Sunday, September 29, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 35 (3401 - 3501)


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 35

#3401 As the beloved of God, we can be sure that He is relentless in revealing places in our hearts that He’s not done fighting for.


#3402 My life has been transformed because my mind has been transformed, and that has come from knowing God’s Word. Cindy Bultema


#3403 There are some principles that are time-tested to be true. And when we live according to those principles, we experience an increase of joy. Obeying the whispers is one of these. Call it your conscience, or the voice of God. It’s like a radio, continually broadcasting.


#3404 If God’s Word says you’re healed, then you’re healed, whether you feel like it or not. Kenneth Copeland


#3405 Do you want to know a sure fire way to overcome the enemy when he tries to attack you about your past? Begin praising God for all that He has done to set you free. Adessa Holden


#3406 God has us where we are today for a purpose—to fulfill a part of His plan that only we can. Holley Gerth


#3407 Fear connects you to Satan’s desire for you the same way that faith connects you to God’s desire for you. Kellie Copeland


#3408 When we understand that our lives depend on the Word of God, we are far more likely to hold onto those Scriptures for dear life. Julie Maegdlin


#3409 When we start doing what we’re supposed to do and what the Bible says, it lifts us up to a higher place. Gloria Copeland


#3410 God’s work on your behalf is a done deal! Kenneth Copeland


#3411 Your seed (financial offering) is not a donation, it’s a spiritual transaction. Kenneth Copeland


#3412 Prayer is really doing business with God. Billye Brim


#3413 It’s not God’s will that the devil overrun us. Billye Brim


#3414 You don’t need more faith, you need to strengthen and grow the measure you have. Kenneth Copeland


#3415 God’s Word works in us to produce what His Word says in faith. Kenneth Copeland


#3416 The surest way to receive anything from God is to take His Word, believe it in your heart, and say it with your mouth. Kenneth Copeland


#3417 You should NOT be willing to live in lack. Pastor George Pearsons


#3418 God’s work on your behalf is a done deal! Kenneth Copeland


#3419 This is the way faith is released: through your words. This is also the way fear, doubt and unbelief are released. Kenneth Copeland


#3420 It’s good to testify of the good things God has done. Kenneth Copeland


#3421 When you act on the Word faith is released. Kenneth Copeland


#3422 Jesus did what it took to release us from the bondage of fear. Kellie Copeland


#3423 It is the will of God for you to be promoted. Pastor George Pearsons


#3424 Your words either defeat you or they bring you victory. Kenneth Copeland


#3425 Faith begins where the will of God is known and where the will of God is believed. Kenneth Copeland


#3426 You have to get to the place of believing that God loves you, before your faith will overcome the world. Kenneth Copeland


#3427 We set ourselves to obey and do what the Lord tells us to do. Gloria Copeland


#3428 It’s not so much that we work so hard to look like Jesus. We just have to look at Him and let Him work on us. Kellie Copeland


#3429 When you act on the Word, faith is released!


#3430 When we decide to obey God, we never know where He will take us, and we cannot begin to imagine the wonderful things He will do. Marilyn Hickey


#3431 The more integrity you have in the things you say, the more the integrity of the Word of God will work for you. Pastor George Pearsons


#3432 We never stop growing in the Word of God. Gloria Copeland


#3433 The glory of God is coming up in the Church. Billye Brim


#3434 The practice of speaking God’s Word has become a cornerstone in my life. We need the Word. We need to read it, speak it and do it! Marilyn Hickey


#3435 There is no threshold of perfection you must attain in order to qualify for God’s grace.


#3436 You get wisdom and understanding from one place, and that is from the Word of God.


#3437 We are not always aware of the challenges and dangers ahead of us, but God does and will prepare us and fortify us so that we can walk in His grace through those challenges. Marilyn Hickey


#3438 When we love the Lord, we seek less for things that benefit us and turn our hearts toward things that will bless and uplift others.


#3489 Keep trying, keep trusting, keep believing, keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow and forever.


#3490 God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.


#3491 I am going to believe, hope and step out on the promises of God. Joyce Meyer


#3492 Give it to God and go to sleep. God already has a solution. Joyce Meyer


#3493 The world says, “Prove it and I’ll believe it.” God says, “Believe it and I will prove it.”


#3494 Be a blessing dispenser. Joyce Meyer


#3495 There is life in the Word of God. Joyce Meyer


#3496 Love others with a humble heart. Joyce Meyer


#3497 Faith takes it, and patience keeps it. Joyce Meyer


#3498 It means so much to God for our prayers to come up before Him. Billye Brim


#3499 There is a difference between trusting God in your heart and leaning on your own understanding.


#3500 God is with you.


#3501 The Word tells us that God meets our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Begin to talk and act as if it is true!