Sunday, September 29, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 25 (2401 - 2500)


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 25


#2401 If there are gaps in your imagery for the future, pray in tongues. God will reveal more and more of those pieces to you, and you can fill in that picture until it’s crystal clear and sharp. As you do this, you’ll create momentum and direction that will move your life down the path of His will, blessed in everything that you do. Mac Hammond


#2402 A lot of people think they are in faith when they pray, but nothing happens. Since we know the sending end has already been taken care of, let’s look at some potential problems on the receiving end.


#2403 First of all, if fear is present, you may not get your healing. The presence of fear or anxiety tells you your faith hasn’t matured yet because the force of fear is the antithesis of the force of faith. You cannot have fear operating in the same heart where there is faith. We may say, “I have a lot of faith, but I am a little afraid.” Where fear has taken root, there is not enough faith to produce the provision God intends.


#2404 We can deal with the matter of fear by hearing more Word. If you are afraid, immerse yourself in the Word. Find friends who will speak the Word like you believe. Put the Word in your mouth. Read more Word. Listen to some CDs. Get in church an extra time a week.


#2405 That may sound extreme to you, but realize it took you plenty of years to get a belief system that was wrong. It’s going to take effort to get a belief system that is right. The enemy is a proficient enemy. He is proficient at finding those little points where you might fear, which are usually different than what somebody else fears. Whatever your point is that produces anxiety or fear, when you sense it, shut the door on it. Get in the Word. Get in church. Get with those friends you have who are going to reinforce that truth, because fear is the first red flag in your life that you’re not where you want to be in your faith.


#2406 Don’t wait to see until you believe. The second consideration I want to remind you of is in John 20:29. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. (KJV)


#2407 Blessed means empowered. He who believes and has not seen is empowered. If the only way you’re really going to believe God heals is when you see it, then you’re not where you need to be in faith. If the only way you can feel the joy of God’s provision in your life is when you see it, you are not in faith. Faith wouldn’t even be required if that was the case. Faith by definition believes when you can’t see anything. It doesn’t matter why you haven’t seen the result you want, even if you’ve been believing for a year or many years.


#2408 Is there a time limit when you’re going to quit believing? If you don’t see your bank balance get better within 12 months, are you going to stop tithing? Where does that place come where you’re not going to believe anymore because you haven’t seen it? Well, let me tell you what, you don’t have enough faith right now for God to intervene in your life if there’s a time limit attached. Faith is so convinced of the truth of God’s Word that it believes regardless of whether or not it’s seen.


#2409 Are you where you need to be in your faith? Fear is the first red flag. Seeing in order to believe is the second red flag. The third for me would be to say, “It’s not the Lord’s timing yet.” I’ve said that before. Maybe it hasn’t happened yet because the Lord is going to demonstrate some things to people who need to see and know about it. I’ve even had the thought, Lord, I’ve made some mistakes. Is this the consequence of those mistakes that I have to see my way through for a season? No. The will of the Lord is now. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are. A season of time often passes because of where we are at that point in our lives, but it doesn’t have to. God wants you well now.


#2410 There are other considerations about whether or not you’re in faith that I’m sure you can think of. For now, I’ll close by reminding you of what we’ve learned throughout these articles from the leper in Matthew chapter 8. First of all, worship needs to be part of your life. This is where you gain your connection with God.


#2411 Secondly, genuine worship is impossible without humility. We must get over what other people might think in any regard. Lastly, you have to be ultimately, totally, completely, and absolutely settled on the will of God. It is God’s will that you be healed.

These are the considerations the leper had in place before Jesus healed him. As you have these considerations in place in your life, God will say to you as well, “I will heal you. Be thou clean.”


#2412 God loves us. His love is the power behind our faith. Galations 5:6. Gloria Copeland


#2413 Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right.


#2414 God is faithful, and He will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing He will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.


#2415 Accept what’s happening in your life right now, put what has happened behind you. Let it all go and have faith that good things are coming your way.


#2416 Faith … it’s all about believing. You don’t know how it will happen, but you know it will.


#2417 Everything will work out in the end. You don’t need to know how. You just need to trust God and believe that it will.


#2418 Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it with love.


#2419 Every day do something that will lead you closer to God.


#2420 Even in darkness, I need not be afraid. He is there guiding me, watching over me, keeping me safe, allowing me to do the very thing He called me to do.


#2421 Faith isn’t about asking God to stop the storm. Faith is about trusting God to help you through the storm. Just believe!


#2422 I will walk by faith even when I cannot see. 2 Corinthians 5:7


#2423 Faith is a choice, not a feeling. It means choosing to trust God even when life doesn’t seem to make sense.


#2424 Speak with wisdom and faithful instruction.


#2425 Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.


#2426 Faith is not about everything turning out okay. Faith is about being okay no matter how things work out.


#2427 Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible.


#2428 In happy moments, praise God. In difficult moments, seek God. In quiet moments, worship God. In painful moments, trust God. In every moment, thank God.


#2429 Let your faith be bigger than your fear.


#2430 Accept what’s happening in your life right now, put what has happened behind you, let it all go and have faith that good things are coming your way.


#2431 Believe God will do what He promised, regardless of today’s circumstances.


#2432 To trust God in the light is nothing. But trust Him in the dark, that is faith.


#2433 God uses our trials to build our faith, draw us closer to Him, and give us a testimony of His faithfulness for others to see.


#2434 Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”


#2435 Don’t give up before the miracle happens.


#2436 Keep the faith. The most amazing things in life tend to happen right at the moment you’re about to give up hope.


#2437 Have faith that everything will work out.


#2438 Miracles always happen when you believe.


#2439 God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom, but we simply have to trust His will.


#2440 Faith is thanking God for your miracle before it has happened.


#2441 A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.


#2442 Never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day.


#2443 Have faith in God. Miracles happen.


#2444 Tonight while you sleep, God is going to perform miracles for you.


#2445 You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle.


#2446 There are two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.


#2447 Life is a series of tiny little miracles. Notice them.


#2448 Open your heart and invite God into every circumstance because when God enters the scene, miracles happen.


#2449 Never lose hope, never give up on your faith, and never stop believing in your dreams because miracles do happen; you just need to believe in yourself.


#2450 Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.


#2451 There is no need to rush. Go with the flow. Have faith. Be adaptable. Always keep learning and never give up.


#2452 One day you will thank yourself for never giving up.


#2453 Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times. If you are going through hard times, have faith that good times are on the way.


#2454 Miracles happen when you replace tears with prayer and fear with faith.


#2455 Your faith in God is what will keep you steady on your walk in life.


#2456 When you have faith, everything is possible.


#2457 Overthinking is the biggest cause of our unhappiness. Keep yourself occupied. Keep your mind off things that don’t help you. Think positively.


#2458 Faith is simply confidence in the trustworthiness of God.


#2459 The most amazing things in life happen when we’re about to give up. Keep the faith.


#2460 Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.


#2461 Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.


#2462 Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.


#2463 Turn your worry into worship and watch God turn your battles into blessings.


#2464 Faith it till you make it!


#2465 God uses our trials to build our faith, draw us closer to Him, and give us a testimony of His faithfulness for others to see.


#2466 Faith is trusting God even when you don’t understand His plan.


#2467 Faith is all about believing. You don’t know how it will happen, but you know it will.


#2468 Faith tells me that no matter what lies ahead of me, God is already there.


#2469 My faith does not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.


#2470 God does not want you to try harder, He wants you to trust Him deeper. Stop trying. Start trusting. This will change everything in you.


#2471 Faith is not an emotion, it’s a decision to stand on God’s Word.


#2472 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. He will show you the way. Proverbs 3:5-6


#2473 A negative mind will never give you a positive life.


#2474 Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.


#2475 If you want to achieve success, then don’t doubt your dreams.


#2476 Faith is having the courage to let God have control.


#2477 If God answers your prayers, He is increasing your faith. If He delays, He is increasing your patience. If He doesn’t answer, He has something better for you.


#2478 Faith is about trusting God even when you don’t understand His plan.


#2479 Don’t worry. God is never blind to your tears, never deaf to your prayers, and never silent to your pain. He sees, He hears, and He will deliver.


#2480 There is no obstacle too great, no challenge too difficult, if we have faith.


#2481 Life isn’t about finding yourself, it is about discovering who God created you to be.


#2482 When you focus on your problems, it gives you more problems. When you focus on God, He gives you solutions.


#2483 True peace comes from knowing that God is in control.


#2484 When God decides to bless you, He will cause situations to come together in your favor … no matter what others try to do.


#2485 Because of your faith it will happen.


#2486 Never lose hope. Just when you think it’s over, God sends you a miracle.


#2487 God has something great in your future. Isaiah 43:19


#2488 Faith is a real power, not just an expression of belief.


#2489 You may be in a tough time, but the enemy always fights you the hardest when He knows God has something great in store for you.


#2490 Faith goes up the stairs that love has built, and looks out the windows which hope has opened.


#2491 I have learned that faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.


#2492 I have faith that God is living out a divine plan through me. Have faith in God. Mark 11:22


#2493 Worrying doesn’t change anything, but trusting in God changes everything.


#2494 Faith is the only thing I know of that is stronger than fear.


#2495 Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.


#2496 God has brought you through before, and He will bring you through again. Make a decision each day to choose faith over fear. Joel Osteen


#2497 The best thing about telling the truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said.


#2498 There’s always a way, if you’re committed.


#2499 Every day is another chance to change your life.


#2500 Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.



#2401 If there are gaps in your imagery for the future, pray in tongues. God will reveal more and more of those pieces to you, and you can fill in that picture until it’s crystal clear and sharp. As you do this, you’ll create momentum and direction that will move your life down the path of His will, blessed in everything that you do. Mac Hammond


#2402 A lot of people think they are in faith when they pray, but nothing happens. Since we know the sending end has already been taken care of, let’s look at some potential problems on the receiving end.


#2403 First of all, if fear is present, you may not get your healing. The presence of fear or anxiety tells you your faith hasn’t matured yet because the force of fear is the antithesis of the force of faith. You cannot have fear operating in the same heart where there is faith. We may say, “I have a lot of faith, but I am a little afraid.” Where fear has taken root, there is not enough faith to produce the provision God intends.


#2404 We can deal with the matter of fear by hearing more Word. If you are afraid, immerse yourself in the Word. Find friends who will speak the Word like you believe. Put the Word in your mouth. Read more Word. Listen to some CDs. Get in church an extra time a week.


#2405 That may sound extreme to you, but realize it took you plenty of years to get a belief system that was wrong. It’s going to take effort to get a belief system that is right. The enemy is a proficient enemy. He is proficient at finding those little points where you might fear, which are usually different than what somebody else fears. Whatever your point is that produces anxiety or fear, when you sense it, shut the door on it. Get in the Word. Get in church. Get with those friends you have who are going to reinforce that truth, because fear is the first red flag in your life that you’re not where you want to be in your faith.


#2406 Don’t wait to see until you believe. The second consideration I want to remind you of is in John 20:29. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. (KJV)


#2407 Blessed means empowered. He who believes and has not seen is empowered. If the only way you’re really going to believe God heals is when you see it, then you’re not where you need to be in faith. If the only way you can feel the joy of God’s provision in your life is when you see it, you are not in faith. Faith wouldn’t even be required if that was the case. Faith by definition believes when you can’t see anything. It doesn’t matter why you haven’t seen the result you want, even if you’ve been believing for a year or many years.


#2408 Is there a time limit when you’re going to quit believing? If you don’t see your bank balance get better within 12 months, are you going to stop tithing? Where does that place come where you’re not going to believe anymore because you haven’t seen it? Well, let me tell you what, you don’t have enough faith right now for God to intervene in your life if there’s a time limit attached. Faith is so convinced of the truth of God’s Word that it believes regardless of whether or not it’s seen.


#2409 Are you where you need to be in your faith? Fear is the first red flag. Seeing in order to believe is the second red flag. The third for me would be to say, “It’s not the Lord’s timing yet.” I’ve said that before. Maybe it hasn’t happened yet because the Lord is going to demonstrate some things to people who need to see and know about it. I’ve even had the thought, Lord, I’ve made some mistakes. Is this the consequence of those mistakes that I have to see my way through for a season? No. The will of the Lord is now. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are. A season of time often passes because of where we are at that point in our lives, but it doesn’t have to. God wants you well now.


#2410 There are other considerations about whether or not you’re in faith that I’m sure you can think of. For now, I’ll close by reminding you of what we’ve learned throughout these articles from the leper in Matthew chapter 8. First of all, worship needs to be part of your life. This is where you gain your connection with God.


#2411 Secondly, genuine worship is impossible without humility. We must get over what other people might think in any regard. Lastly, you have to be ultimately, totally, completely, and absolutely settled on the will of God. It is God’s will that you be healed.

These are the considerations the leper had in place before Jesus healed him. As you have these considerations in place in your life, God will say to you as well, “I will heal you. Be thou clean.”


#2412 God loves us. His love is the power behind our faith. Galations 5:6. Gloria Copeland


#2413 Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right.


#2414 God is faithful, and He will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing He will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.


#2415 Accept what’s happening in your life right now, put what has happened behind you. Let it all go and have faith that good things are coming your way.


#2416 Faith … it’s all about believing. You don’t know how it will happen, but you know it will.


#2417 Everything will work out in the end. You don’t need to know how. You just need to trust God and believe that it will.


#2418 Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it with love.


#2419 Every day do something that will lead you closer to God.


#2420 Even in darkness, I need not be afraid. He is there guiding me, watching over me, keeping me safe, allowing me to do the very thing He called me to do.


#2421 Faith isn’t about asking God to stop the storm. Faith is about trusting God to help you through the storm. Just believe!


#2422 I will walk by faith even when I cannot see. 2 Corinthians 5:7


#2423 Faith is a choice, not a feeling. It means choosing to trust God even when life doesn’t seem to make sense.


#2424 Speak with wisdom and faithful instruction.


#2425 Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.


#2426 Faith is not about everything turning out okay. Faith is about being okay no matter how things work out.


#2427 Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible.


#2428 In happy moments, praise God. In difficult moments, seek God. In quiet moments, worship God. In painful moments, trust God. In every moment, thank God.


#2429 Let your faith be bigger than your fear.


#2430 Accept what’s happening in your life right now, put what has happened behind you, let it all go and have faith that good things are coming your way.


#2431 Believe God will do what He promised, regardless of today’s circumstances.


#2432 To trust God in the light is nothing. But trust Him in the dark, that is faith.


#2433 God uses our trials to build our faith, draw us closer to Him, and give us a testimony of His faithfulness for others to see.


#2434 Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”


#2435 Don’t give up before the miracle happens.


#2436 Keep the faith. The most amazing things in life tend to happen right at the moment you’re about to give up hope.


#2437 Have faith that everything will work out.


#2438 Miracles always happen when you believe.


#2439 God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom, but we simply have to trust His will.


#2440 Faith is thanking God for your miracle before it has happened.


#2441 A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.


#2442 Never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day.


#2443 Have faith in God. Miracles happen.


#2444 Tonight while you sleep, God is going to perform miracles for you.


#2445 You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle.


#2446 There are two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.


#2447 Life is a series of tiny little miracles. Notice them.


#2448 Open your heart and invite God into every circumstance because when God enters the scene, miracles happen.


#2449 Never lose hope, never give up on your faith, and never stop believing in your dreams because miracles do happen; you just need to believe in yourself.


#2450 Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.


#2451 There is no need to rush. Go with the flow. Have faith. Be adaptable. Always keep learning and never give up.


#2452 One day you will thank yourself for never giving up.


#2453 Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times. If you are going through hard times, have faith that good times are on the way.


#2454 Miracles happen when you replace tears with prayer and fear with faith.


#2455 Your faith in God is what will keep you steady on your walk in life.


#2456 When you have faith, everything is possible.


#2457 Overthinking is the biggest cause of our unhappiness. Keep yourself occupied. Keep your mind off things that don’t help you. Think positively.


#2458 Faith is simply confidence in the trustworthiness of God.


#2459 The most amazing things in life happen when we’re about to give up. Keep the faith.


#2460 Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.


#2461 Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.


#2462 Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.


#2463 Turn your worry into worship and watch God turn your battles into blessings.


#2464 Faith it till you make it!


#2465 God uses our trials to build our faith, draw us closer to Him, and give us a testimony of His faithfulness for others to see.


#2466 Faith is trusting God even when you don’t understand His plan.


#2467 Faith is all about believing. You don’t know how it will happen, but you know it will.


#2468 Faith tells me that no matter what lies ahead of me, God is already there.


#2469 My faith does not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.


#2470 God does not want you to try harder, He wants you to trust Him deeper. Stop trying. Start trusting. This will change everything in you.


#2471 Faith is not an emotion, it’s a decision to stand on God’s Word.


#2472 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. He will show you the way. Proverbs 3:5-6


#2473 A negative mind will never give you a positive life.


#2474 Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.


#2475 If you want to achieve success, then don’t doubt your dreams.


#2476 Faith is having the courage to let God have control.


#2477 If God answers your prayers, He is increasing your faith. If He delays, He is increasing your patience. If He doesn’t answer, He has something better for you.


#2478 Faith is about trusting God even when you don’t understand His plan.


#2479 Don’t worry. God is never blind to your tears, never deaf to your prayers, and never silent to your pain. He sees, He hears, and He will deliver.


#2480 There is no obstacle too great, no challenge too difficult, if we have faith.


#2481 Life isn’t about finding yourself, it is about discovering who God created you to be.


#2482 When you focus on your problems, it gives you more problems. When you focus on God, He gives you solutions.


#2483 True peace comes from knowing that God is in control.


#2484 When God decides to bless you, He will cause situations to come together in your favor … no matter what others try to do.


#2485 Because of your faith it will happen.


#2486 Never lose hope. Just when you think it’s over, God sends you a miracle.


#2487 God has something great in your future. Isaiah 43:19


#2488 Faith is a real power, not just an expression of belief.


#2489 You may be in a tough time, but the enemy always fights you the hardest when He knows God has something great in store for you.


#2490 Faith goes up the stairs that love has built, and looks out the windows which hope has opened.


#2491 I have learned that faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.


#2492 I have faith that God is living out a divine plan through me. Have faith in God. Mark 11:22


#2493 Worrying doesn’t change anything, but trusting in God changes everything.


#2494 Faith is the only thing I know of that is stronger than fear.


#2495 Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.


#2496 God has brought you through before, and He will bring you through again. Make a decision each day to choose faith over fear. Joel Osteen


#2497 The best thing about telling the truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said.


#2498 There’s always a way, if you’re committed.


#2499 Every day is another chance to change your life.


#2500 Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.