Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Key of David


Key of David



Key Scriptures:


Revelation 3:7

“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the Key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.”


Amos 9:11

In that day will I raise up the Tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old. KJV (xref Acts 15:16; Isaiah 16:5)




What the Key of David Involves:


1.        Access

2.        Authority

3.        Opening and Closing Doors

4.        Locking and Unlocking Doors

5.        Governmental and Kingly Ruling and Reigning

6.        Priestly Anointing

7.        Prophetic Anointing

8.        Praise and Worship

9.        Intercession





1.        Access to the Anointing


2.        Access to the Spirit of wisdom, revelation, knowledge, insight, counsel and understanding


3.        Access to all the natural and spiritual blessings of God in Christ Jesus


4.        Access to open doors and opportunities


5.        Access to high places in the natural and spiritual realms


6.        Access to righteousness


7.        Access to holiness


8.        Access to joy and peace in the Holy Ghost


9.        Access to grace and glory


10.   Access to favor


11.   Access to honor


12.   Access to the love of God that is like an ocean


13.   Access to forgiveness of sins through the Blood of Jesus


14.   Access to everlasting life through Jesus Christ


15.   Access to Heaven (visiting now and living there forever)


16.   Access to Heavenly places in Christ Jesus


17.   Access to the Presence of God


18.   Access to the Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit


19.   Access to provision, wealth and prosperity (financially, and in every other area of life)


20.   Access to treasures that are found in the Word of God


21.   Access to health and divine healing


22.   Access to the Father through Jesus Christ our Savior


23.   Access to salvation through Jesus Christ


24.   Access to Royalty (God is a King, and we are His sons and daughters which makes us Royalty. We are kings and priests unto God – Revelation 1:6, 5:10).


25.   Access to angelic protection from harm and danger


26.   Access to angelic intervention or assistance in any area of your life


27.   Access to freedom from captivity of any kind


28.   Access to all the benefits God offers to those who serve Him and bless His Name (Psalms 103)


29.   Access to all the benefits of fearing (reverencing) the Lord



1.        We have been given authority to decree and declare things in the spiritual realm, and they will be established.


2.        We have been given authority to rule and reign with Christ in Heavenly places.


3.        We have been given authority to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.


4.        We have been given authority to cast out evil spirits in the Name of Jesus.


5.        We have been given authority to raise the dead.


6.        We have been given authority to perform miracles by the power of God.


7.        We have been given authority over the enemy (the devil).


8.        We have been given authority to speak to the raging waves in our lives, and speak the command: “Peace, be still”, and the storm has to obey us.


9.        We have been given authority to speak to our mountains and command them to move out of our way, and it will obey us.


10.   We have been given authority to fulfill our ministry callings. Every person has a gift and calling from God on their life, and the Lord has given us the keys of authority we will need to fulfill our calling.


11.   The Five-Fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11 – Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers) has been given authority by God to teach, preach and proclaim the Word of God and to exhort and deal with correction issues that arise from time to time.


12.   Some people are called to governmental authority in the natural and/or spiritual realm.



Opening and Closing Doors:


1.        Jesus and the Father opens doors that no man, angel or demon can close, and closes doors that no man, angel or demon can open.


2.        In the natural, employers and leaders have the authority to open doors of opportunity or to close doors of opportunity at their will and discretion.



Locking and Unlocking Doors:


1.        Keys are authority to lock and unlock doors, whether that be natural keys to lock or unlock a house, business, church, vehicle or bank vault, or whether that be spiritual keys to lock and unlock spiritual things.


2.        Every person has been given a set of spiritual keys or anointings by the Lord to fulfill his or her ministry or calling. You have to use these keys in wisdom at your discretion.


3.        You have to be very careful, and use wisdom, in who you associate with. With our figurative keys, we can let people in our lives, or deny them access to our lives. You have to be careful with the people, and ministries, you affiliate yourself with and give offerings to, because whatever is going on at the head will flow down to you. If bad things begin happening in your life, then the issue might not be you, but who you are in association with. In that case, you must cut ties to stop the bad, or demonic, things from happening to you.



Governmental/Kingly Ruling and Reigning:


1.        David was a King and reigned over Israel and Hebron for 40 years. He was anointed and chosen by God to function in a very high Governmental position. There are some people who are called to high places in Government offices. They are used by God to establish, or change, laws of the land so that righteousness rules.


2.        The Five-Fold ministry mentioned in Ephesians 4:11 (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers) operate in the holy Government of God. They are the leaders in the Corporate Church who equip and train the members of the Body of Christ in the Word and spiritual matters, so that the Body of Christ becomes fully mature in the things of God and comes into unity in the Spirit (and not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, but is established in the Word of Truth).


3.        All members of the Body of Christ, even if you are not called to the five-fold ministry offices, is given authority by God to rule and reign on this earth, and to be seated with Christ in Heavenly Places. Every member of the Body of Christ is called to be a King and a Priest before God (Revelation 1:6, 5:10). Kings rule and reign, while Priests offer up spiritual sacrifices (praise, joy, lifting up of holy hands, purity), and they are the worshipers and musicians, as well as intercessors.


4.        1 Peter 2:9 says, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”



Priestly Anointing:


1.        David was a Priest, as well as a King. He offered up animal sacrifices, as well as danced before the Lord with all his might. He had priests who were musicians and singers who worshipped around the Ark of the Covenant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (the priests served in shifts).


2.        The Church has been given the anointing of being Kings and Priests unto God. We now offer up spiritual sacrifices, which include your time, money, energy, body, purity, joy, praise, lifting up holy hands unto the Lord, and your life in general.


3.        Priests were also intercessors between the people and God. Many saints in the Body of Christ are called to the ministry of intercession, although all members of the Body are called to prayer in general.


4.        The Priests were the appointed musicians and singers during the time of David. The Priests were very close to the Anointing and had access to God’s Glory and Presence. They offered up incense on the Altar, which is likened to lifting up our praises and thanksgiving to God. The Altar of Incense also speaks of offering up our prayers to God.


5.        The Priests washed their hands and feet everyday before entering into the Holy Place and Holy of Holies. God wants us to cleanse our hands (deeds, works) and our feet (our walk with God).


6.        Priests today in Protestant churches are the five-fold ministry offices in Ephesians 4:11 (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers). They teach, train, equip, lead sinners to salvation, baptize, counsel and build up the Body of Christ, so that the Body becomes mature and not lacking in anything, and able to discern between the holy from the profane, from right and wrong, and be fed both the milk and meat of the Word.



Prophetic Anointing:


1.        King David was a prophet, as well as a King and Priest. Prophets declare, decree and proclaim the Word of the Lord. Prophets give out personal prophecies, as well as Corporate prophecies for the entire Body of Christ or individual churches or ministries. Prophecy is meant to encourage, edify, and exhort believers.


2.        Prophets ordain and install people into their ministry office calling, usually by the laying on of hands and prophesying over the individuals.


3.        To be in the “office” of the Prophet, one must flow, and have a proven track record, in the spiritual gifts of the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits and prophecy.


4.        All members of the Body of Christ can prophesy, or be prophetic, but not all are called to the office of the prophet.


5.        A prophetess is defined as a woman who is an inspired songwriter, singer, psalmist and musician, as well as speaker, preacher or poet. But it does not necessarily imply that the person is called to the “office” of the prophet.


6.        A prophet can be a man or woman. The office of the prophet holds greater authority than just simply being prophetic. When a prophet speaks, their words do not fall to the ground. And their words have the power to plant and uproot, to build or tear down, to call in your destiny, to impart into others spiritual gifts and ordain them into ministry. Also, prophets reveal what they see about the future, and speak it into existence.



Praise and Worship:


1.        In the Tabernacle of David, nine basic forms of worship are mentioned. They include: 1) Speaking  2) Singing  3) Use of musical instruments  4) Standing before the Lord  5) Bowing and Kneeling  6) Laying prostrate on the ground  7) Clapping  8) Shouting to the Lord  9) Dancing before the Lord (both spontaneous dance like David danced, and choreographed Jewish style dance), and the men and women did not intermingle like in our Western culture.

2.        Today, Davidic worship also includes waving banners, flags, glory hoops and palm branches, as well as silence or a holy hush in God’s Presence. In addition, in our day, artists often paint beautiful portraits in churches when in the Presence and Anointing of the Lord.


3.        The Bible says that David danced before the Lord with all of his might (2 Samuel 6:14).


4.        Jesus takes great delight when His children worship Him through the dance.


5.        David wrote the majority of the Psalms, many of which are praises to the Lord.


6.        When Solomon’s temple was dedicated to the Lord, when the priests and musicians began to worship the Lord and give thanks to the Lord, the Shekinah Glory Cloud fell upon the place, and the priests could not stand up to minister because of the Cloud. Worship invites the Shekinah Glory to descend into the place and rest upon you.


7.        Occasionally, the fragrance of the Father fills the place when worship is lifted up. The fragrance is so beautiful and pure, and almost intoxicating, where you don’t want the experience to end. The fragrance is a combination of frankincense, myrrh, cassia, sandalwood, cedar, rosemary, roses and other floral scents. All of Heaven is filled with this lovely fragrance of the Lord.





The Key of David involves intercession. The Altar of Incense in the original Tabernacle, as well as the harps and bowls mentioned in Revelation 5:8, represents our praises and intercession going up to the Throne of God as a sweet-smelling savor, for which God is well pleased.


Intercessors operate in the offices of kings, priests and prophets. Those three anointings overlap and are intertwined.



Roles of Priest, Prophet and King in Intercession


Priestly Intercession — Lamb


To identify with the feelings and infirmities of the person to whom you are standing in the gap for. To have compassion. To be the middle person pleading and petitioning God’s Throne on behalf of someone else. To weep tears of intercession for someone.


The priest also is the worshipper. Worship is a form of intercession and spiritual warfare. The priest offers spiritual sacrifices: praise, thanks, joy, lifting up holy hands, purity.


The priest is self-sacrificial, meaning he/she pours his/her life out to help others and has died to self and is resurrected in Christ.


The priest is also self-sacrificial in the sense of taking on the role as the lamb. Sin and guilt was conferred over to an innocent lamb. The priest accepts the burden of guilt and repents before God for sins that he/she may have never personally committed. An example of this are intercessors who repent before God for the sins of this nation as if they are personally guilty, even if they never had committed those sins themselves.


The priest is mature and seasoned, able to instruct the babes in Christ. The priest is a role model to others. The priest brings comfort to others. The priest lives his/her life separate from the world. He/she goes all the way with God and does not have one foot in the world and one foot in the Church. The sacred (Spirit-led life) and the secular (carnality) don’t mix.


Prophetic Intercession — Eagle


Forthtelling and foretelling; preacher; declares and decrees the Word of the Lord. The prophet hears what the Spirit is saying to the Church today and reveals the mind of the Lord to the Body of Christ.


The prophet is alert to the seasons, and announces to people the upcoming season. The prophet helps to prepare and launch people into their next season. The prophet helps to bring people into the new things of God. The prophet helps to inspire people to take action where action is needed.


The prophet installs people into ministry offices and conducts presbyteries. Presbyteries are ceremonies or services set aside for the laying on of hands by prophetic and seasoned men and women of God. Certain ones may be ordained into ministry. In presbyteries, prophetic words are spoken over various people. Those prophetic words may include personal words, but usually are focused on ministry callings, purpose and destiny. Those prophetic words help launch or propel people into the destiny God has prepared for them, as an anointing and gifts are imparted through the laying on of hands. 1 Timothy 4:14 “Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.” Other churches may have a different name for this type of prophesying.


A prophet also receives personal words for people. Depending on what the word is, an intercessor may share it with the person or may keep it to themselves and pray about it. Intercessors must be found to be trustworthy people who can keep some things confidential when it pertains to personal matters.


The prophet calls those things that are not as though they were. They operate in the word of knowledge and word of wisdom. They exhort, edify, comfort, and forewarn.


Prophets are seers in the Spirit. God shows them things (in their spirit, mental images, visions, dreams, words of knowledge, and also rhema words through quickened Scriptures). God speaks to them through a variety of other ways. The prophetic person often has supernatural encounters, such as visions, angelic visitations, understand symbolism, etc.


In intercession, God reveals His will and destiny, and intercessors prophesy it into existence. God may reveal the plots and schemes of the devil, and intercessors are able to block it and foil it through prophetic intercession.


The intercessor has learned to be the prophet over their own life. While they receive true prophets of God, they have learned not to depend on other people to hear God for them. They have learned to hear God for themselves and get their own prophetic word, and then begin to decree, confess and prophesy it into existence.



Kingly Intercession — Lion


Taking your rightful place of authority that Jesus conferred to New Testament believers. Royalty. Ruling and reigning. Decreeing and declaring the will of God and the Word of God in a certain situation.


Mighty warriors in the Spirit. Using their authority to tread over serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy, until their enemies become their footstool.


They take authority over the devil and command him to get his hands off their children, their health, their money, their ministry, their family, etc. Then they declare what God promised in His Word, and they also declare what they would like to happen.


Kingly intercessors have the power to immobilize demonic forces and put them in fetters and shut their mouths. They have the authority to execute vengeance on the devil and works of darkness, as there is vengeance in the Blood of Jesus on all wicked spirits and the Name of Jesus causes demons to tremble and flee.


Kingly intercessors possess the keys (a symbol of authority) that unlock or lock doors.


Kingly intercessors operate in governmental authority. They impact and bring change to nations, countries, cities, to government, etc. They bring the Kingdom of God into the earth realm.


Kingly intercessors are spiritual bulldog lawyers. They stand in the high court of heaven pleading their case, and commanding the lower court of this earth to come into conformity with the decree of Heaven. (A lower court must always obey the decree of the higher court.) They are like that poor widow woman who kept on returning to the unjust judge to avenge her of her adversaries. These kinds of intercessors will not stop pounding the court room door of Heaven until they receive their breakthrough. They are persistent until they receive each and every promise that God promised them and their loved ones.


They demand their rights and privileges which were given to us by Christ and will not put up with the devil stealing from them. They especially have no tolerance or mercy for the Jezebel and Athaliah spirits, as these spirits hate prophets and seek to take them out. Kingly intercessors pronounce judgment on the evil works of the enemy.


The kingly intercessor knows who they are in Christ and their confidence, security and validation is found in Him. They operate in the revelation that they are seated in the Heavenly realms with Christ Jesus, and they think and act like a king. A king doesn’t think in terms of being a pauper, but of abundant supply. A king doesn’t think defeat, but victory.


The kingly intercessor plants and plucks up. They plow the soil and they also plunder. They bind and loose.


Kingly intercessors don’t do this kind of intercession in their own strength, as they know it would be foolishness. They act in wisdom, and only do and say what God commands them to do. They have the revelation, and personal experience, of God’s angelic forces working on their side. Angels are sent to minister for us, and they hearken to the word of the Lord. Angels are able to go places we can’t go, to do things we can’t do, and they know more about the situation than we do. The angels do spiritual warfare. The angels intervene on our behalf. These intercessors have had angelic encounters, and have gone through experiences where they knew that God dispatched angels to help them.


 It is God's will that no one should perish (end up in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance. 

For God so loved this world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

The thief (Satan the devil) comes only for to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life, and life more abundantly, until it overflows.

I urge you to come to the Cross today and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will wash away all your sins and make you as clean and white as fresh snow. 

Just pray this prayer and mean it with your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus (if you are not able to call him Lord yet, then just say "Jesus")

I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I give my life over to You. I believe that You died and rose again, and that if I call on the Name of the Lord I shall be saved. 

I accept you into my heart right now, and confess that You are Lord and have risen from the dead and forever live to make intercession for me. 

Thank You for washing my heart pure and clean and making me whole, and for giving me peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You that now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone and the new has come. 

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (carnality and sin), but walk after the Spirit.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, I believe you got born again and are now heaven bound and will be with the Lord forever and have eternal life. Your sins are now forgiven. You are accepted in the Beloved.

I would encourage you to find a good Bible based local church to help you grow in your faith, to learn the Word of God, to praise and worship Him, and to have fellowship with the saints. 

Serving Christ is the best decision you will ever make. 

God bless you!!!