Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Book of Genesis - Doctrines, First Mentions, Jesus Seen


Book of Genesis

Doctrines, First Mentions, and Jesus Seen in Genesis



1.          Salvation


2.          Redemption


3.          Faith (the faith of Abraham)


4.          Justification by faith


5.          Propitiation for sin


6.          Healings


7.          Miracles


8.          Provision – Jehovah Jireh “The Lord will provide”.


9.          Wealth and Prosperity (Abraham and the Patriarchs were very wealthy and prosperous).


10.     Multiplication (be fruitful and multiply – children, offspring, finances, property, flocks, herds, gold and silver).


11.     Marriage and the family unit being established.


12.     Eve – the mother of all the living.


13.     Eve – lack of gift of discernment to know who was speaking to her. Eve was deceived, but Adam had full knowledge of what they were partaking of.


14.     Adam should have taken his rightful position as spiritual head of the home when Eve first introduced the forbidden fruit, but he was weak and failed to take responsibility and then it created chaos and damage in the family unit.


15.     Envy being the first criminal act, which led to murder. Envy are seeds of murder within the heart for perceived pain a person feels over the blessings, favor or success of someone else who is receiving what you want to receive, but have not received it yet.


16.     The two laws of the universe now are in conflict: 1) The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus and 2) The law of sin and death.


17.     Doctrine of angels


18.     Holy Spirit


19.     Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)


20.     Satan, demons, sin, wickedness, deception, evil.


21.     Pride of man led to sin.


22.     Doctrine of re-creation, or restoration of this earth that was in existence and was destroyed prior to re-creating it.


23.     Creation



24.     Number 7 (God’s Holy Number). Seven means completion, wholeness, perfection.


25.     Sabbath was ordained as a day of resting from your works and labor.


26.     Remission of sin through blood atonement of innocent clean animals (lambs, goats, rams, bulls, turtledoves, pigeons).


27.     Perversion (Sodom and Gomorrah being destroyed). Those who live in perversion take a chance of experiencing eternal separation from God. Sin only has pleasure for a season.


28.     Nephilim (angels and women of the earth producing giants). The angels who forsook their estate in Heaven to marry the daughters of the earth and have offspring are now kept in a prison in chains in the lower parts of hell, to be judged at some point in the future.


29.     Rainbow – God’s Covenant to us that He will keep and fulfill all His promises and a token of the Noahic Covenant that He would never flood the earth ever again.


30.     Adamic Covenant (have dominion over the earth, animals, birds and sea creatures, be fruitful and multiply).


31.     Noahic Covenant (Never flood the earth ever again; faithfulness of God; the promises of God are “Yes” and “Amen”; repopulate the earth).


32.     Abrahamic Covenant (You will be blessed and be a blessing to all peoples and nations of the earth; the land of Israel was given to the Jews as an inheritance forever; the Messiah would come from Abraham’s loins; wealth and prosperity).


33.     Jews as God’s chosen people.


34.     Curses introduced into the world. Blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.


35.     A prophetic shadow of Jesus crushing the serpent under His feet, and He and the Church being the seed of the woman who would also crush Satan.


36.     Rapture or translation of the Church (Enoch). Enoch walked with God and God translated him to Heaven. Enoch did not taste death, but was raptured to Glory.


37.     Water Baptism (flood).


38.     Offering spiritual sacrifices unto God (offering our bodies as living sacrifices, purity of spirit, soul, body and intentions/motives of the heart, living in holiness, lifting up holy hands to the Lord, our time and energy, praise and thanksgiving, worship to God, joy, obedience to the Lord’s commands, living to please the Lord).


39.     First mention of the tithe (Abraham giving tithes to Melchizedek. The lesser always gives tithes to the greater).


40.     Circumcision of the flesh is the token of the Abrahamic Covenant, and circumcision of the heart is a token of the New Covenant dispensation of grace in which we now live in.


41.     Sanctification and holiness (being set apart unto God and being conformed into the image of Christ through the Holy Spirit doing the work). Sanctification is both instantaneous upon initial salvation, yet also a progressive work throughout our lives on earth and even when we get to Heaven.


42.     Parallels between the life and experiences of Joseph, son of Jacob, and Jesus Christ.


43.     God speaks through dreams and visions.


44.     God speaks through the audible voice on rare occasions.


45.     We are the seed of Abraham and co-heirs of the promises.


46.     The Messiah would come through the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


47.     Isaac and Rebekah are a type of the marriage between Christ and the Church.


48.     Isaac was the son of promise and Jesus is the Son of promise.


49.     Sarah received strength to conceive seed because she considered Him faithful who had promised. We receive strength to conceive and give birth to the promises of God when we judge God as being faithful to bring it to pass.


50.     Abraham was willing to give up his one and only son to be slain (until God stopped the sacrifice and provided a ram instead). The Father in Heaven was willing to give His one and only Son to be slain for our sins.


51.     The twelve tribes of Israel come from ten of Jacob’s sons and two of Joseph’s sons.



52.     The Levitical priesthood (tribe of Levi) comes from Jacob’s son Levi’s descendants.


53.     Before the flood, meat was vegetarian only. After the flood, meat included fully cooked clean animal flesh.


54.     Abraham’s Bosom and eternal life is alluded to in Genesis when people went to be with their forefathers after death.


55.     Wars and conflicts between nations and people groups first began in the Book of Genesis.


56.     The dove and olive leaf are first mentioned in Genesis. It is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the Anointing and Israel.


57.     The Ark represents salvation and being preserved from the flood of judgment, and flood of deception and apostacy in the last days.


58.     The wickedness, evil and apostacy in Genesis before the Flood is a picture of the end times before Jesus comes to earth to reign in Jerusalem for a thousand years.


59.     Cain and Abel show us that in families there can be righteousness and rebellion in the same family, those who serve the Lord and those who are away from God, and family jealousies and rivalry.


60.     Restoration and recompense are first mentioned in Genesis (Sarah restored to Abraham in Egypt and the King sent them away with gifts and servants, and Jacob restored to Joseph in Egypt and given the best of the land to dwell in).



61.     Tree of Life is first mentioned in Genesis. There are literal trees of life in Heaven which produce various manners of fruit, and a tree of life is also a poetic simile of blessing, life to the spirit, soul and body, good things happening in your life, your life being fruitful like an Eden, peace, joy, happiness, bliss, unity, love.


62.     Physical death and spiritual death are first mentioned in Genesis. Adam lived out a full life time on earth, over 900 years, but eventually died. And everyone who lives on earth will die at some point, and either go to Heaven or Hell, depending on if they have received Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.


63.     Fellowship with God is first mentioned in Genesis. Adam and Eve would fellowship with the Lord in the cool of the evening. They walked with God and talked with God. We can share sweet communion with the Lord every day of the year, and have His Presence in our lives every moment of the day.


64.     Overcoming barrenness is first mentioned in Genesis. Sarah was barren and could not conceive, and by the time God gave Abraham the promise of a son, he was now too old to father children and Sarah was old. But 25 years after the initial promise was given, God showed up and brought the promise to pass and blessed them with Isaac (which means “laughter”). Rebekah was barren for the first 20 years of her marriage until Isaac entreated the Lord about the situation, and then she conceived and bore twin sons, Jacob and Esau. Rachel was barren for the first several years of her marriage to Jacob, but the Lord remembered her and gave her two sons, Joseph and Benjamin.


65.     Methuselah died right before the Flood came. He lived to be 969 years old. He was righteous and walked with God. This shows us that before the Flood of Judgment comes to this earth and the devil is defeated, that God will take His elect from this earth and take them to Heaven where they will be spared from the wrath of Almighty God that is to come.


66.     Rachel stole some of her father’s idols when Jacob took his two wives, children and flocks to go back to the land of his father. Idolatry always leads to premature death. Sometimes premature death is caused by natural factors, but idolatry is the opposite of wisdom and will lead to a shortened life. Idolatry is not just statues of gods and goddesses, or demon worship, but an idol could be certain people, or certain things people place above God. The Lord is a jealous God and commands us to not have any other god above Him. He deserves all the worship and glory. He wants us to love Him more than we love our spouse, our mother or father, our children or any other person or thing.


67.     Sometimes you have to part ways with some people because they cannot go with you on your journey and the destination that God has planned for you. This is seen in the case with Abraham and his nephew Lot. Their flocks were getting so huge that rivalry broke out between the herdsmen, and Abraham and Lot had to settle in two parts of the land. Lot chose the area near Sodom and Gomorrah because even though it was full of perversion and evil, the land itself was delightsome. Abraham chose the better part of the land that was blessed by God.


68.     Sometimes you have to part ways with those who mock you for your blessings and dreams, who are jealous and spiteful of you, and who do not believe with you for your promises to come to pass. This is seen in the case with Sarah and Hagar. Hagar’s son Ishmael mocked Isaac, probably out of jealousy and spite, and so Abraham had to send Hagar and Ishmael away to another land. But God was faithful and made Ishmael’s descendants into a great nation.


69.     Sometimes God changes people’s names, as is seen in the case with Jacob. When he had an encounter with God, and there were angels ascending and descending on a ladder that reached to Heaven, in Bethel (which means House of God), God changed his name forever from Jacob (which means trickster or supplanter) to Israel (which means Prince with God). A new name denotes new character, identity and destiny.


70.     The first mention of there being many languages in this world is in Genesis when the people attempted to build the Tower of Babel that would reach to the heavens. God stopped the work by confusing their languages, so that they could not understand each other. Then from that point on, groups of people migrated to other parts of the known world at that time, and formed nations, with each nation having their own native tongue.


71.     When Leah had borne Jacob several sons, and yet he still didn’t love her to the same degree that he loved Rachel, she had a son and called him Judah (which means “praise”). She said, “Now I will praise the Lord.” She learned how to begin giving praise to the Lord for her blessings instead of focusing on what she didn’t have or her needs not being met. God recompensed Leah and showed her favor by choosing her son Judah to be the line that the Messiah would come from, and the line of the kings of Israel and King of kings.


72.     Joseph had dreams of greatness, and his brothers and parents bowing down to him. His brothers were very jealous of him because Jacob loved him the most and favored him the most, and so his brothers sold him into slavery. But God was with Joseph. He went from the pit to a management position in the house of Potiphar, and from the prison to the Palace. He never lost hope. God will take you from your pit to the Palace too if you hold onto your hope and faith.


73.     Joseph was given a Gentile wife when he became second in command over all Egypt. Jesus is married to the Jews and Gentiles. Salvation is for both the Jews and Gentiles.


74.     Joseph experienced healing and restoration in his life when his wife bore him two sons. The first one was named Manasseh, which means “God has caused me to forget my toil”. The second son was named Ephraim which means “double fruitful”. Whatever negative things you have gone through, the Lord will cause you to forget your toil and affliction, and make you double fruitful. The Lord will restore your losses. He will rebuild the ruins in your life.


75.     God will bring you to your spiritual Shechem. Abraham traveled from Mesopotamia to a land that God would show him, not knowing where he would end up. When he reached Shechem in Central Palestine, God said “This is the place.” According to William Smith Bible Dictionary, it says that Shechem was an area that looked like a garden. There were fruit trees, olive groves, pastures and small waterfalls cascading down the mountains into the valley. The whole valley was filled with gardens of vegetables, olive groves and orchards of all kinds of fruits. It was watered by natural fountains, springs and refreshing streams. When Abraham reached this place, God promised him that his descendants would live there forever. Shechem was a picture of re-growth from the Garden of Eden. God will transform your spiritual desert into an Eden, and bring you to your Shechem (the place of prosperity, wealth, healing, wholeness, restoration, fruitfulness, growth, blessings, joy and abundant life).


76.     As Joseph saved Egypt from destruction, so is Jesus our Savior. He saves us from spiritual destruction. Joseph was the Savior of Egypt, and Jesus is the Savior of our soul.


77.     Joseph forgave his brothers who treated him so poorly growing up and who sold him into slavery. He did not punish them as their sins deserved, but rather pardoned them and gave them the best of the land for them and their families to live in, and provided them with grain and food during the famine. He had the power and authority to send all of them, except for Benjamin, to prison. But he showed them mercy and grace. In the same way, Jesus is very merciful, gracious and kind, and does not treat us as our sins deserve, nor repay us according to our iniquities. But as far as the east is from the west has He removed our transgressions from us. And He blesses us with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagles (Psalms 103). Jesus gives us eternal life when we believe on Him and receive Him into our hearts as our Lord and Savior. He washes us clean and purifies our spirit and soul, and His Holy Spirit comes to live on the inside of our hearts.


78.     In Abraham’s life, we see God doing a work of rejuvenation and renewal of youth in his life. His body was as good as dead, as he was too old to father children. However, God brought the promise to pass when He quickened Abraham’s body and quickened Sarah’s dead womb, and Isaac was conceived and born. God not only blessed him with Isaac, but after Sarah died, he remarried and had six more sons, not including daughters.


79.     The servant whom Abraham sent to search for a wife for his son Isaac is a type of the Holy Spirit. He looks and seeks for those who will be the bride of Christ. Also, in the natural, the Holy Spirit is the very best match maker in bringing couples together.


80.     Abram’s name was changed to Abraham, meaning “father of a multitude”. Sarai’s name was changed to Sarah, meaning “princess or queen”. God changed their names before He brought the promise of a son to pass. Every time someone greeted Abraham, they were saying “father of nations, father of multitudes” when he didn’t even yet have the promised son.


81.     Abraham is the father of faith. He considered not his own body as being dead, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being full persuaded that what God had promised that He would also perform it. He wavered not at the promise, but he believed God. God quickens the dead, and calls those things that be not in existence, as though it already were in existence, and it eventually manifests and becomes a reality in the natural realm.

It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!