Friday, May 3, 2024

Children's Book - Names and Titles of Jesus - Volume 1 - A



Names and Titles of Jesus

Volume 1 - A 


 Abba Father (Abba comes from the Hebrew and it means “Daddy” or “Papa”. It is an affectionate and respectful term for Father; Romans 8:15; Galations 4:6). Concerning the term “Abba”, John MacArthur writes in his commentary – [An informal, Aramaic term for Father that conveys a sense of intimacy. Like the English terms “Daddy” or “Papa,” it connotes tenderness, dependence, and a relationship free of fear or anxiety] = Galations 4:6


Adonai = Isaiah 61:1,11; Malachi 3:1


Advocate with the Father = 1 John 2:1-2


Almighty = Job 33:4; Psalms 91:1; Revelation 1:8


Alpha and Omega = Revelation 1:8,11, 21:6, 22:13


Altogether Lovely = Song of Solomon 5:16


Ancient of Days = Daniel 7:9,13,22


Angel of God = Genesis 21:17, 31:11; Exodus 14:19; Judges 13:6,9


Angel of His Presence = Isaiah 63:9


Angel of the Lord = Genesis 16:7-13, 22:10-15; Exodus 3:2; Numbers 22:22-35; Judges 6:12-24, 13:3-21; 2 Kings 1:3-15; 1 Chronicles 21:16-30; Psalms 34:7; Zechariah 3:1-10


Anointed One = Isaiah 61:1-3; Luke 4:18-19


Apostle and High Priest of our confession = Hebrews 3:1


Architect and Builder is God = Hebrews 11:10 (NIV)


Arm of the Lord = Isaiah 51:9-10, 53:1, xref John 12:38


Ascended Lord = Mark 16:19; Luke 24:50-51; Acts 1:9-11


Author and Finisher of our Faith = Hebrews 12:2


Author of Eternal Salvation = Hebrews 5:9


Awesome God doing awesome deeds = Psalms 45:4, 47:2 (NIV)