Saturday, September 28, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 18 (1701 - 1800)


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 18



#1701 When you really know who God is – that He’s for you and not against you – that He loves you, that He’s the source of everything you need – then life gets really exciting! Joyce Meyer


#1702 When you receive Christ, you never have to go through a problem alone again. Joyce Meyer


#1703 When you see the least, and feel the least, that’s often when God is doing the most. Joyce Meyer


#1704 When you stand up and you trust God, He will give you the grace to do what you need to do in every situation. Joyce Meyer


#1705 When you take time with God and listen to His Voice, He renews your strength and enables you to handle life. Joyce Meyer


#1706 When you turn the construction of your life over to God, He will build something beautiful. Joyce Meyer


#1707 When you walk in love, you give up your right to be right. Joyce Meyer


#1708 When your soul is resting, your emotions are okay, your mind is okay, and your will is at peace with God, not resisting what He’s doing. Joyce Meyer


#1709 Where the mind goes, the man follows. Joyce Meyer


#1710 Where there is a rotten root, there will always be rotten fruit. We must be rooted in Jesus Christ to bear good fruit. Joyce Meyer


#1711 Where there is no peace, there is no power. Joyce Meyer


#1712 Whether we’re happy with our circumstances or not, giving God praise is so important. Joyce Meyer


#1713 While God is working on your problem … stay calm, stay sweet, stay out of fear, and keep on keepin’ on. Joyce Meyer


#1714 While you are waiting for God to move, be a very thankful and grateful person for all that God has done for you already. Joyce Meyer


#1715 Why is it that although it takes us years to get into our messes, we expect God to get us out of them in a few days. Joyce Meyer


#1716 Wisdom is doing now with what you will be happy with later on. Joyce Meyer


#1717 With God we can face anything and do anything that is His will. Joyce Meyer


#1718 With God’s help I am continually reminded that my past does not have to control my future. Joyce Meyer


#1719 With God’s help, I don’t have to be aggravated or frustrated. I can stay calm and hold my peace. Joyce Meyer


#1720 With God’s help, your past does not have to define your future. Joyce Meyer


#1721 Without Jesus I am not able to do one single thing, but with Him and in Him I can do all I need to do. Joyce Meyer


#1722 Words are containers for power. You choose what kind of power they carry. Joyce Meyer


#1723 Words are powerful; if you change your words, you can change your life. Joyce Meyer


#1724 Words are so awesome. Words are containers for power. They carry either creative power or destructive power. Joyce Meyer


#1725 Worry and reasoning are two of Satan’s most successful tools. He’ll get us started with one negative thought and then sit back and watch us finish ourselves off. Joyce Meyer


#1726 Worry increases pressure; prayer releases peace. Joyce Meyer


#1727 Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have. Joyce Meyer


#1728 Worry is like a rocking chair … always in motion, but not going anywhere. Joyce Meyer


#1729 Worry is like rocking in a rocking chair all day, because it keeps you busy but gets you nowhere. Joyce Meyer


#1730 Worry is useless, so why do it? Joyce Meyer


#1731 Worry sees the problem, but faith sees the God who can handle the problem. Joyce Meyer


#1732 Worrying is trying to figure out what to do to save yourself, rather than trusting in God for deliverance. Joyce Meyer


#1733 You and I cannot change ourselves, but we can spend time seeking the One who can change us. Joyce Meyer


#1734 You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God…a unique and valuable creation. You are not a mistake and there’s nothing accidental about you. Joyce Meyer


#1735 You are God’s masterpiece. Believe it! Joyce Meyer


#1736 You are loved! Joyce Meyer


#1737 You are not free until you have no need to impress anybody. Joyce Meyer


#1738 You are wonderfully made! Joyce Meyer


#1739 You can be bitter or better, but you can’t be both at the same time. Joyce Meyer


#1740 You can be pitiful or powerful, but you can’t be both. Joyce Meyer


#1741 You can change your life by letting the Word of God change your mind. Joyce Meyer


#1742 You can decide to trust God or you can decide to be miserable. Joyce Meyer


#1743 You can get over a broken past if you decide to believe that there’s nothing in your past that can keep you from having a great future. Joyce Meyer


#1744 You can have a glorious destiny! Joyce Meyer


#1745 You can have a life without strife! Joyce Meyer


#1746 You can live with God’s power (His miraculous ability, might and strength). Joyce Meyer


#1747 You can make it through your emotional trials. Jesus wasn’t led by His feelings. And you don’t have to be either when God lets things affect you emotionally. Seize the moment and view it as an opportunity to step into a place of absolute trust in God. Joyce Meyer


#1748 You can make this journey little by little: you don’t have to give up or quit. Joyce Meyer


#1749 You can never be free through avoidance and running away from things. Joyce Meyer


#1750 You can suffer the pain of change or suffer remaining the way you are. Joyce Meyer


#1751 You can take all that stress and pressure, and learn to give it to God and live in the peace and joy He has planned for your life. Joyce Meyer


#1752 You can tell how spiritually mature you are when somebody else gets blessed with something you want. Joyce Meyer


#1753 You can’t be a worshipper and a worrier at the same time. Joyce Meyer


#1754 You can’t bother God because He picked you … you can’t impose on Him! He’s not rolling His eyes when you have a problem. Instead, He will always remind you how far you have come, how well you are doing, how precious you are in His sight, and how much He loves you. God already knew your weaknesses, every flaw you would have, every time you would fail, and He still said, “I want you”. Ephesians 1:5 declares that He foreordained you to be adopted as His own. God is your daddy! With Him on your side, things are bound to work out all right in the end. Joyce Meyer


#1755 You can’t fulfill all the expectations of everyone you know, so you might as well go ahead and disappoint them and get it over with. Joyce Meyer


#1756 You can’t have a testimony without the test. Joyce Meyer


#1757 You can’t have peace without grace – undeserved favor and power. Joyce Meyer


#1758 You can’t have real love without operating in forgiveness. Love keeps giving the other person another chance. Joyce Meyer


#1759 You cannot be selfish and happy. Joyce Meyer


#1760 You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind. Joyce Meyer


#1761 You cannot live your life just based on what everyone else thinks. Joyce Meyer


#1762 You don’t have to be like everybody else or do things like everybody else. God created you to be a unique individual, and He wants you to be free to be who He made you to be. Joyce Meyer


#1763 You don’t have to fear anything or anyone. Joyce Meyer


#1764 You don’t have to give way to careless speech or complaining. You don’t have to let your feelings get in the way of what God wants to do in your life. Joyce Meyer


#1765 You don’t have to wait until you’re perfected to like yourself. You can start even while God’s changing you. Joyce Meyer


#1766 You don’t need to know what tomorrow holds. All you need to know is the One who holds tomorrow. Joyce Meyer


#1767 You have a great God who loves you and cares about you. Be full of hope that something good can happen to you. God is a master at new beginnings. He loves fresh beginnings, and He makes everything new. Joyce Meyer


#1768 You have so many capabilities and potential. Start celebrating the life God has given you. Joyce Meyer


#1769 You have the power to make the world a better place by being kind to someone today. Joyce Meyer


#1770 You have to go through to get through. Joyce Meyer


#1771 You have to realize that you don’t have someone else’s life and you’re never going to. You better start loving the one you got. Embrace the life you have and stop wishing you could be someone else. Just stop all that and start saying, “God, here I am. Do what You want to do with me.” Joyce Meyer


#1772 You know, God will give favor to anyone who will believe Him. Every day you should confess that you have favor everywhere you go. God will begin to open doors that you wouldn’t believe. Joyce Meyer


#1773 You may be going through something, but the good news is, you’re going through to victory. Joyce Meyer


#1774 You may have had a bad start in life, but you can have a great finish. Joyce Meyer


#1775 You may need to be patient, but God is always faithful. Joyce Meyer


#1776 You may still feel fear, but you don’t have to let fear stop you. Joyce Meyer


#1777 You must turn to God and say, “Father, I need Your strength. By faith I choose to receive Your grace so that I may forgive those who mistreated me or wronged me. I ask You to bless them and help me go on with my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” Joyce Meyer


#1778 You need to be moving if you want God to show you which way to go. Joyce Meyer


#1779 You never know how close you are. Never give up on your dreams. Joyce Meyer


#1780 You never really know yourself until you see yourself under pressure. Joyce Meyer


#1781 You only have one life, and if it is not going in the direction you want it to, now is the time to make changes. Joyce Meyer


#1782 You see, rebellion, and the disobedience it causes, keeps us from having the power of God that’s available to us as Christians. Joyce Meyer


#1783 You see, you are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body. You have emotions, you have thoughts, you have a will, and you have a conscience. You are a complex being! And Jesus came to heal every single part of you. There’s not one part that He doesn’t want to make completely whole. Joyce Meyer


#1784 You think when you’re having to wait, that means God doesn’t love you. Maybe God has got something deeper in mind than your immediate relief. Joyce Meyer


#1785 You were created to do amazing things. Joyce Meyer


#1786 You were not an accident. You were designed on purpose for a purpose. Joyce Meyer


#1787 You will never enjoy life if you do not enjoy yourself. Joyce Meyer


#1788 You will never forgive if you wait until you feel like it. Joyce Meyer


#1789 You will never see the end, if you give up in the middle. Joyce Meyer


#1790 You’ll have to give God a little more room in your life if you really want peace. Joyce Meyer


#1791 You’ll never get up on the outside until you get up on the inside. Joyce Meyer


#1792 You’re going to make it! Joyce Meyer


#1793 You’re no surprise to God. He knew what He was getting when He made you. Joyce Meyer


#1794 You’re not a failure until you stop trying. If you have no other testimony, you have this one: “I’m still here.” Joyce Meyer


#1795 You’re not free, unless you come to the place where you have nothing to prove. Joyce Meyer


#1796 You’re so caught up in grumbling, complaining, and seeing what’s wrong that you have no energy or time to appreciate what’s good. Joyce Meyer


#1797 You’re worth something because God says you’re worth something – not because of what people think or say about you. Joyce Meyer


#1798 You’ve been set apart by God to do amazing things. And better yet, you’ve been given the Holy Spirit to help you do it! Joyce Meyer


#1799 You’ve got just as much opportunity as everybody else. It just depends on what you’re willing to believe and how you’re willing to live. Joyce Meyer


#1800 You’ve got to be very careful that you don’t try to make things happen. Joyce Meyer