Sunday, September 29, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 29 (2801 - 2900)


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 29


#2801 If you want what God wants, for the same reason He wants it, you are invincible.  FF Bosworth


#2802 Some people are self-conscious, some people are people-conscious, some people are sin-conscious, some people are unconscious, Faith is God-Conscious! Mark Hankins


#2803 Feed on the Word! Mark Hankins


#2804 Activation of all Revelation begins with confession. Mark Hankins


#2805 There is not one thing in me the Blood does not cleanse. If sin can damage it, the Blood can fix it! Mark Hankins


#2806 The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation opens our eyes to see the unlimited possibilities of God. Mark Hankins


#2807 God is not opposed to you being rich or abundantly provided for. However, He is opposed to you being covetous. Mark Hankins


#2808 Your Joy is a demonstration of the Triumph of Christ! Your celebration is a demonstration of your expectation! Joy is serious business! Mark Hankins


#2809 You look a lot better IN CHRIST than you do outside of Him! Mark Hankins


#2810 Your words can limit you or loose you! Mark Hankins


#2811 You can’t cure everyone else’s unthankfulness, but you can cure yours. Mark Hankins


#2812 Being obedient in the place of your finances allows for God to use you in other areas. Mark Hankins


#2813 In Christ, you have access to the Father! Mark Hankins


#2814 God’s will for you is to be in health (3 John 2). Mark Hankins


#2815 Anytime God wants to change someone's life, he always touches their mouth [Jeremiah 1:9]. Mark Hankins


#2816 Many Christians are weak, though sincere, because they lack a bold confession of who they are in Christ. Mark Hankins


#2817 It doesn't matter how long you have been facing your challenge; it can be overcome and won! Trina Hankins


#2818 It's not enough to know your identity. You have to carry it! (Spiritual Passport). Mark Hankins


#2819 If you are not impressed with who you are in Christ, you just haven't seen Him lately. You look a whole lot better in Christ than you do outside of Him [2 Corinthians 5:17]. Mark Hankins


#2820 We can experience freedom from guilt and a sin consciousness. Mark Hankins


#2821 DIVINE APPROVAL. The radical, revolutionary revelation of the reality of righteousness! Understanding you have God's divine approval on your life sets you free from the sense of rejection, inadequacy or inferiority. Mark Hankins


#2822 The Blood of Jesus silences the voice of condemnation. Mark Hankins


#2823 The blood of Jesus carries the power of all that Jesus overcame. Mark Hankins


#2824 Just because you know how faith works, doesn't mean you know how you're going to get your miracle. Mark Hankins


#2825 Your extravagant generosity is a REFLECTION of God’s extravagant generosity! Mark Hankins


#2826 God is your source of supply! Mark Hankins


#2827 A spirit of faith will give you boldness and confidence to go forward in the blessings and the will of God for your life! Mark Hankins


#2828 Faith is obeying God even when there's an element of the unknown. Mark Hankins


#2829 You can think yourself happy, knowing that you are in the perfect will of God for your life! Mark Hankins


#2830 Never take God out of your faith formula. Mark Hankins


#2831 If the price that was paid for you is precious ... then you must be precious. Mark Hankins


#2832 When we give God our cares, He gives us His strength and more! Mark Hankins


#2833 Join the 3-1 gang: Say, Say, Say, BELIEVE! The saying part of faith is mentioned three times, and the believing part is only mentioned once (Mark 11:23). Mark Hankins


#2834 You are redeemed from the curse of the law. Mark Hankins


#2835 Only the Blood of Jesus has the power to free you from the worst blows dealt to you in life and bring such healing that even your memory is freed from the thought of them. Mark Hankins


#2836 ASK-SEEK-KNOCK! God has MORE for you!! Mark Hankins


#2837 If you are in Christ, You are not in crisis. Mark Hankins


#2838 Everybody wants the Lord to use them. The problem is they want Him to use them the way they want to be used. Mark Hankins


#2839 I am the believer. God is the Performer! Mark Hankins


#2840 You are such a new creation in Christ that God will have to introduce you to your new self! [2 Corinthians 5:17]. Mark Hankins


#2841 The Spirit of wisdom and revelation opens our eyes to see the unlimited possibilities of God [Ephesians 1:17-23]. Mark Hankins


#2842 The substance of your faith is enriched when you pray in the Holy Spirit [Jude 1:20]. Mark Hankins


#2843 Your revelation on the will of God for your life will fuel your dedication! Mark Hankins


#2844 Revolutionary revelation produces revolutionary results. Mark Hankins


#2845 God would not design a plan for your life that did not require faith! Mark Hankins


#2846 Faith is acting on God's Word. The simplest definition of faith is to act like the Bible is true. Mark Hankins


#2847 You cannot be defeated unless you are spiritually depleted. Mark Hankins


#2848 When you are a generous giver, God does things for you that money cannot do. Mark Hankins


#2849 Faith in the blood - plus nothing, minus nothing - is all you need to enjoy God's best blessings. Mark Hankins


#2850 Some people will never receive their healing until they receive a revelation of righteousness. Mark Hankins


#2851 The Word of God has the power to produce what it demands and to perform what it promises. Mark Hankins


#2852 Your identity comes from who you are in Christ. Mark Hankins


#2853 There's no limit to God's giving except our capacity to receive it! Mark Hankins


#2854 Everything God did in Christ, He did for us and it is set to the credit of our account like we did it. Mark Hankins


#2855 Always sow cheerfully! Your sowing shows your affection and your expectation. Mark Hankins


#2856 The Spirit of faith will take the whine out of your voice! Mark Hankins


#2857 God did in Christ what He wanted to do in every man [2 Corinthians 5:17]! Mark Hankins


#2858 The Word of God is a spoken thing! It was spoken before it was written and it was written so it could be spoken! Mark Hankins


#2859 We must see the glory of God to do the will of God! Mark Hankins


#2860 Hold tight to your confession! Mark Hankins


#2861 LOVE: THE SECRET TO SUCCESS. Walking in the God-Kind of love is our greatest challenge. It's also our greatest reward. God not only commands us to love one another, but He has given us love in our hearts to do so. Mark Hankins


#2862 Your faith must move your mouth before it moves your mountain. Mark Hankins


#2863 In the New Testament we are redeemed from sin and sin-consciousness … guilt and shame are removed by the power of the Blood of Jesus [Colossians 1:20-22]. Mark Hankins


#2864 Your joy is a demonstration to the unseen world of your victory in Christ Jesus! Mark Hankins


#2865 Receive the transmit the glory of God. Mark Hankins


#2866 If you want the God-kind of results, you must have the God-kind of faith. Mark Hankins


#2867 The spirit of faith will take the victim out of your voice! Mark Hankins


#2868 Sow honor, reap honor. It’s that simple! Mark Hankins


#2869 The Holy Spirit is a genius! If you listen to Him, He will make you look smart. B.B. Hankins


#2870 Our relationship with Jesus is directly tied to our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Mark Hankins


#2871 God did not design giving for you to decrease. God designed giving for you to increase [Luke 6:38]! Mark Hankins


#2872 Preach the Gospel, not the gossip. Mark Hankins


#2873 God is on my side, for the blood has been applied. Every need shall be supplied, nothing shall be denied. So I enter into rest, I know that I am blessed. I have passed the test. I will get God's best! Trina Hankins


#2874 Jesus gave us His authority to move that mountain! Mark Hankins


#2875 The spirit of faith will take the victim out of your voice and put victory in your voice! Mark Hankins


#2876 Nothing will establish you and build your faith as quickly as your confession. F.F. Bosworth


#2877 God will call you things there's no evidence it exists. Mark Hankins


#2878 The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. Psalms 119:130


#2879 The spirit of faith requires two things: Believing and speaking! Believing is the ATTITUDE of faith. Speaking is the initial ACT of faith! We believe and therefore we speak! Mark Hankins


#2880 Jesus didn't say come and think. He said come and drink! If you drink better, you will think better [John 7:37-38]. Mark Hankins


#2881 Learn how to act on God's Word; use your authority and receive your healing; maintain your healing. Trina Hankins


#2882 We can have shame-free living. For the Scripture saith, “Whoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed (Romans 10:11). Mark Hankins


#2883 What Jesus did with His Blood was the greatest demonstration of love there has ever been [Hebrew 9:12-24]. Mark Hankins


#2884 The spirit of wisdom and revelation will open your eyes! Ephesians 1:17-23


#2885 The spirit of wisdom and revelation floods your mind and soul with light. You’re going to see things different than ever before. Mark Hankins


#2886 Since unbelief is curable, nothing is incurable! Mark Hankins


#2887 Jesus took our shame. Mark Hankins


#2888 Some people have more respect for the devil than they do Jesus Christ and the power of His Blood. Joshua Waldoch


#2889 Where the Blood of Jesus flows, the Holy Spirit goes. Mark Hankins


#2890 Jesus changes everything! Mark Hankins


#2891 “The Blood of Jesus keeps and guards my mind day and night.” Grace Ryerson Roos


#2892 This is a new day of boldness! Mark Hankins


#2893 Your faith may not prevent all mountains, but it will move them [Mark 11:23]. Mark Hankins


#2894 The fight of faith starts with your identification with Christ. You are seated in Heavenly places [Ephesians 2:6]. Mark Hankins


#2895 Use your authority and receive your healing! Trina Hankins


#2896 There is no problem you are facing that is bigger than the words in your mouth. Mark Hankins


#2897 Revelation knowledge of the Word of God fuels your faith. Mark Hankins


#2898 Hold fast to your confession! Mark Hankins


#2899 Faith in the Blood of Jesus is a spiritual law that accesses the kingdom of God and all its power! Mark Hankins


#2900 Act like the Bible is true! Mark Hankins