Sunday, September 29, 2024

Exceeding Faith Quotes - Chapter 34 (3301 - 3400)


Exceeding Faith Quotes

Chapter 34


#3301 Prayer does not cause faith to work, faith causes prayer to work. Gloria Copeland


#3302 God's will concerning financial prosperity and abundance is clearly revealed in the Scriptures. Gloria Copeland


#3303 If you are sad and depressed, that means you're not believing God. Gloria Copeland


#3304 What you do with your eyes in some cases is a matter of life and death. To look at and focus on the sickness brings death. To look at and focus on God's Word brings life. Gloria Copeland


#3305 It is easy in ministry or in life, to begin to rely on acquired knowledge instead of fresh knowledge revealed. We must maintain our union with Him to enjoy fresh oil and then there is no old oil. The life of God or presence of God can't be stored, it has to be current. It is a well of life, continually outflowing. Gloria Copeland


#3306 What is the very first thing we are to do in trouble? Fear not. If we fear, we open the door to the devil. If we trust God, we open the door to God. Gloria Copeland


#3307 “Fear not!” were usually the first words out of their mouths. That’s because fear and faith don’t mix. They cannot come out of you at the same time. When you begin saying things that are out of line with the Word of God by speaking in fear instead of in faith, you bind the hands of your angels. You prevent them from doing what they are called to do. Gloria Copeland


#3308 Why didn’t Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego burn? It certainly wasn’t because the fire had no power. It had power all right. It had enough power to kill the mighty men in the king’s army who threw them into it. It just had no power over the bodies of God’s men. Gloria Copeland


#3309 We all know that God doesn’t change (James 1:17). He has not changed since the beginning of time (Malachi 3:6). For healing to pass away, then God would have to pass away. He is still the Lord that healeth us! Gloria Copeland


#3310 We make our own plans and expect God to back them. Man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9). Gloria Copeland


#3311 Actually, offense is a sign of fear. If you’re offended, it’s because you’re afraid that person can harm you in some way. Gloria Copeland


#3312 In consistency lies the power. Gloria Copeland


#3313 Never try to build a house without first laying a foundation. Gloria Copeland


#3314 From the abundance of your heart, your mouth will speak. Gloria Copeland


#3315 Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth leaks. Gloria Copeland


#3316 If you stick with the Word and keep growing, your flesh can develop the habit of righteousness just like it developed the habit of unrighteousness. Don’t starve your spirit. Gloria Copeland


#3317 People with the spirit of faith always receive the blessings of God. Gloria Copeland


#3318 When we understand and believe that God’s ultimate purpose in our having faith in Him is to bless someone else, then nothing is impossible. Gloria Copeland


#3319 I say what God’s Word says. I say what I want to come to pass. And I trust God. Gloria Copeland


#3320 If you want to change your circumstances, you must have faith in two places … in your heart and in your mind. Gloria Copeland


#3321 Let’s keep living by faith until the day comes when we hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Gloria Copeland


#3322 When a person is resolute [determined, sold out, dedicated, single-minded] in his faith and recognizes God’s Presence everywhere, he is protected from all sides. Gloria Copeland


#3323 One word from God can change your whole life. It can change your destiny. It starts with faith. Gloria Copeland


#3324 Faith will work for anybody who will put it to work. Gloria Copeland


#3325 If you can turn it around in your mouth, and in your heart, you can turn your situation. Gloria Copeland


#3326 You give God authority to act in your life by trusting Him with your heart and speaking words of faith with your mouth. Gloria Copeland


#3327 If you’ll give the Word more time, it will give you more strength. Gloria Copeland


#3328 Have faith in the love of God. Kenneth Copeland


#3329 You create spiritual atmosphere with your words, either good or bad. Gloria Copeland


#3330 Make the quality decision, whether it seems easy or difficult, to do what the Word says. Gloria Copeland


#3331 Humility is not so much diminishing yourself as it is uplifting God. Kellie Copeland


#3332 Obeying God’s Word is walking in love. Gloria Copeland


#3333 Steadfastly and patiently know God’s Word does not fail. Gloria Copeland


#3334 You can’t overdose on God’s medicine. In fact, the more Word you take, the stronger you become. You have nothing to lose but sickness and disease. Gloria Copeland


#3335 You get rid of fear by the Word of God and by resisting fear. Gloria Copeland


#3336 That’s the key to faith – knowing God is love and that He loves you. Gloria Copeland


#3337 I receive the gift of healing that is just for me. Jesus paid the price, and there are no strings attached. Healing belongs to me! Gloria Copeland


#3338 There is nothing – absolutely nothing – that is more important than learning to love. In fact, how accurately you perfect the love walk will determine how much of the perfect will of God you accomplish. That’s because every other spiritual force derives its action from love. Gloria Copeland


#3339 Faith looks at everything in the light of the Word, in the light of whatever God says about it. Gloria Copeland


#3340 Giving is the most powerful tool God has at His command. It is His cardinal law. Kenneth Copeland


#3341 Wherever your mind goes your brain follows. Whatever you’re thinking about will grow. Dr. Caroline Leaf


#3342 You can foul up the devil’s whole strategy by taking charge of your thoughts and bringing them in line with the Word of God. Kenneth Copeland


#3343 Begin to see yourself as the Father sees you. Whatever He says about you as His child, that’s the way it really is. Gloria Copeland


#3344 Fully arm yourself with the Word of God. Be prepared to win and you will. Kenneth Copeland


#3345 God’s done everything He can to get you free. Gloria Copeland


#3346 God did what it took to release us from the bondage of fear. Kellie Copeland


#3347 Oh, that the spirit of prayer would always fall on us, that we could have such an outpouring of blessing and an outpouring of the Spirit of God upon us. Billye Brim


#3348 Three prayer secrets from Gloria Copeland: Secret #1: Set a goal for prayer. Whether it is 15 minutes or an hour, commit to that time everyday (Matthew 26:40). Secret #2: Be consistent. In consistency lies the power. Make prayer a priority in your life every day (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Secret #3: Believe you receive when you pray. That is the only way to get what you’re asking of God. So have faith in the promises of God (Mark 11:24).


#3349 Fear connects you to Satan’s desire for you the same way that faith connects you to God’s desire for you. Gloria Copeland


#3350 Faithful people can be trusted. George Pearsons


#3351 If the devil can get you in fear, your faith is automatically neutralized. Gloria Copeland


#3352 Nothing happens until you loose [set free, release] your faith. Gloria Copeland


#3353 Thank You Lord for my healing! I take it by faith, so it’s mine. I believe I have it. Thank You that every symptom is gone from my body. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


#3354 God is the special treasure in us, but He calls us His special treasure! Kellie Copeland


#3355 Ten Gloria-isms for life: Faith and a Smile: #1 On faith – “If you can believe God for it, God can produce it. That’s a fact.” #2 On Healing – “You’re not going to get healed watching cartoons. You’ve got to keep the Word of God going in your eyes and ears.” #3 On the Word of God – “It’s not mind over matter, it’s Word over matter.” #4 On doubt and unbelief – “When doubt or unbelief try to come in, don’t be a wimp … get over it!” #5 On the power of words – “You won’t get what you want, you’ll get what you say!” #6 On achieving financial prosperity – “If you want to be on the receiving end, get on the giving end!” #7 On debt – “It’s cheaper to believe God!” #8 On obedience – “On the other side of an act of obedience is always a good result.” #9 On prayer – “Praying in the Spirit makes you smarter than yourself!” #10 On those who oppose prosperity – “Who do you think is going to finance the Gospel if everybody is broke?”


#3356 Learn to depend on the Holy Spirit. He will guide you into all truth. Gloria Copeland


#3357 When we trust God as our refuge, we walk around enclosed by the Spirit of the living, Almighty God! Gloria Copeland


#3358 The more integrity you have in the things that you say, the more the integrity of the Word of God will work for you! Pastor George Pearsons


#3359 Anytime you want to receive healing, you just take it! Gloria Copeland


#3360 Just like it is with our bodies, how we nourish our souls results in how our souls function and thrive. Gloria Copeland


#3361 Faith is the force that comes out of your heart and causes the power of God to come into your circumstances. Gloria Copeland


#3362 Don’t let fear or past disappointments hold you back. Kenneth Copeland


#3363 We found out we had authority over the devil, circumstances, sickness, disease and poverty; it changed everything. Gloria Copeland


#3364 Faith is simply believing what God says in His Word. Gloria Copeland


#3365 Your will is stronger in you than God’s will until you yield your will to His. Kenneth Copeland


#3366 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22


#3367 God will birth the faith in you to go from glory to glory, from faith to faith, and assignment to assignment. Kellie Copeland


#3368 You may not feel able in yourself. But the Greater One lives in you and He makes you able. Gloria Copeland


#3369 When you understand the love of God, it allows you to receive what He said and choose to believe it. Kellie Copeland


#3370 There is no situation, no circumstance, nothing that is stronger than the grace of God … the favor that surrounds you. Gloria Copeland


#3371 Your prosperity is on the other side of your obedience. Pastor George Pearsons


#3372 When we start doing what we are supposed to do and what the Bible says, it lifts us up to a higher place. Gloria Copeland


#3373 I am born again, and I have a large spiritual capacity to contain all the fullness of God. Gloria Copeland


#3374 You are not the sick trying to get healed, you are the healed! Kenneth Copeland


#3375 Dream big, talk big, and turn your faith loose. Kenneth Copeland


#3376 If you can be respected in your family, you can be respected anywhere. Gloria Copeland


#3377 We’ve got to breathe faith! We know how to breathe, but if we don’t do it, we won’t make it. Gloria Copeland


#3378 When you give your attention to the Word of God, every other area in your life will be successful! Gloria Copeland


#3379 If you want to change your circumstances, you must have faith in two places … in your heart and in your mouth. Gloria Copeland


#3380 If you stand up for God He will stand up for you. Gloria Copeland


#3381 You create spiritual atmosphere with your words, whether good or bad. Gloria Copeland


#3382 That’s the key to faith – knowing God is love and that He loves you. Gloria Copeland


#3383 Be loved, for you are God’s beloved!


#3384 It’s not enough to know God’s Word … you’ve got to take it to heart.


#3385 Make the quality decision, whether it seems easy or difficult, to do what the Word says. Gloria Copeland


#3386 There are no limits when you believe in God. Gloria Copeland


#3387 It’s not so much that we work so hard to look like Jesus. We just have to look at Him, and let Him work on us. Kellie Copeland


#3388 Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen. Hebrews 11:1


#3389 Rise above the doubts and challenges, and instead embrace the life-changing power of God’s Word.


#3390 Let your whole life be a spiritual song. Believe that God is everywhere at all times, and derive strength, comfort, and joy by singing His Glory in His Presence.


#3391 God is a world-changer, difference-maker, and a heart-transformer.


#3392 Hold your head and heart high, look the world in the eyes and say, “I’m God’s, I’m loved, I’m already accepted today.


#3393 We must exchange whispers with God before shouts with the world. Lysa Teurkerst


#3394 Watching the activity of God from a distance can never compare with the thrill of being fully involved in the Spirit’s active work. Henry and Mel Blackaby


#3395 The Holy Spirit helps us tell the difference between what is true and what is almost true. Suzanne Eller


#3396 Only faith and the Word of God that fill our inner soul are sufficient to sustain us—and to allow us to access His power. Kelly R. Johnson


#3397 Acting on even a twig of faith allows God to grow it! Henry B. Eyring


#3398 God created us to worship; to have a genuine relationship with Him. That’s why He is daily seeking us out! God loves you and me. In return, we get to love Him back through adoration. Shelena Griffiths


#3399 Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that He will.


#3400 The Lord expects each of us to have a calling in His Church so that others may be blessed by our talents and influence. Ezra Taft Benson