Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 11 (1001 - 1101)


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 11


#1001 I have faith that God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling. Yolanda Hadid


#1002 Hope looks forward. Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly. Florence Scovel Shinn


#1003 With faith and obedience practiced long enough, the Holy Ghost becomes a constant companion, our nature changes, and endurance becomes certain. Henry B. Eyring


#1004 God’s got something for me. I have faith that it will be okay. Chubby Checker


#1005 Faith is the complete reliance on the power and goodness of the Holy Spirit and the firm belief that you are always connected to His goodness. Always affirm your faith and not your doubt. Wayne Dyer


#1006 Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. Rabindranath Tagore


#1007 As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit. Emmanuel Teney


#1008 Your future is as bright as the promises of God!


#1009 There are two important elements of faith: God’s Word that brings faith and your word that lets it go. Gloria Copeland


#1010 You can’t overdose on God’s medicine. In fact, the more Word you take, the stronger you become. You have nothing to lose but sickness and disease. Gloria Copeland


#1011 God loves us. His love is the power behind our faith (Galations 5:6). Gloria Copeland


#1012 Grace gives healing—faith accepts it! Kenneth Copeland


#1013 The Spirit of Power is working in you. Kenneth Copeland


#1014 Refuse to let doubt and fear enter into your consciousness. Kenneth Copeland


#1015 God is not withholding. He’s the God of more than enough! Kenneth Copeland


#1016 Faith is the connector between God’s promises and you. Kenneth Copeland


#1017 Words are spiritual containers. Kenneth Copeland


#1018 God replaces your seed with a harvest, not dollar for dollar. Kenneth Copeland


#1019 Faith won’t work in an unforgiving heart. Kenneth Copeland


#1020 Thank You Lord! You always cause me to triumph! George Pearsons


#1021 When we stand firm on the Word of God, absolutely nothing will be able to move or shake us! George Pearsons


#1022 Our words, thoughts and actions must be rooted in what God has already declared about us in His Word. George Pearsons


#1023 We frame our world with our words of faith. George Pearsons


#1024 Stay in a constant state of God’s open hand. George Pearsons


#1025 I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you’re grateful you’ll see God open up new doors. Joel Osteen


#1026 Expect good things. Expect them. Get your “Expectors” out of the back of the closet, dust them off and start expecting good things in your life. Joyce Meyer


#1027 No matter what looks impossible, the favor of God is capable of making it happen. Jerry Savelle


#1028 An unlimited God can only be limited by His own people. Jerry Savelle


#1029 The battle may not be your choice, but the outcome is. Jerry Savelle


#1030 The favor of God is notorious for changing things that are impossible. Jerry Savelle


#1031 This is the year of the open hand of God – supernatural, extraordinary, unusual provision. If you don’t expect God to do something, you are not in faith. If you obey what you heard, you will have prosperity (Job 36:11). Jerry Savelle


#1032 God is releasing uncommon favor and supernatural provision for you! Be blessed. Dr. Coy Barker


#1033 Abundance and a double portion are your inheritance. I declare it now! Paula White-Cain


#1034 If things don’t go according to “your” script or timetable, it’s no reason to abandon your faith, especially if God has given you His Word on the matter. (Genesis 15:4-6, 17:4-6,19; Luke 8:41-56; Hebrews 6:10-16). Lester Young


#1035 We cannot exercise our faith beyond what we believe to be possible. John G. Lake


#1036 I am not moved by what I see. I am moved only by what I believe. Smith Wigglesworth


#1037 Speak as if it has already happened and it will!


#1038 God is taking you where the naysayers said you could never go!


#1039 Your storm will not last forever! God is shifting things now!


#1040 Faith is the light that guides us through the darkness. Author Unknown


#1041 God will complete what He started.


#1042 God will make a way where there seems to be no way.


#1043 You’re walking into a season filled with healing and full recovery.


#1044 My faith will take me where the impossible becomes real.


#1045 The blessings of God shall overtake you.


#1046 God is going to exceed your expectations.


#1047 Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith. Margaret Shepard


#1048 The joy of the Lord is our strength. This joy can override any stress or anxiety we may have been feeling. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and bubbles up from inside us. Today we can experience that joy. We need only to pray and ask the Lord to experience it. It is not happiness, which is based on what is happening. It does not need any outward occurrence to be present. I pray that you will walk in the joy of the Lord today. Joy Foster


#1049 Jesus is Lord … over death, over disease, over Satan, over sin. Robert Bowman


#1050 Faith contains substance (spiritual substance, a “knowing”). Benny Hinn


#1051 Faith contains evidence (the manifestation of your faith). Benny Hinn


#1052 When you have faith you obtain the promise. You receive and walk in what you are believing for. Benny Hinn


#1053 Faith produces understanding (revelation). Benny Hinn


#1054 If you have faith you will give to God. Benny Hinn


#1055 Faith translates us from one place to another (produces change). Benny Hinn


#1056 It is impossible to please God without faith. Benny Hinn


#1057 There is common faith – Titus 1:1,4,13; 2:2; 3:15. Benny Hinn


#1058 There is weak faith (limits God’s benefits) – Romans 4:19. Benny Hinn


#1059 There is strong faith (refuses to be defeated, does not take “no” for an answer) – Romans 4:20. Benny Hinn


#1060 There is little faith (wavering faith, too many “ifs” in prayer, doubt and unbelief) – Matthew 6:30, 8:26. Benny Hinn


#1061 There is great faith (moves God to answer prayer) – Matthew 8:10, 15:28. Benny Hinn


#1062 There is unfeigned faith (no hypocrisy, being real and transparent) – 1 Timothy 1:5; 2 Timothy 1:5 Benny Hinn


#1063 There is temporary faith (one who believes for a while and then begins to doubt; go in and out of faith; faith is inconsistent) – Luke 8:13. Benny Hinn


#1064 There is mental faith (does not act on the Word; has faith in their mind but lacks taking appropriate action; passive; faith but no works) – James 2:14-26 Benny Hinn


#1065 There is active faith (develops into a mighty living force; a faith that grows slowly and steadily) – James 2:14-26; Hebrews 10:19-38. Benny Hinn


#1066 There is Divine faith (God’s faith that He imparts into you; walking in this kind of faith is to walk in the fullness of Christ) – Hebrews 11:3; Galations 2:20; 1 Corinthians 13:14 Benny Hinn


#1067 Faith will grow – 2 Thessalonians 1:3. Benny Hinn


#1068 Faith leads to utterance – 2 Corinthians 4:13. Benny Hinn


#1069 Faith works through love – Galations 5:6. Benny Hinn


#1070 Faith clothes the naked – Matthew 6:30 Benny Hinn


#1071 Faith heals the sick – Matthew 8:1-17 Benny Hinn


#1072 Faith dispels fear – Matthew 8:26 Benny Hinn


#1073 Faith makes you whole – Mark 10:52. Benny Hinn


#1074 Faith saves from sin – Luke 7:36-50; Ephesians 2:8-9. Benny Hinn


#1075 Faith fills believers – Acts 6:5-8. Benny Hinn


#1076 Faith purifies the heart – Acts 15:9. Benny Hinn


#1077 Faith sanctifies – Acts 26:18. Benny Hinn


#1078 Faith imparts revelation – Romans 1:17. Benny Hinn


#1079 Faith justifies – Galations 3:24. Benny Hinn


#1080 Faith gives access into God’s grace apart from the law – Romans 5:2. Benny Hinn


#1081 Faith produces righteousness – Romans 9:30,32; Philippians 3:9. Benny Hinn


#1082 Faith gives security – Romans 11:20. Benny Hinn


#1083 Faith imparts the Holy Spirit – Galations 3:14. Benny Hinn


#1084 Faith makes us conscious of Christ and aware of His Presence – Ephesians 3:17. Benny Hinn


#1085 Faith quenches the fiery darts of Satan – Ephesians 6:16. Benny Hinn


#1086 Faith produces the inheritance – Hebrews 6:12. Benny Hinn


#1087 Faith is seen – Matthew 9:2. Benny Hinn


#1088 Faith can be turned away – Acts 13:8. Benny Hinn


#1089 Faith is continued in – Acts 14:22. Benny Hinn


#1090 Faith is perfected in us – 1 Thessalonians 3:10. Benny Hinn


#1091 Faith can be destroyed – Galations 1:23. Benny Hinn


#1092 Faith can be made of no effect – Mark 3:3. Benny Hinn


#1093 The Anointing gives faith, but it’s up to us to develop it. God imparts faith, but you have to exercise it. Benny Hinn


#1094 This is your day for a miracle! Benny Hinn


#1095 Know who you are in Christ, and the authority you have as a believer. You are an overcomer. Kenneth Copeland


#1096 Develop the mindset that you lack nothing. George Pearsons


#1097 The Holy Spirit gives you power to live an abundant life today. Kenneth Copeland


#1098 Jesus paid for salvation for every man, woman, boy, and girl who would ever live on this earth. But people must believe on Jesus and receive Him as their own Savior before salvation can benefit them. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#1099 Central Truth: Prayer is successful only when it is based on the promises in God’s Word! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#1100 Do not have any anxiety about anything. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#1101 You are what you read. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.