Friday, May 3, 2024

Children's Book - Names and Titles of Jesus - Volume 6 - F


Names and Titles of Jesus

Volume 6



Faced temptations which is common to man, but was without sin = Matthew 4; Mark 1; 1 Corinthians 13:10; Hebrews 2:18, 4:15


Fairer than the children of men = Psalms 45:2


Fairest of the sons of men = Psalms 45:2


Faithful and just to forgive our sins = 1 John 1:9


Faithful and True = Revelation 19:11


Faithful and True Witness = Revelation 1:5, 3:14


Faithful High Priest = Hebrews 2:17, 3:1-6


Faithful to fulfill all His promises = Joshua 21:45 (NIV); Psalms 145:13 (NIV)


Faithful Witness = Revelation 1:5


Father has entrusted all Judgment to the Son = John 5:22-30, 8:16; Acts 17:31; Romans 2:16


Father (earthly) is Joseph = Matthew 1-2; Luke 1-2, 3:23; John 6:42


Father (Heavenly) is God, Jehovah = Matthew 6:9, 7:21, 10:32, 11:27, 16:16-17, 18:10,19; Luke 11:2; John 6:65, 10:30, 14:20-23, 15:1,23; Revelation 3:5,21


Father of all = Ephesians 4:6


Father of Glory = Ephesians 1:17


Father of Lights = James 1:17


Father of Mercies = 2 Corinthians 1:3


Father of spirits = Hebrews 12:9


Father of the fatherless = Psalms 68:5


Father to Israel = Jeremiah 31:9


Feared the Lord (holy reverence and awe) = Isaiah 11:2


Feed My Lambs = John 21:15


Feeds the hungry soul with His Word = Psalms 107:9; John 6:35. The old song goes: Here’s my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord, come and quench this thirsting of my soul; Bread of Heaven feed me till I want no more, here’s my cup, lift it up and make me whole.


Feet are like burnished bronze = Revelation 1:15, 2:18


Fills the emptiness = Psalms 107:9


Fills us to overflowing = John 10:10


Fine Linen = Gospel of Luke, with Jesus portrayed as being fully God and fully man. Royalty (Genesis 41:42). Purity; Righteousness of the saints (Revelation 19:8); Robe of Righteousness and Garment of Salvation (Isaiah 61:10). One of the colors of the High Priest’s garments (Exodus 39:1); the robes of the priests (Leviticus 6:10). One of the colors of the Ephod (Exodus 28:5-6, 39:2), and the girdle of the Ephod (Exodus 28:8, 39:3,5,29); Breastplate of Judgment (Exodus 28:15, 39:8); Coat and Mitre (Exodus 28:39, 39:27-28); Bonnets and Breeches (Exodus 39:28,42); hem of Pomegranates (Exodus 28:33, 39:24); fine linen used in the Tabernacle for the Veil (Exodus 26:31,35), Curtains (Exodus 26:1, 36:8), Court Hangings (Exodus 27:9,18, 38:9,16), Gate (Exodus 27:16, 38:18), Door (Exodus 36:37) and Door Hangings (Exodus 26:36-37).


Fire of God = Acts 2


First and the Last = Revelation 1:11, 22:13


First Begotten = Hebrews 1:6


First begotten of the Dead = Revelation 1:5


First miracle He performed was turning water into wine at a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee = John 2:3-10


Firstborn = Psalms 89:27


Firstborn among many brethren = Romans 8:29


Firstborn from the Dead = Colossians 1:18


Firstborn of Every Creature = Colossians 1:15


Firstfruits of them that have fallen asleep = 1 Corinthians 15:20-28


Flames of fire go up to His loins (speaking of the Glory of God) = Ezekiel 1:27, 8:2


“Follow Me” (Jesus says), and I will make you fishers of men = Matthew 4:19


For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring = Isaiah 44:3


For the joy set before Him, He endured the Cross = Hebrews 12:2


Foreordained before the foundation of the world = 1 Peter 1:20


Forerunner = Hebrews 6:19-20


Forgiveness of sins = Matthew 9:6-7; Mark 2:7-11; Luke 7:48-49; Acts 5:31, 13:37-39, 26:18; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14; Colossians 3:13; 1 John 1:9


Forgives all my sins and iniquities = Psalms 103:1-12; Isaiah 1:18


Fortress = Psalms 18:2


Foundation = 1 Corinthians 3:11


Fountain = Zechariah 13:1


Fountain of Gardens = Song of Solomon 4:15


Fountain of Life = Psalms 36:9


Fountain of Living Waters = Jeremiah 2:13, 17:13


Fountain of the water of life (given freely to him that is thirsty) = John 4:10-14, 6:35, 7:37-39; Revelation 7:16-17, 21:6


Framed the worlds with His Word = Hebrews 11:3


Free Gift = Romans 5:15-19


Freedom and Liberty in Christ = John 8:32,36; Romans 6:18,22; 2 Corinthians 3:17; Galations 5:1,13; James 1:25


Friend of Abraham = James 2:23


Friend of Sinners = Matthew 11:19; Luke 7:34


Friend that sticks closer than a brother = Proverbs 18:24


Friends include Lazarus, Mary and Martha = John 11-12


Friendly and Warm Personality = John 15:13-15; James 2:23


From Above (Came down to earth from heaven) = Luke 10:18; John 3:17,31, John 6:33,38,46,51,58, 8:23, 13:3, 16:28


From the Bosom of the Father = John 1:18


Fulfilled the Law = Matthew 5:17


Fulfills Promises He makes to us = Genesis 18:14, 21:1-7; Joshua 21:45; Psalms 145:13; Habakkuk 2:2-3; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Hebrews 11:11


Fullers’ Soap = Malachi 3:2


Fullness of Him that fills all in all = Ephesians 1:23


Fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him bodily = Colossians 2:9


Fully God and fully man = John 1:1,14,18; Philippians 2:6-11; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:14-16