14 months apart.


I long to be reunited with them in heaven and to have a fresh brand new start.


I’ve gone through many afflictions since moving to this state


I am ready to move out of Juneau at a soon date.


Life has been miserable here for me

But am trusting the Lord to set me free.


In the meantime am waiting on the timing of the Lord


For some reason there is much spiritual warfare here, so I’m having to learn how to use the sword.


Living here I am also bored, and I long to be with my grandparents Ford.


I want to live in peace and unity and be in one accord.


The Lord gives us grace during difficult seasons of our lives


Jesus comforts me and to my heart He is so dear.

When I feel afraid, He calms me down so I do not fear.


In the winter it snows, and there is slush and ice.


I wanted to donate my wool coat to a woman who is outside much of the time and needs a heavy warm coat and who is nice.


Sometimes for dinner I fix rice.


Sometimes serving the Lord involves a great price.


Are you willing to pay the price of persecution for Christ’s sake and enemy harassment and sufferings?


When I get to Heaven I will receive rewards for being an overcomer, even going through persecutions, harassment, oppression, and sufferings from the enemy for over three years.


I’ve cried a lot of tears and have had many fears.


I don’t know why I had to go through so much suffering and pain


But so did the Apostle Paul but in the end result he did gain.


Almost daily here in Juneau there is clouds and rain.


I was much happier living in California where the weather is mild.


In my neighborhood here in Juneau there are brown and black huge momma bears who show up from the wild.


I feel this is not a good place to raise a child.


I’m praying that I will relocate very soon.


I originally wanted to relocate last June.


I listen to Jimmy Swaggart singers everyday to be refreshed and to have faith and hope


Sometimes I feel like I am hanging on a thread of the rope of hope.


But I don’t want to continue to mope and pout.


Eventually soon God will bring me out.


I want to walk in faith and have no doubt.


Jesus rebukes the enemy and the demon forces He does rout.


Angels have showed up giving the shofar victory shout!


It was not God’s will for me to move here


I felt forced from my brother to move like I had no choice


It’s almost been five years now and soon I will relocate and rejoice!


I won’t forget the lessons I learned living here

Jesus will wipe away every tear

And set me free from excessive fear.


One day soon before His Throne I shall appear.

I will see the One (Jesus) who I hold so precious and dear.


I won’t have anymore terror or fear.

It could happen any year.


The Lord’s Presence is here with me and very near.


When it’s my time to go, I shall be buried next to my mom and dad.


I shall go to be with the Lord in Heaven and be very glad.


No longer will I feel sad.


When the enemy attacks, no longer will I get mad.


When I moved here I was out of the will of God.


I learned my lesson because of being disciplined with the rod.


I would encourage you to make sure you are in the perfect will of God.


There are four wills of God mentioned in the Bible.


1.       Perfect will

2.       Acceptable will

3.       Good will

4.       Permissive will



I learned that the perfect will of God is the best. Then you will have sweet joy, peace and rest. If you get out of His perfect will you will have to endure the test. Choose the best.


It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!