Sunday, September 29, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 30 (2901 - 3000)


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 30

#2901 The moment you access God, He can access your problem. Mark Hankins


#2902 God always makes His grace visible in Christ, who includes us as partners of His endless triumph. Through our yielded lives He spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere we go. 2 Corinthians 2:14 TPT


#2903 Every advance in the call and blessing of God comes from an advance in revelation knowledge. Mark Hankins


#2904 God sees you in Christ! Mark Hankins


#2905 The source of revelation knowledge is found as you fall down in surrender before the Lord. Don’t expect to see Shekinah glory until the Lord sees your sincere humility. Mark Hankins


#2906 You don’t have to let the devil dominate you. Leon Stump


#2907 There is no problem you are facing that is bigger than the words in your mouth. Mark Hankins


#2908 The devil cannot dominate any person with a revelation of righteousness. Mark Hankins


#2909 There is no such thing as unexpressed thanks! Be thankful! Say it! Mark Hankins


#2910 What the blood of Jesus has done in Heaven… the Holy Spirit does the exact same thing in the heart of every believer. Mark Hankins


#2911 A man in Christ is a new creature! Mark Hankins


#2912 The Holy Spirit ain't scared of any kind of mess. He will jump in the middle of what's ugly and make it pretty! Mark Hankins


#2913 It is faith confessions that create your reality. Mark Hankins


#2914 Our job is to believe and speak! But God is the Performer [Jeremiah 1:12]! Mark Hankins


#2915 Intimacy with God brings POWER! Trina Hankins


#2916 Revelation knowledge is the source of mountain moving faith! Mark Hankins


#2917 Faith without corresponding action is dead! [James 2:18]


#2918 These two words, 'In Christ' give us profound insight into the divine method of salvation. These two words open to us mysteries and secrets that were hidden for ages and generations. A.J. Gordon [Colossians 2:3,9,10]


#2919 Acknowledge every good thing in Christ. Mark Hankins


#2920 THE BLOODLINE OF A CHAMPION. Through faith in the Blood of Jesus, we can live in the reality of our redemption which gives real solutions to real problems for real people. Mark Hankins


#2921 Press on towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. Mark Hankins


#2922 The biggest enemy to faith is unforgiveness. Mark Hankins [Mark 11:25]


#2923 The Blood of Jesus silences the voice of condemnation. Mark Hankins


#2924 Stand up in your faith! Mark Hankins


#2925 Take authority over the devil and tell him how things are going to be!


#2926 Whosoever shall have whatsoever. Faith works the same in every area of life. Mark Hankins [Mark 11:23]


#2927 Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved! Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13


#2928 The repetition of the Word brings increase! Mark Hankins


#2929 One of the reasons God rewards faithfulness is it is one of his greatest characteristics. Mark Hankins [Hebrews 11:6 || Lamentations 3:23]


#2930 Make your faith effective! Mark Hankins


#2931 Your rejoicing will take you from believing to receiving. Mark Hankins


#2932 Devil, I’m ready to fight! We overcome the devil by our confession of faith and taking a bold stand! Mark Hankins


#2933 You don't get healed because you are the best Christian in the church! You get healed because of the mercy of God and the Blood of Jesus! Mark Hankins


#2934 You’re not going to reach your God-given destiny without discovering your God-given identity. Mark Hankins


#2935 Have a bold confession of faith! Mark Hankins


#2936 The Blood of Jesus carries the power of all that Jesus overcame. Mark Hankins


#2937 There are abundant blessings in Christ! Mark Hankins


#2938 When you are filled with the Holy Ghost, He will have you laughing at the most unusual times. Mark Hankins


#2939 What happened to Jesus on the Cross is greater than anything that has ever happened to you! Mark Hankins [Galatians 2:20]


#2940 Acknowledge every good thing in your life! Mark Hankins


#2941 My faith must be strong enough to move my mouth. Terri Copeland Pearsons


#2942 That the communication of your faith may become effectual by acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. Philemon 1:6


#2943 When the Holy Ghost moves in, every other kind of ghost has to move out! Mark Hankins


#2944 Be teachable, you’re not always right!


#2945 What you’re saying is determining what you’re having right now. Mark Hankins


#2946 Never remove God from your situation. Terri Copeland Pearsons


#2947 The moment you start moving your mouth, revelation starts to flow! Mark Hankins


#2948 Never run at your giant with your mouth shut! Mark Hankins


#2949 You have to be just as thrilled with the watering process, the repetition of the Word, as when you first heard it. Mark Hankins


#2950 There is no problem you are facing that is bigger than the words in your mouth. Mark Hankins [Mark 11:23]


#2951 The yoke is destroyed because of the Anointing of the Lord! Mark Hankins


#2952 The Anointing of the Lord breaks the yoke of bondage, the Anointing of the Lord sets the captives free, the Anointing of the Lord brings rivers to my desert, that Anointing is falling on me, that Anointing is resting on me.


#2953 When Jesus comes, the tempter’s power is broken. When Jesus comes, He wipes away your tears. He’ll take your gloom and fill your heart and life with glory and gladness, for all is changed when Jesus comes to stay.


#2954 Never let your struggle to become your identity. Your identity is in Christ! Mark Hankins


#2955 Some people are self-conscious. Some people are people-conscious. Some people are time-conscious. Some people are sin-conscious. Some people are demon-conscious. Some people are unconscious. Faith is God-conscious! Mark Hankins


#2956 Every breakthrough in faith comes from a breakthrough in revelation knowledge. Mark Hankins


#2957 The Anointing abides in you! Mark Hankins


#2958 God's head-bypass operation: Praying in the Holy Ghost. Mark Hankins [1 Corinthians 14:14]


#2959 Fight the good fight of faith with your confession! Mark Hankins


#2960 A wrong confession can open the door to the enemy. The right confession, in agreement with the Word of God, will close the door to the enemy.” Mark Hankins [Revelation 12:11]


#2961 The confession of faith is the Blood Covenant connection. Mark Hankins [Hebrews 4:14 (AMP) | Romans 10:9,10]


#2962 Anytime God wants to change someone’s life, He always touches their mouth. Mark Hankins [Jeremiah 1:9]


#2963 Exercise your authority over your thoughts! Mark Hankins


#2964 Be an enforcer of the Word! Mark Hankins


#2965 It’s easy to be a generous giver when you realize this world is temporary. We are living in the light of eternity. Mark Hankins


#2966 If your faith isn't talking, it isn't working. Faith always has a voice. Mark Hankins [Mark 11:23]


#2967 No wavering allowed! Don’t be silent. HOLD FAST to your confession of faith! Mark Hankins


#2968 If you are fighting everything in the natural, you are going to lose. It’s not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts! [Zechariah 4:6] Mark Hankins


#2969 By faith we understand that the entire universe was created by the spoken Word of God. Hebrews 11:3


#2970 The Word of God has the power to product what it demands and to perform what it promises. Mark Hankins


#2971 The spirit of faith will announce the outcome in the middle of adversity! Mark Hankins [Acts 27:25]


#2972 Act on God’s Word! Mark Hankins


#2973 Faith is activated when you start talking! Mark Hankins


#2974 Generosity is a demonstration that God is our source! Mark Hankins [Luke 6:38]


#2975 The Anointing of Jesus sets the captives free and brings breakthroughs!


#2976 Be careful for extremes. The devil knows if he can’t stop you, he will push you too far and you will end up in the ditch. Stay in the middle of the Gospel road and you will reach your destination. Kenneth Dad Hagin, Sr.


#2977 Exercise your authority over your thoughts! Mark Hankins


#2978 God wants to bless you so much that He can use you as advertisement of how good He treats His children. Mark Hankins [Ephesians 1:19-20 TPT]


#2979 You don’t have to dishonor. Just refuse to honor. That is dishonor. Mark Hankins


#2980 Honor will always cost you something. Mark Hankins


#2981 The God kind of honor always requires substance. Some people stop at respect, but honor goes above and beyond just respect. True honor is when you give something of value; which would be time, money or talents. Honor will always cost you something. Mark Hankins


#2982 It's not enough to believe in the Blood of Jesus. You have to apply it with your voice. Mark Hankins


#2983 Meditation … moving from information to revelation. Mark Hankins


#2984 I believe and I speak! Mark Hankins


#2985 Faith is obeying God even when there is an element of the unknown. Mark Hankins [Hebrews 11:8]


#2986 We need to discover our identity in Christ, who is the Anointed One! Mark Hankins


#2987 Your celebration is a demonstration of your expectation! Mark Hankins


#2988 Soul, be still and know that the Lord is God. Let Him fight your battles for you. He has never lost a case. He wins each and every battle!


#2989 Sensitive people always have hurt feelings. Offended, rejected, mistreated … sensitivity is of the devil! Mark Hankins


#2990 Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them. Psalms 119:165


#2991 The secret power of joy overcomes in every circumstance and situation. Mark Hankins


#2992 Unspeakable joy is a container for the Glory of God! Mark Hankins


#2993 Your inward man is being renewed day by day my meditating on the Word of God and walking in faith, love, peace and joy!


#2994 Your faith can grow exceedingly. So don't be disappointed where you're at. Crank it up a notch! Once you break one barrier, you can break it the rest of your life! Mark Hankins


#2995 Your faith in God will change your words … that will change your scenery! Have faith in God! Mark Hankins


#2996 There's something about a fresh anointing that connects you to your destiny. Mark Hankins


#2997 The key to your future is living by faith and walking in the love of God! The Lord has a bright, sunny, glorious future for you! Just develop hope, and believe in God’s goodness! Expect great things from the Lord! Pray your desired future into existence!


#2998 God's work in Christ far exceeds any damage done to us. Mark Hankins [Romans 5:17-20 || 2 Corinthians 5:17]


#2999 You have the same spirit of FAITH as the heroes of the faith! Same thing Moses had. Same thing Abraham had. Say “I GOT IT! Mark Hankins


#3000 Feed your faith spiritual food from the Word of God! Mark Hankins