Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 8 (701 - 800)


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 8


#701 God wants us to trust in His goodness and believe that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He delights in seeing our faith. He delights in an attitude of gratitude. Joel Osteen


#702 Jesus said, “Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole.” There is a faith that cannot, that will not, be denied. There is a faith that says “I have it now!” There is a faith that so trusts and believes God that no force of hell can stop it. And you can have that faith right now! Only believe, like she did! Jerry Baysinger


#703 The devil may have destined us for pain and sorrow, but we can change our destiny through faith in God. We hold the key to our own destiny and future. God doesn't. God already has done everything He's going to do for mankind. He has made a way of escape. Through the blood redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can have faith to change our destiny while on this earth. Kenneth W. Hagin


#704 Forgiveness is twofold: Not only must you learn to forgive others; you also must learn to forgive yourself. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#705 It takes faith to forgive! In fact, your faith won't work unless you do forgive. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#706 In Mark 11:24, after Jesus had spoken about “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them,” with the same breath, in the same setting, He immediately began talking about forgiveness in connection with prayer: “And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses” (v.25). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#707 The Bible says that our faith won't work if our love is not working. When we are rooted and grounded in God's love, our faith ignites His power. But when our love generators are damaged or no longer operating because of offense, unforgiveness, or disobedience, we can't expect the manifestation of our prayers. Creflo Dollar


#708 I don't have to struggle anymore with the question, “Oh God, why aren't you answering my prayers?” I know if my faith is not working, it's because my love is not working. Creflo Dollar


#709 Faith and grace are two very important subjects in the Bible. When you study the Bible, you'll find that both of them operate together. Both Romans 4:16 and Romans 5:1-2 illustrate this connection: “Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace” (Romans 4:16). Keith Butler


#710 “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” (Romans 5:1-2) Keith Butler


#711 Faith gives us access into the grace of God; it is, therefore, important that we understand what faith is and what grace is. The grace of God is available to every believer, but it's accessed by faith. Keith Butler


#712 Faith is the accelerator of grace; it makes the grace of God go in your life. You can't receive anything in the grace of God except through the vehicle of the faith of God. Keith Butler


#713 If you want to enjoy the promises of God in this life, you're going to have to receive them just as Abraham did: by becoming “fully persuaded.” Mac Hammond


#714 Partially persuaded won't do. Almost persuaded won't either. The marvelous promises of God will be yours when and only when you, like Abraham, become fully persuaded. Mac Hammond


#715 Some people might think it’s peculiar to talk to pain. But I don’t, because that’s what Jesus did. As we’ve already seen, when He healed Peter’s mother-in-law, He rebuked the fever. He didn’t rebuke her. He didn’t even rebuke the devil. He spoke directly to the sickness. Lynne Hammond


#716 One minister I know was reading that story one day and he asked himself, “Can fevers hear?” After considering the fact that when Jesus rebuked the fever and it left, he decided, “Yes, fevers can hear! And if fevers can hear, ulcers can hear. If ulcers can hear, tumors can hear. If tumors can hear, cancer can hear. Any sickness or disease can hear.” The question is, are we speaking to them? Lynne Hammond


#717 We should be, because Jesus is our example, and in the Bible we see Him speaking to things all the time. We see Him speaking to wind and waves. We see Him speaking to trees. We see Him speaking to infirmities. What’s more, in Matthew 17:20 He said this: …For assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you (NKJV). Lynne Hammond


#718 Thank God, we have been given authority to speak to the mountains in our lives, and sickness is one of those mountains! Lynne Hammond


#719 Everything that we need for this life was made available to us over two thousand years ago. However, it is important that we believe that the promises of God are really true for us today. We must believe and receive it, and trust that God’s Word is true, even when we don’t see the manifestation of it yet! Creflo Dollar


#720 Matthew 6:33 tells us not to worry or be anxious for anything but to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto us because our heavenly Father knows that we have need of them. That is the will of God for our life and we can pray that Scripture. Creflo Dollar


#721 However, God’s will doesn’t automatically come to pass in our lives. That is why when we pray to God about anything, we must pray knowing that it has already been done. We have to cooperate by believing His promises and receiving the manifestation of them. Creflo Dollar


#722 I want you to understand how meditating on God’s promises and using your imagination can lead to great success in life. When you meditate on the Word—which is spiritual—that Word is digested in your spirit. And when you imagine a thing, something is taking place in your heart. Your mind and your heart are working in concert to create images. They’re connected by the bridge called the imagination. Creflo Dollar


#723 You can literally build your healing, your business, your prosperity, your marriage, or anything else you need in life. How? Just make a commitment to consistently meditate on God’s Word, and use your imagination to develop an inner image of God’s precious promises coming to pass in your life. It all begins with changing the way you think! Creflo Dollar


#724 It makes a lot of difference, friends, when you walk in love. When you walk in love, your faith will work. If my faith wasn't working, that's the first thing I would check up on—to see if I was walking in love. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#725 We know that faith works by love; in fact, faith won't work any other way. In other words, you could have faith to move mountains, but if you're not walking in love, your faith will be ineffective. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#726 You've got to release the love of God from your heart in the same way you release your faith—through actions and words—because faith and love are of the heart. And faith works by love! Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#727 Most of us spend a lot of time trying to have faith. We know that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6), so we work and strive at having more faith. But faith is of the heart, and you get it only through a relationship of loving fellowship with God. I can't really teach you faith, but I can teach you the principles of faith and make you so hungry for it you will do anything to get it. Joyce Meyer


#728 Faith only comes by revelation from God. Stop trying so hard to get faith and please God, and start spending all that time and effort with God, loving Him. Just go around all day loving Him and letting Him love you. Joyce Meyer


#729 The Amplified Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that “...we regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction or belief respecting man's relationship to God.” In other words, I am only going to be able to walk in faith based on what I believe about my relationship with God. Do you understand that? A person who believes he is unrighteous might as well forget walking in faith. Joyce Meyer


#730 A person who believes he is an old worm in the dust and God does not love Him might as well forget the faith walk, too. A lot of people are trying to walk in faith, but they don't have these other things in their hearts. Joyce Meyer


#731 Trusting God and walking in faith is leaning on Him and trusting Him for everything. You can't do that with someone if you don't know he loves you. You might as well forget it. You are never going to be able to trust God if you don't know He loves you. Joyce Meyer


#732 If you really knew how much God loves you, you would have less trouble receiving a healing. You would have less trouble receiving your financial needs met. The reason you can't receive is that you don't really believe, totally, that God is giving it to you. Joyce Meyer


#733 Proverbs 2:2 agrees with James 1:5-6, which says when you want wisdom, you must ask for it in faith and not waver. Proverbs 2:2 takes that thought a step further and tells you to direct your mind and your heart toward God's wisdom. You have to go after the wisdom and knowledge of God, applying all of your powers—your concentration, your energy, your efforts—to obtaining it. It has to become the quest of your life. Gloria Copeland


#734 In fact, you must search for skillful and godly Wisdom as for hidden treasures (Proverbs 2:4, AMP). The way to find wisdom is to go after it with the same effort and desire that natural people go after material wealth. The truth is, no one ever seeks after God with all their heart without finding Him. Gloria Copeland


#735 One of my favorite things about blind Bartimaeus is that he refused to let the people around him discourage him. They did not have the faith in God's goodness that he had. The crowd had such limited understanding of God's love that they thought Jesus would not be interested in a seemingly worthless, blind beggar. Gloria Copeland


#736 But Bartimaeus had heard about Jesus. No doubt he had heard of His mercy and kindness and His healing power. And he believed. So when the people tried to shut him up, he cried out all the louder, “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me!” Why did he cry so loudly? Because he was convinced in his heart that if Jesus heard him, He would answer. Jesus would deliver him. This was his chance of a lifetime. Jesus heard him and when He did, He stood still and commanded that Bartimaeus be called. Gloria Copeland


#737 Aggressive faith gets Jesus' attention. Gloria Copeland


#738 What Bartimaeus did next was one of the most beautiful expressions of faith recorded in the New Testament. He threw off his cloak. By that act, he was making a very clear statement. He was saying, “I'm not a blind man anymore. Jesus has heard me, and I'm as good as healed!” Gloria Copeland


#739 Notice what Jesus asked Bartimaeus next. He said, “What do you want Me to do for you?” (Verse 51 AMP). Bartimaeus said boldly, “Master, let me receive my sight” (Verse 51). Bartimaeus was in perfect position to receive. Gloria Copeland


#740 God was looking to and fro throughout the whole earth for someone to whom He could show Himself strong...and He found Bartimaeus full of faith, speaking and acting with great confidence in Jesus' goodness and power. The connection was made and Jesus said, “Go your way; your faith has healed you” (Verse 52 AMP). Gloria Copeland


#741 I want you to be impressed by Jesus' goodness and how willing He was to express that goodness. Whatever those who came to Him for help said, He said. Jesus acted on their words! He, being just like the Father, was easy to receive from. Gloria Copeland


#742 When you've seen Jesus, you've seen the Father (John 14:8-10). The Bible says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17). There is no changing in Him. Gloria Copeland


#743 Jesus and the Father are still going about doing good and healing all who will receive. “The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works” (Psalms 145:9). Gloria Copeland


#744 Jesus is saying the same thing to you today that He said to Bartimaeus. He is asking all who would look to Him in faith, “What do you want Me to do for you?” Jesus is alive and well today and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is just as anointed and compassionate today as He was when Bartimaeus sat by the roadside begging. Gloria Copeland


#745 The Resurrected Lord, the Messiah, is saying to you, “Receive your healing today! Receive your deliverance today!” Gloria Copeland


#746 God found a woman in Mary who said, “Behold (look), You have found her. You have found the one. Be it done according to thy Word.” According to feelings? No. According to thy Word. Charles Capps


#747 The Word was God, and Jesus was the Word made flesh. It was the Word that was made flesh. Mary conceived the Word of God in her heart; then she went to Elisabeth's house and told her, “He hath done great things” (Luke 1:49). How did she know? Because the angel of the Lord had told her, and she received that Word. Do you think she felt any different? No. Do you think she looked any different? No. What was her evidence? Faith and her words! Charles Capps


#748 “He hath done great things”, said Mary. The Word said she was filled with the Holy Ghost, and she began to prophesy. She had conceived the Word of God in her spirit, and then it became manifest in her physical body. Charles Capps


#749 God says to “meditate the Word by day and by night, and to incline your ear to His sayings” (Joshua 1:8; Proverbs 4:20). The number one method God has chosen for us to use in increasing our faith is to exercise this spiritual law. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Beginning with the measure of faith residing within us, we apply this spiritual law by meditating the Word. God imparts the faith in that Word into our hearts, increasing our original measure. Jerry Savelle


#750 God has faith because He is the Source of faith. When we go to the Word, God gives us faith to move the mountain of need. At times the mountain gets bigger as the need is greater. By meditating the Word, we get sufficient faith to take care of that need. Jerry Savelle


#751 The purpose of mountain-moving faith is to remove the things which come into our lives to hinder us spiritually, mentally, financially or physically. Some people believe that this promise only pertains to spiritual mountains. However, in Matthew 21:21, Jesus used faith-filled words to cause a fig tree to wither from the roots and die. That was natural, not spiritual. Kenneth Copeland


#752 In Mark 11:22-26, Jesus said, “whosoever,” so this is for the believer, not just for the minister or someone with some kind of special calling. You have the potential to operate in the same faith that I have. He also said, “When you stand praying, forgive.” Operating in mountain-moving faith is dependent upon operating in forgiveness. Faith pleases God, but faith works by love (Galatians 5:6). Kenneth Copeland


#753 It is impossible to please God and to hold something in your heart against someone at the same time. You forgive because you choose to forgive and because it pleases God, not because you feel like doing it. Kenneth Copeland


#754 Mountain-moving faith is centered around believing you receive (believing it is happening for you now!). There is more to believing you receive than just having someone lay hands on you and saying, “I believe I receive.” Kenneth Copeland


#755 In order to believe you receive, you must establish in your heart that the Word of God is true. You need a standard, something that will put you in agreement with God. The miracle you need is already inside of you because God is in you. All you need is to find the key that will open the door and release it. The key is getting your spirit, soul and body in agreement with the Word. Kenneth Copeland


#756 “How can I get God's mercy and grace flowing in my life?” Give Him an opening! He waits for you to open the door to Him. How do you open that door? You'll find a clue in Romans 5:2. It says, “...we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand...” Faith gives us access into His wonderful grace. God works the same way in every area of life. When we believe Him and begin to speak in faith about His blessings, we gain access to them. Gloria Copeland


#757 You get healed because you've opened the door to the grace of healing by faith. Faith opens that door! From the new birth to healing to prosperity—it's faith that gives you access to every aspect of God's grace. You can't get around that principle. It's just the way God works. Gloria Copeland


#758 You need to realize that confession precedes possession. Most people want to possess the blessing first and then they'll confess it. But notice Jesus said, “he shall have whatsoever he saith” (Mark 11:23). You see, at the time you say it, you don't have it. That's because confession precedes possession. You must confess God's Word to bring the thing you desire into the realm of reality (Hebrews 11:1). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#759 You must believe your words. You must believe in your heart that what you say will come to pass. You must believe the Word of God in your heart and then you must believe the Word of God on your lips. We believe and therefore we speak (2 Corinthians 4:13). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#760 Believing and speaking the Word is operating in the same principle of faith Jesus talked about in Mark 11:23. There are many examples in the Word that show us that, good or bad, our words dominate our lives. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#761 The word “salvation” not only means the saving of your soul where you'll spend eternity in the presence of God forever, but the word salvation is all inclusive of everything that mankind needs. It means wholeness, soundness, safety, deliverance, peace, healing, prosperity, preservation. Whatever it is that you need, it is available to you, and it only comes by believing in your heart and confessing it with your mouth. Carolyn Savelle


#762 Where is faith? It's in two places. Faith is in your heart, and faith is in your mouth. What's in your heart has to come out of your mouth. Carolyn Savelle


#763 “And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.” “And he said, ‘Come.’ And when Peter was come down out of the ship, He walked on the water” (Matthew 14:28-29). It's easy to be so afraid of making a mistake that you never get around to stepping out on faith. You can spend all your time wondering, “Is this faith? Or is it presumption? What if I exercise my faith for something and find out later I've missed God's will?” Don't worry. God can handle any mistake you can make. Kenneth Copeland


#764 Faith NEVER takes a vacation—it’s replenished and strengthened by the Word. Jerry Savelle


#765 “Faith is not faith if it’s not expanding. Faith is not faith if it’s idle. Faith is not faith if it’s lying dormant. Faith only knows to increase and to reach further—that’s the nature of faith.” Jerry Savelle


#766 And when you STAY in faith—you WILL receive a harvest, a reward, an answered prayer! Jerry Savelle


#767 Little by little your life is transformed into the very words coming out of your mouth. Terri Savelle Foy


#768 Change what you’re saying and you’ll change what you’re seeing. Terri Savelle Foy


#769 Make a decision to do what God fully put in your heart to do! Terri Savelle Foy


#770 Patience undergirds and sustains faith until the result is manifest. After you have meditated on the promises of God and have them in your spirit, patience will encourage you to hold steady. Gloria Copeland


#771 Patience is power. It has the courage to refuse the lie of Satan that says the Word is not working for you. It knows that God’s Word has never failed. Patience will not draw back in fear but will press forward in faith until you have the answer. Gloria Copeland


#772 When the results of your faith seem slow in coming, don’t give up! Continue to put the Word first, with patience, and you will surely receive the promise of God! Gloria Copeland


#773 Once you truly understand that you have the life of God inside you, you’ll begin to act just like Jesus did. You’ll lay hands on the sick and they’ll recover. You’ll cast out demons. You’ll preach the gospel to every creature. Gloria Copeland


#774 Unbelief looks at the past and says, “See, it can’t be done.” But faith looks at the future and says, “It can be done, and according to the promises of God, it is done!” Then putting past failures behind it forever, faith steps out and acts like the victory’s already been won. Kenneth Copeland


#775 Faith in the spiritual realm is like cash in the secular realm. It is spiritual money that can purchase anything the Bible says that you can have. When you present faith, there is nothing that can stop you from obtaining whatever it is that you are trying to obtain. Why? Because your faith is already paid for. Dr. Leroy Thompson


#776 Hebrews 12:2 says, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God. And when Jesus died on the Cross He said, It is finished. (John 19:30). Your faith is finished. It’s complete. It’s already done! Dr. Leroy Thompson


#777 You have the power to operate in finished faith! God has the receipt waiting for you. All you have to do is present that receipt by faith and use it to collect whatever it is that you need to collect! Dr. Leroy Thompson


#778 Faith rejoices, even in times of trial. When you have the spirit of faith, you're so happy, people think everything in your life is just fine. Lynne Hammond


#779 First Peter 1:5-9 says it this way: “[You] are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: receiving the end of your faith...” Lynne Hammond


#780 Notice those verses say that if you're believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory and you receive the end of your faith! Lynne Hammond


#781 You don’t have to get in a big hurry about some things. The Bible says, “… He that believeth shall not make haste” (Isaiah 28:16). Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#782 Faith doesn’t get in a hurry. The devil will try to push you. He will say, “Hurry up, hurry up, hurry, hurry, hurry.” He will try to move you out of faith, and move you into doubt, move you into unbelief, and get you away from the leading of God. Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.


#783 Doubt talks in the language of man. Faith talks in the language of God. Pastor Rob Spina


#784 Faith activates God. Fear activates the enemy. Joel Osteen


#785 God can do things in an instant that would take you years to try to make happen yourself. Terri Savelle Foy


#786 Commit to hearing from God. I cannot emphasize this point enough. Everything God wants to do in you, for you, and through you starts here. Whether you need wisdom for a relationship, career, schooling, or what's next for your life, the answer can always be found in a word from God. Terri Savelle Foy


#787 Whenever you spend time in prayer, keep a notebook and pen with you. Even if you can only manage five minutes to go somewhere quiet, ask the Lord what He wants you to do, and write down what you hear. When you do this over and over, you are training yourself to hear from God. And you position yourself for Him to move in your life like never before. Terri Savelle Foy


#788 To see where your life is headed, listen to the words that have been coming out of your mouth. Your dreams could be delayed because of what you are saying. Speaking negative words over your life will hinder what God wants to do. Terri Savelle Foy


#789 In the Bible, the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah to tell him his prayers for a baby had been answered. But, when Zechariah began to express doubt and give reasons why this couldn't be, the angel zipped his lips for nine months! God knew if Zechariah was allowed to say whatever he felt like, he would mess everything up and miss His blessing. Terri Savelle Foy


#790 Instead of complaining about how bad things are and how you can't seem to get ahead, start declaring: I am blessed! I am favored! I am an overcomer! I am healthy and full of life! Terri Savelle Foy


#791 It's one thing to stop saying the wrong words, it's another thing to start saying the right words. Your victory is in your mouth! Terri Savelle Foy


#792 You have to step out of your comfort zone if you want to see the dreams and goals God's given you come to pass. Terri Savelle Foy


#793 When the Israelites were preparing to enter the Promised Land, they were told the way they had to go was a direction they had never been before (see Joshua 3:4). It was different and unfamiliar. I believe God is saying this to you today: New things are on the horizon, but you have to step out in faith! Terri Savelle Foy


#794 Fear will try to stop you from ever trying, but faith takes action! You have to cast out thoughts of failure, insecurity, and doubt. Terri Savelle Foy


#795 Romans 4:16 calls Abraham our father of faith. God made a covenant with Abraham, saying, “I have made you the father of many nations.” He didn't say, “I will make you.” He said, “I have made you.” Mark Brazee


#796 God always calls those things that be not as though they were (Romans 4:17). He talks about what doesn't exist as though it already existed. That's why it's all right for us to do the same. We're not lying; we're just following God's example. Mark Brazee


#797 God told Abraham, “I have made you the father of many nations.” Remember, He was talking to a 100-year-old man and his 90-year-old wife! Abraham and Sarah were past the age for having children. Medically speaking, it was impossible. Mark Brazee


#798 Abraham had a deep awe and respect for Almighty God. In the natural, the situation looked hopeless, but he believed what God said. That's the key. Mark Brazee


#799 Abraham had to believe what God said before he could become what God said. “[Abraham] against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken…” (v. 18). Mark Brazee


#800 When it comes to your faith walk, you're no different than the father of faith. You have to believe what God has said about you before you can become what God has called you. Mark Brazee