Sunday, September 29, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 28 (2701 - 2800)


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 28



#2701 Confession precedes possession! Mark Hankins


#2702 The moment you can access God, He can access your problem! (Ephesians 3:12). Mark Hankins


#2703 The devil will never challenge you about your last miracle. He will only challenge you concerning your next miracle! Mark Hankins


#2704 In the Old Testament, God said I will not remember your sin. In the New Testament, God said He would not remember our sins, and neither will you. Sin-consciousness is removed through the Blood of Jesus! Mark Hankins


#2705 When you pray in the Spirit, that is the Devil's worst nightmare! Mark Hankins


#2706 You will give yourself to many things. Give yourself first to love! Henry Drummond


#2707 Your tongue determines the direction and destiny of your life! (Mark 11:23 and James 3). Mark Hankins


#2708 If you’re not thinking the way love thinks, then you won’t be acting the way love acts! Mark Hankins


#2709 Growing in Love … Growing in Godliness … Growing spiritually! Mark Hankins


#2710 Your voice is your address in the realm of the Spirit! (Acts 16:25-26). Mark Hankins


#2711 You must have a drinking relationship with God (spiritually speaking), not just a thinking relationship. The Holy Spirit is liquid God. He satisfies like no other! (John 7:37-39). Mark Hankins


#2712 When you have a revelation of righteousness, it is impossible to be depressed! (Isaiah 54:14). Mark Hankins


#2713 If you establish your giving standard, God will establish your living standard! Mark Hankins


#2714 There is not one thing in me the Blood does not cleanse. If sin can damage it, the Blood can fix it! (Hebrews 9:12). Mark Hankins


#2715 God isn't planning on you giving yourself broke! (Isaiah 32:8). Mark Hankins


#2716 The Holy Spirit takes what Jesus has done for us and makes it a reality in us! (John 14:13-15). Mark Hankins


#2717 If the devil can challenge your identity, he can hinder your destiny! Mark Hankins


#2718 The Gospel of Jesus Christ will work in any nation, any language, and for any people! (Romans 1:16). Mark Hankins


#2719 Nothing will establish you and build your faith as quickly as confession! F.F. Bosworth


#2720 The crowning achievement of redemption is that you and I can have fellowship with God! Mark Hankins


#2721 It seems Jesus dislikes self-righteousness more than unrighteousness! (Matthew 23:25-28 & 9:10-13). Mark Hankins


#2722 If you keep your faith, your faith will keep you! Mark Hankins


#2723 You show respect with words, but you honor with substance. Honor will always cost you something! Mark Hankins


#2724 If you are going to be a forgiven person, you will have to be a forgiving person! Mark Hankins


#2725 Every born-again Believer has a measure of mountain-moving faith! Mark Hankins


#2726 I’ve trained myself for years to think like this: “How is what I am about to say or do affect the other fellow?” Love worketh no ill to anyone! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#2727 Joy is the bridge between believing and receiving! (1 Peter 1:8-9). Mark Hankins


#2728 You don't have to be a tither to receive Jesus, but you do have to be a tither to follow Jesus! Mark Hankins


#2729 What happened in Christ is greater than anything that has ever happened to you! (Romans 5:20). Mark Hankins


#2730 Nobody cares how holy you are if you are stingy and ungenerous! Nobody cares how talented or smart you are if you are stingy! Live generously! Mark Hankins


#2731 An empty world can't be helped by an empty Christian. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit! (Ephesians 5:18). Mark Hankins


#2732 God did not design the tithe and generous giving for you to decrease. He designed generous giving and sowing to produce increase! Mark Hankins


#2733 God never asked you to pay for it. He said to believe for it. If you can believe for it, God will pay for it! Mark Hankins


#2734 The Spirit of Faith will cause you to shout while the walls are still standing! Mark Hankins


#2735 It is impossible to be offended or disappointed if your expectation is only on God! (Psalms 62). Mark Hankins


#2736 When you have a Spirit of Faith, quitting is not an option! Mark Hankins


#2737 One of the reasons God rewards faithfulness is because it is one of His greatest characteristics! Mark Hankins


#2738 If it was God's will for the mountain to be there, Jesus would not have told you to move it! Mark Hankins


#2739 The fight of faith is the only fight Believers are called to fight! Mark Hankins


#2740 Not taking your words seriously is like driving a vehicle without taking the steering wheel seriously! Mark Hankins


#2741 Victim or victor: your choice. Blame others for your failures or believe and receive victory. Faith will take the whine out of your voice. Jesus is Lord! Mark Hankins


#2742 The generous person plans to be generous and by his generosity he stands! Mark Hankins


#2743 God's love in us is kind, gentle, benign, pervading and penetrating the whole nature, mellowing all which would be harsh and austere! Mark Hankins


#2744 What Jesus did with His Blood was the greatest demonstration of love there has ever been! Mark Hankins


#2745 God’s work in Christ far exceeds any damage done to us by Adam’s fall! Mark Hankins


#2746 The gifts of God are activated when we are saturated by the Holy Spirit! Mark Hankins


#2747 Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ! 2 Corinthians 10:5


#2748 What’s happening IN you is greater than what’s happening TO you! Mark Hankins


#2749 My confession is a preview of coming attractions! Mark Hankins


#2750 When revelation knowledge hits your spirit, it's like wasabi (Japanese horseradish) hitting your brain! Every breakthrough in faith comes from a breakthrough in revelation knowledge! (Ephesians 1:17-23). Mark Hankins


#2751 Harvests never get confused. If your giving doesn’t affect you much, neither will your harvest! Mark Hankins


#2752 Open your mouth, speak the WORD and put the devil on the run! Mark Hankins


#2753 When you open up your mouth, you shut the devil’s mouth! Mark Hankins


#2754 For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death! (Romans 8:2). Mark Hankins


#2755 When you put your faith in the Blood of Jesus, you go from looking for healing to being in the presence of the Healer! Mark Hankins


#2756 Open your mouth, speak the WORD and put the devil on the run! Mark Hankins


#2757 When faith comes, fear goes. Mark Hankins


#2758 The Spirit of faith is a fire, and it is lit by your confession! Mark Hankins


#2759 There's something about a fresh anointing that connects you to your destiny! Mark Hankins


#2760 Believer, I urge you, let every thought about the Blood awaken in you the glorious confession, “By His own Blood, the Lord Jesus has sanctified me. He has taken complete possession of me for God. And I belong entirely to God!” Andrew Murray


#2761 You get some places because you trust God and you get other places because God trusts you! Mark Hankins


#2762 God did in Christ what He wanted to do in every man. He gave us the same identical life, righteousness, blessing, and authority that is in Christ. Anyone in Christ is a new creature! (2 Corinthians 5:17). Mark Hankins


#2763 Christianity doesn't begin with what you do. It begins with something God has done for you IN CHRIST! Mark Hankins


#2764 Faith is your grip on God. Grace is God's grip on you. God's grip on you is always stronger than your grip on Him. Mark Hankins


#2765 Your joy is a demonstration to the unseen world of your victory in Christ Jesus! Mark Hankins


#2766 You have to win the war of words before you can win the fight of faith. Never run at your giants with your mouth shut. Mark Hankins


#2767 Your faith can grow exceedingly, so don't be disappointed where you're at. Crank it up a notch! Once you break one barrier, you can break it the rest of your life! Mark Hankins


#2768 Once you have a meeting with God, you always come out with a smile on your face and a confession of faith! Mark Hankins


#2769 The Word of God has the power to produce what it demands and to perform what it promises. Mark Hankins


#2770 If you let the enemy have your beans; he's coming after your taco, your burrito and your whole Mexican dinner! Mark Hankins


#2771 The victory is in your confession. You cannot be silent! You cannot just nod! God needs a verbal response! 'JESUS IS LORD!'. Mark Hankins


#2772 It’s amazing how much forgiveness we expect to receive, but how little we are willing to give out to others. Mark Hankins


#2773 As long as I can move my mouth, I can move mountains! (Mark 11:23). Mark Hankins


#2774 There is no penalty for excessive celebration in the Kingdom of God. Mark Hankins


#2775 The secret power of joy. Unspeakable joy is a container for the glory of God! Mark Hankins


#2776 The remission of sin... cancellation of penalty and the removal of guilt... absolute remission... molecular remission... justified!! Just as if I'd never sinned! 100% righteous In Christ! Revolutionary revelation... BLOOD BLESSED! Mark Hankins


#2777 See yourself in Christ. Mark Hankins


#2778 Abundance has a way of coming to you when it observes generosity. If you desire to give and you get addicted to giving, God will support your habit! Mark Hankins


#2779 The Holy Spirit lands where the Word of God is spoken. Mark Hankins


#2780 Your faith must move your mouth before it moves your mountain. Mark Hankins


#2781 Unspeakable joy is a container for the glory of God (1 Peter 1:8). Mark Hankins


#2782 Every advance in the call and blessing of God comes from an advance in revelation knowledge (Ephesians 1:17-23). Mark Hankins


#2783 The greatest reward for obeying God is not what you get; it's what you become! (Ephesians 4:24). Mark Hankins


#2784 When you have the Spirit of faith, quitting is not an option. Mark Hankins


#2785 Sow honor, reap honor. It's that simple! Mark Hankins


#2786 When you practice walking in love, God will fight your battles for you. Mark Hankins


#2787 God has revealed His love, His power, His goodness, His righteousness, and His wisdom IN CHRIST! The Gospel of Christ has uncovered the eternal purpose for every man. Mark Hankins


#2788 The Spirit of faith requires two things: believing and speaking! Believing is the attitude of faith. Speaking is the initial act of faith!! We believe and therefore we speak! Mark Hankins


#2789 God did IN CHRIST what He wanted to do in every man! Quit seeing yourself as damaged & see yourself as a new creation IN CHRIST. God put into Christ everything He wanted you to have! Mark Hankins


#2790 Some of the most serious business of Heaven is conducted in an atmosphere of JOY. Mark Hankins


#2791 If you knew what was on the other side of your mountain, you would move it. Mark Hankins


#2792 The same power that is in the resurrection is in the Message of the Gospel. Satan is just as defeated by the Message as he was in the resurrection event. The Gospel of Christ is the Power of God. Mark Hankins


#2793 You cannot stay in the natural and expect supernatural results! Your answer, your victory is in the Spirit! Mark Hankins


#2794 Your Faith has to be big enough to move your mouth before it can move your mountain. Mark Hankins


#2795 Our confession connects us with God's ability! We are the Believer, but God is the Performer! Keep your expectation only on God! Mark Hankins


#2796 If you want the God-Kind of results, you must have the God-Kind of Faith! Mark Hankins


#2797 Your value and identity is in Christ! Mark Hankins


#2798 The Holy Spirit has a reputation for working with some real losers and making them champions. Mark Hankins


#2799 The reason words will move a mountain is because mountains are made by words. Mark Hankins


#2800 The Fire of God will burn up the things that have been hindering you and will ignite the gift of God within you. Mark Hankins