Saturday, September 28, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 21 (2001 - 2100)


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 21


#2001 Expect something good to happen to you today. Joyce Meyer


#2002 Failing at a thing doesn’t make you a failure. You are a failure when you quit trying. Joyce Meyer


#2003 Failures won’t defeat me. Joyce Meyer


#2004 Feeling sorry for ourselves is the most useless waste of energy on the planet. It does absolutely no good. We can’t let our circumstances or what others do or don’t do control us. We can decide to be happy regardless. Joyce Meyer


#2005 Fellowshipping with God early in the morning is one sure way to begin enjoying every day of your life. Joyce Meyer


#2006 Fill each day with fellowship with God, good choices, healthy foods, and lots of activity. Joyce Meyer


#2007 Fill your thoughts with good. Joyce Meyer


#2008 Find joy in the small things. Joyce Meyer


#2009 Find ways to celebrate your progress instead of mourning excessively over your mistakes. Joyce Meyer


#2010 Five minutes of communication can save a year’s worth of turmoil and misunderstanding. Joyce Meyer


#2011 Focus on giving smiles away and you will always discover that your own smiles will always be in great supply. Joyce Meyer


#2012 Focus on the good habit you want to do, not the bad habit you don’t want to do. Overcome the bad with good. Joyce Meyer


#2013 Focus on your potential instead of your limitations. Joyce Meyer


#2014 Forgive quickly. The quicker you do it, the easier it is. Joyce Meyer


#2015 Forgiveness is manifested mercy. It is live in action – not love based on a feeling, but love based on a decision, an intentional choice to obey God. Joyce Meyer


#2016 Forgiveness is not a feeling – it’s a decision we make because we want to do what’s right before God. It’s a quality decision that won’t be easy and it may take time to get through the process, depending on the severity of the offense. Joyce Meyer


#2017 Forgiveness is not a one-time thing that happened the day you received Christ. It is an everyday thing, for the rest of your life. Joyce Meyer


#2018 Get the help you need. Refuse to live any longer pressed down under a burden of guilt and condemnation. Joyce Meyer


#2019 Get up every day, love God, and do your best. He will do the rest! Joyce Meyer


#2020 Getting stress out of your life takes more than prayer alone. You must take action to make changes and stop doing whatever is causing the stress. You can learn to calm down in the way you handle things. Joyce Meyer


#2021 Give God your mess and let it become your message. Joyce Meyer


#2022 Give yourself permission to lighten up and don’t be so intense about your own perfection. Joyce Meyer


#2023 Giving in to fear alters God’s best plan for your life. So use the power of God’s Word to do what He wants to do … even if you have to do it afraid! The rewards are great! Joyce Meyer


#2024 Giving is just one way of expressing that God has been good to you and will continue to do so through your being good to others. Joyce Meyer


#2025 Go beyond what you feel like doing and do what’s right. Every time you do what is right when you don’t feel like it, you are growing. Joyce Meyer


#2026 Go over, under, around, or through, but never, never give up. Joyce Meyer


#2027 God can completely restore us – no matter what we’ve done or been through. He wants to give us double for our trouble! Joyce Meyer


#2028 God can deliver your mind from the desert and help you enjoy the journey to the promised land! Joyce Meyer


#2029 God can do a miracle with every little thing you give Him. Joyce Meyer


#2030 God can do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond, but you’ve got to know who you are in Christ. You’ve got to know that He loves you. Joyce Meyer


#2031 God cannot lead you if you aren’t willing to follow. Joyce Meyer


#2032 God cares about every tiny detail of your life. Joyce Meyer


#2033 God cares about everything that concerns you. So feel free to talk to Him about anything. Joyce Meyer


#2034 God created us to please Him, which sets us free from the need to please people. Joyce Meyer


#2035 God desires that we be truthful with Him, truthful to others, and truthful with ourselves. Joyce Meyer


#2036 God does not love us because we deserve it. He loves us because He is kind and wants to. Joyce Meyer


#2037 God doesn’t do good things for us because we are good and deserve them, but because He is good and loves us. Joyce Meyer


#2038 God doesn’t do things halfway. He goes all out! When God does something, it’s not just barely enough, mediocre or lukewarm. Joyce Meyer


#2039 God doesn’t want us to live timid, shy, weak, wimpy, fearful, boring lives. He wants us to be bold, confident and courageous, unafraid to try new things. And it never ceases to amaze me what God will do through a person who simply steps out in faith. Joyce Meyer


#2040 God doesn’t want you to just talk about victory, He wants you to have it in your daily life. Joyce Meyer


#2041 God forgives our sins and remembers them no more. So you can stop remembering what God has forgotten. Joyce Meyer


#2042 God has a big eraser, and He uses it to keep our records clean and clear. Joyce Meyer


#2043 God has an antidote for everything that tries to poison our soul. Joyce Meyer


#2044 God has an appointment with your breakthrough. And when that time comes, God will not be late. Joyce Meyer


#2045 God has called me to be me, and you to be you. Joyce Meyer


#2046 God has equipped you to handle difficult things. In fact, He has already planted the seeds of discipline and self-control inside you. You just have to water those seeds with His Word to make them grow! Joyce Meyer


#2047 God has joyful moments planned for us each and every day. With Him, life is always an adventure! Joyce Meyer


#2048 God has never once had a negative thought about you. Joyce Meyer


#2049 God has planted greatness in you. Let today be the beginning of a great adventure as you step into the gifts He’s given you. Joyce Meyer


#2050 God has uniquely gifted you to help someone. Be available as God opens doors for you to do so. Joyce Meyer


#2051 God has your comeback planned, and it’s going to be glorious. Joyce Meyer


#2052 God hears and sees, and you are not alone in your struggles. Remain firm and stable, for God has your deliverance planned. Joyce Meyer


#2053 God is a God of hearts. He sees and cares about our attitude of heart even more than our performance. Joyce Meyer


#2054 God is a great God! I want to encourage you to expect great things from Him. Joyce Meyer


#2055 God is able to do anything. All things are possible with Him, but we must not quit praying. Joyce Meyer


#2056 God is always working things out for my good. He has chosen me for His purpose. Joyce Meyer


#2057 God is bigger than every issue you will ever have to face, and you can do whatever you need to do through Christ who strengthens you. Joyce Meyer


#2058 God is changing you day by day and you can still enjoy yourself while He is working! Joyce Meyer


#2059 God is faithful to give us His love, grace and wisdom to reach out and be a blessing to others. And when we do, we end up receiving more joy and peace than we had before. Joyce Meyer


#2060 God is leading you to something bigger and better. Joyce Meyer


#2061 God is more concerned about your heart than your performance. If your heart is right, your performance will eventually catch up. Joyce Meyer


#2062 God is never too busy for you. Joyce Meyer


#2063 God is not glorified by our suffering, but He is glorified when we have a good attitude during suffering. Joyce Meyer


#2064 God is not looking for someone with a perfect performance, but someone with a right heart. Joyce Meyer


#2065 God is speaking to us. But are we listening to Him? When our conscience begins to nudge us for whatever reason, we might have this low-level misery or uneasiness about whatever it is we’ve done or we are about to do. At times like this, it’s wise to prayerfully consider whether we’re offending God with our actions. Joyce Meyer


#2066 God is the Champion at bringing people from a place of destruction to a place of total victory. As they reach that place of victory, they become trophies of His grace. And they are set on the display as a fragrant reminder of God’s goodness. Joyce Meyer


#2067 God is with you, and He will help you make spiritual progress - strengthening and encouraging you to keep on keeping on during rough times. It’s easy to quit, but it takes faith to press on to victory. Joyce Meyer


#2068 God is so in love with you! Joyce Meyer


#2069 God knew you! He knew what He was getting when He drew you into a relationship with Himself. He already knows the things you will do wrong in the future. God is not as nearly hard to get along with as you think He is. Joyce Meyer


#2070 God knows everything you’ve been through and He’s able to help and heal you. Joyce Meyer


#2071 God knows me completely, and yet He loves me. Joyce Meyer


#2072 God knows the mess we’re in when He calls us. His light shines greater through ‘cracked pots’ than it does through those who have it all together. Joyce Meyer


#2073 God loves me unconditionally. Joyce Meyer


#2074 God loves us because that is His nature. He is love (see 1 John 4:8). He may not always love everything we do, but He does love us. God’s love is the power that forgives our sins, heals our emotional wounds and mends our broken hearts (see Psalms 147:3). God’s love is unconditional; it is based on Him, not us! Once you realize that God loves you regardless of what you have or haven’t done, you can experience incredible breakthrough. You can quit trying to earn His love and simply receive it and enjoy it. Joyce Meyer


#2075 God loves us too much to leave us alone in our messes and not keep bugging us to do things His way. Joyce Meyer


#2076 God loves you … He sees you … He understands your pain. You do matter, and the world is a better place because you’re here! Joyce Meyer


#2077 God loves you as much at this moment than He ever will in your whole life. Joyce Meyer


#2078 God loves you as much on your worst day as He does on your best day. Joyce Meyer


#2079 God loves you because He wants to. There is nothing you can do about it. He just loves you, and if you want to miss out on it, that’s up to you, but God is going to love you anyways. Joyce Meyer


#2080 God loves you so much … always has, and always will. Joyce Meyer


#2081 God loves you so much, and with His help you can control your tongue and be led by the Spirit daily. Joyce Meyer


#2082 God meets all of my needs abundantly. Joyce Meyer


#2083 God never meant for us to strive and struggle. Joyce Meyer


#2084 God never promised a trouble-free life. Joyce Meyer


#2085 God never promises an easy life, but He does promise a blessed life. Joyce Meyer


#2086 God never tells us to do anything without giving us the ability to do it. Joyce Meyer


#2087 God not only sees what you have done, He sees what you will do with His help. Joyce Meyer


#2088 God not only sees where you are right now, but He also sees where you can be. Joyce Meyer


#2089 God plants dreams in people’s hearts. But many people do not continue all the way to the end in order to follow Him to the fulfillment of that dream. Joyce Meyer


#2090 God uses the junk in other people to pull the junk out of you. Joyce Meyer


#2091 God wants to “do life” with you. That means He wants to be involved in every area, on your heart and mind, all day long. As you give Him your attention, He will speak to your heart and guide you with His wisdom. Joyce Meyer


#2092 God wants to help us … He loves us … we are His children. But He will not force His help on us at any time. He sees us when we struggle and fight and complain our way through things. And I believe it breaks His heart, when all we have to do is ask Him for help. Joyce Meyer


#2093 God wants to set you free from battles in the mind and foreboding thoughts, and heal you of addictive thought patterns and vain imaginations that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God. Joyce Meyer


#2094 God wants to speak to you on a one-to-one basis every day. He wants to lead you to the good things He has in store for you. Joyce Meyer


#2095 God wants to take you on the greatest journey of your life. Joyce Meyer


#2096 God wants to teach you how to rest in Him. Everything you do—raising your children, being a good husband, being a good wife, going to work, fulfilling God’s call on your life—it all has to be done from a position of rest. Joyce Meyer


#2097 God wants to use you to make other people happy! And the happier you make others, the happier you will be because you reap what you sow. Joyce Meyer


#2098 God wants us to be totally dependent on Him, and suffering seems to bring us to that point. Joyce Meyer


#2099 God wants you to be delivered from what you have done and what has been done to you. Both are equally important to Him. Joyce Meyer


#2100 God wants you to enjoy your life now, not when. Joyce Meyer